Archangel Michael on Contact, Ascension and Prophesy
I AM Archangel Michael.
Today's message will address the next step regarding the contact to
be made by the members of the Galactic Federation.
Twenty million of them are now awaiting a message to make their
presence known. To do this they must activate an energy of heat not
common to any of those on earth. Correct activation can deter any
counter craft meant to destroy them.
After their appearance, no man, woman or child will deny our ability
to make contact.
Many of our group is awakened and more are not. Those who are awake
are to call on the others to demand their active compliance with the
guidance of Master Saint Germain. Together, all of these contact
members are non-threatening and make an active demonstration to
humans that collective consciousness can control the mayhem
encountered when those not familiar with these craft decide they are
not to be feared.
Appearance of these craft may not delete all of the dark, negative
demands on man's collective consciousness, but it can drain away the
non-awareness that the dark, negative masters base their
mesmerization on.
Two of the Ascended Masters coming to make the collective accept our
contact are Saint Germain and Ashtar. Both can do an awakening
clearing to make their call one of delight. Ashtar will be doing
awakening in the collective and Saint Germain calibrates this to
gather his chelas and meet with them, as their assistance will make
our details easier to achieve.
Neither Ashtar nor Saint Germain come as an archetypical messiah.
Both come as friends and aids to New World changes. Together they
can move more anchors of light to appropriate areas where their
anchoring is needed. Ashtar can create an actual move from one area
to another never before demonstrated on Gaia. Moves of this kind
will include members of the Great White Brotherhood already aware of
their role in the Master's creation.
Aruna will be on the first ascension wave and cannot be counted on as
messenger after this occurs. Two will be on the first wave. The
other, a male, is now aware of his next dimensional change and does
agree to this as Aruna does. Once this occurs there will be no doubt
about ascension.
Both can complete and dissolve into action during any of
our close encounters.
Ascension begins at first contact. Be aware that two more waves of
ascension will occur. The first will be near the dismantling of
corruption in all areas of human deception. The next wave will be
after the healing has been done. The Third comes during mass exodus
for all not accepting the consciousness needed to ascend.
Masters and Angels are able to direct these activities. None of them
are to take on human density to be teachers or dramatize their gifts
on Nebadon. All of our actions will be completed on this depth of
contact. Make the ability to communicate to other dimensions an
essential one for yourself.
Correcting myths being fed to channels by the dark masters or their
own egos needs to be done. No dark master can answer affirmatively
when asked "Are you one with Christ Consciousness?" Any message given
MUST be challenged with this question before accepting the message as
being from our consciousness.
Members of the Great White Brotherhood on our side do not need to go
out of their dimension to give their best effort to their chelas.
None do now and none are going to.
All beliefs about another appearance of Jesus are only mis-
conceptions. All beliefs are not to be created.
No answer to Christian or Jewish material about the next appearance
of a messiah can be counted on. All decisions about these Master's
actions are up to them, in their own control, and at their own
Count on nothing detailed in any prophesies. Only trust the guidance
of the I AM Presence in your own body/mind.
Chapter and verse of these times is yet to be written. Please delete
all concepts about the future and maintain awareness of the contact
being made in your own awareness. Never give your absolute faith to
any teaching that is not available to all. Only the teaching in your
own heart is true. Believe in this only. Apply this consideration to
any choice being made.
Clear the mind. Open the heart. Forgive all those who have misled the
details from their own beliefs. BE FREE of these false prophets and
within for TRUTH.
Archangel Michael
Beloved masters, from this moment forward we
ask you to integrate this
important concept as your truth. Know without a doubt, that every thought you have, every action you take affects everyone else in the world. You are not an island unto yourself.
You are not isolated.
You are not alone. You never have been and you never will be. As your power and influence grow as skillful masters of co creation, your emotional and intellectual boundaries expand
also. Feel the rippling
effect of your vibration patterns as they go forth and connect with like vibrations around the world. What kind of frequencies, thought forms and levels of consciousness do you want
to send out into the
world to be integrated into the life stream of mass consciousness? Think about that.
It is time to reclaim your magnificence. It is time to let go of all the fear, guilt and self-limiting excuses. You
have practiced limitation
long enough. It is time to experience "the real you," and to demonstrate what you are capable of achieving on the earthly plane of existence. What is stopping you from reclaiming
the Divine gifts that
are yours? Together, as the vanguard, let us assist you in moving forward at a faster pace with bold determination. As you assert and display your self-mastery, you will
smooth the way so that those
following behind you may gain the knowledge necessary to traverse the path of initiation and ascension.
