Dear Alienshifter:
If you are at this page you need to go Telepathic.
Is Time to go Telepathic!
It’s time to practice Telepathy in Alienshift.
This is for all of us specially you!
Please do not type, speak unless you have to for work, don’t watch TV, no phone calls in and out only very important
business calls or family only if you have to.
We are going to practice and learn to be Telepathic here and NOW.
Be silent for a while as we practice Telepathy between all of us.
Some of you might not be able to connect and hook up to the
Alienshift Matrix for many reasons but it’s a good start!
Those who connect will exchange ideas and plans and communicate
Constantly very rapidly and easily we are even able to heal each
Other and protect one another from Outside negative forces.
Our Bonding as a worldwide group to one another will increase as we shift to Telepathy.
To start we are going to deep silent with open eyes in an awake
State of mind with less eye movement and mind jumping try to focus
And concentrate more this practice is opposite Meditation mind is
Very focused and trained like remote viewing you do not need to go
Any quiet place in fact you might do this in a very busy area with
Lots of people around.
Mind is doing its job subconsciously you will be communicating
Across the universe with all beings who wish to communicate with you.
Messages are rapid, your mind acts in Alpha and Theta wavelength all
ETs will be suddenly notified with your mind activity just like a
Baby starts talking to them.
You have enough information in your head you are Alienshifter a
Higher grade Human Type full of universal energy.
Your personal feelings are not going to affect your telepathy.
You can start practicing your communication with me as the leader of
Group or you may send telepathic messages to your loved ones and ask them about the experience if they felt or thought of
you same time or not.
Our silence might take few days please talk only when you are talked to and try to be silent.
Remember the whole universe is talking to one another telepathically
Even animals is a natural gift in all of us can you open this gift
And enjoy it?
Please stop posting until we come out of this practice.
It is time to cleanse your KARMA.
B +
Group Leader
New Hope for Humanity

Telepathy (from the Greek τηλε, tele, "distant"; and πάθεια, patheia, "feeling")
is the claimed ability of humans and other creatures to communicate information from one mind to another, without the use
of extra tools such as speech or body language. Considered a form of extra-sensory perception or anomalous cognition, telepathy
is often connected to various paranormal phenomena such as precognition, clairvoyance and empathy.
While there have been numerous scientific experiments into telepathy over the years, no positive result has ever resisted
scrutiny. Positive results have always been demonstrated to be the result of flawed methodology, statistically erroneous conclusions,
or could simply not be replicated by independent researchers.
Quantum Mechanics
In seeking a "scientific explanation," some telepathy proponents have claimed there to be connections between scientific quantum
theory as a basis for telepathy. Such modern concepts of telepathy have attempted to draw both legitimacy and scientific curiosity,
by making both general and specific analogies between the "unaccepted unknowns" of religion and parapsychology, and the "accepted
unknowns" in the quantum sciences, where the classical and understood concepts of physics (time and space) don't generally
apply. The clear example is in quantum mechanics and its inherently theoretical cousin, string theory. Both have radically
changed modern concepts regarding the nature of time, space, energy, and matter, and the relationships between each.
In general the concept is that the mind (human or otherwise) is simply evolved physical scaffold for an entity of electrical
and quantum impulses. This system, in turn is claimed to have been developed abilities to influencing and receiving "quantum
fluctuations" from other minds. In essence, proponents claim that telepathy is not "extrasensory", rather that the brain is
the telepathic organ, its connections to other brains are not physical, but psychic, and the very definition of the psychic
medium is the localized inertial frame of reference which is affected by the mind.
This new and "scientifically-grounded" concept of telepathy provides the context for further speculations. However, physicists
and skeptic’s state that quantum mechanics does not show classical effects until objects are at sub-nanometer scales,
and since the physical components of the mind are all much larger, these quantum effects are considered negligible. Proponents
counter that the scientific statements carry two flawed assumptions, namely that the experience of telepathy need be a classical
effect, and that the mind is sensitive to only classical effects.
Some physicists, such as Nick Herbert, have pondered whether or not quantum mechanics' "non-locality" (or "spooky action at
a distance") principle would permit instantaneous communication such as telepathy. Experiments have been conducted (by scientists
such as Gao Shen at the Institute of Quantum Physics in Beijing, China) to study whether or not quantum entanglements (connections
allowing instantaneous information exchange) demonstrated at the level of electrons can also be verified between human minds.
Such experiments usually include monitoring for synchronous EEG patterns between two hypothetically "entangled" minds.
