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I had a vision in DEC 2003 that to this day makes me shiver even to think about it! I was
hallucinating with few degrees of high fever and a very bad Flu when had a vision in a dream state of mind half sleep half
awake. The vision I saw was about the coming Pole Shift, I saw two giant Asteroids which were Comet type coming towards
the earth the first one passed by as people prayed and landed lots of hot brim stones from it's tail on the earth causing
many cities to burn and millions to die and injure.
About 6 month later the second Asteroid approached us hitting
the earth in Atlantic Ocean the asteroid was over 200 miles long, causing 300 feet Tsunami waves. As we heard the giant
noise the shift was starting since the Earth was tilted because of massive impact and few hours of roaring sound of earth
crying laud like a pregnant mother ready to deliver it's baby!
After 6 hours of hell on earth our planet stopped rotating
completely here came the dead Silent! Our side the Americas was dark near early morning around 5 AM dawn light but Sun Light
was not arriving all the people were waiting no one could move talk or say anything most of them were sitting in a traffic
jams in the free ways, no radio, TV or any phone was working all satellites were off their orbits all communications were
down. Only some people could talk with Ham Radio. No one knew what to do all Gas stations were out due to shut down
of power no one knew what to say as clocks stopped earth stopped rotating everyone was getting a panic attack. As we were
waiting for sun to come out over 3 long days and nights which was all night I was praying some Angel to come and take me to
hell and burn me so that I will not see these things and go thru this pain of truth and reality which I was experiencing.
This was not a Judgment day but almost the same since when time stops your mind looses all references and starts going
backward and forward experiencing a total dimensional shift an Alienshift or total ultimate Truth! At the same time it was
a total fear factor. As I woke up from the dream the vision still was haunting me and could not come out of it completely.
I was keep looking outside was dark about 4 AM also checking the clock and I noticed the time
is not moving again for about few minutes which was odd this was hell again this time my eyes was wide open.
I was asking in a prayer why me, they told me you asked for the vision that's why why was
shown to you.
Then I asked are we going to die in the Pole Shift they said no there are choices to be made.
As Bible mentions the Earth starts rotating again 3 days after the shift with total darkness after the asteroid
called Wormwood hits the Earth.
So remember that the earth goes through this shift every 12,500 years.
Alienshift believes Professor Sitchin theory of every 3675 years of returning of planet
X and Pole Shift is wrong and correct number is every 12500 years.
The last Pole Shifts were during Atlantis and Noah.

ALIENSHIFT believes that coming Pole Shift on Feb- 6-2012
will be the best thing for our planet at this time.
It will be end of Man killing Man, Barbarism ETs are telling us that we only had 200 years
of peace for past 10000 years will be end of all Injustices, Primitive Colonial Mindset of the European Cave Man after
inventing the Technology he thought that technology will save him!, end of Global Greed and Corruption such as Enronism, Exonnism,
Monopolization, Racism, Danger of Nuclear Arsenal, 100,000 Nuclear War Heads each one 100 times Hiroshima Bomb, Famine,
World Hunger, Over Population 6 Billion Souls, etc.
All above reasons stoping the United Federation of the Planets not even considering the
Earth as a new member.
So many future Remote Viewers have seen Omaha as the the new capital of the new world.
In the year 2087only 120 million people will be living on the earth.
Many people will die during the Shift and many after because it will not be an easy time.
Diseases will run rammpant, and if not be for the help of the extraterrestrials,
the planet will perish but ETs will heal as well as to educate people and to show them new technology.
Please note that Federation will not stop the Shift because of many Karmic lessons that we
have to get during this coming event.
Also it is against the universal law to interfere unless it is to help us which they will
do that in order to rebuild the earth and teach us how to Colonize other planets.
Pole Shift will start on Feb 6-2012.
Here is why:
1-Mayan callendar ends at 2012
2-Al Bielak Survival of many Shadow GOV projects mentions about 2012 in his 1990 Vegas Speech.
3-Nostradamus prediction on pole shift that it will be at the time of the Anti Christ World Movement and how the Shift will destroy him with a Tidal Wave in Italy.
Time tunnel was used at Montauk to go into the
future. He stated that for some reason, they could never penetrate the years 2011-2013. He also stated that the technology
is so good, they could pull you out, ship you to another time period and bring you back so fast, that it would appear as no
time had passed yet you could have aged several months or years because of the time you spent in the other time. He claimed
that this happened to him on a number of occassions. Lastly, he shared that when they were able to see the future, past 2013,
it appeared as if there was no life living on the earth.
ALIENSHIFT believes that we all will shift to fourth
That is why Al Bielak he
could not see any one the earth in 3rd Dimension.
