
Spiritual Hierarchy's Plan Regarding HAARP

March 9, 2006

This will seem like the dark night of the soul and the dark night of
the planet. The Earth is working on her renewal, and the energies
that were promised are being shepherded to you. We stand in the
background and watch the machinations of all of the forces that do not
want to see you succeed in moving to the next band of life.

This is true because these forces understand that when you leave, your
light will not be available to them for their use. These forces take
your light, unbeknownst to you. We call it pirating of the light.
They know how to use the light and energy from the sun, but to do so
would mean that they would have to acknowledge God. They would have
to be aligned with their Creator, and this they will not do.

Some have come forth to make this change, and they are accepted into
the light. However, there are not enough going through this
transformation, and they set up this struggle because they believe
they fight for their existence.

There are some who take pride in their knowledge. Their viewpoint is
twisted; they believe that discovery of physical laws somehow makes
them equal with the Creator. Creator brings forth Its knowledge into
the known and expects souls to use this knowledge in a prudent manner.
Indiscriminate use of powerful Earth science means that these
individuals, instead of bringing forth protection for those inhabiting
this planet, tinker with forces they don't really understand, and
destruction can be foisted on the creative lines of balance.

Understand this. God called forth the manifestation of this Earth,
but there is more to this call, as creation must be sustained in order
to stay in form. This is true everywhere. Creating is only one part
of ability; your creation must be supported.

You build a house, and you are aware that this house must be
maintained. If not, over a course of time, the roof will wear down
and water will leak into the interior. The house will slowly decay and
eventually fall into disrepair and collapse. This is true with how
spirit creates; all creation must be sustained after it is brought
into form.

Each of my companions has taken a moment to express concern about the
damage that is occurring to your planet through the indiscriminate use
of what is being called HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research

We have mentioned that these energies have been ramped up; there are
additional facilities being put into operation and there are plans for
more of these centers. Your military intends to build facilities of
this nature spaced around the world. They plan to build these
antennas in every conceivable place that they can find where the
people will not offer resistance to their project.

You understand that sending vast amounts of standing waves of
electricity into the ionosphere acts like a knife cutting into this
protective layer. The antenna might be stationary at the Earth
location, but the Earth is revolving. As the Earth revolves, these
high-pitched waves slice large swaths of openings into this layer.
[Note: The ionosphere ranges from about 40 to 600 miles above Earth's

Atlantis fell many years ago because the scientists of that day
misused inventions of technological warfare. These same individuals
have come forth again and are repeating their misdeeds.

God gives souls an opportunity to correct their errors. Instead of
using this opportunity to correct past errors, these souls have turned
their back on their Creator and have repeated their past mistakes.

This is your government's plan. However, your leader, Archangel
Michael, has told you in the past that when possibilities enter the
entranceway of probability, these plans or thought patterns can be
changed. The results can be mitigated. This is what we have been
discussing in the past. Human thought can influence what comes forth
through the doorway of human design, along with natural forces at
play, as long as the natural world is not answering a call from the

We gather you and we inform you. If you will answer our call and
cooperate with us, this possibility can be changed. This is our plan
and this is your call.

Lady Kuan Yin,

Member of the Karmic Board and Doorway of Destiny.


What Is HAARP?

The official HAARP facility is located in Gakuna, Alaska. The site
consists of a collection of antennae, arranged in a computer-
controlled grid, known as a "phased array." A phased array has the
ability to focus radio signals in a precise direction, without the
necessity of turning the antennae. Modern radar systems no longer use
the revolving dish that we have come to recognize. The new radar
antennae, which rely on phased arrays, look more like the flat screen
of a drive-in movie, speckled with small umbrella-like antennae in
neat rows. The phased array in HAARP is not a radar, but it uses some
of the same extremely high frequencies to focus a powerful radio beam
to specific locations in the Earth's ionosphere.

The ionosphere is a layer of charged particles (or "ions") located
about 60-90 kilometers above the Earth's surface. It is the layer
which reflects short wave radio waves and makes it possible for a
transmitter in
New York to send a signal to Tokyo. Short waves may be
good enough to send The Voice of America broadcasts, but they are
subject to noise and static. Short wave signals lose much of their
power as they travel and can even be blocked by the weather and
sunspot activity.

