
 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM   WEST LOS ANGELES
Early Online Registration $39    Door ticket $59
must be 18+, no kids, pets, video cameras or food allowed
Building parking all day $5

10:00 to 11:00 AM Global Peace Meditation ARK Founder Saeed David Farman
11:00 M to 12:30 PM  Alice Cablayan Lecture on Forgivness
12:30 PM to 2:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Workshop Lauren Serna Healing with the Angels
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM coming soon
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Social networking and fun meeting others bring lots of your business cards

ARK is Proud to Present:

Lauren Serna 
Healing with the Angels

ARK of Healers, West Los Angeles, CA. 
  JAN-14-2012    2:00 PM- 5:00 PM                                             
  • Receive a special Healing and Clearing.
  • Learn to Heart Link with Angel Ariel.
  • Learn about the special gifts the angels are waiting to help you with.
  • Learn concepts of what energy healing is.
  • Learn the differences between Reiki and IET.
  • We will do a Heart Centering Meditation to open up our hearts and allow Love and the Violet Healing Ray Energy in.
  • There will also be a very Special Group Healing using the IET and Violet Ray Energy to clear away Guilt, Distrust, Shame, Threat, Heartache, Betrayals, Anger, Stress, Powerlessness and Fear.
  • This mini workshop is for anyone interested in Angels and their gifts for humanity.
  • Anyone interested in the concepts of energy healing.
  • Anyone interested in self healing and helping others.
  • Anyone needing a healing and clearing of issues that may be holding them back from enjoying their life.
Pain and dis-ease can come in many forms and layers. They can show up as stress, anxiety, depression, anger, grief, sadness, abuse, trauma, addiction, weight gain, fear, lack of self-esteem, confidence, abandonment, prosperity issues, past life issues and sabotaging behavior. These issues can get stuck, blocked and imprinted into your physical body, cellular memory, subconscious mind and energetic bodies keeping you from obtaining the life you’d like and deserve.
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is the next step beyond Reiki. IET targets specific areas in the body using a unique Cellular Memory Map® geared to help release stored cellular memories. IET uses a Divine Angelic Energy Ray to work directly with your 12-Strand DNA. IET supports you in safely and gently releasing limiting energy patterns of your past, while empowering and balancing your life in the present. It also helps you to reach your future goals and discover your soul’s purpose with ease and clarity. 

About Lauren Amber Serna:
Lauren is A Certified Master Teacher/ Instructor in Reiki®, Karuna Reiki®, IEH Intuitive Energy Healing®, IET Integrated Energy Therapy®.
A Certified Hypnotherapist, Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator and Advanced EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques Therapist. A Certified Sound Therapist, Voice Analyst, Crystal Healer and Angel workshop facilitator.
A Certified Life Coach, Ordained Minister and Spiritual counselor.



Lecture on Forgivness
ARK of Healers, West Los Angeles, CA.
JAN-14-2012    11:00 AM- 12:30 PM

“Culturing the Quality of Forgiveness”™
Alice Cablayan, M.A. in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica will be speaking on how to culture the quality of forgiveness.  She will discuss the importance of experiencing forgiveness within oneself FIRST, and how holding compassion for self and releasing misperceptions and old beliefs gives us the gift of freedom to experience loving towards self and others.  She’ll discuss what forgiveness is NOT and how holding on to grudges, anger and bitterness can causes imbalance in the body and emotions.  She’ll discuss how other qualities such as tolerance, acceptance and surrender (letting go) are key elements to cultivate so that one can experience inner peace and harmony in life.  She will be touching on the purpose of experiential learning as curriculum for the Soul and that we are all Divine Beings having learning experiences in the Earth School.  She’ll touch on Soul contracts and how challenging people and challenging situations in our lives are mirror reflections of ourselves, divinely designed to assist us in our evolution towards higher consciousness. You’ll learn about the Trinity of the Self and learn effective techniques on how to release yourself and others from grudges of the past so you can live in the authenticity of who you truly are as a Divine Being. 
About Alice: 
Alice Cablayan is a writer, consultant and inspired public speaker. She specializes in heart-centered and soul-centered authentic living by teaching and empowering others to cultivate one’s inherent qualities of compassion, peace, forgiveness, harmony, loving and service.  She has spoken on topics such as cultural diversity, woman’s empowerment and inner healing.   She has a Bachelor’s in Business Management and has worked in business administration, accounting, auditing as well as career counseling.   She received her Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica and received Crisis Intervention Training and Instruction in Suicide Awareness from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Southern California.
Alice co-hosted the Blog Talk Radio show, “Earth Wisdom-Crystal Technologies of the Heart” and is a co-author in the upcoming books “Filipinotown USA – Stories and Maps –Los Angeles” and “Thank God I am an Empowered Woman.”   She is currently working on a spiritual booklet to support and comfort people who are experiencing overwhelm and suicidal tendencies to make an empowered choice to live.   
Alice is available for public speaking and spiritual life coaching.

Healing, IET, INTERGRATED ENERGY THERAPY, REIKI HEALING, energy healing, healing school, health seminars, alternative healing, therapies, holistic, medicine, consciousness, integrative, IET classes, spirituality, reiki healers, chakra, chi,