"In the year 1999 and seven months The Great, KIng
of Terror shall come from the sky. He will bring to life the King of The Mongols. Before and after, Mars reigns happily." C10
Q 72
THE COMET PLANET The Ancient world believed in A Mysterious Comet Planet that would pass earth in great
intervals, over several thousand years.
The Ancient Sumerians called this Comet Planet, NIBIRU. The Egyptians named
it, "THE PLANET OF A MILLION YEARS" and Ancient Babylon renamed it MARDUK, the name of their god.
Actually the Sumerians
(circa 3400 BC) believed in a solar system much as we have today, with a round earth revolving around the sun along with
eleven other celestial bodies.
Pluto (1) Neptune (2), Uranus (3), Saturn (4) Jupiter (5) Mars (6), EARTH (7), Venus
(8),Mercury (9), The Moon (10), The Sun (11) and The 12th celestial body, being the COMET PLANET, which is actually Planet #10
in our solar system.
The Ancients believed NIBIRU, The Comet Planet, would travel clockwise (against our solar
planets that travel counter-clock wise).NIBIRU passes earth thru the Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars.
was said to be slightly smaller than Jupiter, which would be a massive and visible object as it passed earth.
Ancients believed that "their pantheon of 12 gods came from NIBIRU" (Comet Planet) and that "the gods were" their source
of this advanced knowledge".
(Pluto was not discovered until 1856 AD and until the 1600's much of humanity believed
the world was flat and the sun revolved around earth)."
Some Ancient Texts claimed NIBIRU passed earth every 3600 years,
some every 10,500 years. The Comet Planet is kind of a giant version of Halley's Comet which passes earth every 72-76
The Hindu Religion also believed the "gods came to earth" in the Sacred Year of 432,000 BC. Here is where
things really get interesting.
In Gen: 6:3,YHWH GOD told Noah, "My Spirit will not always strive with man. Therefore
his years will be 120".
Now if we divide 120 years into 432,000 years, we get 3600 years, the time the Sumerians
believed it took NIBIRU to make a complete revolution around the Sun as it passes earth.
That means a "year for
the Comet Planet" is 3600 years vs. 360/365 days for an earth year. This is almost reminiscent of The Bible where as it reads,
The question now is "When did NIBIRU, The Comet Planet last pass earth?
speak of The Comet Planet as being real because in The Spring of 2004 ad, NASA announced PLANET "X", the 10th planet exists
as a Comet Planet that NASA named "SEDNA".
NASA claims that SEDNA is smaller than Pluto, passes earth every 10,500
years at a safe and harmless distance of 950 million miles.
It is possible that NASA had to announce the existence
of Planet "X" a Comet Planet, as earth based observatories will soon see NIBIRU. But NASA is deliberately confusing
safe and tiny "SEDNA" with the coming of the true Planet X, NIBIRU with its potential for global destruction?
10:13 could The Gravitation Pull of Nibiru, be SO STRONG that
its passing earth caused the Earth to reverse spin on its axis, causing Day Light for 24 hours?
There are ancient
legends in The South American world of a "day of darkness". This makes sense. If Israel/mideast experienced 24 hours of daylight,
South America on the other side of the earth
would have experience 24 hours of darkness.
The Ancient Mayans had an astrological Calendar. This is a 5000 year Calendar,
which ends on DEC 22, 2012 AD. Many believe this date is DOOMSDAY, a Day of Great Global Cataclysm.
Assuming that
2012 AD will be the Passing of The Comet Planet (which Nosradamus wrote of), we know see an Amazing pattern emerge.
TABLE 2012 AD-Next Pass
1588 BC Joshua 24 Hrs
BC Pre Sumerian
8788 BC Stone Age
12,388 BC Leading to The Great Flood of Noah.
Many scientists believe
The Flood occurred, 11,000 BC. Most Biblical scholars place the great flood around 5200 BC, another passing of Nibiru.
pull upon the earth, when The Comet Planet passed, could have broken the Glaciers up and caused 1000 ft tidal waves to
flood the earth, exactly what The Bible says in Gen: 6:99.
the 5000 Year Mayan Calendar
ends on DEC 22, 2012 AD. The ancient Mayans claim this calendar was given to them by the god, QUEZECOATAL, The Feathered
This would have been in the year 3012 BC. According to ancient Egyptian records, the god THOTH left Egypt in the year 3113 BC and may have
reappeared in Meso America.
It is possible that these gods were actually Extra-Terrestrials. Whether Aliens
or Demonic Spirits, they had advanced knowledge of our universe and 2012 AD is probably the DATE when NIBIRU, the Comet Planet
again will pass earth.
NASA has mixed views about The Comet Planet on their sites. NASA cannot tell us the Truth
about the COMET PLANET and if it will pass in 2012 AD.