Extremely High Frequency waves, on the other hand, are much shorter
than short waves. They travel in compact, narrowly focused, beams.
They do not encounter static or deteriorate from rain or clouds.
Since they retain their strength over long distances, they are
preferred for most point-to-point communications. Unfortunately,
though, EHF waves (including microwaves) do not naturally reflect and
bounce off of the ionosphere. For this reason, high frequency waves
are said to propagate along the "line of sight." If you own a
satellite television dish, you know that it is important for your
antenna to be pointed in the direction of the satellite. This is
because you are receiving extremely high frequency waves.

Eastlund's discovery involved beaming High Frequency (HF) and
Extremely High Frequency (EHF) waves, of extremely high power (over a
billion watts), directly at a point on the ionosphere. When this was
done, the ionosphere became heated from the accumulating electrical
energy. You might think of it as "cooking" the atmosphere.

The heated portion of the ionosphere expands like heated plastic and
is raised to a higher altitude, causing an atmospheric "bulge."
Eastlund discovered that this bulge was highly reflective to radio
waves, and, because of its altitude, it could bounce high frequency
radio signals to points well beyond the horizon. Even efficient ELF
and microwaves signals, which normally would pass through the
ionosphere into space, could be deflected without much loss of
strength. He called this heated "bulge" the "lens effect."

Eastlund's first patent (
US #4,686,605) was for a "method and
apparatus for altering a region in the Earth's atmosphere,
ionosphere, and or magnetosphere." His second patent described the
reflection of a second signal, using the ionospheric bulge, to
distant locations on the Earth's surface. Eastlund had been working
with the Atlantic Richfield Company, holders of a massive reserve of
natural gas under
Alaska's north slope. ARCO bought Eastlund's first
two patents with the understanding that this new technology would
make it possible for their natural gas reserves, too expensive to be
piped from Alaska, to be converted to electrical energy on the north
slope, and then bounced off the heated ionosphere to customers in
remote locations around the globe. Also, because Eastlund's "heaters"
could elevate the Earth's ionosphere, his discovery provided the
ability to control weather! Jet streams could be altered, tornadoes
could be zapped and rain could be made-- anywhere and anytime-- right
here and right now! But the military had other plans.

Eastlund's patents were sealed under a US Secrecy Order. The military
realized that his first patent outlined the recipe for an over-the-
horizon radar apparatus, capable of detecting Soviet launched ICBM's
within seconds of their launch. His second patent was even more
appetizing. President Ronald Regan's infamous Star Wars program had
challenged the military with tall order. Their complex laser systems,
nuke satellites and rail-guns didn't work. The military were years
from meeting Pentagon goals. Now, unexpectedly, their prayers had
been answered. Eastlund's "energy transmission system" would be
turned into the ultimate "death ray."

Wave length:
When we speak of "short" waves or "extremely short" waves, we are
speaking about the distance that a radio signal must travel to
produce one complete (often called "sign wave") positive and negative
cycle. Electrons travel at the speed of light, a constant velocity in
the universe, estimated to be 300,000,000 meters per second. The
frequency of a radio signal is the number of complete "positive-
negative" cycles that occur in a second (called "hertz"). A frequency
of 15,000,000 (or 15 million hertz) means that the electrical energy
is changing from positive to negative at the rate of 15-million times
a second.

To determine the "length" of this frequency, or "wavelength," we
simply divide the velocity of light, 300,000,000 meters per second,
by the frequency, say 15,000,000 cycles per second, to arrive at a
distance in meters. Thus, 15 MHz would equal 20 meters.

The length of a radio antenna is determined by the frequency that it
is designed to transmit or receive. In the case above (15 MHz), the
ideal length of a long wire antenna would be 20 meters. However, this
is not always practical. Engineers have found that they can
successfully divide the length in half, or in a quarter of the full
wavelength, and still maintain both transmission and reception of the
prescribed signal frequency.

If one uses this formula to determine the wavelength of ELF signals,
which range from 30 to 3000 hertz, one can easily see why extremely
long antennae are needed, as pictured in Viewzone's Unusual
Photograph of January 1999, even if a quarter wavelength is used.


