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Drunvalo on The Earthchanges
This is one of the most amazing times to be alive ever! We are so
lucky to be here to experience these rapid evolutionary changes that
are all around us in the solar system, on our planet, and even
within our bodies.
Most people here on Earth don't see that anything unusual is taking
place, simply because outward appearances remain normal and everyday.
But what is occurring is definitely not normal. For millions of
years, mankind has evolved at a slow, methodical pace, even up to
the turn of the twentieth century. In 1900, we were riding around on
horses; not that horses are a shabby means of travel; and a simple
letter could takes weeks or months to reach remote areas of the
planet. The idea that mankind might step onto the moon was
considered fantasy. In fact, anyone born in, say, 1890 would never
have believed that moonwalking could happen at all, much less in
their lifetime. But only 78 years later, it did.
What has happened? How has our evolutionary speed increased so
rapidly? What is really going on in the evolution of mankind?
Why now?
There are so many questions.
The Gathering of Knowledge
It is enlightening to look at the equation of the gathering of human
knowledge in these times. The Encylopedia Britannica states that by
the turn of the twentieth century, mankind had acquired a certain
number of "bits"; in modern terms — of information. These bits of
information had accumulated from the beginning of civilization in
Sumeria, 6000 years ago, to 1900 AD.
And from 1900 to about 1950 AD, mankind proceeded to accumulate the
same number of bits of information as it had formerly accumulated
since the beginning of civilization. In other words, we gained as
much information in only 50 years as we formerly had gained in 6000
That definitely is not normal.
And it hasn't stopped. It hasn't even maintained. The increase in
information continues at an exponential rate. It doubled from about
1950 to 1970. Now, it's moving so fast that for several years not
even NASA could keep up with it. At one point, I am told, NASA was
eight and a half years behind in even getting the new data into
their computers.
But it's not just knowledge that's changing. There also are changes
taking place on every level of human experience, with phenomena
arising that have never been seen before.
Earth Changes
In the Earth Changes department, the geomagnetic field of the Earth
is undergoing so much change in such a short period of time that no
one would have believed it could even happen, much less been able to
predict it.
We know that the magnetic field has been becoming weaker for about
2000 years. And we also know that it dropped dramatically around 500
years ago. But it caught us by surprise, about 30 years ago, when
the magnetic lines actually began to shift. They shifted so much
that by the 1990s the aeronautical maps used to land commercial
airplanes had to be altered all over the world.
The whales are beaching themselves for the same reason. Their
migrations follow these magnetic lines. It has been disastrous for
the whales for these lines to suddenly and unexpectedly turn and go
The migration of birds also is linked to the magnetic field of the
Earth. And the plight of the birds is about the same as that of the
whales. These innocent creatures encounter enormous problems when
they end up in areas of the Earth where they are not expected.
Human Response to Earth Changes
Could these changes be a problem for humans? Yes, they could be, and
they are. Recently, as Gregg Braden reports, scientific journals,
including Nature magazine, have admitted that the Earth's magnetic
field appears to be in such flux that the North and South Poles may
actually be preparing to reverse themselves.
If this were to happen (and of course it's speculation, but we do
know that it happened 13,000 years ago), there could be immense
problems ahead for us. And in the reversal period between one polar
orientation and the next, it is possible that the magnetic field
could cancel itself out and go, effectively, to zero.
No one knows what a pole reversal would mean for humankind. But we
do know what would happen if the magnetic fields were to go to zero
for longer than two weeks. The Russian space program has shown us
this. They discovered that when a cosmonaut was put into space —
where there is little or no magnetic field for more than two
weeks, he or she literally goes incurably crazy. It seems that this
magnetic field somehow is necessary to keep our minds in balance (to
keep this from happening, the Russian cosmonauts were given special
devices to wear around their bodies that approximated the Earth's
magnetic field; America followed suit).
In the same vein, there are so many changes occurring on the Earth
that no one knows what they really mean. The fact is that our dear
Mother Earth has experienced, in the last 30 years, an increase
of "natural" catastrophes on the order of more than 500 percent
above normal. There are more tornadoes (over 400 in less than one
month in the States), more and faster hurricanes (some over 300
mph), more unusual weather, more earthquakes, more land and mud
slides more of everything than ever before.
There even is a new atmosphere growing around the Earth that no one
has ever seen before.
And what about the Sun? Never before have we ever seen the likes of
what is happening on our Sun today. The intensity of energy coming
off the Sun is unparalleled in the history of our scientific
And what happens on the Sun directly affects what happens on Earth.
The Consciousness Grids
The consciousness grids (originally found by the Russians) are
aspects of the Earth Changes that are perhaps of most importance.
How these grids change, and what happens to them, affects all of us.
