The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of all.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of all.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the Monadic wills of all -
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And know it sealed the door where evil dwelled.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Djwhal Khul

Ascended Master Djwhal Khul Teleconference, Saturday Workshop May 20, 2006

"Root Chakra Triangulation" includes a Healing Transmission

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon.

"Root Chakra Triangulation", this is a new exercise, some of which is

based on an old technique. I am finding that as things are changing

very, very rapidly within humanity, there is more and more a feeling

of instability. In other words, that might be earth wobble, it might

be moon wobble, speaking in terms of just literally as heavenly bodies

turn that there is a bit of a wobble effect occurring now. There is

also a solar wobble. There is a magnetic change and you see more solar

flares. There are a lot of things going on.

Then we look at the local earth, political changes, and economic

changes, there is an upheaval or an uprising coming, or at least the

feeling that there might be one coming. So all of those things

basically translate to the physical structure as, "My survival just

might be threatened."

Now the old style root chakra believed in the kill or be killed, in

other words, a very, very strong sensation within the root chakra to

somehow preserve the flesh. Now, in spirit realm we would work with

this in a completely different manner. It is more about the

development of the light body and the realization that we are eternal,

that all of creation once made is eternal.

As you know, water can change form. It can boil, it can freeze, it can

be rain or a flowing river, but the water content doesn't really go

away. It changes form and maybe moves around and migrates, but it is

constant. Spirit is much the same. So today we will be working with

the root chakra, upgrading it from that classic red color into a

beautiful - it is really kind of a pink/violet. It is red, but with a

lot more violet in it.

You could go strictly 7th ray violet with the color, however,

something in between the classic and evolved root chakra is going to

be most comfortable to the bulk of humanity.

And then something interesting happens in the root chakra; it calms

down. And then it says, "Well, I don't have to worry so much. I don't

have to feel threatened. I don't have to hook into survival concerns."

Then there is just the joy of living.

Now then in survival concerns, and I translate that very much into

modern form. It is not so much that another cave man might come around

with a primitive club and do you in because he likes your cave better

than his. It is more about, "Is there enough money? Are there enough

jobs? What if we can't grow food anymore because of pollution?"

Questions like that, that are on the modern level take the root chakra

and sort of destabilize it. It starts to shake, it starts to wobble

and it becomes very difficult to feel a connection with the earth as a

result of those thought forms that are circulating around.

The Blue Triangle work where we are taking misconceptions out of the

subconscious, we put them into a blue triangle. And then we transmute

the blue triangle so that the thought forms and the emotional charges

are disconnected and then no longer have that influence upon the whole


So really, if you are looking at your eternal consciousness, what is

there ever to worry about? What is there ever to worry about if you

truly are eternal you will quite naturally just move to another cycle.

You will continue to exist and there is something in knowing that,

that helps bring a state of immortality to the flesh, to the physical

cellular level.

Now I talked about this a lot and many of you know that in certain

places on the planet people quite naturally live over 100 years in

excellent physical shape. The ingredients needed in the cellular

structure, the creator gave our God-given design of certain nutrients,

water, sunlight, and rest. The basic ingredients that allow the cells

to just keep making new cells as scheduled and to make those new cells

in perfect working order as long as the body has everything it needs

and it can kick out the toxins. Then the body is immortal. A very

slow build up of toxins does eventually create trouble.

Healers, anyone under stress, which looks like a lot of people these

days, globally. It is very important and especially if you are exposed

to known toxins, carcinogenic ones, cigarette smoke, air pollution,

paint fumes and all kinds of known toxins for the system, then you

will have to work a little harder at making sure that you get the

toxins back out of the system. You might want to go periodically to a

retreat where you have a supervised juice fast for a week or two, or

do something at home for detoxing the system. About once a year is ideal.

Clear out parasites, clear out toxins, and then get the body back on a

healthy track there. The body can handle toxins, depending on the

state of the tissues; the body can handle the toxins for sometimes

decades. However, the damage done after that amount of time and the

work it takes to detoxify the body after a case of build up is much

more challenging than a regular cleanse. And that might be an

under-statement, quite an under-statement.

Let's begin to tune into that root chakra. I think that in this

grouping, with what I am seeing we will start up above the head. We

are going to work with the higher chakras first and bring the energies

all the way so that there is a good relationship from chakra to chakra.

You look at something like what makes a waterwheel in a watermill

turn? Water cascading down one paddle that makes the wheel turn and

another paddle and then another paddle. The chakra wheels literally

work in that fashion. The light comes down, tumbles through a chakra

and then tumbles into the next chakra so that the wheels are spun. If

for some reason light is defracted or pushed away to the side, then

you have distortions, you have not only that particular chakra not

able to turn properly, but the one beneath it that is supposed to be

getting the energy. There is also a flow of life sustaining force that

comes up from the earth, so there is a two-way spinning action.

We are going to start with chakra number 12. The crown chakra is

number 7, with the auxiliary ascension chakra sitting just behind it,

and we will go up 5 more. So we will go up above the top of the head

there in chakra number 12. Most light workers now are working with the

12 chakra system and a few specific auxiliary ones as well.

I am going to bring in Christed Gold Healing; it is like the White

Christed Light, but it is universal or Cosmic Christed. It is gold,

kind of bright gold really, with a lot of rainbow particles. We are

going to see that tumbling into that 12th chakra. We are really just

going to spin that 12th chakra quite a bit. You might be feeling it

inside the flesh already but I am going to really be spinning and

perfecting that 12th chakra.

