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Human Looking We are
going to start with the group called the Lyrans. We are going to give you some basic information about the various subgroups
that have existed within their races and allow you a more expanded point of view, perhaps, on the diversity of your forefathers
- which, of course, is reflected in the diversity you have upon your world. We will then bring in the Vegan civilizations,
because they are instrumental in forming some of the other galactic races as well. Starting, then, with the Lyrans
(going back chronologically), the first expression of physicality that could be considered Lyran would be somewhat small -
smaller, in fact, than your present average human. But as the culture grew, as their experiences and genetic structures began
changing, their physical characteristics began expanding as well. We're
going to give you some of the primary groups that were very active in space exploration because those are the ones that matter
the most to you, since they are the ones you had contact with. First is the genotype that we will call the Lyran Giants These entities (physical like yourself,
of course) existing in third and fourth density, were Caucasian in type. They were primarily of light skin, light eyes and
light hair; the darkest hair would be a medium brown, which was somewhat unusual. The physical body would be likened
to the mesomorph, which is basically a well-balanced, muscular body. The height would be anywhere from six to nine feet tall,
depending upon the group of entities we are speaking of, the smallest being at the six-foot range (female as well as a male).
These entities developed this size from long periods of genetic development on a planet with higher gravitational fields and
a denser electromagnetic envelope, also present in the solar system in general. This added to the creation of a more hearty,
shall we say, entity. These entities are reflected in some of the Greek mythology and in some of the biblical stories of giants.
This is one of the groups that your civilization still has a cellular memory about. This particular group was one of the primary
groups that began forming a God/worshipper relationship with you. Do you follow so far? This is one of the reasons for some
of the expressions in your religious art and architecture (which has very large doors and windows); this patterning with this
particular racial structure was very deep within the human psyche. These were the original gods - or at least the ones
that made the biggest impression on you. There
is another race that has branched off from this giant race, the red-haired Lyrans. Their hair was red to strawberry blonde
in color. The skin tone very, very fair; these entities had a difficulty exposing their skin to certain frequencies of natural
light, due to the planet they sprang from. Some of these were also giant in stature, though there were some who were average
human size. Eye color was generally light to what you would now consider green, though it is a different quality of green
than you see upon your world. These entities were some of the first Lyran pioneers. (Pioneers is a very kind word, for there
are many worlds that consider the red-haired ones to be the invaders, marauders and the basic havoc-wreakers of the Lyran
genotype). Are we speaking of what their current state is also? Well,
to some degree we are speaking about the distant past as they interacted with your earth plane. These entities still exist
but are much fewer in number. We would say that your closest mythological remnants are in your Norse mythology - Vikings etc.
Some of that mythology was about actual Earth beings who were either influenced by or interacted with this red-headed Lyran
strain. This is not a very common interaction on your world, not as common as that of the giants, but common enough to have
made it into your mythology. Did they have any spiritual or energetic relationship to the few red-haired
Pleiadians? Apparently there's a remnant of a red-haired group in the Pleiades. Yes,
there would be genetic connections, most certainly. And if there is a genetic connection there is always an energetic connection.
It's hard to think of someone living in the Pleiades who would be violent.
But if that aggressive tendency somehow channeled into other areas... It's
channeled into excitement. The Pleiadian version is much more watered down. (We can get to that later on if you wish.) But
the purebred red-head was very aggressive, violent, passionate and, to some degree, very rebellious. They saw the giant Lyran
race as their parents, and they were rebelling against that idea. They were rebelling because they felt that the morality
of the giant race was being impinged into their reality. We do not perceive this was the case, but this was another expression
that needed to be experienced in your galactic family. Did these red-haired people naturally evolve as red-haired, or was there intentional
manipulation somewhere along the line? There
were those from the giant race who left and went exploring. The primary group colonized one specific planet and over generations
adapted themselves to the planet. They adapted to the specific mineral content of the planet as well as the atmosphere; the
specific wavelengths of the planet's atmosphere caused the mutation to lean toward the more red tinge. That, in combination
with the more rebellious attitude, began to create a specific sub-genotype. So that particular race must have felt somehow slighted within the family.