Maybe this is the REAL REASON that President Bush waged War against Saddam in IRAQ was because of the Coming of The
Saddam would have acquired Nuclear Weapons before the year 2012 AD. At a time of global chaos and
panic, Saddam could have taken advantage of the situation to hit the USA and Israel with nuclear missiles.
The USA may invade IRAN and N. KOREA for the same reasons, unless they STOP all plans to build nuclear
missiles before 2012 AD
MSNBC NEWS: 12 JAN: 2005 NASA launched "Deep Impact", a satellite missile at Comet Temple 1.
Impact is planned for July 4 2005. NASA hopes to smash a deep creator into
Comet Temple, at least 100 feet deep.
is most interesting is that "deep impact" will strike the Comet as it passes between Mars and Jupiter, the exact path that
is believed the ancient, Comet Planet will take as it nears earth.
Related links
Nostadamus used dark, occult arts to conjure
a "Being of Light" who gave him these visions of the future. According to The Bible, this spiritual Entity was Lucifer,
Why Study The Predictions of The Devil? Because thru Nostradamus, we get a unique insight into what Satan
knows about Prophecy and how much time is really left?
Scholars of Nostradamus believed the "Great, King of Terror from the sky" was a "Doomsday" Comet.
This is because
Nostradamus has several predictions of a Comet that will Impact or near pass earth and trigger global destruction.
the appearance of The Bearded Star, the three great princes will be made enemies. The shaky peace on earth will
be struck by fire from the skies. Po,
The winding Tiber,
a serpent placed on the shore." C2 Q4
MABUS will soon die, then will come a horrible slaughter of people
and animals At once vengance revealed coming from a hundred hands "Thirst and Famine when The Comet shall pass C2
A Doomsday Comet did not near pass earth in The
Year "1999 and Seven Months? (Be it July or Sept).
Actually Nostradamus never said the Comet would pass earth in
the year 1999 and seven months.
"After a great misery for mankind, an ever greater approaches The great cycle
of the centuries renewed, it will rain blood, milk, famine, war disease In the sky will be seen a great fire dragging
a trail of sparks." C2 Q 46
the great "cycle of the centuries renewed" was the year 2000 AD, the New Millennium.
believe the "Great, King of "Terror from the sky", that Nostradamus predicts, is the Coming of NIBIRU, The Comet Planet.
sees NIBURU, The Comet Planet near passing Earth (or Impact) sometime AFTER the year "1999 and seven months" and causing great
destruction that triggers W.W.III.
Nostradamus studied ancient History and the occult including the beliefs and
religions of ancient Sumer and Babylon. I am sure that Nostradamus was aware of the Comet Planet, its 3600 year passing of the
earth and the cataclysmic damage that Nibiru can cause.
"In the Year 1999 and seven months The Great, King of Terror
shall come from the sky. He will bring to life the King of The Mongols. Before and after, Mars reigns happily." C10
Q 72.
I believe Nostradamus predicted that NASA would first see NIBIRU, the Comet Planet, approaching earth in JULY
In July 1999, a small Comet, Comet Lee 1, caused mass attention as this Comet was seen by earth- based observatories.
Many Nostradamus scholars mistakenly believed Comet Lee 1 was The "Doomsday" Comet that Nos' wrote of.
spoke of the coming of The Comet Planet, that would near earth and cause great destruction, soon after The Year "1999 and
seven months".
Part Two of Quatrain C10 Q72
"In the year 1999 and seven months The Great, King of Terror
shall come from the sky. He will bring to life the King of The Mongols. Before and after, Mars reigns happily." C10
Q 72
In terms of Astronomy, the planet MARS is closer to earth today, then it has been in the last 60,000 years
as of 27 AUG 2003 AD.
In terms of Astrology, MARS is the ancient god and planet that influences War and since JULY 1999, "Mars
SEPT 1999: Palestinians
launch "Intifada", non stop terror attacks against Israel.
SEPT 11 2001: Terrorists Planes Hit World Trade Center.
NOV 2001: USA Goes To War in Afghanistan.
MARCH 2003: USA & Britain go to war against Saddam In Iraq:
JAN 1 2005: Terror Attacks and War Rages Across IRAQ, No End In Sight.
JAN 1 2005: Iran and N Korea pursue nuclear weapons programs: Terror Attacks in Iraq threaten JAN 30 elections.
Part Three of Quatrain C10 Q72
"He (Comet) shall bring to life the king of the Mongols.
resulting destruction (famine) caused by the Comet Planet will cause CHINA to go to war (King of Mongols). After An Asteroid Crashes Into
The Ocean.
Nostradamus tells us two more facts about the passing of NIBIRU, the Comet Planet.