Let the energy tumble down into the 11th chakra. Continuing down to

the 10th chakra. Now this one lately if it feels a bit over exercised

to you, that is one of the ones we have been working on with you in

the dream state, helping to cultivate a little more awareness or a

stronger telepathic connection coming through the 10th chakra, rather

than telepathically trying to communicate with each other through one

of the chakras that resides in the physical structure. That is done

because there is too much consciousness mixing into the bodies now. It

is kind of like the difference between walking up to someone and

body-slamming them to say, "Hi" versus waving at them from across the


We are seeing too much detriment to the physical plane with head

tapping and body tapping and tuning in to each other to see how you

are doing. So be careful. Always go through the higher channels there.

Remember that the earth is extremely populated and after a while it

does get a bit too busy inside the consciousness and the balance of

some type of retreat that keeps you balanced, even if it is saying,

"No thanks to any communication. Tonight when I go to sleep it is just

me for 8 hours repairing my body. No auxiliary communications, etc."

So keep in mind that you can and should request for private time.

Let the energy tumble down now into the 9th chakra. Good, tumbling

into the 8th chakra, so we are just above the top of the head. Good,

now allow that Gold Cosmic Christed energy to tumble into the crown.

Now that we are in the flesh take a nice deep breath and let it begin

to go to work. It might be putting some awareness of pressure in the

ears or a little bit of pressure in the forehead. The crown chakra

will kind of assess the whole body before it lets the light tumble

down further making sure and cross-checking that it is all right to

let it into the system. We always give it time to perform its function


Let the Gold Light tumble into the third eye. Now we also want

alignment of that third eye. So if it is jutting out in front of you

because you have been shining your search light into the future to try

to figure out what is going to happen next or what is going to happen

in a year, you are probably going to have to tuck that third eye back

into its proper placement. And eventually learn to keep it centered

while you ponder the past or the future.

But the real work for the light workers right now is staying present.

"Present, Here, Now." It is an exercise to stay in the Power of Now,

and also, where age stops. If you are staying in the present moment,

the body will not age. There we go, good.

Let the energy tumble down into the throat chakra. Maybe I should have

titled this one a complete chakra repair and a root chakra grounding.

In the root chakra, this is the one that is being developed in

humanity to go through the various eras of time. We started with the

root chakra and came up through the heart chakra in the Christ era,

and now with the new millennium and the Aquarian Age it is about the

throat chakra development. So when we get into this throat chakra

especially as a group consciousness, you might find that your

challenges lie here in the throat chakra. Unless you have done a lot

of work with communication skills in this particular lifetime, in

which case you might be working more on third eye.

An affirmation for the throat chakra if you are having trouble or if

you just want to strengthen it a bit more, "I am empowered through my expression." "I am empowered through my expression." "I am

empowered through my expression." Now that can be demonstrative, it

can be vocal, and you can hum a tone, it could be written

expression, it could be verbal, but any kind of expression is

something that will help the throat chakra, and especially as an alignment to Divine Will.

Let the energy tumble into the heart center. There are really three

heart centers. We will just deal with one for this exercise. There is

a high heart, planetary, a low heart, personal, and really kind of a

cosmic heart chakra as well, which is the whole thing. So we will just

work with the whole heart center. This Gold Light literally can heal

anything, past, present, and future.

Tumbling now into the solar plexus, the emotional center or the solar

center. Now, again, here a lot of buffering, a lot of protection

emotionally, it is sort of a double-edged sword sometimes. Developing

sensitivity and then dealing with outer world and experiences that

translate to wounding when you are sensitive.

However, the best defense is no defense at all. It is just standing in

the power of love and letting yourself fully illuminate in your

eternal awareness. That cannot be challenged. Fear can be challenged,

sadness can be challenged, anger can be challenged, but standing in

your full eternal awareness, it just nullifies everything else. So

breathe into that solar plexus and let it fill up with Gold Christed

Healing. This may be affecting your stomach, your spine, your

digestion, your pancreas and blood sugar or your liver, gall bladder,

your upper intestines and maybe even your spleen a bit. Keep breathing

into that solar plexus so that the chakra itself is fully illuminated.

We let the light cascade down now into that second chakra, the navel

point, and you see it just a bit below the navel. Here, again, common

within light workers who sometimes turn this off. They are either in

strenuous relationships or singles, not in a relationship, not really

using the creative center for reproduction or for creativity.

The second chakra, of course for our work with the root center, but

just in general for the whole health of the body, all of the chakras

should be illuminated evenly. Pelvic motion, usually music, dancing,

you know cha cha through your living room or something, periodically

pay attention to pelvic movement. There are chi gong exercises; belly

dancing is very, very good for that chakra. Just basic walking

improves it tremendously as well.

Breathe into that second chakra and let the energy be nice and strong.

This one is primarily connected to a lot of elimination, especially

the colon. This is another area that the body tends to pack in the

toxins and store them in the form of plaque or toxins and all kinds of

things in the colon as sort of protective survival energy for the rest

of the body. Of course, eventually it becomes a problem if it is not

cleared out. So the second chakra and the sacral center, all those

energies there, the entire pelvic bowl. Good.

We let the Gold Light tumble into the root chakra now. The root chakra

is going to get an upgrade now, so you may see it spinning differently

than the other chakras. That is perfectly all right. It might turn on

its side and spin for a while. We are working with upgrading. Much

like if you were going to change a tire or something. We remove the

tire, fix it, patch it up and put it back on and balance it. So,

eventually, we are really changing the composition of the root chakra.

Now the good news about putting 7th ray into the first ray chakra is

that the two are actually pretty compatible. We get sort of a

violet/red or a pink/violet. The two colors are quite compatible and

we get a natural upgrade. It is also bringing in that number 7. It is

a very spiritual number and very good at manifestation. Those of you

who have wanted to manifest light centers or healing clinics or books,

CDs, DVD, that new web site, those classes, those lectures, those text

books having 7th ray in the root chakra is very good for completion of

projects, completions of manifestations. And we are in an 8 Wesak

year. Exactly on May 12, 2006, adding up to an 8, it is an excellent

year for either manifesting or putting everything in place for

manifestation soon.