Over Christmas 2003 there were FIVE major earthquakes across the globe, culminating in a series of devastating tremors in Iran. 2003/12/26 01:56:52 28.99n 58.29e 10.0 6.5 Southeastern Iran 2003/12/25 23:09:43 22.43s 169.49e 10.0 6.0 Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2003/12/25 20:42:33 22.30s 169.45e 10.0 6.5 Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2003/12/25 14:21:11 34.83s 178.43w 10.0 6.0 South Of Kermadec Islands 2003/12/25 07:11:11 8.41n 82.84w 33.0 6.5 Panama-Costa Rica Border Region With thanks to Eric Hufschmid for the above information via propagandmatrix The media have barely mentioned these other quakes, largely because they occurred in remote areas and caused little damage and loss of life. However, such a spate of earthquakes in so a brief a period is curious in itself. But what is really unusual is the actual timing of the Iranian quake. Just as Iran was about to challenge Israelnuclear supremacy in the Middle East, it is rocked by a devastating quake that could claim up to 50,000 lives and take years to recover from. Was it a coincidence that Iran was moving into a position to challenge Israel nuclear dominance of the region when the tremor struck? This writer had his suspicions and they have just been echoed in a telephone conversation. The caller and myself have a mutual acquaintance, let's call him Alex, who is endowed with some remarkable psychic gifts. Among other things, he can see beyond the apparent to what is really happening and even what is going to happen. Nearly two years ago, A year ago Britain and America would invade Iraq but that country was not the ultimate target. Iran was. Now he is saying that this most recent disaster was not the result of natural forces. The Americans are behind it, probably working at the behest of their Zionist overlords, and using secret high technology, most probably HAARP. With this in mind the following article, written over two years ago, is more pertinent than ever... HAARP antenna in Alaska Weapons of the New World Order Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces will be appraised, Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. Illuminati strategist and front man Zbigniew Brzezinski writing in Between Two Ages 1970. It sounds like something from Greek legend or Nordic mythology. Harnessing the elements and quite literally using natural forces as a weapon of war: causing earthquakes or storms and maybe even hurling thunderbolts at your opponents. To make it all the more effective the recipients would never see it coming, at least not until it hit them. And then in the aftermath, amidst the ruin and devastation, who would they blame? Unlike a missile attack or a bombing raid the perpetrators wouldn't be obvious so the victims would end up blaming elemental chaos, not the real culprits. Unfortunately the above is not just speculation. The ability to trigger earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and even effect peoples brains and the Earth's own tectonic plates is now a very real possibility; the research has been done, the tests completed and the weaponry has been deployed, and maybe even used. It called HAARP (High-frequency Active Aural Research Program) and was developed as part of the Star Wars initiative. According to Dr. Nicholas Begich HAARP is: A super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere (upper layer of the atmosphere) by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back and penetrate everything living and dead. Aside from disrupting normal weather patterns it would also bombard those targeted with deadly radiation. Thus in the words of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, HAARP is: a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding this planet. Apart from that HAARP could also be used in communicating with submarines or disorientating specifically targeted segments of the population. Thus in the words of the U.S. 1/96 Air Command and Staff Colleges Airpower Journal:the U.S. military is developing high-powered micro-wave weapons for use against human beings, They do not simply attack a persons body, they reach all the way into a person mind They are meant to disorient or upset mental stability. Back in the 70s the Russians aimed a crude form of this technology at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, causing immense physical and mental damage to the occupants. Its origins lie even further back though in the ideas of scientific visionary Nicola Tesla; in 1935 Tesla spoke of creating controlled earthquakes and being able to produce: rhythmical vibrations to pass through the Earth. . . and to . . .convey these mechanical effects to the greatest terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects. Forty years later Tesla ideas may well have become a reality. In 1976 as Senator Claiborne Pell chaired a Senate sub-committee he warned: We need a treaty now before the military leaders of the world start directing storms, manipulating climates and inducing earthquakes against their enemies. However Senator Pell warning may have already come too late. On June 5, 1977, New York Times described a huge earthquake in Tangshan, China which killed over 650,000 people. Just before the first tremor at 3:42am, the Times reported, the sky lit up like daylight. The multi-hued lights, mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away. Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball. Some investigators have concluded that these effects were the product of Tesla-like technology and/or HAARP transmissions. Whatever the real cause though they sound eerily reminiscent of what Tesla himself described as a weapon capable of producing all kinds of unique effects.