The new grid, sometimes referred to as the Christ Grid or the Unity
Consciousness Grid, is literally "what we will become." The Secret
Government has tried everything it knows to destroy this grid, but
Mother Earth continues to defend it and allow it to grow.
A discussion of the Earth Changes would not be complete without this
understanding of the grids (see The Christ Grid and Earth Meridians
and the Coming Changes).
This Issue
So humankind is obviously in the midst of an incredible change in
its environment, and we feel that this will translate into an
incredible change in its consciousness. We you and I will see
the results, because these changes are happening now, in our
In this issue, we are bring together a sampling of important
researchers and writers who have been studying these and other
energy changes on Earth. Our goal is to help you experience what all
this means, and find a way to interact with these changes in order
to create harmony for yourself and your loved ones.
With understanding and knowledge comes wisdom to live our lives in
ways that are in balance with Nature. Chaos may seem to be appearing
everywhere, but — as Roger Nelson and Vladislav Lugovenko's work
shows the human spirit can bring chaos into order through our
intimate connection with God.
Personally, I feel that these outer changes may be a catalyst for
necessary changes within our hearts. For it is only within our
hearts, I believe, that we will find the solution and the reason for
our existence.
In love and service,
Ascension has usually been conceived of as a process of movement to Heaven a state of consciousness that we change into
after we are done with our Earthly experience.
Normally connected with the idea of death, ascension has
previously had the connotation of "Up, up, and away!"
Jesus definitely taught that ascension (or resurrection, which is a close cousin) were associated with death. It was not
until he died on the cross in great pain that he was allowed (or allowed himself) to enter into Heaven.
But this final state of consciousness that Jesus obtained on the cross was preceded by many years of directly experiencing
the relationship of the Inner and Outer Worlds.
It was through His understanding of the worlds of pure
consciousness and their relationship to the outer, physical world of the stars and planets that Jesus was able to perform
miracle after miracle.
For he realized that they were both worlds of onsciousness, and he knew the connection between them.
Each miracle led Jesus closer to the Source of Life and closer to the day when he could choose to ascend. But we can ask
whether it's true that His ascension happened after his death on the cross.
Could it not also be true that Jesus ascended at the age of twelve, when he performed his first miracle?
The concept of ascension as resurrection after death and entry into Heaven is a Christian concept, and it is the normal
definition in today's human world.
But Life doesn't always play by human rules. In fact, it seems obvious that Life
tries out all possibilities. So it is possible that new rules are being formed here on Earth, driven by the unusual state
of human consciousness at this moment in history.
And it is my observation that this possibility is
happening now.
That the rules are constantly changing.
As a result, I believe that where humanity is going — and why are issues that truly lie beyond our human imagination
at this time. And how we are going to get wherever we are going is probably a question that would strain our
imagination even more.
Although Jesus ascended by dying, in other words, that does not mean we are going to ascend by the same method. Life just
might have another plan.
Why do I think this? Because I have been watching Life on Earth very closely, and even in the short time since 1998 there
have been changes that I find extremely difficult to define. The prophecies that were supposed to occur never
did. Even Y2K never happened. Each earthshaking event that was prophesied approached its predicted time — and
somehow morphed into something that was gentle and went almost unnnoticed.
The uncertainty and potential surprise in store for us makes me think of the river that flows around Ute mountain in Colorado.
It's the Rio Grande, and it skirts the western base of this mountain.
But science has discovered that, every hundred years or so, this river changes course and flows around the eastern side
of Ute Mountain.
If, without offering scientific proof, we were to suggest to people who have lived their whole life on this mountain that
perhaps the river is going to change its course someday, they would truly think we were crazy. It
would be outside of their understanding.
But I am convinced that Mother Earth is getting ready to try something equally new with our ascension process —
or at least something that has not been used very often.
In fact, I think it's already begun. It seems to me that Mother Earth shifted us into the Fourth Dimension on time, in
1998 but then reconstructed the normal outer reality as though nothing had happened.
It would be as though the river had actually changed course, but the people who lived along it were still seeing
it where it used to be. This is the only explanation I can find that covers all of the experiences I am having and my
observations of the outer reality.
In other words, I think we may have already "ascended." This would certainly explain the feats of the new superpsychic
children who are emerging around the
world. Their actions and abilities are absolutely not of three dimensional reality.
Walking through solid walls is not something that can
happen in the Third Dimension, and feats like this, and many more, have been reported in science journals by the Chinese
government and others. And this is but a small
part of what is being observed today.
So there is already something going on here on Earth that is extraordinary totally outside of what we think of as normal.
And yet, if we choose to ignore it, we can go along and everything looks exactly the same as it's
always been.
The Maya, the Hopi, and many others have recently predicted that this period of time we are in now, would witness enormous
change in the world. The implication was that there would be physical Earth changes of huge proportions,
quakes and
floods and other natural disasters that would devastate planetary civilization.