Now we will put the root chakra in place. For some of you it will look

more elongated rather than round, but it will still have a spinning

wheel within for a constant motion. Now this is at the base of the

torso, top of the legs.

We will let the Gold Christed energy tumble down to a point beneath

the knees. We are going to use this as a stabilizer chakra also, with

the willingness to be manifest in a fleshy body as spirit. Also the

knees relate to the kidneys. They relate to bending to a higher power

such as getting on your knees to pray, so it is reverence for your own

spiritual eternal self.

Please avoid saying things like, "What was I thinking getting this

body?" Don't critique your body or your life, your physical existence

in any way. Always praise it. "Look what a good job I did getting a

body in this time period. Look how wonderful how wonderful my body has

been serving me. Look at all of the things that I have done as a

co-creator on the physical plane. What a list of accomplishments! Good

for me!" Praise, praise, praise.

Be in reverence to the existence of the physical. In all of creation,

it is very, very difficult to get this particular type of body called

the Adam Kadmon, and to get it on such a lovely planet, and have it be

during the ushering in of world peace. You are extremely privileged.

Praise the body. Praise the Creation.

It is a beautiful plan. It is a wonderful, absolutely phenomenal plan.

The more that you do, say, one of those other spiritual exercises

where we find kind of a bird's eye view up above all of the drama and

we look at all of the drama without being attached to it, you begin to

marvel at the creative process. And so marvel at the body, marvel at

physical existence and be charmed, if you will, at how beautiful it is.

Let's go back to the knees here and let the energy tumble down to a

point just beneath the feet and we will call that the earth chakra.

Some of you have sent your earth chakra a bit further down, for some

of you it is several feet down and for some it is all the way to the

center of the earth, as a strong grounding force. But wherever it is

right now, let's just tune in to that energy.

Really you can have a preference as to where you want to place it, but

the most important aspect here is grounding it. It is like you would

have a grounded electrical outlet because the body is

electro-magnetic. The energy field is electro-magnetic and there is a

reason why some people get struck by lightening and some people don't.

It has to do with the static charge and the energy in the light body,

but also in the flesh and in the hair, whatever body hair there is.

So, focus on the earth chakra and again see if it needs some repair.

If you have not been very good about staying in the body, spacey,

maybe you have an uneven walk. For some reason you have had a knee

surgery or recently sprained the ankle and you don't have alignment

from the hips down to the bottoms of the feet, if there is something

off there that would cause a bit of distortion in the earth chakra

corresponding. If you are one of those who walk with really floppy

feet or you walk kind of knock-kneed with the knees kind of together

but the feet farther apart. That is another reason why the earth

chakra; they are connected. It could be vice versa, but they are

connected. So posture can affect the earth chakra location and also

its health, its light body. Good.

Let's go a little bit deeper here. I would like for you to let the

energy channel all the way to the center of the earth and here what we

are doing is going into Mother Earth at the core stabilizing center,

right into her gravity center and even if the outer is a bit wobbly,

this area is always the most stable. Here in reverence to the ability

to be able to exist on this planet, I would just make an offering.

Give her some flowers, a beautiful crystal, you might want to leave a

beautiful object or you might want to kiss the core of the earth as a

blessing. Do something here that is in honor of Mother Earth and

asking for a good life, a good existence. She does appreciate those

who minimize toxins, who recycle. She appreciates those efforts very,

very much. Impossible to live on the planet without creating some kind

of pollution, just minimizing it goes a very long way, so she does

appreciate that relationship.

From this core we are going to work with the first triangulation. This

will be a very wide one. We are right in the center of the earth and

you go halfway to the outer edge of the planet. Keep in mind that this

is always going to be turning as the planet is turning, but that is

all the better, quite frankly. So, our triangle extends from the

center out both directions, halfway between the center and the outer

earth. Now we bring those triangle points graduating up right in to

connect right into the root chakra.

Now it does help to make pictures. You can draw maybe a big circle for

the planet, and maybe yourself as a little figure sitting on top of

the planet. Make your center of the earth, you are halfway through and

then draw that triangulation.

Now we are still working bringing it up. So the exact center of the

earth is in the exact base of the bottom of the triangle. It is the

exact middle. You may notice as that connects into the root chakra

that it actually improves some of the other chakras. It might feel

like a sigh of relief in the solar plexus, or it might feel like a

relaxation to the whole body like, "Oh, I don't have to be on red

alert any more." It may make a shift in the dantien center or the

gravity center inside your body and make ever so slight a shift to

correspond now always to the gravitational pole of the planet.

Feel the energy now in the legs. Again, we are kind of going with the

physical sensation or feeling of the muscles, blood flow, circulation,

maybe testing wiggling the toes a little bit. Are you more aware of

the lower body? If you are not yet more aware of it, we are in a very

altered state, I would do an exercise where you are sitting and you

pretend that you are going to get up but don't use the arms. Just flex

the muscles in the legs and pull the tummy in a bit, like you are

going to get up.

Keep breathing, keep the muscles tense, don't use your arms. It

usually takes a few seconds there and then the energy will shift. I

see that many of you are kind of outside the body right now, (chuckle)

so we will get you back in before we close. If you can't get into

feeling the legs don't worry about it right now.

We will work with the next triangulation. We are going to go to that

first chakra and we are going to see that one about 12 feet under the

pads of your feet. Now if you are in a high rise or up in a tree house

or wherever you happen to be right now, that is fine. You don't have

to see it down to the earth and then down another 12 feet, just 12

feet under the bottoms of your feet. Now draw a line again. Start at

the anchor point 12 feet under the bottoms of your feet. Draw a line

out to the side and another line out to the side, then we draw one

side of the triangle up to the root chakra and we draw the other side

up toward the root chakra.