There will
appear towards the seven stars of Ursa Minor and Polaris Not far from Cancer, The Bearded Star Susa, Siena,Boeotia, Great Rome will die, the night having vanished C6 Q 6.
sees NIBIRU, The Comet Planet coming toards Earth from Cancer, from the south, passing thru the Big Dipper to North Star.
Great Star will blaze for Seven days, The Cloud will cause two suns to appear. The Huge dog will howl at night When
the great pontiff will Change lands." C2 Q41
Nostradamus sees the Comet Planet visible to earth for seven days.
It will bring destruction upon BRITAIN (great dog) Rome and The Vatican (pontiff).
The Following Cataclysm Happens After The Tribulation
Is Underway and Not Before It Starts.
The Comet Planet will pass thru the Asteroid
Belt between Jupiter and Mars as it nears earth. Its trajectory will either be Direct Impact or it will near pass earth
and send a Large Asteroid hurtling towards us.
12 Jan 2005, NASA launched "Deep Impact", a satellite that will smash Comet Temple 1 on JULY 4 2005, as it passes between Jupiter and Mars. This does seem to be "Target
Practice" for the real and coming threat from The Comet Planet.
In a future, Doomsday Scenario, NASA and possibly
Russia will launch specially equipped, nuclear weapons that shatter this Comet or Asteroid as it targets earth. However
it rains burning fragments {meteors} upon The World.
This is virtually the exact scenario we read of in Revelation,
chapter 8.
"The first angel sounded: and hail and fire, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the Earth;
and a third of the trees were burnt up, and all green grass was burned up." Rev:8:7
One Third of The Earth
Will Be Lit On Fire
Then A Worse Horror
One large fragment, an Asteroid, approximately a mile in diameter, Will
then crash into the sea and the result is catastrophic.
"Then the second angel sounded; and something like a great mountain
burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became as blood; and a third of the living creatures in
the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed." (Rev:8:8-9)
Nostradamus saw this Asteroid crash into the
sea, sometime in the new Millennium of 2000 AD.
"The great mountain, one mile in circumference, After peace, war,
famine flooding... It will spread far, drowning antiquities and their mighty foundations." C1 Q69
goes on to tell us where this Asteroid will splash down "At the place where Jason built his ships, there will be such
a great sudden flood that no on the land will have a place to fall on. The waters mount the Olympus Festulan." C8
Many interpret Olympus Festulan to mean Mt. Olympus, near Greece. As this mountain is close to 10,000 ft high, we are looking at a massive tidal wave.
Nostadamus has
more predictions about this Asteroid Impact to the sea.
1}. "heat upon the water like that of the Sun, around Negrepont,
the fish will become half cooked". C2 Q3
2}."Seven times it {tidal wave} approaches the sea shore of Monaco", C3 Q10
3} "very near
the Tiber hurries the Angel of Death.
A short while before a great flood.' C2 Q93
All of this indicates the Asteroid will initially hit the Aegean Sea in the Mediterranean Ocean {the island of Negrepont/modern day Evvoia}.
The impact/heat blast
upon the water would be equal to the force of 1000-megaton nuclear missile.
Massive Tidal Waves will flood Monaca,
Mt. Olympus, Athens and major parts of Italy {Tiber River} including Florence.
The Book of Revelation places this Asteroid Impact
in REV:8:10,
during the Great Tribulation, when Antichrist is on the world scene as the Messiah and Avatar (world teacher).
will question Antichrist and his claim to control "The Forces Of Nature. In light of this destruction from space, millions
will realize he is The False Messiah
Next in The Book of Revelation, we see another burning object impact Earth
from the sky.
"Then the third angel sounded; And a great star fell from Heaven, burning like a torch, and it
fell upon a third of the rivers and on the springs of water,
"and the name of the star is called Wormwood;
and a third of the waters became as worm- wood; and many men died from the water because it was made bitter". (Rev:8:10-11)
This star "Wormwood"
is either an ICBM Nuclear Missile or a massive chunk of The COMET PLANET. The destruction caused by the first two cataclysms
will trigger mass plague and famine leading to W.W.III. When China the "King of The Mongols" is "brought to life" (C10 Q72) and
Wages War.
This burning star "Wormwood hits the waters of America, The N.East Coast.
Nostradamus also seems to describe
"Wormwood" and his vision/quatrains.
The sky will burn at 45 degrees latitude, fire approaches the new city. Suddenly a huge, scattered flame
leaps up, when they want to have verification from the Normans {France}. C6 Q 97
New York City sits at 45 degrees latitude. Normans represents France, NATO. This
makes complete sense. The USA Military would contact Nato for "verification" if this object was a Nuclear Missile or a
Comet? (for if Wormwood is a nuclear missile, The USA would launch a nuclear response).
sees a Comet, which I believe is NIBIRU, The Comet Planet, causing great destruction and WW III. Nostradamus sets a time
frame around 2012 AD.
