Galactic Command 2006 Planetary Update
By Commander Lady Athena
Greetings in the Light of The Most Radiant One, Christ.
I am Cmdr. Lady Athena known upon Earth as Ashtar-Athena SherAn
serving to transmit this message to you.
The now apparent accuracy of our previous planetary updates is due to
our overview of the various waves of human consciousness-- both their
choices as well as their sure consequences.
A cycle of intensified global events following in succession similar
to the last stages of birthing labor is in process. There will
scarcely be time to take a deep breath before the next transformative
A reaping of what ever seed has been sown in thought, word and deed,
is taking place. Whether this universal law of cause and effect is
called karma, recompense, or reciprocity it will surely deliver back
in exact measure whatever has been energetically sent forth.
As of 2005, last year, you have entered a seven year cycle designed to
bring all upon Earth---in one way or another-to their knees. One way
will be humbling to human ego and arrogance, as the Presence and
Sovereign Power of the Universal Creator will be made potently obvious
to all. The other will bring Humanity to their knees in both prayerful
intercession, as well as bending low in humble service to the
suffering and the displaced.
All that man has sought to construct apart from God in violation of
universal law will be shaken. Each of the elements of nature is taking
a turn in the task of global house cleaning. This seemingly punitive
cleansing is the direct effect of but one cause---mankind's inhumane
interactions with one another. Selfishness, insensitivity to the needs
of others and lovelessness in general are unacceptable traits to
import into the new version of Earth. These must be uprooted and
purged where ever they have taken hold.
Humanity was created, according to the original Hebrew translation, "
A little lower than God"----as a "cookie-cutter likeness of the Creator."
Mankind's assigned duty was to make God's Love visible in time and
space--created to tabernacle the Living Light and Living Word of God,
serving as His Divine Oracles----as Arcs of the Covenant
The original Hebrew defines Humanity as "Speaking Spirits"-- God
breathed Souls clothed in physical bodies formed of the elements of
the Earth inhabited by His Divine Spirit.
At the time of the Adamic introduction upon this planet mankind alone
was given dominion and caretaker ship over all upon the Earth.
Human beings as physically clothed Spirit-Souls are the only Divinely
appointed, and thereby "legal" operatives upon Earth. Other entities
without physical bodies cannot operate legally here.
Even God---purely Spirit--had to incarnate as-- and through Jesus, in
order to directly operate here on Earth.
The Bible states that Jesus is the only One to come directly from
heaven ---the Eternal true Creation-- to be born on Earth without
taint of the fallen codes and thought forms (known as sin). That is
why Jesus is known as Savior come to redeem, reclaim and restore those
"lost" through the Edenic fall into duality.
Human beings were created to speak God's Will and Divine Plan into
manifestation upon Earth as it is in Heaven----as Spirit indwelt and
guided--Sons of God and co-equal heirs with Christ.
With the fall into the third dimension and banishment from the Garden
of Eden came the departure from the original Creation. Thus both the
Divine Plan and Humanity required restoration.
Humanity is currently being relocated into a new universal
consciousness zone. A new era and dimensional version of the heavens
and the Earth is being birthed from this intense process of labor.
For those Souls who have chosen to live in accordance with the
universal laws of love of God and loving service to their fellowman, a
glorious Divine revelation will become their new reality.
Thus the apocalypse or revelation (literally the uncovering) accorded
each individual will differ.
Although there is an overall harvest and graduation occurring
globally, it is being experienced individually and uniquely according
to one's level of consciousness and Light infusion. This refers to how
much Spiritual awareness, truth and compassion a person actually
expresses and lives consistently in daily life.
Those of higher Light will find themselves vibrating above the fallen
energetics of disease, destruction, dissolution - even death itself.
Those of the highest levels of Light awareness will generally find
themselves not directly impacted by the events designed to chastise
and reform the unregenerate souls.
These bearers of Light may find themselves experiencing a greater
sense of peace, joy, love and security. They will be spared the
anxiety, fear and worry of those who will be reaping a bitter harvest
as a result of what they have sown.
As for specifics expect this winter to be like none you have ever
experienced before. Where you can join with others to lessen the
burdens of cost and labor efficiency, do so.