Again, this one may have more of an effect upon the pelvis, if you had

a hip injury or you have given birth or there has been some problem

where the pelvis is tipped a little bit. This one will start bringing

the pelvis back into its normal positioning, so literally it could be

the tailbone, the pelvic floor, it could be a widening in the hips or

a kind of a graduation in. It will be whatever your body needs for

balance. It may change your sitting posture. You may need to sit

forward more or back more. If you were leaning too much in an odd

direction, the body will begin to correct the sitting posture as well

as the standing posture.

The body is asking for water, so you may want to sip on some. Any time

we are working with energy, it uses more water, like a power plant

that uses water to make energy. And it uses minerals because water

molecules hold the mineral content in the body.

It is also important that you are not drinking distilled water or

reverse osmosis water where all the minerals are stripped out. When

you drink that kind of water for more than a week or two for cleansing

purposes the body says, "Goodness, I have got some water and it is

void of minerals." So the body literally will strip minerals out of

the bones and other vital organs and glands and send those minerals

into the water. It is one of the contributors to osteoporosis and

other troubles in my opinion. If you have got that distilled water or

reverse osmosis either stop drinking it or re-mineralize it, or

perhaps get a different kind of water or purification system.

We are going to work with a different kind of triangulation now and

this one is probably new to you. We are going to take the image of you

sitting on the planet and you have got two triangulations, and we are

going to go heavenward this time. Now all things in creation have

motion, they have an orb. So if your mind is trying to look whether it

is daytime or nighttime or whatever, just let go of it and go with a

still picture, kind of a 2 D drawing of the image.

We are going to go now to the center of the sun. We have the sun

aspect and we are going right into the center now. Some refer to that

as Helios, some refer to it as Vesta, whether feminine or masculine or

however you view it or just a source of light. Go right into the

gravitational center of the sun, that heavenly body. Of course it is

much bigger than your earth.

We are going to again draw a line, so we are going to end up with a

line that goes to the halfway point on both sides. So it is a mirror

image of what we created on the earth. And we are going to make a side

of that triangle so it is an inverted triangle coming down to your

root chakra, and then draw the other side down to the root chakra as

well. They are going to come through the body, a downward v shape into

the root center. You might almost feel as though you were wearing

suspender straps or something. It is a very good stabilizer for all

your bodies, all of your energy system. Almost like you are belted in

and ready for any ride.

Now an interesting energy flow begins. The communication does take

place in a triangulation, that upper triad to the center of the sun is

communicating with the lower triad to the center of the earth. That

has tremendous esoteric significance especially at a time when the

magnetics are changing rapidly. That means you are constantly serving

as a stabilizer or a conduit between those two energies. Good.

All right, yes you have probably already guessed it. We are going to

go to what we would call the center of the three universes, or Nek Hak

Nol, Three Star One, or Holy Trinity. They all mean the same thing. So

basically, you are not going to just the center of your universe, but

you are going to the creator point that began the universe. Think of

it as the Holy Trinity or the Three Star One.

Now this is going to be a very big triangle. Same inverted v that you

see from that center a line going across and it will be, by the way,

an equilateral triangle, each side of the triangle equal. Bring that

all the way down to the root center on one side and then go back and

do it again. This one feels more like a canopy or a parachute with big

straps so you can kind of guide it any way you want to, but this is

really strongly tethered to the center of creation. So, there are two

triangles under, and two triangles coming from above, all of them

meeting in the root chakra.

Now if you can get a close up or an image of the root chakra, you will

see many little triangles forming, geometric patterns in kind of an

infinite reflection of triangulation going on in the root center. You

might pick up a lot of violet and red and even some blue and the Gold

Christed and a big transformation going on in the root center, root

chakra. You are here to embody spirit and flesh for as long as

possible, as long as possible.

For longevity, I would use the symbol of the turtle. Get a little

turtle fetish or turtle art. Could be sea turtles or a land tortoise.

They make wonderful pets, by the way, well, if you find one that wants

to be a pet. They do make wonderful pets. And then work with turtle

consciousness in the root center. Good.

Now, how far can you go with triangulation? Of course, infinity. I

would like to take you on a little bit of a journey. You may lose

consciousness. I am stressing even more than ever, don't try to do

these things while you are driving or operating machinery. If you have

to jump up and go pick up your children in two minutes or something

like that, give yourself some time.

Because the focus of the work here is to expand the consciousness so

far beyond your current boundaries that you realize that you are not

at all the limitations that you have self imposed, or the limitations

that other people have imposed and that you have accepted. That you

truly are co-creators, limitless, absolutely no boundaries on what you

can create even playing within the so called rules of physical

existence. You can transcend physical plane rules. So all of my work,

especially this year as we have been going in - - basically, the group

is evolving very rapidly and I am catching up to you, I think perhaps.

Some of you have already been playing way far out there. But

essentially, you want expansion. You want to realize beyond your local

reality, so that is what we are doing. A lot of healing transmissions,

a lot of deep transcending work.

Let's take a few breaths here and focus on that root chakra, now a

very strong spiritual center, infinite triangles. You might notice

triangles connecting out to the side. It could be something as simple

as the root center triangulating to the hip bone and then maybe a

little further out for a stabilizer. It will grow and mature from

here, sort of like planting a seed and giving it some water and

sunshine. All we created today was a sprout; a pretty green sprout

coming up out of the root center and it will take on its own level of

maturity based on what is required. So you can check into that process

and see where it is going from time to time.

Let's just expand the triangulation. We are going to breathe deeply

and follow it all the way to Nek Hak Nol and then follow the line to

the right and the line to the left and see where does that go? Do you

feel the triangles turning? Do you notice something different with

your eyes than with your brain? Your eyes may actually be floating

around independently if they are closed, like following a big turning

mobile. (A little bit of a chattering cat in the background there.) Good.