High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program

Gakona, Alaska

62º 23.5' N LAT. 145º 8.8' W LONG.

HAARP is run by the Naval Research Laborarory. The ostensible purpose of the project is Ionospheric research and/or submarine communications. In reality, it has many characteristics of a "Tesla device", possibly to transmit huge amounts of electricity without wires. But a less discussed option is for the equipment to create "designer weather" by transmitting low frequency waves through the Earth's "Terrestrial Stationary Waves". By generating heat and/or cold in certain distant areas, you can create troughs and highs and alter wind patterns.


The anomalous weather worldwide is not accidental. In superpotential theory, it is possible to produce EM force fields and force field energy at a distance. EM fields and waves can be decomposed into two scalar potential functions. By assembling two such scalar potential functions in beams, one can produce a "scalar potential interferometer" where the potential beams intersect at a distance. In that interference zone, ordinary transverse EM fields and energy appear.

A scalar potential is also just a harmonic assembly of bidirectional longitudinal EM wavepairs. So one can produce the necessary longitudinal waves, in arrays, to assemble a scalar potential with any desired interior LW composition.

Thus by using longitudinal EM waves (LWs), one can produce potentials, fields, and waves to order.

While an ordinary longitudinal EM wave is polarized along its direction of travel, it turns out that a longitudinal EM phase conjugate wavepair, such as those to constitute the scalar potential, produces a new "time-like" or "scalar" wave that is constrained, so that it cannot vary its energy either in x-, y-, or z directions (polarization). With the Quantum Field Theory, by Ryder, there are four photon polarizations, one of which is indeed time-like and called a "scalar" photon. A longitudinal EM phase conjugate wavepair is comprised of coupled photon/antiphoton pairs, which have spin too, and are therefore properly called gravitons. So the coupled longitudinal EM wavepairs is an electrogravitational wave which does not vary its 3-space energy density. Instead, it must vary in the time domain. What results is that one has created an oscillation of the curvature of spacetime, when one makes a longitudinal EM wave.

Now... one can engineer clusters of ST curvatures, by proper assembly of LWs. This is a very powerful general relativity, because the strong EM force is being used as the agent of ST curvature. This particlar EM GR does not appear in any textbooks, but has been utilized by the Russian KGB in clandestine weapon development since the 1950's.

Here's how the weather engineering is usually accomplished:

First.... take two scalar potential beam transmitters, separated on the necessary baseline to form a beam interferometer. Let them interfere at a distance. Now... in that distant interference zone (IZ), there is an ambient vacuum potential (spacetime potential or spacetime stress). If the electrical circuit grounds of the interferometer transmitters are biased ABOVE the ambient potential in the IZ, then scattering EM energy (heating) emerges in the IZ. This is the exothermic mode of operation. If the electrical circuits grounds of the interferomter are biased negatively BELOW the ambient potential in the IZ, then convergent EM energy (cooling) emerges in the IZ. This is the endothermic mode of operation.

So... by merely biasing the electrical grounds of a scalar potential interferomter, one can produce heating or cooling in the distant IZ. If one just "radiates", one produces distant steady heating or steady cooling. If one sharply pulses the interferomter, one produces a distant hot explosion or a distant cold explosion.

One can also, of course, form various forms of energy at a distance, including particularly hemispheric shells of energy and spherical shells of energy. Hundreds of these have been observed worldwide, from testing by the KGB weapons in Russia.

There is one other characteristic that one needs to be aware of. Pure longitudinal EM waves have infinite energy and infinite velocity. In practice one makes a pseudo-longitudinal wave, so its energy is finite and its speed is finite, but it may have a v such that v is greater than c.

A "scalar" potential is not a scalar entity at all. Instead, it's a bundle of bidirectional longitudinal waves. Mass is composed mostly of empty space filled with potentials and fields, with a particle here and there, widely separated. On its own scale, a "mass" looks more like a giant solar system or the external universe. Mostly space, with fields and potentials.