Colloquially speaking, did they carry a chip on their shoulder? Did they feel they had something to prove? We would
say that's pretty accurate, yes. We say this a little lightly, but this is the story of your entire galactic history. Most
groups splintered off because they did not agree with the mother group. In this way most of your experience as a galactic
species is based on conflict/disagreement and the attempt at rightfulness. So far
you have the giants and the redheads. And within the redheads you have two subgroups - one giant-sized, one average-sized.
Also within the Lyran you have a broad type we would call Caucasian who are light-skinned, light-eyed (the darkest eyes were
perhaps a light brown, but that is uncommon), hair ranging from almost white to a light brown (but anything in the brown range
was unusual). These entities' body types would be anything from ectomorphic, (thin) to the mesomorphic (muscular). This is
the broadest category. Most of your genetic forefathers were from this Caucasian category. Your diversity began with some
red-head influence as well as some giant influence, but those are secondary compared to the Caucasian influence, which is
primary. In terms of actual internal structure,
that information is unnecessary, for it is lengthy and not all that pertinent right now. The desire we have for communicating
this information is not so much for the raw data, but for your understanding of how your planet has achieved such a group
diversity. So we will stick to the external appearances rather than the internal makeup. There
was one other group, a humanoid type that is more rare, but it has had interactions with your world as well. This was Caucasian
in features but the skin is more of a light chocolate, very uniform throughout the whole body. You would consider it a very
pleasant, appealing shade. The eyes are brown, not black, although some were green; and the hair was not black but dark brown.
This group had influence on your planet in the area of India, Pakistan, etc. That was their primary area of interest in their
visits here. None of the races now on your world are pure extensions of any of these races; just about every race on your
world has had some mixing. However, this last race, which we will call the darker-skinned Lyrans, were considered pacifists.
Their psychological makeup was one of extreme passivity, peacefulness. One may even call them lackadaisical, because it was
very difficult to get an emotional reaction out of them. You will find some of these individuals mentioned in some of your
Sanskrit literature from ancient times. In a moment we will talk about the
Vegan influence. However, we want to make it clear that this last group, the darker-skinned Lyrans, is not the same as some
of the Vegan genotypes we will speak of, who have a different genetic structure. Would it be a completely different genetics from the Lyran? This group is Lyran-based
and the group you'll talk about later would not be considered Lyran? Yes.
They might look similar in appearance, but the base genetics is different. There is a need to express some of the other forms
that have expressed their energy through the energy of Lyran that are humanoid, meaning mammalian, but whose appearance is
different from what you know as humanoid. This has also accounted for some of your mythology. There is one group of entities
who are mammals, yet are oriented toward Lyran principles (Lyra being the mother group), and whose features are very different
from humanoid. One particular group resembles what you call alien. The body type of these entities would be what you call
ectomorph, very thin, almost frail and birdlike. The facial structure is more angular, sharper, resembling a bird, though
these are still mammals. The eyes are birdlike. The hair is not feathered, but is of a different quality that can resemble
feathers, if you are not touching it or in close proximity to it. It was also ceremoniously adorned in a certain way that
made it look like feathers. This was not intentional but simply their own expression. These entities are very cool and intellectual.
They consider themselves primarily scientists, explorers and philosophers. They do not engage in galactic politics, but they
do travel and visit. They have had interaction here on your Earth during some of the most influential civilizations - Sumerian,
Egyptian. There was interaction in what you call the Indus Valley. These entities have entered, in
a backhanded way, the mythology of your people. They are not bird creatures; they are mammals who are birdlike in appearance.