Now be sure to follow the triangulation down to the center of the

earth and see if perhaps there aren't deeper and deeper and deeper

reflections of that same triangle. Initially the lower triangulations

are for your physical existence body, but how deep is the seed of

physical existence? There is a particular planet, I guess you could

call the mother of physical existence, the original planet on which

life forms began. Not earth, it is another one, but you can

triangulate down to that one as well.

You may not quite be coming back yet and that is fine. Your physical

body will feel differently to you, probably a bit denser, more

present, more awake, a better communication system going on at a

cellular level as a result of the triangulation. That root chakra and

that beautiful sort of pink/violet color.

How do you remember that connection above with the connection below?

It is simply a posture. You stand with the legs in that inverted V

position and the arms upward in a V shape. You let your whole body

sort of symbolically show the triangulation above and the

triangulation below. And isn't it remarkable that the body is just

made that way? Divine design, absolutely fascinating the more you

study how the body, how physical existence in general, how all of

creation is Divinely designed.

The Adam Kadmon, especially, quite a an interesting vehicle, designed

specifically for transformation, designed specifically as a link

between spirit and flesh, and designed specifically to be all

inclusive. Sometimes, even sitting in a chair you can sort of plant

your feet in a triangulation shape, or lying in bed and them put your

arms up in a V for victory or Vywamus or whatever V might mean for

you. And then feel the root chakra. Again in terms of the root chakra

you are going to see patterns there. Some of them are ancient patterns

of triangulations. It is still going to have the chakra wheel shape

with a lot of triangles inside of that.

All right, finally, what I want to do here is take a global

transcendence of fear of death, fear of painful demise, fear of

extinction, all of those basic fears going on with humanity and let's

just start transcending them. We are literally going to pull them up

and away from the earth and dissolve them into light. You may feel

some of these coming up as a tug from your lower belly.

And with what do we replace the fear of death? Love of life, lots of

Eternal Life. Let's start bringing that in as strong as possible,

please. I LOVE life, I am absolutely IN LOVE with life. I understand

it is eternal. It changes the entire creative process. One is now

focused on how to make life better, how to bring in world peace, how

to enjoy the stay as much as possible.

All right, now it will take me a while to stabilize this energy in

your body so you may need to sleep, or you may need to just quietly

hang up the phone and turn off the tape or CD or whatever and just go

into deep sleep and then whenever you are getting up and walking

around it will take a while to get your muscle memory re-calibrated

into the new configurations. So move slowly. We have done some very

deep work.

Thank you, and my love to you.

Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Terri Newlon December 17, 2005

"Setting Your Intent"

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Let's begin, please, with a golden white light coming down from above and flowing right through the crown chakra and going all the way down the body. It should be a little bit warm and relaxing. And then from the earth, we want to work with a little bit of the solstice energy even though we are not quite there yet, but we are close enough. Let's bring light from the earth up through the bottoms of the feet. Good.

Two Thousand Six is going to be a very interesting year and I
am going to talk about that first and then we will talk specifically about what kind of services humanity will need and what kinds of other things will be transpiring. The year 2006 is going to be an interesting political year, for starters, and politics generally affect just about everything else.

I am seeing sometimes abrupt changes in office, different levels of government, not just the local and not just international, but different levels of government
all around the globe.

It is as though an invocation for truth, and an invocation for justice is going out around the planet. Anytime that you see these things mirrored within humanity, whatever it is, say, a church scandal or what not, what you want to do is work with the reflection as it appears to you.

So if you are seeing a lot of truth coming in, then you are going to want to reveal truth in your own life to your own self. You will want to make sure that anything that you have been hiding from yourself is kind of right there on the table. That is one thing that we can start to work with here.

What we are going to do, I am suggesting that you write a list that says, "What am I being truthful about?" and make that down the left side of the paper.

"What am I really being truthful about with myself?'' And then on the right side of the paper, "What, then, am I hiding from myself?" That would be a very good thing to start with and just sort of let it free flow, almost
like automatic writing where you are free flowing the energy.
"What have I been hiding from myself?" It could deal with
liking your body, not liking your body. Comfortable with you financial situation, not comfortable. Maybe a relationship is tapering down and you are not consciously admitting it yet.

Maybe it is time to boot your personal relationship and so some more romantic things and that sort of thing and you have kind of pretending that it is okay. So, a list, of what have I revealed, what have I been truthful about, and what have I been sort of putting off or not really admitting to.

Now this is just for you.
It is no confessional that you have to share with others or

That is one thing that I would do.

Then look at justice and political changes, political climates.
Now political energy can have an effect upon many things. It can effect the economy, be it positively or negatively. Mostly I look at it as relationships. Is there any justice to be served?

And then we get into the realm of karma and looking at belief in karma and disbelief in karma and what exactly are you thinking in your own terms? We want to basically - - how do I want to put this? Karma exists when you believe it, and when you transcend it, it no longer seems to have an effect upon you.

Certainly when you do a good deed you get good karma, so to
speak, but I am talking about the kind where you think that you have got to make up for something in the past.

Let's do a little exercise now where we just let that drop away.

I would like for you to imagine that you are in one of those things you see at the fairgrounds sometimes. Let's imagine that you are in a cylinder or tube or a water tank of some sort and let's look at where your karma is. How much karma do you have left? Now it could be that the water is up to your knees, or it could be up to your neck. It could be over your head.

But just wherever this instant flash of how much karma do I have left and then just pull the plug out of the bottom and let everything very rapidly drain out. We are actually just opening the bottom so it is a very fast swoosh. Then close the bottom.

And then ask yourself again, " Now what does my pay back
karma look like?" If it is just the feet or something, again, swoosh it down. Let it all drain away.