Well... since fields and potentials are nothing but just LWs anyway, then the stress potential of space is a superhighway for LWs. What this means is that "pretty good" LWs (i.e., sufficiently clean pseudo longitudinal waves) will pass right through the earth and ocean, with little attenuation and little interaction.

Now we are ready to see into weather engineering:

Focus the interference zone (IZ) on the other side of the earth (beam right through the earth and ocean) to a given desired area in the atmosphere. Bias your transmitters positively. You produce atmospheric heating in the air in the IZ, so that the air expands and you have produced a "low" pressure zone. Now... use a second interferometer biased negatively, and place it at a distant IZ desired. In that IZ, you cool the air so that it shrinks and becomes denser, and you have created a "high" pressure area.

Now... place several such IZs, with the desired highs and lows, near a jet stream. The jet stream will be deviated toward a low and away from a high. By varying the transmitted energy and the IZ location (just move it gradually along), you can entrain and steer the jet streams, and therefore effectively "steer" the resulting weather.

Want to spawn tornadoes ? Just make several sharp bends in the jet stream, and also speed them up a bit. The additional angular momentum imparted to the air masses will spawn off littler rotations (tornadoes).

By focusing the IZ underneath the ocean, one can heat or cool the water in a selected area, over a period of time. So you can aggravate or ease El Nino, e.g.

By proper steering and coordination around the earth, the KGB is able to create a great deal of rain in one area, a drought in an area, storms and tornadoes, a powerful El Nino...etc.

Want to really mess things up ?? Just focus the IZ inn a large fault zone... say... such as the San Andreas fault in California. Use the exothermic interferometry mode. You deposit energy slowly in that fault zone and the stress increases. Eventually the plate edges shift, and you have an earthquake. If you want a very powerful quake, put the energy in gradually, so that a sort of "overpotential" or "overpressure" builds up, past where the rocks would normally slip... then when they let go... you've got a real nice big one.

You can see what might happen if one also toys around with a sleeping volcano.

On July 4, 1976 the KGB began its massive and continuing weather engineering over North America and it continues to this day !!

As an example:

On November 19, 1997, a subject drove from Huntsville, Alabama to Louisville, Kentucky to give a graduate seminar on Nov. 20th. As this person left Nashville on the interstate, spotted a "giant radial cloud" in the sky, on the left. A giant radial cloud is a cloud with long radial fingers or spokes radiating out from it... perhaps several miles in length. These are signatures of artificial weather engineering. On Interstate 65, subject was averaging about 65 mph. So was the giant radial, and it was traveling along off to the left of I-65. In other words... the distant operators were just using a map with I-65 as a trace guide line, for moving an interferometer array's IZ. That cloud moved right along with the person, at 65 mph, for 111 miles by the person's odometer. Then it started to fade as the distant operator cut power. At this time, the person could see its "twin" off to the right, which had been cut power a little before. This was therefore one of the infamous "twin giant radials" that had been photographed so much back in the early 80's.

As a thought... you can challenge any scientist to show you a NATURALLY occurring twin giant radial, that motors along astride Interstate 65, at 65 mph, for almost two hours !!! That's pushing statistical chance to the point of absurdity. Also, of course, this sort of thing has happened dozens and dozens of times around the country.

So... the anomalous weather everyone is worrying about, is going to STAY anomalous. In fact... it may only get worse.

Today, at least three other nations besides the KGB rogue group in Russia, have scalar potential interferometer weapons. The weather engineering is just one of the EARLY capabilities. The most powerful weapons on earth are not nuclear. They are quantum potential in nature... using a modified Whittaker EM to implement David Bohm's hidden variable theory of quantum mechanics.

Meanwhile... since our own electrical physicists have rather thoroughly failed us, and just keep teaching the horribly flawed old electrodynamics, we will continue to watch as the weather is hostilely engineered, as even earthquakes are engineered from time to time, and as another small nation , which must remain unnamed, saves us and prevents our destruction.

Anyway... that's what is really happening to the weather. Understand... not every tornado is artificial... but alot of them are spawned artificially. And the weather is being "steered" by steering the jetstreams.

