between NASA's pictures and NASA & news media try to debunk it.
And how ALIENSHIFT found the U.S MARS
Bases in the Alternative 3 Video, which you can see the pictures in the MARS pages.
You can also hear the audio of MARS landing of U.S spaceship to MARS 1962, in the Alternative 3 pages.
has discovered the Strange pictures of underground cities on MARS which you can see them in MARS pages. We believe were made by Aliens 450,000 years ago (Montauk Project mars pyramid Time travel). Or may be they were made by U.S and Russian Mars Rover. Joint landing of U.S and USSR on MARS in May 22, 1962 as was documented in Alternative 3 underground Video.
This was done by renegade
groups of Shadow Government
as they call them selves, but what GOV?
Elected by Aliens or who?
White house recently has mentioned
and confirmed that Shadow GOV really exists.
There is so much technological
advancement for the past 50 years since we signed an agreement with Gray Aliens that humans never achieved that much progress
in the past 1000 years, things like if DR. Edward Teller (MJ6) got the Atomic Bomb formula from the Aliens? Or Laser technology
was given to us by them or not?
Was JFK assassinated by Shadow
Who made the decision of building bases
on Mars and dark side of the Moon or clone Hybrid Humans (Star Kids among us)?
Why CIA Concealed Noah's Ark?!
What Ibn Arabi said about Sufism
1000 years ago in Spain and why
is so important.
Why is so important to read and understand Quran
at this time of our evolution.
What happened to Billions of Dollars
of NAZI Gold, which was stolen from European banks
as they invaded the Europe?
Where did the German UFO engineers and Scientist end up after the war and who was the chief designer
of the NAZI UFO?
StarGate 51 in Nevada cost us over $5 Billion for
all the 20 miles of under ground alien dens.
Area 51 is a Hollow Earth Shaft which runs down about 1000
miles or so which was made by the Creator.
All the Hollow Earth shafts are
plugged by the Shadow people such as South Pole, North Pole and one more in Russia.
As you know you are not allowed
to travel to South Pole.
Alternative 3, which few people got assassinated
and so called by MIB Shadows "Erased" for making the 1 hour movie which was all about covering only 1 minute of transmission
of our Space ship in 1962 from Mars to the earth by a British Scientist and Astronomer which was listening to the space by
a satellite and accidentally intercepted and captured the transmission.
Please view the A3 Video
coming soon in our video page
on the top of the page in navigation
JFK was
assassinated by shodow people because of the fact that he was going to talk to the U.S Congress about
Secret of all Secrets MARS and Alternative 3.
3 was the last alternative it is about
migrating certain groups of Crooks and Scientist to MARS Bases
and leaving the rest of us to die from
hunger in here hiding in the caves thru the shift.
Why no one try to use the alien
technology on new Free Energy Sources which was offered to shadows?
Reason for not using the Free Energy
technology was the interest of few OIL Companies and few Texas families.
Unfortunately we still are burning
Fossil fuel instead of free energy in the year 2003.
We believe Since Roswell UFO
Crash in 1947, we had 56 years of Illegally Criminal Secrecy in U.S Ufology, Assassinations, Lies,
Greed and Corruption.
"Enough is enough".
We are in
the year 2003 and not 1947.
Are we going to lie
to our Kids too?
56 years we have been
Now the Roswell
kids have grown up and cannot forget the past.
STOP your
Secrecy and Censorship in the land of the free, land of the brave Just pack and go to MARS. Jan 2003 ABC TV has told Steven Greer of C-Seti that they been told by shadow people that they are not allowed to air any more of alien stuff.
Looks like there are lots of activity
going on Mars after secret projects like time machine of Montauk project 1972 at Montauk Air Force
Base on Time Warping machine or Time Shifting.
What is the White Noise or Zero
Time Generator and what happens at 425 MHZ on a UHF Frequency Hopping source that made mind control and bending of time possible
on Montauk chair and how they keep time traveling
to MARS on a daily bases going inside the sealed Pyramid of Mars and studying the art objects and machines left
from eons ago.
Few other projects to cover also
in near future such as Phoenix or Philadelphia Experiment of 1943 on board of USS
Eldrige and how sailors disappeared into time tunnel and some other ones got stuck and glowed to the body of the ship and
the rest were discharged as mentally not fit.
Why FCC has stopped airing the
A3 video by few TV stations.
Montauk tells us that shadow GOV
have the time travel machine in place, and they have seen the pole shift.
Dear All:
It is time to talk about our
FUTURE after the coming of over due Pole Shift, our solar system, our future in dealing
with the Aliens and Federation of Planets that they represent and not to escape to MARS like"SHADOW" People want to do!

What the Semjase (Pleiadean king of Wisdom) Contact Notes says about human spirituality.
ALIENSHIFT is the Connecting point of all missing links in our present time.
It will show you how Aliens are going to help positive humans in the time of coming Pole Shift thru ALIENSHIFT.
discuss about Reptilians, Reptoid or Lizard Aliens, Grey Alien, New World Order, Illuminati, the secret behind secret
societies, chem-trails, contrails, DNA and Cloning to copy 100,000 new hybrid soldiers in few month, why UK Shadow GOV killed
Princess Diana, Secret behind Dulce, the New Age of Aquarius, Interdimensional
Time Travel and Stargates.
