
Courtesy of FIGU
By Jim Deardorff Research Professor Emeritus Oregon State University
Professor Deardorff for allowing us
to share his work on Talmud with our

In Memory of Isa Rashid
Our LOVE for you, Rest in peace.
Discovery of the Talmud of Jmmanuel (TJ)
This discovery occurred in 1963 as Swiss citizen and world-traveler, Eduard Albert Meier, and his friend, an ex-Greek-Orthodox
priest, Isa Rashid, were walking along the road just south of the Old City of Jerusalem. Meier happened to glance up
Photo of Meier in the 30 Sept.,1964, Delhi newspaper. Courtesy
of P. McAiney | the slope and notice a small opening in the ground amongst the rocks and shrubs.
According to Meier's much later recollection in August of 1997, this hole was about 30 cm, or a foot, on a side. Being curious,
he reached into his packsack for his flashlight and peered into the hole to notice that it continued inwards. So he and Rashid
proceeded to dig away rocks and earth until the hole was large enough that they could crawl inside. It was an old tomb site, half filled in with earth. After further digging and exploring inside it, they noticed something buried underneath a flat
rock, and it turned out to be the Talmud of Jmmanuel (or TJ) rolls of written sheets, along with a few small artifacts, encased
in resin. There were four rolls, each of which contained many leaves or pages of Aramaic writing. They were obviously old
and fragile. Meier recalls that each leaf was roughly 30cm by 40cm in size, or somewhat larger than the European AID A4 size
of paper, which is 21cm by 29.4cm.
Rashid, who could read some of the old Aramaic due to his Palestinian background on his father's side, soon noted that
the TJ was heretical in several respects. For one, its title involved Jmmanuel (i.e., Immanuel, spelled with a "J" symbol
supplying the "i" sound in place of the Aramaic/Hebrew letter "Ayin") rather than Jesus or Y'shua. For another, its writer
was given as Judas Iscariot, the supposed betrayer. For a third, it mentioned that Adam's father had been Semjasa, the leader
of the celestial sons, who were "El's" or God's guardian angels, and who were "distant
travelers." Thus it was apparent from the beginning that if they wished this document ever to become public, its translation
would have to proceed in secret.
Isa Rashid in the 1960s (courtesy of E.
Meier) | Meier's interest in the document was very strong, as he not only had been
self-schooled in earth's major religions while working his way around Asia and the Mideast, and was seeking spiritual truths,
but he had been informed seven years before that he would become the disseminator of this document (more on this in the following
section). Rashid spent a few months reading through the TJ rolls to glean their highlights, which he reported to Meier. Then
the two agreed in August of 1963 that Rashid would translate the TJ into Meier's language (German, a language which Rashid
understood) and would retain custody of the Aramaic document, while sending his translations to Meier for him to disseminate.
So Rashid started the long task of rendering a translation of satisfactory quality, while Meier then continued his travels
and first-hand religious learning, particularly under a Hindu guru
Meier and family in 1975. Here Meier poses
in his uniform as a security guard, a job he held at the time. From Wendelle Stevens' UFO Contact from the Pleiades | at the Ashoka ashram
in Mehrauli, India, working his way along through doing odd jobs. In 1965 Meier lost his left arm in a bus accident in Turkey.
Later that year he met a Greek girl, Kalliope, eloped with her in 1966 and, after further working/traveling their way around
Asia, returned to Switzerland to continue raising a family there and obtain employment in the town of Hinwil.
The translations up through the TJ's 36th chapter reached Meier in Switzerland through circuitous mail some time around 1970. They had been sent to the address Rashid remembered for Meier's parents. But Meier did not hear from
Rashid himself until in a letter in September of 1974. This letter briefly explained that his translation project had become known to certain authorities, forcing him to flee from Jerusalem,
together with his family, the TJ rolls and further translations, to a refugee camp in Lebanon. But his presence there became
known to Israeli authorities, and the camp was heavily bombed, forcing him to flee again, this time to Baghdad, where he posted the letter to Meier. However, he and his family, like the
other refugees, had to flee so suddenly that Rashid had no time to retrieve the Aramaic rolls or his further translations
of them, and they were destroyed in the resulting conflagration.