I didn't know whether such things would even interest you, but thought I'd expose them anyway. Most scientists are very uncomfortable with even the notion that something substantial is wrong with our physics texts. But such is true. Until we do the necessary foundations overhaul, we will continue to teach and use a highly inferior science, and we will continue to see more and more anomalous weather.


Did they hit Kobe with an Earthquake?

When it comes to Aum Shinrikyo the sinister Japanese cult said to be responsible for the Tokyo subway Sarin attack in 1995 almost anything is possible. Now investigations into the shadowy background of Aum, are unraveling sinuous connections that leapfrog the Aum story into another league altogether.
It is claimed that Aum are intimately involved in the development of futuristic doomsday weapons that make today's nuclear missiles look like children's toys. Said to be so advanced that they don't 'officially' exist in the armories of the major powers they include the use of electromagnetic pulse, earthquake inducing and 'plasma weapons' being covertly tested in remote regions of the world.
At the center of these allegations are a series of powerful earthquakes, strange fireballs and aerial lights manifesting above Western Australia. They also revolve around the major January 1995 quake, which laid waste to the Japanese City of Kobe. The latter resulted in the crash of the Tokyo stock exchange itself directly leading to the collapse of England's spook-infested Barings bank. Suggestions that the Kobe earthquake may have been caused by a laser-powered seismic weapon continue to circulate.
Extraordinarily, the Kobe quake was predicted nine days before the event by Aum's charismatic guru Shoko Asahara. In a radio broadcast on 8 January 1995, Asahara stated: "Japan will be attacked by an earthquake in 1995. The most likely place is Kobe."
Hideo Murai, the late Science and Technology minister for Aum Shinrikyo also adhered to this view answering questions about the Kobe quake in a news conference at the Foreign Correspondent Club in Japan on 7 April 1995, Murai said: "There is a strong possibility of the activation of an earthquake using electromagnetic power, or somebody might have used a device that applied force inside the Earth." The Aum leadership believed the Kobe quake to be an act of war. "Kobe was hit by a surprise attack," they claimed, adding that the city was an "appropriate guinea pig." Murai said to have been the most intelligent Japanese who ever lived was murdered in a Yakuza orchestrated assassination shortly after speaking on the record to foreign news correspondents.
US Senate Investigates into the Allegations of Earthquake Weaponry used in Kobe
Aum's interest in weapons of mass destruction was considered serious enough to merit the launch of a special investigation by the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Chaired by Senator Sam Nunn, the committee spent five months conducting hundreds of interviews of "government and private individuals" and included classified briefings from numerous US intelligence agencies. Their 100-page report was published in October 1995.
The Nunn Report, in addition to outlining Aum's large international membership and US$1billion plus finances, revealed the cult's fascination for so-called Tesla Weapons after their inventor Nikola Tesla. The report mentions Tesla's development of a "ray gun in the 1930's, which was actually a particle beam accelerator", and which was said to be able to "shoot down an airplane at 200 miles". Aum personnel also traveled to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade to research the so-called Tesla Coil a device used for (amplifying?) alternating currents and uncovered Tesla's work on "high energy voltage transmission and wave amplification, which Tesla asserted could be used to create seismological disturbances".
Do powerful Tesla-type earthquake weapons exist? Not according to conventional scientific wisdom, but there are many who harbor doubts, and still others who maintain that "conventional wisdom" in the scientific community merely reflects a mind-set rusted shut by prolonged conservative values.

