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Salaam, and Greeting to You!
To The
Statesmen In Power And To Mankind Of Earth
This is especially pointed to George W. Bush/USA, Ariel Sharon/Israel,
Saddam Hussein/ Iraq, Yasser Arafat/Palestine and Osama bin Laden and their followers and supporters, yet also to all others
who are misled, wrong, mistaken, guilty and irresponsible statesmen in power and terrorists as well as their howling followers
who encourage and support war and terror or are engaged themselves in some way or other. In approximately the last 10,000
years on Earth, there were only just 250 years of peace. During all other times bloody wars, revolutions and acts of terror
of all kinds have gone down in a dishonorable way in historic records. In all these times, dozens of warlike actions were
recorded each year worldwide in various countries, with hundreds of millions of human lives lost in total and indescribable
suffering brought upon mankind of Earth as well as immense destruction worldwide. Within the 20th century, two world wars
raged in the time of 1914 - 1918 and 1939 - 1945. The pinnacle of insanity was reached by the Americans in the Second World
War with the dropping of atomic bombs on The above listed atrocities of the
Americans only correspond to a small fraction of the enormous machinations of crimes towards mankind, for already long before
the 20th century, when America was settled by many sectarian and criminal elements from Europe, and America integrated herself
into the world as a new state, many atrocities of the Americans against human beings were recorded. One does not have to look
very far, but only recollect the almost extinction of the American Indians or the enormous crimes of slavery, when slave traders
criminally kidnapped black human beings in Africa and enslaved them in America whereby many thousands were already tortured,
tormented and murdered in Africa, or on boats used for transportation of slaves while survivors had to endure a life of the
worst enslavement in America if they were not "tarred and feathered" by racists such as the "Ku-Klux-Klan". Not to mention
the fact that in the time of slavery, The US-actor Ronald Reagan, later
the 40th president of the Should in fact a clash of weapons
occur in Iraq, prodded by the howling for war by Bush, then this can become a reality and the fulfillment of Henok's prophecies,
although the old prophecy says that due to this consequence, the Third World War could in fact break out in the year 2006,
whereby it should be said that it depends if this date is taken from the modern calendar of today or according to the time
since the birth of Jmmanuel (Jesus), which then would correspond to the year 2003. Another prophecy speaks of an all-encompassing
war in the year 2011. But at the present, the year 2006 has to be considered, because the last decades that have gone by with
all the happenings in military and political machinations point towards this time. There were already certain happenings,
which were named definitely as early precursors of the Third World Fire - while the present machinations of the irresponsible
US president George W. Bush, indicate that this will be the start of the End of Days prophesied since olden times. And this
will be a war as mercilessly as never before was led, with nuclear weapons as also with weapons of a biological and such related
to radiation and of a chemical kind. The prophecies of old say that such a war will eradicate about two thirds of mankind
and create enormous destruction to such an extent that life can barely exist. But the same prophecies also say, that in such
a war as never before, the whole world and mankind will be involved, therefore no state and no nation will be spared. Europe
as America will be destroyed to a high degree and human beings will die gruesome deaths in vast numbers and only a minority
will survive. So it is written in the prophecies, which are being ignored and ridiculed or made fun of and disregarded. And
should the time come and the Third World War rages over the Earth, this will happen solely through the irresponsible insanity
of some statesmen in power as well as their followers - to whom each life of a human being is equally worth nothing as well
as nature and the existence of the planet. Moreover many former statesmen in power as well as their followers and supporters
who no longer hold their positions are to be mentioned. They have contributed and helped to bring about the present condition
of the completely demolished state of the world, in the way of military, political and economical development. Today the irresponsible
statesmen, wanton for power as mainly US president Bush and his followers and supporters, howl along and also the Israeli
Ariel Sharon, the Palestinian Yasser Arafat and the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, as well as the frightened and cowardly
irresponsible statesmen in power of the European states who believe to have to be in league with America to be spared the
experience of war. Yet, should the great fire of the Third World War break out, caused by the guilt of America and Israel
as well as Iraq and Palestine and all of the terrorists, the howling will be stuck in the throats of all those who howled
for war before. All the characters holding the positions
of power in states and howl with the great evil wolf called America should not be left in their powerful positions as they
neither work for the welfare of their nations, nor work towards a true peace, but in limitless fright and cowardice, indulge
in their megalomania, greed for power, their hatred and vengeance. Indeed, these characters have to be removed by the people
in due time to prevent even more harm, disaster, ruin, corruption and destruction to the Earth and mankind. Yet, there is
still time to prevent further disaster and further insanity of warlike and terrorist behavior, if mankind finally defends
itself against such irresponsible statesmen and warmongers and drives them out of their powerful positions before they can
trigger the final catastrophe. Mankind has yet a last chance to prevent their own as well as the world's destruction and the
worst happenings since the existence of mankind and let the old prophecies not come true. If everything is directed into the
right channels and human beings let reason decide, then the old prophecies cannot be fulfilled. If the broad masses of mankind
do not apply this reason, and they do not bring the mighty and powerful to their senses and they are not removed to let reasonable
and conscientious strong leaders take over the governing of states, then annihilation is certain. The root of all evil is America,
because of her excesses in regard to her self-appointment to be the World Police, and in respect to her machinations of ambitions
in world control which leads to hatred and terror around the world, indeed, especially against America herself as well as
to her allies. The more America interferes in foreign affairs and installs herself in foreign states, the greater the hatred
becomes towards all and everything that is American... thus, the worldwide terrorism of Osama bin Laden and that of his network,
al-Qaeda was born. And this hatred of the terrorists and its connected campaigns of revenge will increase, indeed, completely
in relation to the hateful and revengeful actions of America. And this terrorism, which is in balance with the terrorism of
America, will likewise contribute largely to the Third World War because everything is hopelessly entangled. Therefore, Osama
bin Laden and his followers have to be removed, yet not through American terrorism of a military kind, but through reason.
