St. Germain 11.05.05.
Matters are forging ahead, and many people are finding the courage to
come out with knowledge that has been kept secret for a long time.
This has the effect of bringing the truth out and into the public
domain. People talk and information quickly passes around, and the
result is that others take up the cause and it gathers pace. Whatever
area of life you look at, people are dissatisfied and are demanding
that changes are made. There is a new awareness as to what you should
rightly expect from those who are in charge and it is creating energy
for change.
Needless to say, the majority of people have not heard of the benefits
of NESARA or the details of First Contact, but they subconsciously
pick up on the ideas. This adds strength to the whole campaign to
bring these into manifestation. For those who are at the forefront of
getting information about these two events into the public eye, it is
difficult because your media is still reluctant to give much space to
the ideas. In fact there is an orchestrated plan to prevent the public
from learning too much, and misinformation is used along with skeptics
who play down or deny the facts.
These times are about to be overtaken by a great movement pressing for
the truth. Boldness will replace hesitancy and you will see more open
discussion in the mainstream media. Once it becomes widespread it will
be impossible to return to the previous censorship or gagging that
often has little to do with national security. The big corporations
that want to keep the status quo will try all manner of tricks to
divert you from your path. However, the time has arrived for the truth
of many matters to come into the open.
The more it is apparent that your present administration is
collapsing, it will be seen as an opportune moment to make matters
public. This will have a snowball effect, and from then on there will
be no stopping the truth from coming out. Where ever you look there
are stories to be told, and this outing will enable the negative
energies associated with them to be released. This is all part of the
cleansing of Earth, that must take place and be completed before the
end of the cycle. The different hot spots of negative energy pull
people down and it is quite easy to see that within your present era.
Could you explain why Sicily should be the home of Mafia families, or
why Chicago has seen so much criminal activity. Why are people
attracted to certain areas, I would say it is because the vibration
attracts them. This can work with either the negative or positive
energies, and you can look around your world and find many examples.
For example, is Haiti the home of voodoo and magic by chance, I think
not as it is almost unique in this respect. Once these hotspots have
manifested, you will find that souls incarnating are drawn to them if
such experiences are needed, and so that power is perpetuated.
As progress is made towards preparing people for Ascension, it is
obvious that a certain percentage are totally unprepared and would
have no interest in taking part. They are too immersed in the lower
vibrations to raise themselves up. They would therefore move on to the
new Earth that will be very similar to this present one. They cannot
remain as this Earth is also rising up into the higher dimensions.
Life continues in its forever moving cycles, and offers whatever
experiences are required to evolve.
Evolution is the key and goal to everything that happens. For those
who have desired to be part of Ascension, help has been given to
enable them to proceed with that choice. Opportunities are presented
for growth, and hopefully you will have seized them recognizing them
for what they are. It is not by chance that your path has lead you to
the goal you chose when you came to Earth.
In all things you have been given choice, but of course you have no
knowledge of the decisions made prior to coming to Earth. Your life
plan is meticulously planned to give the experiences that will enable
you to evolve. You may not choose to believe that you would undertake
some of the experiences you have gone through, but I assure you it is
so. At heart you have a strong urge to return to source and in your
awareness of it, you are always ready to accept advice as to how your
life plan is best handled. It links in with karma and therefore ties
you to certain people that may well form part of your family.
If you think about your life so far, many of you will see how "chance"
led you to certain experiences that changed your life. Sometimes you
seem to unwittingly even make the wrong decisions, but these are
intended to ensure you face your karmic choices. If you fail to accept
your karma by exercising your freewill, it will be presented again
until it is cleared. So if you are in a situation that can be seen as
such, it would be in your interest to see it through and do the best
you can for all concerned. So many of you are racing through your
karmic debts as you know this is the last opportunity you will have to
clear them.
Experience will continue as it ever does, but there are the Laws of
Grace and some Karma will be cleared if it is deemed that it is no
longer necessary. Once you ascend you will have already cleared off
any remaining Karma. The Laws of the Universe will still apply in the
higher realms, but having advanced so far you are less likely to break
them because of your enlightened understanding.