You can keep that clear because now what you have is the opportunity to create a lot of goodness in the world. You are not worried about personal repay. You are able to create in a positive direction all of the energies that you want.

Let's ask another question as part of 2006. "What can I do that will make the world a better place?" Again, "What can I do that will make the world a better place?" You don't have to think on a global scale, like getting an international treaty signed or something. Think just in terms of one thing that you can do to make the world a better place.

It might be making your home
more comfortable. It might be eliminating some stress. It might be making a contribution to a community in some way. You are volunteering to do something. Maybe volunteering to take down Christmas decorations or something. "What can I do to make the world a better place?" So, kindness certainly factors in there as well as action.

One of the simplest forms of that is just committing to use kind words as often as possible. Just the way in which you speak can make someone else feel better or worse. The way in which you phrase your words.

That is one little way in which you can make the world a better way, for example.

It might be walk the dog more often or other practical things that you are looking at
and that is fine.

Don't go into too many New Year's resolutions,
so to speak.
Try to just focus on one thing that you are going to
do that might also just blend into your daily life rather seamlessly, like the kind words. And you can practice ahead of time.

Rehearse, if you will, what is the best way to respond. Let's say that the person next to you keeps dropping all their coins on the ground and you decide that part of your making the world a better place would be to help the person pick them up.

And then you could have something to say, like, "Oh, my goodness, you are raining money. You must have an abundant supply." Or something like that. Come up with something that you can say.

"This is better than presents under the tree or something. Make jokes or make someone feel good rather than maybe embarrassed that they are dropping things. So little things like that are going to be very big in the coming year.

Besides politics, I want to look at economics. Well, some people will do very well, but I would say that the bulk of humanity in 2006 will be hurting a bit. There is sort of a long-term effect and eventually that is going to quiet down.

I am thinking June or July of 2006 that there might be an economic drop and it could be very temporary, a month and a half or 2 months, something
like that or it might be a whole quarter.

But again, it is part of lots of things moving around and changing
and falling out and people feeling unstable about the future. Now
the idea is to stockpile a bit. Make sure that you are covered for a certain period of time. Things may look like there is not much cash flow for a little while but you will be all right until you have passed that. You have some time here to start building that up.

So just tuck a little bit away in easily accessible form so that you can get to it.

Now one of the other things that I see about 2006 is about
energy. Fuel sources, energy sources, power. Now again, think in terms of how does that translate more psychologically or spiritually, how do those things translate?
An energy crunch or extensive energy and then from that the necessity to somehow conserve a bit better, conserve on natural resources especially, which is quite long over due, I might add. So, right now, what can you do to be more conservative with energy or what changes can you make so that when energy is really out of your budget that you are covered again.

Maybe you can buy a car that is much more economical with gasoline, maybe you can get a hybrid, or maybe you can start arranging car pools or take public transportation if that is available in your area.

In terms of efficiency, maybe this is a good time to buy the more efficient air conditioning unit for times to come. Or change the way in which you heat your home so that it is much more energy
I think you are probably seeing that due to some
infrastructure troubles in the US, you are going to have higher cost of living in certain areas. And then in other parts of the world I am also seeing though, maybe in Europe, where the cost of basic energy is going upward in fuels and what not.

So, again, this is not the time to buy the vehicle that just gets a certain mileage.

You want better mileage or you want other tools and
tricks that gives the vehicle you already have maybe better
mileage and that sort of thing. It is conservation, energetically.

Relationship, let's go to that one next because that is kind of an interesting topic. For 2005, it is almost over, not quite over yet, but if there was going to be a shaking in the relationship, it would have been probably in the fall of 2005, and maybe a test of strength in the relationship. Could you get past a couple of
communications issues? Could you get past maybe some minor

Most of what I have seen is really kind of, in September, October and November especially of 2005, was a test that if in a relationship it was time for it to be modified in some
way like better communication or less time at work and more
time at home or sharing raising the children instead of one parent doing it.

If the relationship was ready for a shift it happened during that time period or that relationship fell apart. A lot of shifting in relationship.

Why? Now that is the interesting underlying part to me because there was a lot of individual changing and shifting.
Even if you are not in a relationship, probably you got a better hold of yourself in terms of, "You know, I really do enjoy this and I really don't like that at all." Whatever it was.
If you really don't like shoveling the snow but you have always done it anyway, this will probably be the year when you will say, "I am not shoveling snow any more. I am going to have someone else do it for me." Or I am getting some kind of equipment so I don't have to do that any more. It is kind of a put your foot down and say, "I just don't like this so I am not going to do it any more."

In a relationship pattern, that of course very much affects the other person or the whole family unit.

Sometimes in the work place would be the boss making a change or an employee suggesting a change and then everyone changes. So there has been quite a bit going on in terms of realizing what works in your life and what doesn't work. And then not just wanting the change, but insisting upon it, not really able to go about life the
old way any more.

A lot of relationships did fail in that last quarter of 2005, or get rearranged in some fashion. That is all for the highest good because if you are in touch with what you want and need and you are solid within yourself and you are not compromising, if you are not doing something to your own detriment, but rather to your benefit and then to your partner's benefit and you family's benefit and your benefit in the workplace and what not, then it is win/win for everyone and that is ideally the way it should be.

Let me see what else we have for changing.
Let's talk about lightworkers - world servers going into the ability to help others.
That is the other thing that I was really sort of prepping in 2005 and getting everyone ready for that next phase and it is time. It is simply time. Now some of you have realized, "Oh, people always do ask me what book I will recommend." Or, they say, "Gee, I don't know. I am thinking about a spiritual school or maybe an online study course. What do you think?"

Allow yourself to be in the position of advisor or consultant or councilor, if you are naturally one anyway. I would say go ahead and wear the hat. Go ahead and get the business cards made up and start handing them out as people ask.

