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KABBALLAH, ALLAH, 2012 EMP and number 137 By Saeed David Farman,
New Hope for Humanity 2-7-11 ALLAH
is name of GOD almighty The
time of EMP Event in 2012 is 11:11 AM on: 12/21/2012 = 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2= 11 Kabbalah literally means "to receive". Numerology of KABBALAH is 137 KABA is the center of the Earth
in Mecca which millions of people circle the KABA every year and is what Prophet Abraham Peace upon him rebuilds for GOD (ALLAH)
as house of worship with his Son ESHMAEEL. Mer-Ka-Ba is the ASCENSION MACHINE like the Sarcophagus in King Chamber of GIZA Meaning:
The "ka" is a very complex part of the symbolism in ancient Egyptian mythology and represents several things: the
ka is a symbol of the reception of the life powers from each man from ATON (ALLAH), it is the source of these powers, and
it is the spiritual double that resides with every man. The ka as a spiritual double was born with every man and lived on
after he died as long as it had a place to live. The ka lived within the body of the individual and therefore needed that
body after death. This is why the Egyptians mummified their dead. If the body decomposed, their spiritual double would die
and the deceased would lose their chance for eternal life. An Egyptian euphemism for death was "going to one's ka".
After death the ka became supreme. Meaning: The word ba is usually translated
as "soul" or "spirit". However, ba is probably better translated as "spiritual manifestation." The ba is one of the specific components
of the human being as understood in Egyptian thought. In the New Kingdom, the ba was a spiritual aspect of the human being
which survived - or came into being - at death. It was endowed with the person's individuality and personality. The ba
occasionally revisited the tomb of the deceased, for the dead body was its rightful home. KA
BA ALLAH means GOD given Wisdom which Hebrews brought out of Egypt with them. 137 seconds is how long the EMP will last at
11:11 AM on DEC 2012, it will knock all humans down on the ground unconscious for 137 Seconds, only 1 out of 3 people will
wake up and stand up again those are the Lightworkers, Star Seeds or Alienshifters who will rebuild the new Earth.