The foundation of reason does not rest on a tremendous rearming of war machinery of America - while she prohibits other states
to do the same and forces these states into war by accusing them of being an all-embracing omnivorous World War Power, should
they not tow the line America determines. With all possible means to rearm like the devil and to oppress and enslave others
to bomb, to annihilate and to destroy everything is in fact the whole wisdom of America, as this has been proved repeatedly
since the existence of this state. In that country, no ear is given to the peace-loving minority. How could it be otherwise
in a country where wrong comes before right, where the death penalty exists and many innocent people are executed and nobody
seems to care, and justice seems to be asleep. The fact is, as long as America interferes
in the affairs of foreign states, sets herself up in them and continues to play the World Police and wants to devour and swipe
the whole world and its peoples - as long as this is so, there will be hatred and terror as well as retaliatory measures and
measures of revenge against America and her followers and supporters. Calmness, freedom, and peace can become a path to reality
only then when America withdraws from the world and disappears out of all countries where she has set herself up in a military,
political, religious and economical manner. She has likewise to surrender her grand airs of world control as also the madness
to think she has to be the World Police. Thus America has to develop herself in such a way that she does not any more tolerate
warmongering elements in the government of her state and within her people, as this also has to happen in Israel, Iraq and
in the state of Palestine. Also, Sharon, Arafat, and Saddam Hussein as George W. Bush must be removed from their positions
of power in their states as all of the other statesmen in power who are responsible for injustice, treason, terror, capital
punishment, suicide commandos, political murder, secret service murder etc., and they who abuse their power. Only a mankind
that is united can guarantee a procedure for the removal of the wrong, criminal, irresponsible, power-hungry, in conscientious,
warmongering, cowardly, hateful, revengeful, and self-glorifying statesmen in power and their followers, etc., from their
positions and guarantee the prevention of the ever threatening Third World War with the potential of death, destruction, misery
and terror as never before seen since the existence of the Earth and its human beings. Therefore, human beings of Earth, throw
those statesmen out of their positions who are irresponsible, criminal, who commit treason and are without dignity and honor,
and replace them with human beings who take over the leadership of state in a responsible manner and work for the well-being
and true peace and the preservation of the planet Earth. Indeed, such human beings are rarely to be found, yet with good will,
reason, understanding and patience they can be found; and they have to be found and put in charge of the positions in state
leadership because they alone guarantee the effective well-being and the continued existence of mankind on Earth and its world.
Only such human beings will be able to create true freedom, true peace, and actual unity among the whole population of Earth.
Yet, the powers that will lead the state have to be in effect modest, selfless and honest to be in such a position of power,
and have to respect the life of each human being and of any other form of life and respect nature and the existence of the
planet. Quetzal spoke in this manner already in a conversation on December 31st, 1988 whereby the following was said: Quetzal Billy This is the end of the excerpt of
the conversation to which the following has to be said: Human beings of the Earth, it is
time to take on reason, turn towards the true life and live according to the laws and commandments of Creation in a natural
manner and in a humanely dignified manner, get rid of those irresponsible and criminal statesmen in power doing wrong, who
with greed of power in self-glorification and hatred and revenge, etc., drive mankind into hardship, misery, horror and many
deaths and thereby also destroy the achievements of human beings and the whole world. Human beings of Earth, unite in common
sense and reason to understand and love no matter to which religion, race, and people you belong. In a dignified human way,
make certain that those criminals and terrorist statesmen in power and terrorists disappear, who work against the well being
of nations and the whole of mankind. Remove them from their powerful positions they hold as despots, dictators and terrorists,
and deport them to live in exile for life, that never again they can bring about harm and evil, no more death, ruin and disaster
to human beings and the world. Replace the irresponsible with human beings who deserve to be called a human being and who
are dignified and honorable to take on the leadership for the peoples on Earth and the whole of mankind and to work towards
the well-being and true freedom and real peace of the people and mankind without greed for power, self-glorification and greed