Crashed Saucers, Salvaged Equipment, Paranormal Experiences, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, Time Travel, Incarnation, Extra-Terrestrials, Psychic, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla-Visionary. John Von Neumann-mathematician of physicist, John Hutchinson-Dean U of C, Dr. David Hilbert - Multi Space Time/Realities, Dr. Gust off - Physicist, Dr. Levinson-Levinson Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time Tunneling, Teleportation, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Past and Future Travels to the Year 6048, Unrecognizable Ruins, Weather Control, Z-Argon Gases, Alternate Time Lines, Altered States of Reality, No Perception of Time, Mind Control, Altered Auras, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology. Tesla Towers, Teleportation to the Planets, Atlantis, Falling Frogs, Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Grays, and Reptilians show up, Alchemy, other domains, Crashed Ships, Bavarian Alps, Ruins: Ancient Civilizations, Bodies Found Embedded in the walls at Montauk, time tunneling, alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German Mars Projects, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Micro chip Implants, Rainbow, Inviibility and Hyper Space, Space - Time Continuum, Worm Holes, Space Time, Time Travel, Invisibility Machines, Hypo-Meditation, Weather Control, "Psychic" Signals, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought, and Powers of the Mind, Alternate Realities, Artificial Intelligence, and Monster Manifested, Walking into the Time tunnel. Anomalies in time, Reptilians, Balance of time, Intelligence's off our planet, Project "God Edge" Manifesting of Objects, Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Secret Societies, Celestial Management, Self Conscious computers, Magnetic Field, Et message of Islam, CIA, ISLAM, ALIENS, DRUGS IN USA, Montauk Base, Mind Control, Finite Space, first electronic computer, zero time frame Reference, Stealth Bombers, underground mars caverns, dead civilizations, psychic nature vortexes, Akashic location system, religious artifacts, alien walk in's, teleportation, Philadelphia experiment. The subconscious mind, Hilga Marro, aliens, Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid what Nasa Knows about Mars Einstein, Eldridge Survivors, business, science, religeon, sport, money, art, chat, email, news group, java, password, hotmail, search, download, internet, aol, travel, career, hardware, Element 115, String Theory, University of Yale, Princeton university, UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT, Harvard university, investing in Stock market for Alien Technology, education, movie, church, christian, death, abotion, evolution, web hosting, job search, search engines, coca cola, pepsi, tv, radio, mtv, male, mortgage rates, olympics, stock quotes, weather, avi, virus, diet, family, baseball, beach, fun, female, male, free games, friends, hotels, las vegas, mac, Iraq, Iran, China, Russia, USA, Bush, CIA, FBI, NSA, ONI, OSI, millions of agents on tax payer pay roll playing computer games all day long reading Alienshift, Humanoid Alien in Las Vegas walking freely, S4 Giant Gray Master Aliens in under ground united nation the real one coping with humans. Republicans and Democrats hand in hand forming Scull and Bones Society of white brotherhood in America, John Carrey, Janet Jackson, MTV, VH1, UFO video, UFO Pictures, Alien video, marketing, videos, ftp, cnn, garden, wwf, britney prears, WMD in Iraq, medicine, nascar, nostradamus, home, career in Alientology, Steven Greer try to finish the Oil project for Exon and Mobile sending all of them home jobless with his Alien free energy project, just like what Tesla did!, Art Bell, Ice age. FX, Euro, Dollar, Baseball, alien
Yahoo, MSN, CNN, Internet chat , Dating, Matrix, Microsoft, Las Vegas, hotels, stocks, bonds, ET eyes, movies, games. church, ET message of Islam, ALLAH, Mohammad, Quran, DVD, PC, fishing, Real Estate, IRS, Napster, Bible, Diet, Game boy, Star Trek, Baseball, computers, maze generator, game downloads, Angelina Jolie, Tattoos, Jennifer Lopez, NFL, Kazaa, Atkins Diet, final fantasy, AOL, Jokes, Google, Maps, search engines, ask jeeves, music, Ebay, Jobs, used cars, online degrees, zip codes, furniture, kelly blue book, weather, lyrics, dictionary, Read my Lips stop Profilling People of the Land of the Free, health, walmart, horoscopes, weight loss, home depot, winzip, BOB LAZAR ALIENS RETICULI ELEMENT 115 PHYSICS FLYING SAUCERS ANTIMATTER GRAVITY GRAVITY WAVES DISCS S4 GROOM LAKE PAPOOSE LAKE AREA 51 NEVADA "DR. EDWARD TELLER" "JON FARHAT" "ART BELL", free games, free downloads, MP3, airline, cheats, tires, auto parts, insurance, Do not travel in the Year 2012.