The Book of Revelation (chapter 8) also speaks of A Comet that brings Great Destruction
upon the world and trigger WW III. Revelation gives no date as to when this event will happen.
seem to give A Date when "Wormwood" will impact the Atlantic Ocean and Flood NYC: between 2010 and 2012 AD.
What will happen when Nibiru, The Comet
Planet passes earth again? Will It's Powerful Gravitational Pull Cause Polar Shift? Mass Flooding? A Chain Reaction
of Major Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions world wide? or be blown apart by NASA and shower the earth with flaming
Imagine the horror of The Dec 26 Tsunami happening simultaneously around the world and we get an idea of
the magnitude of what is to come.
This is exactly what JESUS spoke of in Matt 24 which parallels Revelation;
nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, there shall be earthquakes in many places, plagues and famines".(Matt:24:7).
does seem JESUS is speaking of Cataclysmic destruction caused by the passing of NIBIRU, The Comet Planet. When The Great
Tribulation is well underway, as the First seal is broken in Rev:6:2, The Judgments upon the world.
If the Comet
Planet will pass earth around 2012 AD then earth based observatories should start to see NIBIRU sometime between 2006 and 2011
The Destruction brought by The Doomsday Comet happens DURING The Great Tribulation
to come and not before.
This Time of Tribulation, lasting seven years, is the Last Chance for Humanity (Sinful Christians
and the world) to make Heaven. Millions will Repent, Accept JESUS as Savior and Follow Him as Lord during the Darkest
time in human history, When Satan rules the world thru Antichrist 666
The Good News is WE CAN ESCAPE 666
Is Coming For His Faithful Followers, His "Faithful Remnant", The Church of Philadelphia Believers, in The FIRST OF TWO
The Lord will take His True Followers to Heaven before the Start of The Great Tribulation and The
Destruction caused by The Comet Planet (Rev:3:10).
I will leave you with JESUS Warning in The Gospel. Never have
His Words been more revelevant than for today.
"Watch therefore and pray always That you may be "accounted worthy" To
ESCAPE all of this things that shall come upon the earth and Stand before The Son of Man." (Luke:21:36)
God Bless You In These
End Times Pastor Harry Church of Philadelphia- Internet.
fn: I have been following Nostradamus" Predictions with
this site since SEPT 1997. I remember back in FEB 1999, many Nostradamus sites were convinced that Comet Lee 1 would
smash earth in "1999 and seven months". I sent a letter to NASA, asking them about COMET LEE and if it had the possibility
of impact with Earth.
NASA wrote me back from the JPL and told me there was zero chance that Comet Lee `1 could
hit earth as it would pass at least 900 million miles from earth.
NASA was correct about Comet Lee and 1999. I wonder
what they will write me about 2012 AD and The Comet Planet?
Courtesy of zetatalk
ZetaTalk: Zeta Vision
Begin Nancy's Vision
I am looking down on the Earth, from space, but I am just far enough out to be able to see all horizons at once, essentially.
Positioned over North America, I see a line moving from the North Pole to just off the bulge of Brazil, out in the Atlantic
Ocean. Then the Earth turns beneath me toward the east, until I am positioned somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, so that I
can see the end point of a line moving from the South Pole to the center of India.
Now over India, the Earth turns so I am taking a trip in the skies back toward North America. As I pass over Southeast
Asia, I notice that the land along the sea coasts is disappearing, being eaten away as it were, by the water. This is happening
all along the coast line, as far as my view can record, from north of Korea to Indonesia. Indonesia essentially disappears
in this manner. Australia has been affected even before the eating away of the coastline started, as the entire western half
appears to be under water.
As the western coast of North America hooves into view, I see that the entire coastline of North America from (what
I assume to be) California up into Canada is raised sharply above the water line. Central America is under water. Where (I
assume) San Francisco to be, there is a water fall. This coast line is not green, but appears a beige color. As I pass over
the United States, I see the southeastern coast being eaten away in the same manner as Southeast Asia. Florida is gone, as
is the eastern coast all the way into the Appalachian mountains. The deep south is under water.
Now the vision changes the position of the Earth as it turns beneath me, so that I pass along familiar land masses.
As I pass up through Canada and over the landmass of Greenland I see that Europe appears to be a series of islands. Moving
along over the continent, I see India, or where it used to be, already frosting over. India is completely under water. Then
I pass over a land mass I don't recognize (Antarctica?), which has no greenery whatsoever.
Following this I am given a vision of a house in what seems to be a hot, desert like place, with a dry wind blowing.