You are the Star Seed. You are the way showers. You are the
ones who came to Earth
to guarantee the success of this Grand Experiment. Those of you who resonate to these messages are not earthlings. You became conscious of Self, a facet of the Supreme Creator, at
a universal or possibly
even at an omniversal level. We have spoken of this before, but it is important that you are aware, that the Legions of Light presently embodied on Earth are composed of Divine Beings from the far reaches of the Omniverse, Great
Beings who agreed to send
forth facets of themselves down into the lower dimension so they could experience the wondrous gift of total free will while fulfilling a mandate from the Creator. You, as these Sparks of Divinity, came forth with greatly diminished capacities; however, you have always had a lifeline from and back to your
Source, a lifeline that
can never be severed which is growing stronger and more empowering as you turn inward and accelerate the process of reclaiming all the facets of your God Self.
This is an opportunity that has not been presented
to humanity since you
sank into the density, and by that we mean, since the veil of forgetfulness began to shield your memory. You slowly forgot why you came to Earth, what your mission was, where you
are from, and the vastness
of who you truly are. You stored much of your wisdom in light packets within the higher vibrational levels of your brain for that time when you would, once again, awaken
and reclaim your right to
access the history of your origins and the wisdom of the cosmos.
Beloveds, you must be daring and you must be bold, and you must step out of your comfort zone. You must be willing
to experience a little discomfort,
but not as much as in the past, for it is time to ask for and claim ease and grace. You do not have to suffer and your daily existence does not have to be as difficult as
in the past. Let go of all
the baggage you have been carrying forward lifetime after lifetime. This is the lifetime whereby you can wipe the slate clean and begin anew. It is time to restructure and
upgrade your beliefs. It
is time to glean through your vast storehouse of past experiences and to integrate and claim as your truth the positive knowledge and the wisdom from your many lives on the Earth
plane. It is time to free
yourselves from self-inflicted bondage.
Many aeons ago, you were called together from the far reaches of this universe. You came together in large groups and each group was given very specific assignments. You were told that
you would consciously forget,
but your Divine mission and all its sub-assignments would be imprinted etherically as a Divine blueprint within your Sacred Heart. You would experience great diversity and many
wondrous worlds, and there
would be many more divisions into smaller and smaller fragments of Self. We placed within your Sacred Heart glowing seeds of love and memories of our Divine connection, one with another.
There were time triggers
placed within this blueprint, set to resonate deep within and trigger a Divine discontent nudging you to answer the call to "Awaken" once more. A theme would begin to
play within the consciousness
of those who listened, "It is time to awaken. It is time to turn inward. It is time to be lifted up and to begin the journey home."
Millions upon millions of dear souls are awakening as that inner time clock begins to vibrate frequencies of awakening.
It is saying, "IT IS
TIME. ARE YOU READY?" It is time for you, the children, the Sparks of Light, the SUNS/sons and daughters of our Father/Mother God, to awaken. It is time to return to your true estate as beloved emissaries of Light of the highest order. It is time to remember,
you are already connected
to and have access to anything you could ever desire. What are you waiting for?
The Divine discontent of cosmic change is now rampant in the world today. The reality of the third- and fourth-dimensional illusion is slowly fading away and being replaced with a
desire for unity, harmony
and equality for all. Many dear souls are finding they no longer have much in common with their physical families and their life-long friends, and no longer enjoy many of
the traditional events and
gatherings of the past. As you come together in soul groups, you often feel a sense of great peace and concord, a feeling of reunion, and it is so. You are reconnecting with your
soul groups and task companions,
and as you join together in your special pyramids of Light, you are drawing forth the complex geometric patterns of Creation as you ignite and reaffirm the agreements you made
one with another so
very long ago. You are an integral part of many such groups, and as time accelerates you will come together in larger and more dynamic forces of Light, and your impact
will be felt around the world
and out into the cosmos.
We know that these are extremely unsettling times for you, my brave ones. Your reality is shifting and changing moment by moment. We are aware that you, the warriors of Light, are experiencing
many unusual and disturbing
physical, mental and emotional symptoms. It is sometimes difficult to stay centered and to focus on the power of the moment when it often seems as though your world is turning upside down. Feelings of uncertainty and fear of the
future are roiling up from
deep within and your dreams are sometimes disturbing and leave you frustrated and anxious. As your Spirit self once more takes dominion within your physical vessel, you become
aware of anything that
is not in harmony with the higher frequencies of Light which are filtering into the deepest, most intimate facets of your Being. Deep core issues from your ancient past are surfacing
to be transmuted and brought
into balance, once and for all time. You are learning to function as multi-dimensional Beings, and as you tap into the frequencies of the higher dimensions and integrate
them internally, it
initiates a vibrational and chemical action within your physical vessel which can be uncomfortable. It will take time to become accustomed to the changes that are taking place
within and around you.