But I have been watching carefully, observing this period of time with my inner being. And although I am witnessing everything
happening exactly as predicted, the changes are not in fact appearing in the Outer World (at least
not yet).
They are appearing in our Inner Worlds.
Major changes inside of us are transforming us into something new and different.
And I believe that at any moment we can enter a new world. And although it will be the world normally associated with
ascension, I think it's going to seem normal and familiar. It will have the familiar face of the old Third
Dimension but with a brand new heart.
And when we look back, despite how normal it seemed at the time, I think we will realize how many great changes have
taken place in such a short time.
For this, I feel great excitement and hope.
If you can see your experience this year with the "single eye" of ascension, it just may prove to be the most
amazing year you have ever experienced on Earth.
As the old "you" falls away, open your arms and your heart to who you really are: a grand, Divine Being with
amazing abilities to create.
You are the son or daughter of the One Who Created Everything. And this will never change. Sometimes we forget. But eventually,
we always remember once again.
Eventually, the veil is always lifted.
In love and service,
ALIENSHIFT talks about Extraterrestrials and their cultures.
V also have been called a New Hope for Humanity Pioneers in Alientology study of UFO, Earth Changes, Pole Shift of 2012,
Life on MARS, U.S bases on Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy, Teleportation, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project,
Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla. John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair,
Dr, Wolf, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, HARRP Project and Weather Control, Alternate Time Lines, ET Taught Military
the Laser & Stealth Technology. Tesla Towers, Hollow Earth, Teleportation to the Planet MARS and NIBIRU, Time travel back
to Atlantis, how to build a Teleportation Machine, Under ground Extraterrestrial Bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians,
Gray Reptilians, Arcturians, Tall Whites, Ancient Civilizations, Time Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's,
German Mars Projects, Nazi UFO, Nazi Gold and Fort Knox, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Anti Christ using A.I and Micro chip
Implants, Worm Holes, Space Time, Time Travel Machine Build by GE next 20 years, Weather Control, Psychic Frequency. Time
Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought and Powers of the Mind, Artificial Intelligence,
Et message of Islam, Islamic Jihadist Revival and Islamophobia created by Western Alliance to offset the Chinese and Soviet
Balance of Power by creating the Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during 80s.
Montauk Base, Zero Time frame Reference, Akashic location system, Ancient Religious artifacts in Iraq and MARS, Alien
walk in's, Jesus, Sci Fi UFO video in New York, Philadelphia Experiment.
The subconscious mind, Video of FOX 11 news on Chicago OHRE UFO Sighting.
Numerology and effect of numbers: 0, 1, 11, 1111, 1112, 1119, 1911, 2111, 511, 711, 811, 911, 1212, 555, 786, 19, 110,
2012, 999, 888, 777.
Current Cycle of Man ends as MAYAN CALENDAR ends on Sunday 12/ 23/ 2012.
Watch your back on that Day!
Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid, Why we are not allowed to have Dept of UFOLOGY and ET studies at University
of Yale, Princeton , UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT or Harvard? American Torture in Abu Gulag and on the Air Secret planes new way
of American Democracy!
Sufism the Alchemy of Happiness, evolution, Dan Burisch and other famous scientists video of J-ROD at AREA 51, S4 level
and New Mexico DULCE Alien Facility, Oil shortages and global warming, Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Mayan Calendar year 2012 your
time line is crossing get ready prepare for Contact, Solar System causing global warming Nibiru approaching, GOOGLE, You Tube
UFO Videos, Big Foot, Milky way and the Big Bang, real UFO, UFO photos, Information page on ET Civilizations, ALIEN and UFO
videos, story of Real Aliens, picture of Aliens, Magnetic Pole Shift, ET CO-Operation in Iran and IRAQ, crystals, Bermuda
triangle, Chupacabra, ISLAMIC UFOLOGY, MAJESTIC 12, SHADOW GOV, Rabbit Foot and Cracking the CODE, CROP CIRCLES, CLONING,
US SENATORS, MESSAGE of Commander Hatonn, ST. Germain on ASCENSION and AG-Agria, John Lear ,WILLIAM COOPER VIDEOS ,
ALEX COLLIER VIDEOS . Bush Skull and Bones family connection to Illuminati CFR New World order. Allah is Great Long Live freedom.
Master of all Masters Ibn Arabi, Persian music the Alchemy of Soul, SUFI MASTERS, IMAM MAHDI, Preparation prayer for Pole
Shift 2012 in Mecca, Nostradamus, Oil, Flying Saucers Antimatter, Gravity waves DISCS at S4 Groom Lake or Papoose Lake nick
named AREA 51 in Nevada.
DR. Edward Teller MJ 6, Dick Chaney MJ 11, do not travel in the Year 2012.
V Love you,
The Alien