I am told this will occur in the late spring or early summer of the year 2003. The earth will be hot and still. I can see
in the vision that there is a red glow over everything. I am told that there will be crop failures, worldwide, due to drought,
for 3 years in a row at this time.
End Nancy's Vision
Our emissary, Nancy, has relayed the vision we gave to her regarding the cataclysms. The cataclysms result from
the magnetic pull of a giant comet, which is in fact a planet of your Solar System. The body of this planet surpasses, in
mass, that of Earth. The comet will pass, on its first swing through your Solar System, between the Earth and the Sun. No
collision is possible, as the orbits do not intersect. However, coming in from outer space as it were, the comet is not magnetically
aligned with the close-knit group orbiting the Sun. The comet is aligned with the larger arena, where it spends most of its
cycle, some 3,657 years, on average. As the comet approaches your Solar System, it speeds up, so it retains its magnetic alignment
when whizzing through. Being of greater mass than the Earth, it is not affected by Earth's magnetic alignment. The Earth is
not so fortunate.
The first pass will occur, by our calculations, early in the year 2003. All the cataclysms expected will occur
during this pass - tidal waves, earthquakes of a magnitude 15 Richter point, and a cloud of volcanic dust that will make the
atmosphere dense as dusk for decades. A second pass will occur some 7 or more years later, approximately 2011. This second
pass brings the comet outside of your Solar System, but a second set of cataclysms will occur at that time.
Confusion exists over why the ice in Antarctica dates back, apparently, for many pole shift
periods. If one analyses the last few shifts, it becomes apparent that the South Pole was either over, part way, Antarctica,
or nearby in the ocean. When a pole is over water, near land, the land mass retains its ice, under the influence
of this large block of ice afloat. This is due to cold water washing against the land mass, as well as air currents. As we
have stated in ZetaTalk, the prior shift moved the North Pole from Greenland to its present location. Prior to that, it was
over the East Siberian Sea, having pulled Siberia northward where the largest number of mammoth dieoff occurred. Tracing the
North Pole over the past few shifts, one sees that it spent a time over Scandinavia where it resided between the 4th and 5th
shift back. When it moved from Scandinavia into the Arctic north of Siberia, Europe warmed up, its glaciers melting. Prior
to Scandinavia, the North Pole centered over North America.
The Flood occurred because during the time the North Pole
was over North America, the South Pole was over the ocean south of India. When the North Pole moved to Scandinavia, the South
Pole repositioned on the other side of Antarctica. However, being over water, the former South Pole melted from the bottom,
floating on the water in a honeycombed shape. It retained a lot of cold, as the ocean water coming from Antarctica distributed
this cold, so the ice melt was not complete. A subsequent shift lurched this honeycombed ice and fractured it, so it dropped
into the ocean creating a displacement wave - the Flood. This water roared up toward Arabia and elsewhere north of this splash.
Narrowing into the waterways between Africa and Asia/Europe, water does what it does when under pressure, it went into tidal
bore. This caused more sea level rise in the area Noah lives in, described in the Bible as the Flood. This water
did not cover the rest of the world to this height, thus, as most coastlines allowed the splash to distribute, not

Many humans will read our warnings and wish to heed them, but be unable to take leave of their
station in life for many valid reasons. Perhaps they care for those sick and injured, or oversee projects important to the
welfare of man, or have children in school or whatever. We are not speaking here of those who will not leave their luxuries
and conveniences, or who enjoy a station in life that feeds their sense of power. We are speaking of those who must wait until
the last minute before moving to safety, as their absence would affect those dependent on them, or a move would harm, in the
short term, those dependent on activities or services best provided in their present locale. Many humans operating fully in
the Service-to- Other orientation, whom we are here speaking to, are found in just such a catch-22, as they often dedicate
their lives to others.
The pole shift will not take anyone by surprise, given the plethora of signs that
something momentous is around the corner, such as increasing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, intractable droughts
and inexplicable downpours, and most telling of all, an increasing slowing of the Earth's rotation. Nevertheless, the exact
moment, day, or week to disrupt everyone's schedule and head for the hills or farm seems difficult to determine. Are there
countdown signs that can be used as a guide? There are indeed.
- The most dramatic sign will be a slowing rotation. Where at the present time, this rate is
enough to cause an occasional fraction of a second, per year, of adjustment to the world clock, this will soon change. This
increasing slowdown will get diminishing press coverage, as clocks are quietly adjusted behind the scenes and the public allowed
to believe their clocks must be running fast. But there will be a point in time, a few days ahead of when rotation
stops, when this will get blatantly obvious. When one wakes up in the morning, finding it to be dark outside rather than a
breaking dawn, yet the clocks in the house and the entire neighborhood confirm that it is indeed the morning hour - this is
a countdown sign. Rotation will completely stop in a day or so, with such a dawn followed by an evening where the Sun seems
reluctant to set, setting hours later than usual, and then rotation stops completely.