of the symptoms you are experiencing are a result of the accelerated transformational process you are in the midst of. There is a plethora of information and guidance regarding
health and diet practices
as you move through the shifting of the ages, and it behooves you to adopt those changes and practices that resonate with your inner truth. However, an important thought
we would like to impart
to you is that you, your Higher Self and your angelic guides/helpers know what is best for you. It is time to turn inward, beloveds, in order to receive the guidance and
assistance that is most
appropriate for you. The longer you look outside yourselves for answers and validation, the longer it will take to connect with your own Divine source of wisdom. Each of you is capable
of getting your own
answers, with the assistance of your Body Elemental, your Higher Self, your guides and teachers.
To assist you to reestablish a pure, strong connection with your Higher Self, your spiritual guides, angelic helpers
and with those you wish
to work with in the higher realms, we offer this exercise:
Focus your consciousness within your heart center as you take a few deep breaths. Move swiftly into the temple of
your Sacred Heart. Envision
(however you perceive) your Essence being lifted up the spinal column and out of the crown chakra. You move quickly up your column of Light into a new, personal pyramid
of Light which has been especially
designed as a meeting place for you, your helpers and companions of the higher realms. Move into this sacred space and lie on the crystal table. As you do so, look around
the room and see seated
in the crystal chairs surrounding the table all those whom you wish to commune and work with. Take a moment to identify who is with you in your pyramid. As with all other pyramids
of Light in the higher
dimensions, there is a double-terminated pure quartz crystal hanging down from the peak of the pyramid over the crystal table in the center. The electrifying lightening sparks
are radiating forth from
the giant crystal out into the room. This is the rarified Essence of the Supreme Creator and our Father/Mother God. There is a fountain under the table with a blazing Violet
Flame pouring forth out
into the room which will transmute any discordant energies you bring to this place to be released and purified. Ask the questions that are foremost in your mind. Ask for clear
answers and solutions for
your health problems and stressful life situations. Ask to be directed to the person/s or information which will assist you in achieving balance and harmony within your physical
vessel, with emotional
issues or to achieve mental clarity and focus. Always ask for your highest good and the greatest outcome for all. Come to this sacred place often to strengthen your connections
and rapport with your
Family of Light.
Remember, beloveds, you were not designed to grow old and suffer through a painful death process. In your ancient
experiences on Earth,
before you sank into the lower densities, there was no death as is now experienced by humans When it was time to transcend into the higher realms, you stepped into an enormous
fountain where the Violet
Flame was blazing forth, and you were immediately transported into the appropriate dimension where you would review your lifetime on Earth. There was a time of study and learning,
and then came the time
to prepare for your next earthly sojourn. Your passing from Earth and being born on Earth was never meant to be the painful experience it has become. It is time to reestablish
those times when the
passage to and from Earth were accomplished with ease and grace. It was like stepping through a doorway into a new realm of experience. You released old garments of flesh from your crystalline body or donned new ones in preparation for your
next grand adventure.
we give you our assurance, if it is your desire, that you may join the great Legions of Light who will go forth together to participate in the creation of the wondrous new
Golden Galaxy which is
in what could be called the "grand design stage." When you transcend, you will be taken to a star system of great beauty and tranquility, and there you will join with your
soul companions and the
Great Beings from all over the universe whose desire it is to participate in this next exciting evolutionary leap in Creator- consciousness. This Golden Galaxy will be the
new showcase of this universe.
You, and those like you, who have experienced the depths of density and duality will have an opportunity to experience the "Lightness" and beauty of your true spiritual nature as
you go forth as "seasoned,
tried and true cocreators" with a new Divine mission encoded within your Sacred Heart.
We honor you for your bravery. We salute you for staying the course for these many aeons of time. Know that we are ever near, watching over you, assisting you, and sending you waves
of love and encouragement
from our Father/Mother God.
I AM Archangel Michael.
Messages From Archangel Michael - Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
Beloved masters, it is time to expand your knowledge as to how the Creator's Plan was designed and how you all have been
affected by that plan throughout your many lifetimes, but especially in this lifetime. We have explained many times before
that your Earth resonates to the harmonics of the number seven, while your galaxy and this universe resonate to the harmonics
of twelve. There have been numerous references to this in the past, some given in metaphors, and many that are so commonly
known that you do not even think about their deeper meaning.