In 1976 Meier learned that Rashid and his family were assassinated in Baghdad,
making him (Meier) the only known
surviving witness to the TJ's discovery and historicity. About this time he started preparing the TJ translations for self-publication,
and the German edition came out in 1978. A combined German-English version was published in 1992, and another edition, with
improved English translation, was published in 1996 by Wild Flower Press. A further improved German-English translation came out in November of 2001. Meier insists that foreign-language publications
of the TJ include the side-by-side German edition, so that discrepancies or distortions in translation be less likely to creep
ALIENSHIFT talks about Extraterrestrials and their cultures. "V"
also have been called a New Hope for Humanity Pioneers in Alientology study of UFO, Earth Changes, extraterrestrails, Moon
Base, Mars colony, Deep Underground Military Bases, super soldiers, GMO, Illuminati 4th dimensional workings, Planet
Nibiru, Global warming, Pole Shift of 2012, Life on MARS, U.S bases on Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy,
Teleportation, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla.
John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Dr, Wolf, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, HARRP Project and Weather
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to the Planet MARS and NIBIRU, Time travel back to Atlantis, how to build a Teleportation Machine, Under ground Extraterrestrial
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Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German Mars Projects, Nazi UFO, Nazi Gold and Fort Knox, Albert
Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Anti Christ using A.I and Micro chip Implants, Worm Holes, Space Time, Moon, Moon Landing, Rings of
Saturn, Life on Venus, Time Travel Machine Build by GE next 20 years, Weather Control, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face
of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought and Powers of the Mind, Artificial Intelligence, Et message
of Islam, Islamic Jihadist Revival and Islamophobia created by Western Alliance to offset the Chinese and Soviet Balance of
Power by creating the Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during 80s. Montauk Base, Zero Time frame Reference, Akashic location system,
Ancient Religious artifacts in Iraq and MARS, Alien walk in's, Jesus, Sci Fi UFO video in New York, Philadelphia Experiment.
The subconscious mind, Video of FOX 11 news on Chicago OHRE UFO Sighting. Numerology and effect
of numbers: 0, 1, 11, 1111, 1112, 1119, 1911, 2111, 511, 711, 811, 911, 1212, 555, 786, 19, 110, 2012, 999, 888, 777. Current
Cycle of Man ends as MAYAN CALENDAR ends on Sunday 12/ 21/ 2012. Watch your back on that Day! Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face,
Mars Pyramid, Why we are not allowed to have Dept of UFOLOGY and ET studies at University of Yale, Princeton , UCLA, USC,
CAL TECH, MIT or Harvard? American Torture in Abu Gulag and on the Air Secret planes new way of American Democracy! Sufism the Alchemy of Happiness, evolution, Dan Burisch and other famous scientists video of
J-ROD at AREA 51, S4 level and New Mexico DULCE Alien Facility, Why Mosad killed JFK to cover Israel Nuclear Facility inspection,
Islamic Prince was killed in Princess Diana womb to avert the future time line, Dalai LAMA never let go of Tibet and fight
with China, There is no Oil shortages and global warming, Earth warming is due to arrival of Planet Nibiru or Planet of Crossing
which is heating up the whole solar system, Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Mayan Calendar year 2012 your time line is crossing
get ready prepare for Contact, Solar System causing global warming Nibiru approaching, GOOGLE, You Tube UFO Videos, ALIEN
WEBBOT, MAYAN CALENDAR ENDS 2012, Big Foot, Milky way and the Big Bang, real UFO, UFO photos, Information page on ET Civilizations,
ALIEN and UFO videos, story of Real Aliens, picture of Aliens, Magnetic Pole Shift, ET CO-Operation in Iran and IRAQ, crystals,
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MELCHIDEZEK, MESSAGE OF KRYON, Master Kuthumi and Ker-On. US SENATORS, MESSAGE of Commander Hatonn, ST. Germain on ASCENSION
and AG-Agria, John Lear ,WILLIAM COOPER VIDEOS , ALEX COLLIER VIDEOS . Bush Skull and Bones,connection to Illuminati CFR New
World order.Mysoace in Paris Hilton Hotels within HTTP://WWW.GOOGLE.COM, HTTP://WWW.YAHOO.COM , HTTP://WWW.MSN.COM , HTTP://WWW.EBAY.COM, KIM KARDASHIAN, HTTP://WWW.TIGERDIRECT.COM, http://www.newegg.com, http://www.buy.com, HTTP://WWW.CNN.COM, HTTP://WWW.ABC.COM, HTTP://WWW.CBS.COM, HTTP://WWW.NASA.GOV, HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM Allah is Great Long Live freedom and ET message of Love and Islam. Master of all Masters Ibn Arabi,
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Oil, Flying Saucers Antimatter, Gravity waves DISCS at S4 Groom Lake or Papoose Lake nick named AREA 51 in Nevada.
Do not travel in the Year 2012.
"V" Love you,