- A second countdown sign is a fine red dust, unmistakable as it cannot be confused with any
other natural occurrence. Ponds and rivers turn red, the blood color mentioned in the Bible's book of Revelations, with this
iron ore dust giving the water a brackish taste. This countdown sign comes almost in step with the rapid slowing in rotation,
as the 12th Planet must be between the Earth and the Sun for the trash in its tail to be sweeping the Earth. Again, this occurs
a day or so before rotation stops, and travel will become difficult if not impossible once it does.
- Where coming late, for primitive peoples without mechanical clocks there is a third countdown
sign that can be scarcely ignored. The Earth moans, during her rotation slowing and stoppage, a sound not heard by humans
except during earthquakes. Here, the moaning is chronic, essentially continuous, as though under a stress it cannot relieve
with an earthquake, yet cannot bear in silence. For those who question the accuracy of their mechanical clocks, and who may
have missed the presence of red dust due to living indoors, this moaning of the Earth is equivalent to the clanging of the
fire marshal's bell. Here it comes, ready or not!
We have stated that Planet X will be visible in the daytime sky, 7 weeks before passage. Given
that we have stated that passage is shortly after May 15, 2003, as at this time those wanting to survive should be AT their
safe locations, this is putting the visibility into the last week of March at the earliest. We have stated that the Planet
X complex, the planet body itself and its immediate cloud of dust and moons, will appear not larger than the Moon upon passage.
As can be seen from the recent imaging, starting with Dec. 13-14 images and quite obvious in the Dec. 27-28 images, the swirls
of moons are far outside of the immediate area of the Planet X body. Thus, upon passage the object seen as not larger than
the moon is the Planet X body and close hugging dust cloud and moons, but the swirls trail back, some 5 million miles behind
the Planet X body, in individual swirls that dance around each other. As this is still coming dead on, during this time, it
will appear to be wafting to one side or the other, or overlapping as was seen on the Dec. 28th images, with the motion taking
the form of a fire dragon in the skies, to the ancients. Now, what will this look like early in the 7 week period?
Certainly not like the Moon, nor a fire dragon.
Planet X is visible when at the orbit of Saturn, by the unaided eye
and during the day, where Saturn is not, for the same reasons it is visible now. Is it a star, sending starlight
to the amateur scopes? No, but it is a brown dwarf, exuding heat and light, thus the predominance in the red light
spectrum. Comets, those dirty snowballs well inside the solar system, are found before they outgas and reflect sunlight
only by sophisticated means. They are certainly not visible to the unaided eye, even when close, until they start
to fan out their tails, close enough to the sun to start outgassing from the heat of the sun. This gives some notion of the
importance of reflecting sunlight to those objects not ordinarily giving forth their own heat or light waves. Planet
X, which is now about midway along it its path between its hover point between its foci and the point of passage, is rapidly
increasing in brightness. It rivals existing stars on the star charts used as comparisons in the image sessions. It is now
appearing, when seen as moon swirls overlapping each other, dead on, as blobs, splotches, so some
light is coming from these sources. This light is from Planet X itself, the smoldering brown dwarf warm enough to support
life as Earth does, comparable in temperature.
When it reaches the orbit of Saturn, it will be much smaller than the
Moon we have placed as comparison during passage. And it will be reddish, blurring about the sides as the moon swirls waft
from side to side. It will be seen in the same place by the ignorant public, noted by a farmer in his fields, commented
to others, and growing weekly. We expect the establishment to either say nothing, no comment, pretending nothing is there
as they cannot explain it, or to float an excuse that it is a comet, or perhaps Mars coming close, these explanations
floated out via normally unscientific channels to the man on the street, believable only to the ignorant. But the unique quality
of this reddish object, and the accompanying changes, will turn talk to prophecy, as it ought.
Stop Rotation
As the giant comet approaches, the Earth becomes what might be described as confused. There
are conflicting pulls, gravitational as well as magnetic. The Earth is normally magnetically aligned, along with the other
planets in the Solar System, according to an axis that exists in your part of the galaxy. This axis reflects the sum of a
number of solar systems and other matter not understood yet by your scientists, but is normal and natural for your part of
the galaxy. Now comes the giant comet, from a distance, swinging through your Solar System, and picking up speed as it approaches.