The Beloved Christed Being Jesus had twelve disciples and your history speaks much of the twelve tribes of Israel; your
astrological zodiac is divided into twelve segments; and one of the major time-keeping systems on Earth divides your year
into twelve months. There are many more examples, and if you become more aware of the significance of this number, you will
begin to recognize them. More and more often you are dreaming of the number 12:12, and it repeatedly is brought to your attention
via your digital clocks. The number twelve carries the vibrational frequencies of wholeness and balance, and you carry within
these vibrational frequencies in the form of chakras (or spinning vortices of Light) which will hum and ignite when you have
fully activated them.
First of all, you must understand that the examples we will give you are a very simplistic overview of how the Creator
Plan actually works, and that we are speaking of this universe only, not the Omniverse. When the magnificent energies for
this universe were brought together in the form of a Great Central Sun, multitudes of StarSeeds (those who had previously
individualized into God-consciousness) answered the call from the far reaches of the Omniverse to be a part of this wondrous
new adventure in creation. The great Beings who were to be the Father/Mother Godhead of this universe filled this new Great
Central Sun with their Divine Essence, and all that were to be a part of this new creation were drawn into this great circle
of God Light and infused/encoded with the new Divine Blueprint. The greatest number of Divine Sparks were those who had not
yet been externalized or had not come into conscious awareness (we often call these the Holy Innocent Ones). As the radiance
of the Father/Mother God of this universe burst forth, the first to be created were the Cocreator Council of Twelve, the Elohim
Council/Cocreator Gods, the Lords of Light and the Archangelic Realm. There are many subdivisions to each of these Creator
forces, but for this short explanation, it will have to suffice.
What we wish to instill in your consciousness at this time, for it is most important for your understanding, is that there
were twelve great Rays of qualities, attributes, and virtues brought forth from the heart of our Father/Mother God-twelve
magnificent universal Beings were created which have been designated as Cosmic Monadic/Divine I Am Presence Groups, and these
were later divided into twelve more galactic Monadic groups. Each of you is a facet of one of these Great Beings-you have
been separated into a multitude of fragments as you journeyed down through the multi-dimensions, but you are still an integral
part of that Great Being, just as you are a facet of the Supreme Creator-a Spark of the ONE or ALL THAT IS. This is also the
meaning of the number 144: 12 x 12 groupings that have been formed at every level of Creation which may contain billions of
individual Sparks or souls. When you were ready to incarnate on Earth, after greatly stepping down your vibrations, you were
in a Monad/I AM Presence grouping of only 144 souls, consisting of twelve facets/Sparks that divided into twelve. You have
interacted with those 144 Sparks down through the ages, dancing to the beat of duality, and playing different roles for each
other as you sought to return to harmony and balance. This is not to say that you do not interact with other groupings, but
you seek out your intimate soul family, not only to support you, but to interact with in a multitude of ways. In the past,
you have not often come into contact with those in your immediate family of sparks or your unit of twelve. Relationship within
this group are usually too intense, and you support each other in other ways, often from the higher realms of existence. In
other words, you are not all incarnated on Earth at the same time.
We will give you a simplistic overview of each of these twelve great Monadic Beings, and hopefully, through your greater
understanding, you will be able to determine which group or tribe, as we have chosen to call them for this teaching, you are
functioning within during this important lifetime.
In the highest realms of this universe, you experienced Creation as a Monadic Group which was composed of either First,
Second, or Third Ray energies before you descended into this galaxy (Rays Four through Seven are sub-rays of the Third Ray).
Then you experienced the galaxy as a group Monad in which there was a mix of First, Second and Third Ray. Here, you joined
together in individual groups or soul families that were composed of a certain number of each of these first three Rays (not
in equal proportion, however), which also brought to the group a great variety of universal experience. Many have called these
groupings "Task Companions" and that is what you were. You mixed and melded your energies and attributes so that
when the proper time came, you would recognize your "Tribe" through your intuition and vibratory resonance-there
would be a certain soul signature that would drawn you together. You were then gathered into the auric circle of Light of
your Galactic Monad, and from there through your solar system I AM Presence, you fragmented into lesser and lesser sparks
of consciousness as you devolved into the fifth-, fourth-, and third-dimensional experience.
You were destined to come together again in the physical or in your astral travels, and you would join together to create
a vortex of energy that is greater than the sum of its parts. This melding would reinforce, support, and assist each of you
on your chosen path, whatever that may be. It is the beginning of returning to Unity Consciousness. This phenomena is happening
all over the world at this time.