ALIENSHIFT talks about Extraterrestrials and their cultures. V also have been called a
New Hope for Humanity Pioneers in Alientology study of UFO, Earth Changes, Pole Shift of 2012, Life on MARS, U.S bases on
Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy, Teleportation, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility,
Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla. John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Dr, Wolf, Alternate
Reality, Warping Space Time, HARRP Project and Weather Control, Alternate Time Lines, ET Taught Military the Laser & Stealth
Technology. Tesla Towers, Hollow Earth, Teleportation to the Planet MARS and NIBIRU, Time travel back to Atlantis, how to
build a Teleportation Machine, Under ground Extraterrestrial Bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Gray Reptilians,
Arcturians, Tall Whites, Ancient Civilizations, Time Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German
Mars Projects, Nazi UFO, Nazi Gold and Fort Knox, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Anti Christ using A.I and Micro chip Implants,
Worm Holes, Space Time, Time Travel Machine Build by GE next 20 years, Weather Control, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face
of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought and Powers of the Mind, Artificial Intelligence, Et message
of Islam, Islamic Jihadist Revival and Islamophobia created by Western Alliance to offset the Chinese and Soviet Balance of
Power by creating the Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during 80s. Montauk Base, Zero Time frame Reference, Akashic location system,
Ancient Religious artifacts in Iraq and MARS, Alien walk in's, Jesus, Sci Fi UFO video in New York, Philadelphia Experiment.
The subconscious mind, Video of FOX 11 news on Chicago OHRE UFO Sighting. Numerology and effect of numbers: 0, 1, 11, 1111,
1112, 1119, 1911, 2111, 511, 711, 811, 911, 1212, 555, 786, 19, 110, 2012, 999, 888, 777. Current Cycle of Man ends as MAYAN
CALENDAR ends on Sunday 12/ 23/ 2012. Watch your back on that Day! Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid, Why we are
not allowed to have Dept of UFOLOGY and ET studies at University of Yale, Princeton , UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT or Harvard?
American Torture in Abu Gulag and on the Air Secret planes new way of American Democracy! Sufism the Alchemy of Happiness,
evolution, Dan Burisch and other famous scientists video of J-ROD at AREA 51, S4 level and New Mexico DULCE Alien Facility,
Oil shortages and global warming, Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Mayan Calendar year 2012 your time line is crossing get ready prepare
for Contact, Solar System causing global warming Nibiru approaching, GOOGLE, You Tube UFO Videos, Big Foot, Milky way and
the Big Bang, real UFO, UFO photos, Information page on ET Civilizations, ALIEN and UFO videos, story of Real Aliens, picture
of Aliens, Magnetic Pole Shift, ET CO-Operation in Iran and IRAQ, crystals, Bermuda triangle, Chupacabra, ISLAMIC UFOLOGY,
MAJESTIC 12, SHADOW GOV, Rabbit Foot and Cracking the CODE, CROP CIRCLES, CLONING, MASNAVI OF RUMI with Rumi You tube Videos,
Germain on ASCENSION and AG-Agria, John Lear ,WILLIAM COOPER VIDEOS , ALEX COLLIER VIDEOS . Bush Skull and Bones family connection
to Illuminati CFR New World order. Allah is Great Long Live freedom. Master of all Masters Ibn Arabi, Persian music the Alchemy
of Soul, SUFI MASTERS, IMAM MAHDI, Preparation prayer for Pole Shift 2012 in Mecca, Nostradamus, Oil, Flying Saucers Antimatter,
Gravity waves DISCS at S4 Groom Lake or Papoose Lake nick named AREA 51 in Nevada. DR. Edward Teller MJ 6, Dick Chaney MJ
11, do not travel in the Year 2012. V Love you, The Alien
Best ET pictures online,
Alien pictures, Alien autopsy pictures, Roswell alien, EBE, Crashed Saucers, Salvaged Equipment, Paranormal Experiences, Brainwashing,
Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, Time Travel, Incarnation, Extra-Terrestrials, Psychic, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project,
Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla-Visionary. John Von Neumann-mathematician of physicist,
John Hutchinson-Dean U of C, Dr. David Hilbert - Multi Space Time/Realities, Dr. Gust off - Physicist, Dr. Levinson-Levinson
Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time Tunneling, Teleportation, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Alternate Reality, Warping Space
Time, Past and Future Travels to the Year 6048, Unrecognizable Ruins, Weather Control, Z-Argon Gases, Alternate Time Lines,
Altered States of Reality, No Perception of Time, Mind Control, Altered Auras, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology.
Tesla Towers, Teleportation to the Planets, Atlantis, Falling Frogs, Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Tesla
Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Grays, and Reptilians show up, Alchemy, other domains, Crashed Ships, Bavarian Alps,
Ruins: Ancient Civilizations, Bodies Found Embedded in the walls at Montauk, time tunneling, alien projects, Atlantis, Secret
Society's, German Mars Projects, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Micro chip Implants, Rainbow, Inviibility and Hyper Space,
Space - Time Continuum, Worm Holes, Space Time, Time Travel, Invisibility Machines, Hypo-Meditation, Weather Control, "Psychic"
Signals, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought, and Powers of
the Mind, Alternate Realities, Artificial Intelligence, and Monster Manifested, Walking into the Time tunnel. Anomalies in
time, Reptilians, Balance of time, Intelligence's off our planet, Project "God Edge" Manifesting of Objects,
Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Secret Societies, Celestial Management, Self Conscious computers, Magnetic Field, Montauk
Base Closure, Mind Control, Finite Space, first electronic computer, zero time frame Reference, Stealth Bombers, underground
mars caverns, dead civilizations, psychic nature vortexes, Akashic location system, religious artifacts, alien walk in's,
teleportation, Philadelphia experiment. The subconscious mind, Hilga Marro, aliens, Einstein, Eldridge Survivors, BOB LAZAR
51 NEVADA "DR. EDWARD TELLER" "JON FARHAT" "ART BELL", John Titor, Time Travel, IBM 5011 Machine
why NASA is buying old computers?