Saint Germain on Awareness, Death and Ascension
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Good afternoon, I AM Saint Germain.
Change will never decrease the aliveness of one's awareness. No
difficulty can eliminate awareness as an answer to that difficulty.
All answers appear as awareness gets the need for them. Answers to
questions come as a question appears. Always allow the master within
to lead. An answer as simple as an attitude change can create many
new conditions and end difficult moments.
My decision to discuss awareness now anticipates difficult days ahead
and considers them the result of an anger generator in many who are
choosing not to allow awareness out of its contained management in
mental decisions.
Awareness will give all who need guidance a detailed demonstration of
what guidance can do in making co-creative choices. Awareness cancels
denial. It also cancels the dream of no death and ignorance about
other dimensions. Conditions are coming, as a consequence of denial
about current major details, capable of destroying all dreams and all
denials. Choices are going to be needed on a daily basis and lack of
access to awareness can demand that those choices be made with
chaotic mental capabilities. No access to answers of any competence
can drive one crazy.
My attention to the topic of death now also demands an end to denial.
Many deaths were mandated by contracts made at the time of
conception. Choosing a condition of death to awaken awareness can be
an avenue to ascension. Many dying now are completing karma so they
can move on to another dimension of awareness as mentors to those
coming next.
Awareness does not die. Nothing that occurs to humans can destroy
awareness. Candidates for any of the next day's activities are
choosing to disappear now as the energies increase and ascension
occurs. Changing dimensions may demand complete disappearance just as
death does. Both are a next dimension condition. One dies a human
death to deliver the contact to death to others. Ascension does not
occur as an active communication to man's human community. It is a
continuation of man's evolution in consciousness – an answer of
awareness to all of God's creations.
Aging and death are not something that occur without involving
consciousness. In aging, new and different conditions arise. All are
opportunities to complete non-conscious attitudes and denied
awareness. Mellowing with age means becoming clear of anger. Anger
distorts new dreams into continuations of old ones. My dear ones,
anger against anything destroys all the conditions we need now. Most
things written today are full of anger against something. Anger
itself is only energy. Attacks against anything are an energy of
destruction. Awareness contains no anger. Awareness does not destroy.
Awareness only loves. All of you are conduits for awareness. Allowing
awareness to dominate your answers in all circumstances must come
before death or ascension. Not allowing this means there has been no
development during another opportunity to become a divinely awakened
Curbing anger is not enough. Only giving out love and compassion
needs to completely erase it. Needing control of any circumstance
controls awareness also. Change can only occur as awareness is free
to determine new choices.
Chances are that more awareness can come out in all who are reading
this message. Activating awareness can be done now. Choosing
awareness can be done now. Completing contracts for death during
these times means there is no time when awareness is not needed.
Awareness causes ascension. Any demonstration of love is awareness in
Comforting others can be awareness only when detachment exists. Many
deaths are coming in the next days and no control over this is
needed. Allowing death can anoint the angelic caregivers with healing
of their own death concerns. Champions for conscious dying care more
for contact with angels than a few more breaths. They are choosing
the needs of those dying over what others are demanding for their own
Clearing out one's anger opens up more contact with angels no matter
what circumstances arise. Angels are near all those needing
assistance in acting out their most difficult choices. Angels are
choosing to deliver assistance in any condition because few are aware
of their contact and cannot act on their own complete awareness.
Choices about death or ascension are already activated. Ascension
cannot come to those who are not aware enough to demonstrate the
necessary actions. It is not the Rapture many Christians are
expecting. Ascension will not capture and dissolve any human that has
not cleared anger and negativity and awakened awareness.
Two choices are available: ascension now, or death of the body as
another opportunity to clear anger and negativity and awaken
awareness in difficult conditions.
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Saint Germain on Ascension Considerations
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Good afternoon. I Am Saint Germain.
More of my messages are on ascension than any other topic. Maybe this
message can detail ascension in a way that answers questions not
clear at this moment.
Ascension can occur on an energy opening that delivers dramatic
effects to man's consciousness. Once this opening occurs, many
candidates will decide on ascending and not descending; ascending and
descending; or not ascending. Some are complete with all their
contracts and are not needing any more awareness dramas to awaken or
master man's condition as mortals. These can ascend and master
another dimension as done by all the Ascended Masters coming out of
mortal, angelic consciousness to the consciousness of One. Only those
who are enlightened can do this. The angelic realm cannot energize
the "consciousness of One" in an ego that is not able to give any
assistance on earth. Giving healing or aid must be an attitude, not
an action to get money or acknowledgement.
Ample teachings are now free to those needing assistance to get
answers about consciousness. Novices to contact with our realm can
demand our attention now as never before. Answers come as energy,
necessary for any co-creative challenge.
Ascension will come to any that can demonstrate caring and detachment
to those who are not ascending. Choices made before incarnating are
to be chosen again. No candidates can ascend collectively. Children
ascending must be willing leave mothers and other community members.
Adults must decide on their own, not on the advice of their children
or other members of their community. Parents not choosing to leave
their children can ascend during the third wave, not the second wave
which is meant only for individuals. Children with a collective
nature can ascend on the third wave to another nation of mankind and
continue their development teachings there.
All those who have not ascended in the first and second waves can
ascend in the collective group wave, it is not only for those needing
to complete their contracts. Many able to ascend on the second wave
will choose not to due to alignments with nature on this planet.
Choosing not to ascend means death or changing into a different
dimensional existence not currently possible. Altering
characteristics like animals do to adapt to new contents in the air
and making camping conditions clearly the choice over damaged, non-
habitable dwellings must be an acceptable alternative. No material
world conditions can continue after nature's ascent and the ascension
of those who are going to make another collective nation on another
Our attempts to make contact have been negated by disbelief and
conditions announced that have not completed. Contact must be done
only with clear, direct energy movement within the new candidates own
hara (gut). Making a decision must come directly as a consequence of
that moment's contact and cancellation of mental control. Mental
confusion may restrain next day's actions and no confusion must deter
these actions. Fear cancels detachment and control of fear cannot
compete with awakened awareness. To give away all denial and all
distrust, a clear acceptance of our contact and accurate guidance
must be established. To do this my dear ones, my greatest desire is
to have meditation done on a daily basis. Only meditation can create
detachment from mental control. Only meditation can create awareness
of hara contact.
Changing nothing other than adding meditation to your daily schedule
can determine ascension or mass destruction as your answer to this
divine calling. Claim ascension and give healing to all those who
have come before this one dramatic moment. Ascension deletes all
closure needed on mental decisions not congruent with awareness.
Making a decision for ascension calls on our realm to contact you in
the name of the divine calling. Permission will be assumed if daily
meditation occurs.
Conditions are getting demanding for completing God's next direction.
Channelings are not contracts to ascend. Only an active committment
can demand our attention. Can we get yours?
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"V" Love you,