What we wish for you to understand is that you have spent much more time in unity consciousness than you have in the greatly
diminished, individualized consciousness which you now identify as yourself. The past lives that you have had in this solar
system and on planet Earth are just a minuscule portion of what is in your memory banks and who you really are. It was only
when you and the Earth sank into the density of the third/fourth dimension that you lost the memory of your connection to
each other and Source. Yes, you have gained much knowledge as you journeyed forth on your own grand adventure, and now it
is time for you to come together as members of your tribe or soul family to share the wisdom you have all garnered down through
the aeons.
The TWELVE TRIBES OF CREATION are broken down as follows:
The universal tribes or groups as were stated above are:
The seven tribes of galactic expression could be designated as falling into these general categories:
2. SCHOLARS * Wisdom/abstract knowledge *
3. SAGES/TEACHERS * Active intelligence *
4. ARTISANS/CRAFTSMEN * Artistic Creation/Builders of form *
5. SCIENTISTS * Concrete knowledge *
6. CRUSADERS * Devotion/idealism *
7. SERVERS/SEEKERS * Freedom/redemption/purification.
As we stated before, your Divine I AM Presence or Monad is either the First, Second, or Third Ray. Rays four through Seven
are sub-rays of the Third Ray. Your Monad never changes, but your soul Ray, physical body Ray, emotional body Ray, mental
body Ray, and personality Ray change in different lifetimes so that you can experience all the facets, attributes, and qualities
of Creation. Your goal is to attain balance and harmony in all the Ray energies, and so you might say that you choose to experience
the energies of the different tribes in different lifetimes so that you can enrich your soul's experience. Your Monad Ray
is an overlay and affects how you perceive the world and how you act and react to your various life's lessons. Remember, there
are both positive and negative ways to use the energies of each Ray. We will only address the positive attributes at this
LEADERS/PIONEERS/WARRIORS carry the energies of the FIRST RAY OF DIVINE WILL to Create, Faith, Valor, and Protection.
These are dynamic individuals who are filled with determination, the desire to overcome and master whatever situation is placed
before them. They will usually stand out and come to the fore in some manner. They like to lead and are not followers. This
Ray predominately represents the masculine energies of Creation: Outward focused, dynamic, action-oriented, and powerful.
SCHOLARS carry the energies of the SECOND RAY OF LOVE/WISDOM. These souls are seekers of truth and knowledge, and ultimately
illumination. The major focus of this group is to turn knowledge into wisdom, and temper wisdom with love and compassion.
This Ray carries an equal balance of masculine and feminine energies.
SAGES/TEACHERS carry the energies of the THIRD RAY OF ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE. The plane of Spirit and higher Mental/Causal
Mind. These souls are the abstract thinkers, philosophers, and seekers of metaphysical knowledge. This Ray predominately represents
the feminine or Divine Mother energies of Creation: Introspective, intuitive, nurturing, and patient.
connected to the Emotional Plane/body and the intuition of the Higher Self. It is often called the Ray of harmony through
conflict or struggle. In order to tap into your higher creative abilities you must tame the ego and bring the emotional body
into harmony.
SCIENTISTS/INTELLECTUALS carry the energies of the FIFTH RAY OF CONCRETE KNOWLEDGE. This Ray is connected to the Mental
Plane/body. These souls are the more linear thinking, analytical types and often become scientists, researchers, electricians,
engineers, computer experts, doctors, and nurses.
CRUSADERS carry the energies of the SIXTH RAY OF DEVOTION AND IDEALISM. This Ray is also emotionally based and its energies
are focused within the subconscious mind and the Astral Plane. This is a gentle Ray that instills a desire for tenderness,
peace, and tranquility. Here you will find the followers who are looking for someone to show them the truth and the "Way."
Those deeply involved in churches and religious organizations often come under this Ray of influence.
Violet Transmuting Flame, and the most predominant Ray on Earth at this time. This is the Ray of invocation, manifesting in
the highest form and of service. The greatest number of people on Earth at this time are Servers/Seekers.
The five higher galactic/universal Rays are a combination of the first seven Rays infused with the golden/white luminescent
Light of the Creator. The radiance of these great Rays is now available to all humanity, and are instrumental in facilitating
the tremendous changes now taking place on Earth.
What we wish you to understand is that there are many souls from each of these twelve tribes now incarnate on the Earth
plane. True, the number of Beings from the five higher tribes is much smaller, but they are incarnating in greater and greater
numbers at this time in order to assist the Earth and humanity through their birthing pains-the birth into God-consciousness-your
natural state of Being.