We have not talked about these entities at all up until this point because we've limited our discussion to what matters to
you now on the Earth plane. This is a curiosity, but at least for now they do not represent something significant you need
to look at to continue your own unfoldment. One other
Lyran subgroup is also mammal and what you would consider to be humanoid - but whose physical appearance resembles what you
call the feline kingdom on your world. They are not cat people, but humanoids who have catlike qualities. They are very agile
and strong. The nose is not predominant but catlike, if you can imagine the nose of a cat. The ears are neither human nor
catlike but somewhat of a cross, a little pointed, not very much, but a little. The mouths are very gentle and small. (Many
times when extraterrestrials look at the human face, to them the human face is overwhelmed by the mouth.) These catlike entities
have very small, delicate and what you would call dainty mouths. The eyes are very pronounced, large and catlike, with a second
lid. Again, these qualities developed from the specific environment they have placed themselves within over generations. They
do not have fur. However, there is a protective layer of what you could consider peach fuzz over the skin because of the harsh
ultraviolet radiation on their indigenous planet - it simply protected the skin. Any primitive interaction with these
entities on your world may report that they are cat people - they are not. They are humanoid. So early on, the development of these two groups took a different direction
than ours did. If they're Lyran-based, then we're talking millions of years ago that these developments started separately
from our branch, right? Oh, yes.
They are not so much involved in your human drama. This has not been from a denial of the Lyran dysfunction and conflicts.
It is simply that their excitement has gone in other directions, and they've evolved in those directions. They have had contact
with you every once in awhile. They recognize that you are all part of a family, at least genetically. And there are individuals
within their societies who often project to you on an astral level simply to keep the lines open for communication. But for
now there has been no necessity for a lot of interaction between your cultures. There's
a point we would like to make here about the Lyran, Vegan and other extraterrestrial civilizations as well who have communicated
with you. It is about their eyes. Primarily the eyes are accentuated, whether it be through the tilt, the shape, the size,
the color or their reflectivity. They are usually very pronounced. If you search through your mythologies, many civilizations
have accented the eyes - most notably the Egyptian civilization. This did not start out as an adornment but as an imitation
of the gods, as an attempt to make humans more godlike, as an attempt to revere the gods. Over time there has been a loss
of the connection to why the eyes were accentuated; it was originally because of the gods. So why do our eyes appear to be so small in comparison to the rest of the family?
If you
remember the stories we've told about the genetic manipulation in the creation of Homo sapiens, the Lyrans did not want to
create you as them. They had some definite issues about creating you equal with them. So one of the choices was in the creation
of the eyes - to give you more a simian eye quality. You understand what we mean by simian? To retain the simian quality? To retain
the simian eye quality, the ape, which to some degree is one of the most painful things they've done to you, because when
you look in the mirror your cellular memory remembers simian. If you had the eyes of the gods when you look into your own
eyes, you would see God. Interesting. When we look in the mirror we see to the past, whereas they see
to the future, at least symbolically, the genetic response. Yes.
That was the intent originally, so that you would always be looking behind you, never looking forward. When the Sirians took
over the project from the Lyrans it was too late to change it. So to some degree the Sirians encouraged your practice of accentuating
the eyes as a remembrance of God so you would not forget your forefathers. They have done a lot through the ages to stimulate
memory in you so that you would never ever forget. Are there other lines of Lyran evolution that have nothing to do with us historically,
that literally branched off into other parts of the galaxy? Oh, yes.
But the majority of Lyran evolution is tied with you. For instance, the birdlike and catlike entities we have spoken of have
their own affiliation with other groups. They are a part of the developmental evolution of other civilizations. It is important that we stress here
once again that the Lyran basic genetic structure is the mother of all in this case. However, we recognize Vega as being a
significant enough emergence that it can take on its own genotype as well. Those entities who from the very, very early days
of Lyra branched off in other directions, began through their own experiences, through their own evolution, to form their
own unique genotypes. There's
less variation in the Vegan genotypes than in the Lyran. The primary subgroup of Vegan genetics is what we would call standard
Vegan, averaging approximately six to seven feet tall (males and females), darker skin, non-Caucasian type. Generally speaking,
the skin layers are thicker with fewer layers. The skin is not as soft as human skin, is much tougher, able to withstand high
levels of ultraviolet radiation and heat as well as cold. A much sturdier and more durable humanoid being. Generally, the
hair of any Vegans who have hair will be primarily black, and the range of shades will be standard black as a midpoint to
a light to dark brown (which is unusual) and an even darker black with a greenish tinge. That range frequently varies. What
is interesting to note is that, depending on the various Vegan race, some have no hair at all, some have very little hair
and some have full heads of hair, depending on the individual race. The skin tone will be anywhere from light brown (almost
beige) to very dark brown - what you would call on your planet (using your own terminology) either negroid or Indian (your
native people) - anything in that shade range. So some of the Eastern Indians are extremely dark brown in contrast to the
skin color of some of the African groups that are very black, almost coal black? Yes.