Due to the unprecedented Solar flares, storms and emissions be
prepared in advance for periods when you may be without electrical
power. Have alternate methods for cooking, heating and cooling in place.
Have water stored and water purification systems available, extra
batteries, medicines, clothing (especially very warm clothing) durable
walking shoes, and pet supplies.
Think ahead and plan how you would depart your cities if the need
arose. Plan now to evacuate BEFORE the officials advise you to do so.
Keep your vehicles gassed and road ready.
Keep copies of important papers in a safe place and what you can't
live without in a bag that you can grab as you run out the door. Those
who live in flat lands more prone to tornadoes, can prepare a well
stocked basement or other underground storm room.
Shovels, axes, saws, hammers, nails and plenty of tarps--plus
flashlights, storm lanterns, generators, will be very important items
to have at hand. Ham or battery operated radios may be your only
connection outside your area. Keep important phone numbers and cash
with you.
Do not take ANY tropical storm lightly nor assume that ANY hurricane
is incapable of suddenly turning deadly. Think food, water, escape,
Consider your position in life, your health, age and your survival
potential given times of real disruption, or absence of general
community and medical services.
Make peace with yourself, your Creator and your enemies, friends and
relatives. Live, love, forgive and release your self and your future
into the Hands of God.
Rid yourselves of every possible addiction and bondage of attachment.
Be psychologically ready if necessary, to leave everything you possess
If you don't have a faith to sustain you---get one, because you're
going to need it! By the time this transmission is read you will be
aware that our warnings were in the past-- and now- not overly dire---
for you will long remember the transpiring events of Oct. 2005 and the
year 2006.
We foresee strong earth quake activity, with some occurring in places
that do not usually experience quakes. Volcanic eruptions are
foreseen---with long dormant volcanoes suddenly awakening.
We strongly advise, where at all possible, to relocate from islands,
narrow peninsulas, coast lands and areas below sea level. Be aware if
you live in areas that were formerly occupied by flood planes,
wetlands and rivers . Find out if you are living below a dam and study
the possible effects of quake activity
Excessive rain and mud slides, flooding, sudden sink holes appearing,
severely disrupted agricultural and other food production, and
transportation in general are foreseen to continue for awhile longer.
Ferocious winds, seas, and storms loom on the event horizon. If you
are not relocated by conscious choice by the end of 2005 then be
prepared to hunker down until the Divine Hand relocates you as it very
likely will.
December 2005 may also find many of you in another state of
consciousness entirely as dimensional grid shifts occur, to usher you
into alternate realities.
Those who truly live "hidden in the Secret Place of the Most High will
abide safely under the Shadow of the Almighty." Read Psalm 91 in the
Bible and apply it personally in prayer to your life situation. This
will serve as a powerful protective shield.
You who are the Elect of the Latter Days are already living in Divine
love and reverence, actively serving your fellow man. You will most
likely only see these things from a safe distance. Nothing shall in
any way harm you or your children. You will be impervious to all that
is to come upon the Earth to try the hearts and Souls of man.
You will experience food and water materialize and will find
yourselves to be entirely immune to the rampant diseases and epidemics.
You will see the miracle healings, Divine intervention, deliverance
and physical resurrections----yes it shall be precisely so.
Looking back in days to come you will exchange your stories with
gratitude that you had chosen to participate in such a time as this.
BE AWARE that you are living an eternal life right now as Divine and
immortal Spirit-beings.
KNOW that the Glory of what is awaiting you----of what is prepared for
those who love God-- is beyond your imagining and our ability to convey.
TRUST that your future will be worth what ever you've had to sacrifice
and pass through. Ultimately all will be restored better than ever---a
new Earth awaits your astonishment-- may you greet it with Joy in your
Baruch Ha Shem Adonai, Blessed Be the Name of the Lord.
Ashtar-Athena SherAn
Crashed Saucers, Salvaged Equipment, Paranormal Experiences, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, Time Travel,
Incarnation, Extra-Terrestrials, Psychic, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation
Projects, Nicola Tesla-Visionary. John Von Neumann-mathematician of physicist, John Hutchinson-Dean U of C, Dr. David Hilbert
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