Each one of you is exactly where you were meant to be in this
end-time. Now take a fresh look at what you face, and try to see where
it comes into your life and the message it has for you. Also remember
that regardless of what you experience, there is no punishment
involved, it is simply karma decided upon by you and your guides prior
to incarnation. There is a loving Creator behind All That Is, and the
plan for this Universe and all life forms within it. It is for ever
increasing evolution into the higher realms which beyond your present
dimension are of great beauty, joy and happiness.
I am St. Germain and trust I have helped some of you who see only the
inequalities of life. Never again will you have need to return to the
cycle of duality. Rejoice and know your sojourn is almost completed.
Go forward and carry the love that is within you to everyone you meet,
you are all fellow travelers on the same path. Go forward knowing that
many great Beings also accompany you, and that you are also enfolded
in their love.
Thank you St. Germain
Mike Quinsey.
St. Germaine Speaks
Freedom's Flames!
Tele-communicated through Kara Kincannon
Greetings to all my Freedom's Flames,
First, allow me to clarify some important facts on the collapse of the
old cabal you are witnessing right now. All is in a flurry of the most
important News in the History of Evolution!!
First the switch to gold backing is in place now. All transactions of
your now money will be recognized and exchanged for the new money that
will be backed by the Federal Reserve, which has been stolen and
placed in areas we knew of. It has been returned.
There will be some industries that will suffer extreme loss, for it
was built upon lies and deceit. I will not go into all the details,
for you will see yourself shortly what is put in place as this cabal
is removed from the White House!
All of the attempts to stop these truth filled indictments has been
stopped by us and by you. The light has and always will expose the
dark agendas, especially now, since there is so much intense light
in-pouring from the all of all that is.
I am personally asking each of you L/workers here in service to the
Truth and Light of Freedom to hold and to allow your Freedom's Flames
to shine clearly with standing in Love for all parties. You are here
to hold your Freedom's Flames high above the duality that is playing
out. Rise above the confusion and celebrate now of the "any moment"
you will see what I, Commander UR and Commander Hatonn shared with you
on Oct. 2nd 2005.
You all now know this is what you would say is a done deal. Do you
think we of the Brotherhood of Light and the Galactic Federation would
not cover all scenarios to assure the next government to be
implemented in and by the original Constitution of the United States
of America to truly Shine as one collective and joined forces re-lit
as the true Americans of the Free World? The suffering is just about
over. It will be by the end of this week. You will see the serious
plans put into the new system to bring the American troops home from
Iraq, and other countries that are set and ready to take their orders
from Mr. Bush to take place. This will not happen. We speak of Syria,
whom The cabal is trying to take over their country and their resources.
You will see in your UN, many seats that are vacated, for they have
also served the cabal with many payoffs. The UN will be re-structured
also, my friends. There is no reason to worry, only now is the time to
celebrate the long awaited end. The only goal and priority is this at
the moment. Shine brightly as your Freedom's long awaited Flames are
blazing the new roads for Freedom and Peace and Prosperity for all.
I know you have more questions. Lest I tell all of the surprises, it
would be like spoiling your Xmas morning. Know this. All is in Divine
Order and plans for a smooth takeover are occurring right now. With
this I will bid you all to keep shining, for the whole world is
watching what you will do!! Hold your Flames of Freedom high, with
impeccability and pride for whom you truly serve. We have WON, this
battle is all over but the crying wolf. Retribution has taken place.
Restitution is the next procedure.
I Am St. Germaine
St. Germain 10.14.05
There is a great air of expectancy, yet there are many who have no
idea of what is about to happen upon Earth. There is also another
group that do not really care and are happy to let life go by as long
as they can continue in their present life style. However, each and
every one are being challenged by what goes on around them, and it is
quite impossible not to register the fact that big changes are afoot.
Mother Earth is very active and will continue to be so, and because
you do not yet have the technology to control matters we act on your
behalf. Thus far we have been instructed as to how far we can go by
the Councils that interpret the edicts that come from higher sources.