Generally speaking, the coal black is a quality of your Earth that was bred here. It is very unusual out there. Also you will
find that the skin will have more of a wrinkled quality - not always, but some will. We're
basically going to break up the Vegan genotypes into only two categories. One is humanoid and one is nonhumanoid and these
are appearances only, not genetic structures. What we have described to you previously as Vegan is of the humanoid type. Generally
you're going to find in the humanoid group that the eyes are very striking. The average eye of the standard Vegan humanoid
group has a very large, dark pupil and iris. The eyes are generally a little angled but still large, and they retain a lid.
So it's not like the Zeta, who appear not to have a lid. If they walked down your street they would be very unusual looking,
but you would not necessarily think they were alien. They would definitely attract your attention; you might think they had
some type of birth defect. The eyes of these Vegans are very
striking, and were even more instrumental in getting the attention of the humans than the Lyran's eyes. It was simply the
contrast between the darkness of the skin and the whiteness of the eye outside the pupil and iris that made it more striking.
Of course, those with darker hair and eyelashes seemed to have a black outline around their very large eyes. Many of the other groups we will
talk about stem from this Vegan group, most notably the Orions. It is a very broad category we've been describing, the human-type
group in the Vegan genetic structure. The second
group - nonhuman-type Vegan - is still humanoid, still mammal. When we say nonhuman we are talking about appearance. The appearance
of these particular entities can either be insectlike or reptilian. (These are your labels that we apply to the physical appearance
of these particular entities.) Generally speaking, you will find that the range of skin color will apply the same as the human
type. However, there are some groups who not only have a greenish tinge to the hair but also to the skin. It's not very pronounced;
we don't want you to think we're talking about some type of green monster. We're talking about a basic humanoid entity with
a copper base in the skin and bloodstream that gives it a greenish tinge. The eyes are very large and may or may not have
a second lid, depending on the planet of origin. They have a very small nose and a pronounced jaw in some cases. The jaw can
either be thrust forward (which would give it a reptilian look) or downward (which would give it an insect look). We are talking
about humanoid-type entities. We call this group nonhumanoid type only because of the appearance - they are still mammals.
These entities have had communication on your Earth plane with you and have been responsible for some of the stories that
circulate about reptilian monsters or cold-blooded aliens, etc. (When one is in fear, when one encounters the unknown, one
often exaggerates the experience.) These entities are genetically connected to you. They still procreate as mammals. The base
genetic structure is reflective of the template from which your galactic family expresses itself, so they are still part of
your family. There is more to say at some point
about these particular entities, but for now we simply want to present this idea for those of you who have had a curiosity
about what this reptilian stuff is about. They are not insect; they are not reptilian; they are humanoid and mammalian. They
simply do not look the same as you do. These two groups, then - the Lyran
and the Vegan genotypes - are instrumental in how the rest of your galactic family expresses itself genetically. We will now
mention the other primary groups of the galactic family and show you where their genetic heritage lies. The most
obvious is that of the Pleiadians splintered off from the Lyran group, some going directly to the Pleiades from Lyra, others
going to Earth and mixing their genetics with the Earth genetics for themselves, then going back to the Pleiades to join some
of the other Lyran splinter groups there. The standard Pleiadian is a mixture of the different genotypes we've talked about.
Generally, a Pleiadian will manifest anywhere from blonde to even some black-haired, or very dark-brown-haired strains. The
eyes are generally light blue to a light brown - Caucasian. Generally, they are Caucasian. They can range from very petite
(five feet tall) to very large (sometimes seven feet tall - rare, but possible). You can see how some of the recessive genes
that they brought from their Lyran heritage (the giants, for instance) may manifest in a body. So the Pleiadian group, in
terms of the Caucasian type, is very diverse. These light brown eyes you keep mentioning, would they appear at first to be
gold? Yes.