for profit as well as not to decline to the level of hatred, craving for revenge and blood, retaliation, warmongering, lust
for murder and terrorism. And time is urgent, otherwise the insanity of the old prophecies will be fulfilled that speak of
the worst and most horrible happenings and degenerations of all times that ever have come true since earth and human beings
have appeared. Semjase Silver Star Center,
ALIENSHIFT talks about Extraterrestrials
and their cultures. "V" also have been called a New Hope for Humanity Pioneers in Alientology study of UFO, Earth Changes, extraterrestrails, Moon Base, Mars colony, Deep Underground Military Bases, super soldiers, GMO, Illuminati 4th dimensional workings, Planet Nibiru, Global warming, Pole Shift of 2012, Life on MARS, U.S bases on Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy, Teleportation, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla. John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Dr, Wolf, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, HARRP Project and Weather Control, Alternate Time Lines, ET Taught Military the Laser & Stealth Technology. Tesla Towers, Hollow Earth, Teleportation to the Planet MARS and NIBIRU, Time travel back to Atlantis, how to build a Teleportation Machine, Under ground Extraterrestrial Bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Gray Reptilians, Arcturians, Tall Whites, Ancient Civilizations, Time Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German Mars Projects, Nazi UFO, Nazi Gold and Fort Knox, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Anti Christ using A.I and Micro chip Implants, Worm Holes, Space Time, Moon, Moon Landing, Rings of Saturn, Life on Venus, Time Travel Machine Build by GE next 20 years, Weather Control, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought and Powers of the Mind, Artificial Intelligence, Et message of Islam, Islamic Jihadist Revival and Islamophobia created by Western Alliance to offset the Chinese and Soviet Balance of Power by creating the Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during 80s. Montauk Base, Zero Time frame Reference, Akashic location system, Ancient Religious artifacts in Iraq and MARS, Alien walk in's, Jesus, Sci Fi UFO video in New York, Philadelphia Experiment. The subconscious mind, Video of FOX 11 news on Chicago OHRE UFO Sighting. Numerology and effect of numbers: 0, 1, 11, 1111, 1112, 1119, 1911, 2111, 511, 711, 811, 911, 1212, 555, 786, 19, 110, 2012, 999, 888, 777. Current Cycle of Man ends as MAYAN CALENDAR ends on Sunday 12/ 21/ 2012. Watch your back on that Day! Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid, Why we are not allowed to have Dept of UFOLOGY and ET studies at University of Yale, Princeton , UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT or Harvard? American Torture in Abu Gulag and on the Air Secret planes new way of American Democracy! Sufism the Alchemy of Happiness, evolution, Dan Burisch and other famous scientists video of J-ROD at AREA 51, S4 level and New Mexico DULCE Alien Facility, Why Mosad killed JFK to cover Israel Nuclear Facility inspection, Islamic Prince was killed in Princess Diana womb to avert the future time line, Dalai LAMA never let go of Tibet and fight with China, There is no Oil shortages and global warming, Earth warming is due to arrival of Planet Nibiru or Planet of Crossing which is heating up the whole solar system, Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Mayan Calendar year 2012 your time line is crossing get ready prepare for Contact, Solar System causing global warming Nibiru approaching, GOOGLE, You Tube UFO Videos, ALIEN WEBBOT, MAYAN CALENDAR ENDS 2012, Big Foot, Milky way and the Big Bang, real UFO, UFO photos, Information page on ET Civilizations, ALIEN and UFO videos, story of Real Aliens, picture of Aliens, Magnetic Pole Shift, ET CO-Operation in Iran and IRAQ, crystals, NIBIRU, 2012, METEORITE, IMPACT, EARTH, GIANT, NEPHILIM, ALIEN, ALIENS.Vote OBAMA, SAEED DAVID FARMAN Bermuda triangle, Chupacabra, ISLAMIC UFOLOGY, MAJESTIC 12, SHADOW GOV, Rabbit Foot and Cracking the CODE, CROP CIRCLES, CLONING, MASNAVI OF RUMI with Rumi You tube Videos, METATRON, DRUNVALO MELCHIDEZEK, MESSAGE OF KRYON, Master Kuthumi and Ker-On. US SENATORS, MESSAGE of Commander Hatonn, ST. Germain on ASCENSION and AG-Agria, John Lear ,WILLIAM COOPER VIDEOS , ALEX COLLIER VIDEOS . Bush Skull and Bones,connection to Illuminati CFR New World order.Mysoace in Paris Hilton Hotels within HTTP://WWW.GOOGLE.COM, HTTP://WWW.YAHOO.COM , HTTP://WWW.MSN.COM , HTTP://WWW.EBAY.COM, KIM KARDASHIAN, HTTP://WWW.TIGERDIRECT.COM, http://www.newegg.com, http://www.buy.com, HTTP://WWW.CNN.COM, HTTP://WWW.ABC.COM, HTTP://WWW.CBS.COM, HTTP://WWW.NASA.GOV, HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM Allah is Great Long Live freedom and ET message of Love and Islam. Master of all Masters Ibn Arabi, Persian music the Alchemy of Soul, SUFI MASTERS, IMAM MAHDI, Preparation prayer for Pole Shift 2012 in Mecca, Nostradamus, Oil, Flying Saucers Antimatter, Gravity waves DISCS at S4 Groom Lake or Papoose Lake nick named AREA 51 in Nevada. Do not travel in the Year 2012. "V" Love you, Join ALIENSHIFT |