Technologically-assisted telepathy
Some, for example the science-fiction writer Spider Robinson in the book Death killer, have envisioned neurological research
leading to technologically-assisted telepathy, also called techlepathy. As of 2004, scientists have demonstrated that brain
imaging can be successfully used to recognize distinct thought patterns, and tell, for example, whether experimental monkeys
thought about juice or water, and whether a human participant thought about a rotating cube or moving his paralyzed arm. Both
implanted electrodes recording neurons' activity and outside electrodes recording electromagnetic activity of the brain can
be used.
Telepathic communication between humans and animals
Some people believe that it is possible for humans and animals to communicate through telepathy. In the past, this type of
interspecies communication was thought to be a normal part of life, such as in Native American culture. For more information
on this subject, see books by Rupert Sheldrake (Dogs who know when their owners are coming home), and professional animal
communicators Penelope Smith and Marta Williams.
Delusions of telepathy - Schizophrenia can produce delusions that the sufferer is in telepathic communication with others;
such delusions include thought broadcasting and thought extraction.
Other Facts
There is a long tradition of anecdotal evidence for foreseeing the future in dreams and by various devices such as observing
the flight of birds or examining the entrails of sacrificial animals. Precognition has been tested with subjects required
to predict the future order of cards in a deck about to be shuffled or to foretell results of dice throws, but the statistical
support for it has generally been less convincing than that from experiments in telepathy and clairvoyance.
Telepathy is instinctual. Primitive species used it as a survival mechanism. It involves mind to mind contact - communication
- of one mind with another by means beyond the normal or ordinary - beyond the frequencies of the five physical senses - sight,
hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
No all psychics are telepathic or can read minds.
Telepathic abilities are about connecting frequency. It is like turning on a radio and finding the right station. You just
have to know how to 'tune in' and the frequency of the program. For a few people this skill comes easy - but on the norm -
telepathy is never developed though many people try. Different meditation techniques and learning to focus the mind is the
key. The more you practice the better you get.
Once you open the door to telepathy - it should work like a light switch. You can turn it off - tune off - or turn it on by
focusing your thoughts. Rarely does one find that they are bombarded by the thoughts of others all the time. It would drive
you crazy.
Human DNA is not activated in a way that makes us natural telepaths - in most cases. We are in the third dimension - the physical
realms -to experience emotions. Telepathy would make it more complicated than it already is. Of course no one would be able
to lie anymore - so perhaps humanity could live in peace - but that is not why we come into the physical. We experience here
as if in a Matrix a Virtual Reality game - for the drama, the emotions - the thrills and chills - until one day we pause the
game and say, "I am tired of this. I can think 'out of the box' and want those skills returned. Give me back my powers." It
is then we go in seek of the tools which are innately ours.
Dreams bring telepathic messages as we time ravel or grid travel in our dreams where al exists. These are called precognitive
dreams. If they are about the 'world' rather than our personal lives, they are called 'collective dreams'.
Deceased souls sometimes bring messages through dreamtime. Communication is by thought form using symbols. In dreams you’re
moving faster than the speed of light. This is similar to meditation, time travel and remote viewing. You meet up with spirits
and share adventures and information. In dreamtime you move faster and higher.
As your consciousness returns to the physical body the lower your get to your body - the more it slows down ...slower...and
slower... until you enter your consciousness mind and wake up in the sluggish place - we call 3D. It is here that the concept
of linear time exists. You can best understand this by remembering that in your dreams - you move from event to event but
time is not marked. There is no time beyond 3D as frequency of light - and that is all we are - is moving too fast. Remember
- the lower and slower the frequency - the less likely to achieve telepathy or other abilities that work in faster light.
3D appears to be as dull as it gets.
Lovers definitely are more in tuned telepathically as being in love at that level is a very high frequency. This is not just
about making love - though it is an aspect of it. Love making activity is often telepathic in that one is responding to the
needs of their partner on a higher level of expression.
Telepathy between members of the same family - or close friends is common as they learn to adjust to each other's frequencies.
There always seem to be one member of every family - usually a woman - who has psychic or telepathic abilities. Mother's sense
when children are in trouble. When you are in panic mode - the adrenaline flows and the telepathy kicks in to those would
tune in to help you.
I woman could receive messages from her unborn child, often through dreams, but also telepathically.
People often sense the death of a family member. These make the most dramatic stories - heightened tension, nick-of-time rescues.
However, keep in mind that telepathic situations may be happening all the time, but we lack the awareness to recognize them.
In times of crisis we sent out our message and those who are in tune will pick it up.
Twins are often telepathic with each other creating these abilities when they are infants. They generally are in the same
frequency at the same time and learn to communicate with words. Very often it is just about a single thought - hunger. Telepathy
between twins or family members can remain for a life time.