It outweighs the Earth by some 23 times, but by size is not 23 times as large as its weight is due to its makeup, having less
silicon than the Earth, for instance. Should one line these planets up side by side, the Earth would look to the 12th Planet
as the Moon does to the Earth. Where the gravitational pull on the surface of the 12th Planet is better than half again as
much as on the surface of the Earth, accounting for the stocky appearance of the large hominoids who live there, in the tug
of war regarding Magnetic Alignment the 12th Planet's mass gives it a 4-to-1 advantage. There is no contest.
At first, your planet Earth reacts by additional swirling about in matter deep within its core.
In the final days, as the giant comet begins passing between the Earth and its Sun, total interference occurs. The Earth slows
in its rotation, and actually stops. The Earth's rotation is due to the balanced gravitational pull of the neighborhood, and
the 12th Planet is a very big bully. The part of the Earth facing this bully is loath to leave, essentially, and this causes
the rotation to gradually stop. This is recorded in written history and spoken folklore, worldwide, as a long day or night.
The period of time, due to the lack of mechanical clocks, was not measurable, but the humans who experienced this described
this as anywhere from a few hours to several days. The latter is more correct. Rotation also stops because the magnetic influence
of the giant comet, which is aligned according to the larger Universe where it spends most of its cycle, has essentially gripped
the Earth. The Earth has not yet joined the alignment of the giant comet, but what was occurring before, the steady, slow
roll, has by now stopped. To make the switch, and magnetically align with the giant comet, is much more of an adjustment than
simply slowing and stopping rotation. Thus this slowing of rotation occurs with little trauma.
Note: below added during the May 18, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet
are one and the same.
Planet X grips the Earth, causing rotation stoppage, well before being between the Earth and
Sun. It does so because it is approaching from the south, it's north pole to the Earth's south pole, at an angle such that
the side of the Earth facing the Sun is more affected by the approach. Thus, while at some distance from the point of passage,
it has gripped Earth to the point of not letting the highly magnetized Atlantic Rift go. During this week, the size
of the approaching Planet X horrifies those on the daylight side of the Earth. At first a reddish blob only a fraction of
the size of the Moon, it grows in size and appears to twist and turn like a dragon in the sky. The ancients recorded this
as a fire dragon in the sky, as the tail of swirling moons gave this appearance. When approaching the point of passage, the
shift suddenly happens, and this is before the point when Planet X is actually between the Earth and Sun. After the
passage, Planet X exits as quickly as it approached.
Zeta Advice on Locations
The following advice on safe locations has been given by the Zetas upon request from various
questioners. The location may be a city, a country, or a state or province, as indicated, and are arranged as links in an
alphabetical order.
- Countries:
- Africa, Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Crimea, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, El Salvador, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greenland, Guam, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakstan, Korea, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Guinea, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Phillippines, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yucatan, Yugoslavia
- Cities:
- Adelaide, Anchorage, Atlanta, Auckland, Baku, Barnaul, Baton Rouge, Beijing, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin, Bogota, Bonn, Brisbane, Buenos Aires, Buffalo, Calgary, Cape Town, Caracas, Champaign, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Christchurch, Cincinnati, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Edmonton, Fairbanks, Greers Ferry, Guadalajara, Hamilton, Hong Kong, Indianapolis, Irkusk, Jackson, Kansas City, Karachi, Kelowna, Knoxville, London, Los Angeles, Louisville, Lubbock, Madrid, Mexico City, Melbourne, Madison, Minneapolis, Montreal, Moscow, Munich, New York, North Bay, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Ottawa, Paris, Perth, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Port Moresby, Portland, Prague, Prince George, Quebec City, Regina, Reno, Richmond, Rome, St. Petersburg, Salt Lake, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Fe, Sarajevo, Saskatoon, Seattle, Seoul, Singapore, Spokane, Sudbury, Sydney, Tashkent, Tokyo, Toronto, Tucson, Vancouver, Vladivostok, Washington DC, Winnipeg, Wroclaw
- Provinces and States:
- Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Baja, British Columbia, California, Chihuahua, Colorado, Connecticut, Dakotas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minas Gerais, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Brunswick, New England, Newfoundland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Northwest Territory, Nova Scotia, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Parana, Pennsylvania, Pernambuco, Quebec, Queensland, Sao Paulo, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Victoria, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Yukon
- Rivers and Lakes:
- Great Lakes, Mississippi, Ottowa, Niagara Falls
- Coast Lines:
- East Coast, Mediterranean, West Coast
- Bays and Peninsulas
- Cape York, Puget Sound, Kola
- Fault Lines:
- New Madrid
- Deserts:
- Salt Flats
- Mountain Ranges:
- Alps, Andes, Appalachian, Balcans, Canadian Rockies, Himalayas, Ozarks, Sierras
- Islands
- Bermuda, Canary, Caribbean, Fiji, Hawaii, Mediterranean, Reunion, Solomon, Vancouver, Tasmania,