So reports of golden eyes would actually be these light brown eyes, as opposed
to our standard brown eyes? Yes,
it is not like your standard brown eyes. When we are talking about eye color, in no way are we talking about what you know
as eye color. What you see of your own eye color is only how your eyes reflect light in this reality. If you are vibrating
at a different rate or if you are in another plane of reality, all color quality changes, because the laws governing light
reflection change and the quality of reflected light changes. So we can describe this only broadly. There are other colors
of eyes, but if we told you lavender eyes, you would picture what lavender looks like and then your perception of what we're
saying would be very wrong. So we keep this information very standardized. There's really no need to go further
into the Pleiadian genotypes because they reflect the Lyran groups very much. Some are combinations; some are redheads; some
are very light-skinned. Pleiadian physical expression is basically dealing with Lyran genetics and, in some cases, Lyran and
Terran genetics. Is that complete? Can you talk about the emotional temperament of the Pleiadians, the similarities
or dissimilarities within their own groups and in comparison to us? Is it similar to ours, and is there variance of emotional
temperament within the Pleiadian groupings? Their
emotional bodies are much more harmonious, though, understand that where they are today came from their denial of negativity.
We've talked to you about that already, so that's nothing new. You, on the other hand, deny both negativity and positivity
in an attempt to be neutral or nonfeeling. That is what a greater portion of your reality attempts to do. Now, to some degree
this is an attempt at balancing what you see as your forefathers' energies, because obviously whatever they did didn't work
for them, since they were still in conflict. So you are bound and determined not to do what your forefathers did in just about
every way. The Pleiadian emotional structure is now not repressing negativity, for the most part. However, who they are today
is because of their repression of negativity. So to some degree that's how something that is actually a negative thing (repression)
can turn into a growth process that can eventually lead to the growth that is sought. Is the potential similar; is the basic emotional structure similar? Oh, yes.
We would say, more than any of the other races we've talked about with you. The emotional similarity between the Pleiadians
and yourselves is most pronounced. One of the biggest reasons for the difference is simply the differences in your reality.
If, let's say, several thousands of years ago, Pleiadians from that era came and lived on your world today, they would have
become you emotionally. But with their evolution, that would not occur. The Orion
civilization is primarily 89% Vegan in nature. Of that 89% Vegan genetics, we would say that 75% is of the human-type, Vegan-based
genetics. The remaining 14% would be considered nonhuman-type Vegan genetics. Therefore, your stories of reptiles from Orion,
although they are embellished somewhat (usually by the emotional body), are accurate because there are those nonhuman-type
entities with Vegan-based genetics living within the Orion system (or have in the past) that account for those stories. Primarily
it is Vegan in nature. This would be the body types with the very high copper content that is due
not only to the genetic line but the diet? Yes,
most definitely. Your bodies here on Earth are based on water and though theirs have water as a primary substance to some
degree, a certain oil or fatty content lubricates the body, the skin. Kind of like the idea of the engine in a car; the gears
turn because of the oil. One thing we want to mention is a uniqueness in the eyes of Orions. Through very strict spiritual
training, which includes diet, ceremony and certain psychic experiences, various priests in the Orion system can change their
eye color to a very vivid blue. Some of your people have had encounters with these Orion-type entities with very sharp blue
eyes. If anyone has, it is most likely that the entity they are contacting is a priest of some sort, for the eye color is
not natural at birth but is attained through a type of spiritual path. We told you that 89% of the Orion
entities are Vegan in nature. The remaining 11% are of a Lyran stock. We would say that of that 11%, 90% are of the light-brown-skinned
people we've talked about and the remaining 10% are of the Caucasian-type Lyran - light hair. They are rare, but of course
if you're talking about several billions in population, then that could account for a goodly amount of people. And they do tend to be aggressive, to leave their mark? Yes,
generally that is the common theme. These are the most common physical attributes of these Orion entities. Getting a little
esoteric for a moment, as you get into the rarified vibrations, as you're getting into higher levels of fourth density, the
physical appearances really become very malleable and not all that important. What we're talking about is the third-density
and early fourth-density characteristics, because that's when the genetic differences are very marked, very apparent. Is there enough genetic similarity that natural cross-breeding is possible?