Crashed Saucers, Salvaged Equipment, Paranormal Experiences, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, Time Travel, Incarnation, Extra-Terrestrials, Psychic, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla-Visionary. John Von Neumann-mathematician of physicist, John Hutchinson-Dean U of C, Dr. David Hilbert - Multi Space Time/Realities, Dr. Gust off - Physicist, Dr. Levinson-Levinson Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time Tunneling, Teleportation, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Past and Future Travels to the Year 6048, Unrecognizable Ruins, Weather Control, Z-Argon Gases, Alternate Time Lines, Altered States of Reality, No Perception of Time, Mind Control, Altered Auras, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology. Tesla Towers, Teleportation to the Planets, Atlantis, Falling Frogs, Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Grays and Reptilians show up, Alchemy, other domains, Crashed Ships, Bavarian Alps, Ruins: Ancient Civilizations, Bodies Found Embedded in the walls at Montauk, time tunneling, alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German Mars Projects, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Micro chip Implants, Rainbow, Invisibility and Hyper Space, Space - Time Continuum, Worm Holes, Space Time, Time Travel, Invisibility Machines, Hypo-Meditation, Weather Control, "Psychic" Signals, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought, and Powers of the Mind, Alternate Realities, Artificial Intelligence, and Monster Manifested, Walking into the Time tunnel. Anomalies in time, Reptilians, Balance of time, Intelligence's off our planet, Project "God Edge" Manifesting of Objects, Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Secret Societies, Celestial Management, Self Conscious computers, Magnetic Field, Et message of Islam, CIA, ISLAM, ALIENS, DRUGS IN USA, Montauk Base, Mind Control, Finite Space, first electronic computer, zero time frame Reference, Stealth Bombers, underground mars caverns, dead civilizations, psychic nature vortexes, Akashic location system, religious artifacts, alien walk in's, teleportation, Philadelphia experiment. The subconscious mind, Hilga Marro, aliens, Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid what Nasa Knows about Mars Einstein, Eldridge Survivors, Element 115, String Theory, University of Yale, Princeton university, UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT, Harvard university, investing in Stock market for Alien Technology, education, movie, church, Christian, death, abortion, evolution, web hosting, job search, search engines, coca cola, Pepsi, TV, radio, MTV, male, mortgage rates, Olympics, stock quotes, weather, AVI, virus, diet, family, baseball, beach, fun, female, male, free games, friends, hotels, las vegas, mac, Iraq, Iran, China, Russia, USA, Bush, CIA, FBI, NSA, ONI, OSI, millions of agents on tax payer pay roll playing computer games all day long reading Alienshift, Humanoid Alien in Las Vegas walking freely, S4 Giant Gray Master Aliens in under ground united nation the real one coping with humans. UFO video, UFO Pictures, Alien video, CNN, garden, medicine, NASCAR, nostradamus, home, career in Alientology, Steven Greer try to finish the Oil project for Exxon and Mobile sending all of them home jobless with his Alien free energy project, just like what Tesla did!, Art Bell, Ice age. FX, Euro, Dollar, Baseball, alien, Yahoo, MSN, CNN, Internet chat , Dating, Matrix, Microsoft, Las Vegas, hotels, stocks, bonds, ET eyes, movies, games. church, ET message of Islam, ALLAH, Mohammad, Quran, DVD, PC, fishing, Real Estate, IRS, Napster, Bible, Diet, Game boy, Star Trek, Baseball, computers, maze generator, game downloads, Angelina Jolie, Tattoos, Jennifer Lopez, NFL, Kazaa, Atkins Diet, final fantasy, AOL, Jokes, Google, Maps, search engines, ask jeeves, YOUTUBE, music, eBAY, Jobs, used cars, online degrees, zip codes, furniture, Kelly blue book, weather, lyrics, dictionary, Read my Lips stop Profiling People of the Land of the Free, health, Wal-Mart, horoscopes, weight loss, home depot, WinZip, BOB LAZAR ALIENS RETICULI ELEMENT 115 PHYSICS FLYING SAUCERS ANTIMATTER GRAVITY WAVES DISCS S4 GROOM LAKE PAPOOSE LAKE AREA 51 NEVADA "DR. EDWARD TELLER" "JON FARHAT" "ART BELL", free games free downloads MP3 airline cheats tires auto parts insurance, Do not travel in the Year 2012.