Each of you originated from one of these Twelve Sacred Tribes of Creation in this universe. It is an overlay that has
been with you from the beginning and which has affected you in every lifetime. Yes, in the beginning you came forth from the
heart center of the Supreme Creator, however, your origins in this universal experience could be the angelic realm, or any
of these grand lineages. Have we not told you that you are a small Spark of a wondrous Divine Being?
What we also wish to instill in your minds is that because of your unique origins and overlays, you view the world differently
than those around you. For example, if your Divine I AM Presence is the first Ray, your impulses, desires, tests, and way
of functioning will be very different from those with a second or third Ray Monad. Does this help you to understand why those
around you function differently, have different viewpoints and interests, and are drawn to different vocations and avocations?
It is not just your earthly cultural or racial attributes that make each of you unique/different, it is much deeper and
more profound than that. And the paradox is that even within your great diversity, you are in Essence all the same. Enjoy
your uniqueness, beloveds, find what makes your soul sing and brings joy into your lives, but also look at the greater picture
and know that you are all a facet of the Creator. Love others as you love yourself, for in truth, when you do you are extending
love to the many facets of yourself. Beloveds, do not direct your attention to all the fear and negativity that is spewing
forth out into the ethers, but join us as together we focus on the horizon where a grand New Age of enlightenment is dawning.
I am your loving brother and constant companion, I AM Archangel Michael.
Dearest friends: This month's message was inspired by the incredible connection that was established by the group who
attended my intensive here in Reno in Sept. There were people from Europe, Canada, and all over the USA, and from very diverse
walks of life, but they created such a wonderful bond and had so many flashes of insight and past-life memories that it was
almost overwhelming. They have been furiously E-mailing back and forth with what they are experiencing and the miracles that
are taking place as a result of our journey together. AA Michael told me that this would be happening more and more often
and I know this latest information he has given us will be invaluable. It is a time of great miracles and joy, and yet, a
time of fear and turmoil for many-which do you choose to focus on? We are much more powerful than we know, so use your energy
for the highest good of all. I am off to the Washington D.C./Virginia area for a one-day intensive on Nov. 2. That area can
certainly use more Creator Light these days. Join us in Spirit/your fifth-dimensional pyramid and connect with your soul family.
Love and blessings, Ronna
Ronna Herman
Archangel Michael: A Ceremony of Love for your Soul - The Reactivation of your Trust ===========================
Blessings Beloved Hearts,
We come as a group of Archangels in the presence of the Divine Mother of Love to honor and support each of you at this
time of great fluctuation
and change. Welcome to assist you to experience your divinity and your energy body stabilized and grounded in the essence of love again. This is a heart opening we offer
you, for as your heart
opens wider, the love is able to be transmitted by your soul to all the parts of your mind, body and spirit that presently need love. I offer you counsel as an Archangel of Truth. I am Michael and I come to you to bring divine truth. Truth that will
set you free if you allow
it to be met by you. Truth that will allow you to be free.
Trust is the first energy I wish to describe and bring to you. A sacred form of energy that may or may not be
exchanged by you. This trust
is held by your soul for your spirit, for your life, for your path and for your holy communion with the God Presence that lives within you. It is held in a sacred trust within
your heart and when this
sacred energy is connected to and used by you, it emanates a freedom for your soul, a freedom that you alone are not creating all in your life and you are indeed assisted by a
greater force that is held
by your spirit, God Presence with your soul. It is this trust that bridges your heart / soul connection with God and your spirit directly. Without this trust you manifest all
in your life by your self
without the assistance of God. I am here to activate this trust and assist each of you who feel and aware that at times the connection to your inner trust is shaky.
Breathe beloveds, as a wheel of golden clear
light is offered into the
core of your heart to the place of this sacred trust, to the bridge between you soul and heart and your spirit. As you breathe 12 Archangels now come and each one brings a ray
of divine energy to you to
assist the restoration of this sacred bridge of trust. We now come forth with Michael, as a team of angels and archangels surrounding you now. We bring a clearing to you of the most
ancient memories of when
your soul experiencing a journey where this sacred trust was broken or partially damaged.
As you breathe, we ask you to call forth any parts of your consciousness or any parts of your mind, heart, body, soul
or spirit that may have
experienced the sacred bridge of trust breaking through the heart. As you breathe in again, the Inner Plane Masters now support these parts of you to forgive all experiences,
through all times, space
and dimension that led you not to trust yourself, your mind, your spirit, your body, your God Presence, God/dess, the Family of Love light, the Universe, humanity or Mother
We bring
forth from the heavens above; the laws of love, forgiveness, divinity, karma, grace, acceptance, unity, soul family, creation, compassion, integrity, truth, wisdom and integration
to flood through you
and between you and all parts of you.