absolutely. What about between the Lyran and the Vegan types? We would
say that if you took a random Lyran and a random Vegan, there is a 60% chance that the birth would be successful without any
alteration whatsoever. What would the result look like? In some
ways like a typical ethnic person on your planet. Now we're getting into the idea of the breeding on your planet. There have
been two lines active on your planet. The royal houses of Vega - which actually have changed hands and are now the royal houses
of Sirius, but are the Vegan genetics - and the royal houses of Lyra. Your interbreeding with each other throughout history
has been an attempt at unifying those houses. So it stands to reason, then, that any crosses between the two out there would
primarily be successful with very little manipulation. This
brings us to Sirius, being a primary star, in some ways a dimensional doorway for a lot of consciousness, is very diverse.
So we would like to make it known here that the Sirians of which we speak are the Sirians of your history, the Sirians who
were part of your genetic project on Earth. There are so many Sirians on many different levels (mostly existing in the Light
realms) that we don't want you to get confused with what we are talking about - those who were part of the genetic creation
on Earth of Homo sapiens. This Sirian race we are talking about - we'll call them the Sirian gods - stemmed from Vega. So
the primary genetics of Sirius is a Vegan stock - darker skin, but anywhere from very light brown to very dark brown. They
have a lot of the Vegan qualities, including the very pro-nounced eyes, the large, slightly angled eyes. The particular Sirian
gods who had interacted with your planet, having spent a lot of time with the Lyrans who were also part of the genetic project,
had done some interbreeding themselves. So these Sirian gods began through time to take on a lot of qualities of the Lyrans.
Some began to have lighter skin, some began to be more diverse in their genetic makeup. It got to the point where the interbreeding
between the Lyrans and the Sirians was so mixed that the only way to denote a Sirian would be through their belief structure
rather than their physical appearance. Since our focus right now is not the genetic project on Earth, we will be very brief
with this. (There are tapes available that can give the fuller story.) The ultimate attempt was to join the royal houses of
Sirius and Lyra. Throughout time on your planet, since the prototypes of Adam and Eve were created, this attempt has been
made with the belief that a more advanced type of human being could be created. This is still going on; it's not so much now
the physical attributes attempting an integration but rather the belief structures themselves. Because the Sirians gods were of
Vegan heritage, it stands to reason that some of them may have had some of the genetics of the nonhuman-type Vegan entity,
which would mean that some of the Sirian gods appeared to be nonhuman, whether that seemed insect or reptilian (though they
were mammal, like you but with a different appearance). That accounts for some of the stories. Anything more about Sirius
before we move on? Sirius, like Vega, has an extremely bright sun; so bright that if we were to
look at it, even at the probable orbits of the planets, it could cause instant blindness, being thousands of times brighter
than our sun. I can understand how their sun conditioned the Vegan body, and the Sirian sun may be even harsher. So I'm wondering
if some of the aquatic references could not have been due to some elaborate genetic engineering done in the Sirian system
just to survive - or is this a distortion of the mythology? The idea
of the cetacean connection on your planet (meaning that cetaceans represent Sirius consciousness) is more a Terran than a
Sirian representation. Though there are cetacean creatures in your galactic family, the creation of the cetaceans here was
deliberate for Earth. It did not come from somewhere else. Thus the types of cetaceans you have on your planet evolved with
some help; you can see that by examining the skeletons of dolphins and whales. They have finger and toe bones in their fins.
They have a rudimentary humanoid skeleton that has been adapted for their environment. What you're saying is that cetaceans don't represent a genetic heritage in
the human family through Sirius. Correct.