What we are doing is very controlled and allows you to complete your
karmic responsibilities with the least interference from us. I talk of
the karma of Humanity as a whole, as you carry all of that which has
been accumulated over many thousands of years. Why now you might ask,
and I would say that as fast as you have cleared some, you have
created much more. The warring between you has created immense
problems, and you will understand that it is still continuing even
now. After a series of major wars the message is sinking home that
these are counter productive. In many cases they have been started by
power hungry leaders, who have had no compunction in using you to fuel
their ambitions.
Can you imagine how deeply the horrors of war impinge upon your
consciousness. Some of you come back to Earth in subsequent
incarnations and are full of bitterness and seek revenge. Others see
further and understand the tragic waste of resources and human life.
They vow to take a different stance and so are born your anti-war
heroes. At this time, there are so many of you that say you have had
enough and the energy of this movement is making itself felt. You can
no longer be fooled by rhetoric and speeches that label another
country as your enemy. Indeed, what you have learnt over the last
century is that people all over the world are very much the same. They
have the same wish to live in peace, and many are quite happy living
in their own culture and in ways and customs that have been around for
It is the Western World that has infiltrated other countries, and
glorified high living and the quest for more than what is needed.
Drugs and alcohol have been introduced which are attractive to those
who are in the Third World, it is so to say to drown their sorrows.
The inequalities of life make people angry, especially when the
privileged flaunt their wealth while others starve. How can peace
stand a chance when there is so much wrong that half of the world's
population only live on survival rations. People fight for many
reasons, but when they are kept poor they feel they have nothing more
to lose. You wonder sometimes how so called terrorists can carry out
their actions against other groups, but often it is born out of
The power bases have been taken over by those who seek only to further
their own ambitions. Control, control and control, is their pass word
and even now your rights are being taken from you so that eventually
you would have none at all. You think that is impossible, I tell you
that freedom and justice are disappearing very fast. Of course there
are many who try to resist this attack upon your liberties, but the
very laws you are loosing are the ones that would enable you to stand
up against the perpetrators. History will show that Dictators whilst
enjoying some success, always come to sticky end. So it shall be with
your present administration, and even as I talk they are losing their
ability to achieve their goals. They panic and know their time is up,
but like all tyrants they refuse to acknowledge what is staring them
in the face. They will wriggle and squirm but they will not escape the
fruits of their actions, and it will be much different to what they
Do not fret or worry, as the final act has already been written. You
are to witness the end of the last Cabal upon Earth, and already their
ship is sinking. I will just ask you who normally deserts a sinking
ship first, and I think you will get the meaning. The dark are only
strong when they are united in their purpose and can maintain their
goal. This has now changed, and they are about to run in all
directions trying to save their skins. The fall will happen quickly
and as other events crowd in on them, they will collapse. You say
when, but look at what has been happening, it has already started.
Dear Ones you are nearly at the point where events will suddenly speed
up, just watch what happens. The Forces of Light have not been idle
all of this time, and much of their work has been out of your sight.
Be assured that you have many allies both on and off Earth and they
work incessantly to bring the final changes into being. Be positive as
ever and help others who do not yet understand what is going on. There
are many who are both confused and frightened, and they need your
calmness and understanding at this critical time. Fear is your enemy,
and love is your sword that will sweep it away.
I am St. Germain and I am as ever still in the forefront of what is
happening upon Earth. I have not been with you for thousands of years
to see it come to naught. The plan was conceived in perfection and it
shall reveal its hand soon, the victory I have always promised will be
yours. Always remember that there are multitudes of Lightworkers
helping to lift everything up, and they are succeeding. The Light has
increased wonderfully, and those Beings that are drawing closer to
Earth are adding theirs to it. You cannot lose the fight, and the bell
has sounded for the last round. You are great Beings of Light, and the
dark are no match against such power. Go forward in total confidence,
and all Heaven will be with you.
Thank you St. Germain
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