Perhaps you are quite naturally a teacher of some sort.
Find a position where you can do the most good. It might
be volunteering to read a book at the library to children in a children's circle or at Sunday school or something. It could be helping on any other scale. Just that something that gets you the exposure that allows you to play that very natural role and then just let it progress from there.

Don't think about the end result like you are going to be on the cover of some alternative health
magazine or something. Just simply being yourself, but now
you have got business cards to go with it. Once a week you are going to take one client.

Now I will say within this particular group, the DK Group, you have also many people that can do things. You have got a lot of training from other lifetimes even that carries forward whether it is reading the tarot card spread and give readings without formal training this lifetime, just intuitively. Using a pendulum, tapping in for psychic abilities, whatever it is, they are getting sharpened.
They got sharpened quite a bit in 2005, and they are really going to surge in 2006. So perhaps we will have some more training and what not.

Very important about boundaries and I have talked about that quite a bit.

Don't overgrow the boundaries and certainly do not
model yourself off of someone you think is like psychic all the time or something. It is an unhealthy model.

What would be more ideal would be if someone says, "Would you tune in?" Or maybe you only do it professionally and not as a parlor game or casually for family members or friends or what not.

If someone says, "Really, could you tune in? I need some advise." And you tell them, "Well, I do that now as a formal session and it lasts 15 minutes or it lasts half an hour. You can ask questions. But because it is an alternate state I only do it when it feels good. I
don't just stay open that way."

Those who stay too psychically open all of the time usually go psychotic or already have psychotic tendencies which is why they are not tending toward good boundaries. So again, I will be firm on that. You have got to turn it on and off. You have got to have what some call mundane time, although I really cannot separate spiritual time from anything else because everything is spirit. But basically, you need to have normal activities like read a best selling novel or something or go to the movies like everyone else or go out dining or take a car trip to go sight
seeing, the normal activities.

If you are staying esoteric all the time, there is an imbalance.
Those particular powers and qualities are meant to be used when
they are needed and when they are not needed that you don't turn
them on. One of the ways I like to put that is say air conditioning
and you can put it on high power and use much, much more
energy to get it cooler when you need to, but then for maintenance you put it on your regular setting. Or maybe something that comes on and off when a certain temperature is exceeded.

The same thing with heat, you don't want all the coal in the oven and then have it hot, hot, hot. So then you are perspiring and uncomfortable and then you run out of fuel. Psychic powers are the same thing. You don't burn yourself out early. Or, if you are able to sustain it, then literally usually the end result is either a personality imbalance or the physical body will give out because
it is just too strenuous. So turn it on and off and don't try to fashion yourself after someone that you have perceived to be psychic all the time. And I am very carefully wording that.
Maybe they are and maybe they are not. How would you know
anyway? But don't think that is the ideal model. That is the thing I want to get across there. Balance, moderation are always more important than power.

For 2006 many members of humanity who haven't even been on
any kind of formal spiritual path are going to be awakening to the ability to see light moving around the room, to be able to hear a kind of inner guidance, inner voice, sometimes to be able to hear another person's thoughts as if they were audible, as if the person had said it out loud. They can hear that person's voice in their ear saying something. So a lot of psychic awakening within

The result of that is really going to be interesting
because some will think that they are going crazy, and others will be thrilled with it basically, and then you are going to have I think just a lot of people thinking that it is very strange and very weird.They don't know quite what to do with it.

Again, you are comfortable with this already, it is good to reassure people. You could say, "What I have heard is that everyone has ESP and maybe that is just quite natural. Maybe you can go with it and you don't need heavy sedation or something or a straight jacket. You can just go with the thought." And then coach them.

"You know I have heard that it is quite important that you, if you are hearing voices and they are the good kind. Not the kind that are saying negative things." Just in general be of help wherever you can be of help. It is very, very important.

Let's take a moment as an exercise to go with the flow of energies
for 2006. I am just going to walk you through the way that I do
it. Just feel into January 2006. Notice how your body feels. It
will tell you. Again, it is not a good idea to be multi-tasking, per
se, not driving a vehicle or something if you can avoid it. I know
this time of year everyone gets busy and they run their errands
with their head set on listening to the call. But it is not the best
idea ever. So just feel into January, feel into that month.
Probably digestive troubles especially if one has already been having them.

Digestive troubles kind of come to a peak mid-January, so
change the diet now is the basic idea. Certainly you can eat your classic holiday meals and what not, but your daily diet, change it now. Start modifying it and you will be glad you did. Probably the body wants more simplicity. Probably it wants a protein change, a different type of protein or to eliminate a certain type of protein that you have been eating. Probably it wants an enzyme
change as well. So if you have had the same digestive enzyme for some time try a somewhat different formula. Good.

Now if you are hearing creaking sounds that is because I am in a basement studio apartment and someone is above there walking around and they are probably wondering who is down here doing all this talking actually. So again, relationships, aren't they

Let's go into February 2006. Again, just feel that month in general. I see kind of a high point or a hump over, maybe Valentine's Day or the middle part of the month as sort of a - -
sometimes you get an image or a sensation and sometimes you
get both. Sometimes you will hear things, so you can practice your powers right along with me here.

Go into March of 2006. Good. Just sort of feel. I did not pick up a lot that month for general humanity although on a personal level it might be a bit different for you.

Go into April now. In April there is another shift in the brain. It is usually closer to Spring Equinox, around the 21st or 22nd of March.

But I feel it is coming more in April and maybe coming with Spring allergies too but a buzzing at the base of the skull a little bit. It is usually imbalance or a histamine surge. So, April,
again prepare the body beforehand so it is not reactive to
histamines and hormones and what not.

Go into May. Now toward the end of May a stronger energy
in the third eye. A lot more telepathic communication going on around the planet for development. Nature has cycles just like your body goes through cycles and growth spurts.