Telepathy can occur due to a multiplicity of phenomena. First off,
the brain's wave frequencies range from 5 to 30 Hz. At the lower end
of that range (5-11 Hz) are "extremely low frequency" waves, or
ELF's. ELF waves can penetrate solid objects, even go through the
globe. So, in the old relativistic model, we see a basis for
telepathy at simple light speeds. Imagine those 10 billion nerve
cells in your brain, then multiply them by the 10,000-20,000
dendrites connected to each nerve cell, or better yet, by the atomic
curvature of the hundreds of trillions of atoms in a brain, and you
see that, working together, the brain can send out and contour,
recontour quite a lot of lightwaves.
Add to that Bearden's destructive interference of all that light
(electrogravity, or negative energy) and you see how the brain can
dip in and out of coherent energy fluctuations in space-time. This
more advanced capacity is a simple, basic sense that can be learned
or simply picked up through experience with phenomena of the sort.
This second basis for telepathy explains how nearly instantaneous,
faster-than-light communications can occur. Indeed, when both ELF
and negative energy fluctuations are coordinated, we can see how a
brain can do telepathy. (It make not be so much of an active,
manipulated doing, in the negative energy sense, as it is a
receptivity to a larger network of pre-existing interactions).
Rather than the old string-wired, linear computer model, the
combined ELF and negative energy model can function on a global
scale (connecting the entire brain, or even beyond the brain on a
larger scale). This would help to explain the continuity of
consciousness, the way that thoughts don't just lapse at the end of
a linear chain, but seem to come in packets of condensed
information. Alien telepathy appears to deepen that condensed state
information, spanning it both both outward AND inward at the same
time. (Both outward--hyperspace--, and inward--down THROUGH the
nucleus--is the combined effect of ELF and negative energy. This is
a kind of quantum cosmological aspect of the cosmic-scale-meets-the-
sub-quantum scale in everyday life).
It goes much further than that, but that is the realm of more
advanced interactions.
How can such occur? Here's an easy way to visualize it all: The only
whole numbered (or "real") quantity in this universe is the entire
universe when seen from the very beginnings to the very ends of
time. Actually, we can only model the near-whole numbered quantity
(either 1, or 0---probably both at the same time) because the
universe tunnels into itself and intraverts, or involutes with a
basic non-local quality whenever we sum it up as a near-whole
numbered quantity. This is because, in order to observe the
universe, some of the universe must remain invisible (i.e. gravity,
time, space, etc.), hence all that we observe are but fractions of
the near-whole. In other words, negative energy owes to a kind of no-
boundary condition in which there is no center to the universe.
Instead, every place seems as though it is the center, but due to
the basic (fractional) non-locality of quantum physics in the
universe, it is always fluctuating (negative energy, light, etc.).
So, there's good scientific basis for telepathy. A simple light
speed ELF model has your brain sending out and communicating with
trillions of other perspectives every single second, and some of
those can be elsewhere on the globe. But how would you sort all of
that out? By sorting it out into entire categories of phenomena
(i.e. as physicists do), not merely via the old binary bit model of
information. To do so requires a finer, often relatively faint-
seeming condensed quality to such information (packets rather than
bytes). To do so requires that you be both sensitive to, and, in
some ways, vulnerable to, much larger communities of mind. This may
sound strangely transparent to some, but is actually a necessary
basis for universal cohesion and awareness. It is "real" and exists,
but relatively faintly, compared to the old, relatively primitive
human idea of (sexually distorted) television, pictorial SOLID
vividness. It is fainter, more subtle.
Meanwhile, none of the universe is solid. It is both space and mass
(or matter, delta t as Bearden writes it), and even more. Three
aspects of quantum physics confounded Einstein: 1) that there are no
concretes; instead all quanta are thingless 2) all quanta are
subject to either random, or more largely/finely integrated
fluctuations, and 3) quantum connectedness--a faster-than-light
connectedness between two splitting matter/antimatter particles.
In other words, the old Cartesian, Euclidean idea of solids,
absolutely separated (i.e. ownable) things on a table top is but an
illusion. Condensed state community of mind and telepathy is the
higher order into which we are now becoming more deeply integrated.
However, that doesn't mean it's all one stupid lump, one great big
ball of greed/power and control. There are multiple dimensions of
mind, extra-finely and more vastly dimensioned communities of higher
order mind that can nonetheless cohere as one. But not one single
regime, not one power grab, one single gaggle of abducting,
colonizing aliens.
Now, in the 21st century (human notion), which can also be described
as an alien's billionth or higher century, humans have one foot in
the old concrete ideas of binary mindform, while the other foot (or
feet, in the community sense) is in a more advanced century.
Telepathy AND remote sensing are intertwined. There is good science
to explain both. There is good method for it, but it require and
attentive kind of humility and an actively evolving thoughtfulness
about science. *You need a good model of such physics in order to
know what you're doing.
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