As you breathe we ask you to open your heart and forgive all experiences in this life that may have broken this bridge of trust held by your heart. I ask you to receive as we
lift all old memories from
your heart and this bridge. A beautiful golden emerald heart is offered to support and strengthen your bridge of trust. The Archangels now place this within the core of your heart to
strengthen and restore
your bridge of trust. As you breathe, a heavenly gift is again offered to you as the angels now come to you. They bring a rose quartz bridge into your hearts to fill your bridge
of trust with the energy
of unconditional love.
As you breathe the angels call to all parts of
your consciousness to forgive
again all the old veils and reasons that create you at times to not fully trust the soul you are, and the God Presence of your soul. They bring the elixirs of faith, compassion,
trust, inner alchemy,
love and the elixirs of the emerald heart . They place these through all your chakras and fill your heart, mind, body, soul and spirit with these divine elixirs as a gift of
love and service. They invite
each of you to know that you are not alone and that the bridge of trust is the first energy you need to connect to, to experience that you are not alone. They share you are deeply
guided by your spirit
and that the first law of love is experienced through connection to your spirit. The bridge of trust is needed to connect to your spirit and this then leads to the experience
of love.
I invite each of you to leave all behind you now and journey everyday ahead of you with connection to the bridge of trust held by your heart. This is my simple request
of you. To journey with me
in trust. Together with many other Archangels and Angels I will hold you as you take each step each day with trust. Make your decisions from your bridge of trust and rely upon this and as you do this, your bridge of trust will grow stronger. I ask you
to look at life through the
eyes of trust and for you to place your perception into this. As you do this, you allow your soul and spirit to merge and create the most beautiful journey for you each day.
As you choose this now with me, beloveds I bring
the sword of Excalibur
in, through and around you and your energy body. I offer you my assistance to clear all ties, cords and all attachments that may not serve you to allow the trust in your
God Presence, your mind, body,
soul, heart , humanity, the universe and the Earth to flow through your consciousness. I offer this three times to support your being to be freed of all old beliefs and attachments
that may not serve you.
As a completion to this I ask that you break the old agreements that you may have made in other lives or in this life to not live your life in complete trust of your heart, the beauty
and the preciousness
and amazing grace held by all life. I ask you to break all agreements to hold the cynicism or negativity about any aspect of your divinity or the divinity within all life.
To trust, my beloveds, allows the love to flow
into, around and through
all aspects of your life. It is this gift I now offer you through the breaking of the oldest agreements that the majority of humanity have made due to their experiences of
separation from their sacred
spirit and the essence of love.
You may say these decrees:
By Divine Decree, in the name of my God Presence, through the law of grace, love, forgiveness, karma and divinity, I now break and dissolve all vows, agreements I may have made
across time, space and all
dimensions in relation to closing my mind, heart and soul to any new experiences and transmitting cynicism, disbelief, mistrust or negativity about new ways of being, change, transformation and the Power and Presence of Spirit and Love within
all beings.
By Divine
Decree, in the name of my God Presence, through the law of grace, love, forgiveness, karma and divinity, I now break and dissolve all vows, agreements I may have made
across time, space and all
dimensions in relation to denying my God Presence and my trust in the wholeness of my being, the prosperity, infinite power of love and light, held by my being.
By Divine Decree, in the name of my God Presence, through the law of grace, love, forgiveness, karma and divinity,
I now break and dissolve
all vows, agreements I may have made across time, space and all dimensions in relation to holding, storing, repressing onto any feeling, thought form or unresolved memory around
the breaking down in
the flow of my trust, faith and love and my harmony, alignment and balance and the sense of interconnectedness of my soul with all other beings. So Be It.