It is always true all throughout existence. There are cycles and changes and things that get highlighted and downplayed at other times.

Let's go into June of '06. All right. I am just going to stay silent on that one and just let you perceive whatever you perceive. It is a good exercise.

Go on into July of '06. There is a group cycle and then there is your personal cycle. So, for example we may have already gone through a month where you have had a birthday or a trip planned or something. Your energy will be a bit different around that activity or event. If July is your summer vacation or a big Fourth of July trip or a holiday in Europe or whatever you are doing.

It will have a different feel to it. And then you can check, where is humanity during that time period? You can also ask what is my family situation like during that time period? What is my financial situation like? You can go back through the months and just sort of tune in. I would like for you to get a lot of practice.

Go on to August. Sometimes this is a big holiday month. Feel into August. My seeing of August is this is when if you are willing to be in the lime light as a world server this might be the time when you are called forth. Maybe a little local radio station wants to interview you or a group invites you to speak. Accept if you want to and decline if you don't want to.

Go on to September. Again the third eye activity gets strong again in September. That fall equinox, there is a change in the brain. Fall and Spring.

Let's go on to October. Good.

Try November. And go into December as well. We have got the one-year cycle. Now, that far ahead, sometimes it gets a little vague toward the end. Quite frankly, that is standard now, too difficult to look ahead too far into the future, very difficult.

Let's go back to the world at large. I am going to survey the world at large and what we have already talked about and the things that I see coming and see if there is anything else.

Crashed Saucers, Salvaged Equipment, Paranormal Experiences, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, Time Travel, Incarnation, Extra-Terrestrials, Psychic, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla-Visionary. John Von Neumann-mathematician of physicist, John Hutchinson-Dean U of C, Dr. David Hilbert - Multi Space Time/Realities, Dr. Gust off - Physicist, Dr. Levinson-Levinson Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time Tunneling, Teleportation, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Past and Future Travels to the Year 6048, Unrecognizable Ruins, Weather Control, Z-Argon Gases, Alternate Time Lines, Altered States of Reality, No Perception of Time, Mind Control, Altered Auras, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology. Tesla Towers, Teleportation to the Planets, Atlantis, Falling Frogs, Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Grays and Reptilians show up, Alchemy, other domains, Crashed Ships, Bavarian Alps, Ruins: Ancient Civilizations, Bodies Found Embedded in the walls at Montauk, time tunneling, alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German Mars Projects, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Micro chip Implants, Rainbow, Invisibility and Hyper Space, Space - Time Continuum, Worm Holes, Space Time, Time Travel, Invisibility Machines, Hypo-Meditation, Weather Control, "Psychic" Signals, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought, and Powers of the Mind, Alternate Realities, Artificial Intelligence, and Monster Manifested, Walking into the Time tunnel. Anomalies in time, Reptilians, Balance of time, Intelligence's off our planet, Project "God Edge" Manifesting of Objects, Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Secret Societies, Celestial Management, Self Conscious computers, Magnetic Field, Et message of Islam, CIA, ISLAM, ALIENS, DRUGS IN USA, Montauk Base, Mind Control, Finite Space, first electronic computer, zero time frame Reference, Stealth Bombers, underground mars caverns, dead civilizations, psychic nature vortexes, Akashic location system, religious artifacts, alien walk in's, teleportation, Philadelphia experiment. The subconscious mind, Hilga Marro, aliens, Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid what Nasa Knows about Mars Einstein, Eldridge Survivors, Element 115, String Theory, University of Yale, Princeton university, UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT, Harvard university, investing in Stock market for Alien Technology, education, movie, church, Christian, death, abortion, evolution, web hosting, job search, search engines, coca cola, Pepsi, TV, radio, MTV, male, mortgage rates, Olympics, stock quotes, weather, AVI, virus, diet, family, baseball, beach, fun, female, male, free games, friends, hotels, las vegas, mac, Iraq, Iran, China, Russia, USA, Bush, CIA, FBI, NSA, ONI, OSI, millions of agents on tax payer pay roll playing computer games all day long reading Alienshift, Humanoid Alien in Las Vegas walking freely, S4 Giant Gray Master Aliens in under ground united nation the real one coping with humans. UFO video, UFO Pictures, Alien video, CNN, garden, medicine, NASCAR, nostradamus, home, career in Alientology, Steven Greer try to finish the Oil project for Exxon and Mobile sending all of them home jobless with his Alien free energy project, just like what Tesla did!, Art Bell, Ice age. FX, Euro, Dollar, Baseball, alien, Yahoo, MSN, CNN, Internet chat , Dating, Matrix, Microsoft, Las Vegas, hotels, stocks, bonds, ET eyes, movies, games. church, ET message of Islam, ALLAH, Mohammad, Quran, DVD, PC, fishing, Real Estate, IRS, Napster, Bible, Diet, Game boy, Star Trek, Baseball, computers, maze generator, game downloads, Angelina Jolie, Tattoos, Jennifer Lopez, NFL, Kazaa, Atkins Diet, final fantasy, AOL, Jokes, Google, Maps, search engines, ask jeeves, YOUTUBE, music, eBAY, Jobs, used cars, online degrees, zip codes, furniture, Kelly blue book, weather, lyrics, dictionary, Read my Lips stop Profiling People of the Land of the Free, health, Wal-Mart, horoscopes, weight loss, home depot, WinZip, BOB LAZAR ALIENS RETICULI ELEMENT 115 PHYSICS FLYING SAUCERS ANTIMATTER GRAVITY WAVES DISCS S4 GROOM LAKE PAPOOSE LAKE AREA 51 NEVADA "DR. EDWARD TELLER" "JON FARHAT" "ART BELL", free games free downloads MP3 airline cheats tires auto parts insurance, Do not travel in the Year 2012.