As you complete this, many golden angels come
to bring a diamond crystal
heart to you to open your heart and lift the old painful memories from your heart. Breathe and offer to forgive all beings who you have feel a disconnection to, in relation
to your trust in them or
their trust in you. You may call for karmic absolution for all that has happened between you, beloved hearts. As you do this, energies of a unconscious level that may have been binding
you, begin to be lifted by
the angels from you. Breathe and open your heart as you are filled with elixirs of love, compassion, joy, bliss, freedom, restoration, forgiveness, grace, divinity and these all flood
through and begin to fill
your heart bridge. Call in all the divine energy of trust that you may have lost in other lives, ask that it return to you this day. Call for the activation of your heart's sacred
Blessed Be,
Beloved Hearts, MAY
talks about Extraterrestrials and their cultures. "V" also have been called a New Hope for Humanity Pioneers
in Alientology study of UFO, Earth Changes, extraterrestrails, Moon Base, Mars colony, Deep Underground Military
Bases, super soldiers, GMO, Illuminati 4th dimensional workings, Planet Nibiru, Global warming, Pole Shift of 2012,
Life on MARS, U.S bases on Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy, Teleportation, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project,
Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla. John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair,
Dr, Wolf, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, HARRP Project and Weather Control, Alternate Time Lines, ET Taught Military
the Laser & Stealth Technology. Tesla Towers, Hollow Earth, Teleportation to the Planet MARS and NIBIRU, Time travel back
to Atlantis, how to build a Teleportation Machine, Under ground Extraterrestrial Bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians,
Gray Reptilians, Arcturians, Tall Whites, Ancient Civilizations, Time Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's,
German Mars Projects, Nazi UFO, Nazi Gold and Fort Knox, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Anti Christ using A.I and Micro chip
Implants, Worm Holes, Space Time, Moon, Moon Landing, Rings of Saturn, Life on Venus, Time Travel Machine Build by GE next
20 years, Weather Control, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought
and Powers of the Mind, Artificial Intelligence, Et message of Islam, Islamic Jihadist Revival and Islamophobia created by
Western Alliance to offset the Chinese and Soviet Balance of Power by creating the Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during 80s. Montauk
Base, Zero Time frame Reference, Akashic location system, Ancient Religious artifacts in Iraq and MARS, Alien walk in's,
Jesus, Sci Fi UFO video in New York, Philadelphia Experiment. The subconscious mind, Video of FOX 11 news on Chicago OHRE
UFO Sighting. Numerology and effect of numbers: 0, 1, 11, 1111, 1112, 1119, 1911, 2111, 511, 711,
811, 911, 1212, 555, 786, 19, 110, 2012, 999, 888, 777. Current Cycle of Man ends as MAYAN CALENDAR ends on Sunday 12/ 21/
2012. Watch your back on that Day! Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid, Why we are not allowed to have Dept of UFOLOGY
and ET studies at University of Yale, Princeton , UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT or Harvard? American Torture in Abu Gulag and on
the Air Secret planes new way of American Democracy! Sufism the Alchemy
of Happiness, evolution, Dan Burisch and other famous scientists video of J-ROD at AREA 51, S4 level and New Mexico DULCE
Alien Facility, Why Mosad killed JFK to cover Israel Nuclear Facility inspection, Islamic Prince was killed in Princess Diana
womb to avert the future time line, Dalai LAMA never let go of Tibet and fight with China, There is no Oil shortages and global
warming, Earth warming is due to arrival of Planet Nibiru or Planet of Crossing which is heating up the whole solar system,
Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Mayan Calendar year 2012 your time line is crossing get ready prepare for Contact, Solar System
causing global warming Nibiru approaching, GOOGLE, You Tube UFO Videos, ALIEN WEBBOT, MAYAN CALENDAR ENDS 2012, Big Foot,
Milky way and the Big Bang, real UFO, UFO photos, Information page on ET Civilizations, ALIEN and UFO videos, story of Real
Aliens, picture of Aliens, Magnetic Pole Shift, ET CO-Operation in Iran and IRAQ, crystals, NIBIRU, 2012, METEORITE, IMPACT, EARTH, GIANT, NEPHILIM, ALIEN, ALIENS.Vote OBAMA, SAEED DAVID FARMAN Bermuda triangle, Chupacabra, ISLAMIC UFOLOGY, MAJESTIC 12, SHADOW GOV, Rabbit Foot and Cracking the CODE, CROP CIRCLES,
VIDEOS . Bush Skull and Bones,connection to Illuminati CFR New World order.Mysoace in Paris Hilton Hotels within HTTP://WWW.GOOGLE.COM, HTTP://WWW.YAHOO.COM , HTTP://WWW.MSN.COM , HTTP://WWW.EBAY.COM, KIM KARDASHIAN, HTTP://WWW.TIGERDIRECT.COM, http://www.newegg.com, http://www.buy.com, HTTP://WWW.CNN.COM, HTTP://WWW.ABC.COM, HTTP://WWW.CBS.COM, HTTP://WWW.NASA.GOV, HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM Allah is Great Long Live freedom and ET message of Love and Islam. Master of all Masters Ibn Arabi,
Persian music the Alchemy of Soul, SUFI MASTERS, IMAM MAHDI, Preparation prayer for Pole Shift 2012 in Mecca, Nostradamus,
Oil, Flying Saucers Antimatter, Gravity waves DISCS at S4 Groom Lake or Papoose Lake nick named AREA 51 in Nevada.
Do not travel in the Year 2012.
"V" Love you,