But they do represent a genetic alternative. It was desired that genetic alternatives would be present for those who wished
other experiences. There is a lot more we could talk about regarding this; however, we want to keep it focused in a certain
direction. If you want questions on this at another time, please feel free to ask. We'd
now like to talk about the entities that you know of as the Zetas.The physical characteristics of the Zeta Reticuli that you
are already aware of is 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 to, in some cases, 5 feet tall, generally bald, frail-looking, larger-headed in proportion
to the body, large eyes that seem to have no lid, very small (if any) nose, mouth and ears. We have given you the story about
the Zeta Reticuli. To encapsulate it here, they were a civilization very much like you who went on a path of (in some ways)
self-destruction, a specie crisis. They caught it before they were annihilated. However, they found themselves sterile. They
performed genetic engineering, cloning, etc. to change their species and so you have the Zeta Reticuli you see today. We will tell you that the base genetics
of the Zeta Reticuli before they went through their species crisis and transformation was that of human-type Vegan heritage.
Their civilization, when it went through the change, required them to alter their body structure into what they are now. This
accounts for one of the reasons why they are here and interested in your genetics, because they are looking for an aspect
of their original genetics to reinsert into themselves because of what they perceive they've done wrong during their transformation
- namely, breeding out emotions. If they were to time-travel, which they can do, and go back to their past, they would only
be gathering genetic data before their crisis. To them, that genetic data is inferior; they do not want that. They look to
other races who have Vegan forefathers for some of the Vegan DNA that has been adapted through experience to a more expanded
state of being. Your planet is one of the places. There are Vegan codes active here, and at this point just about everyone
on your planet carries both the Lyran and Vegan codes. You've intermixed so well. When they are taking genetic samples from
you, they are looking mostly for Vegan (but some Lyran) genetic codes that have been strengthened and adapted from their original
state on Vega millennia ago. So this is why, to them, you are so important - because you carry locked in the cells of your
body what they think is their only future. You on Earth, more than anything else, have served as a genetic repository, a genetic
storehouse for the galactic universe, for your galactic family. In some ways you've been earning interest on this DNA you've
been storing, because it's a lot more valuable now than it has been in the past. Individuals are now coming back to explore
that greater value and that is what the Zeta Reticuli are doing. Do they themselves have a genetic future? And what is it? They
are creating their genetic future as they go along. In some way (and we speak a little bit loosely here) they have no future
other than what they deliberately manipulate. According to the laws of species evolution, they should have transformed
out of physicality already. Since they are not running according to the standard laws of species evolution, their future is
what they make it. They could annihilate themselves tomorrow by simply pulling up all of their laboratories and leaving, never
enhancing their own genetics, and eventually dying off. They could do that, but they don't want to. They don't want to leave
this reality without resolving the things they feel they need to resolve, and so they will keep themselves physical until
they do so. And as we've stated before, they understand that you have invited them and that you are also getting something
out of your interactions with them; it's not a one-way street. We would say at this point that what you are getting out of
your interactions with them is much more valuable than you've ever realized, much more valuable than we've ever told you.
It's essential. What do these various races think about us when they see us physically? How
do they feel about us? There
are different emotions. Imagine being an interracial couple; imagine being an Asian woman and a black man creating a child.
As you watch the child grow, you can very clearly see, at least physically, the African attributes and the Asian attributes
and you can watch them expand and grow and interweave with each other. They know themselves so well at this point that when
they watch you, they can see not only the physical attributes you have, but the emotional and mental attributes, even the
spiritual attributes, and they can pinpoint themselves within you very clearly. To some, it's a shock; it's painful to come
here because you are very clear mirrors for them. To others, coming here is the only way they can see themselves. Do they like our physical appearance? Do they dislike it? Are they neutral
or is it a curiosity? When
you have traveled the universe as much as many of these races have, it's not a matter of liking or disliking appearances,
because you've seen very strange things. It's like a sense of deja vu when they see you. There is something very familiar
about you, and yet there's something very alien - something that frightens them very much. They are drawn to you and they
are also frightened - and that is where growth lies. With that, we will thank you for
your wonderful questions. There will be more information on this in the future. We're just laying the groundwork here. We'd
like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the gifts you have given. Not only to your reality, to
your forefathers, but mostly to yourselves, because those gifts will bear much more valuable fruit than you can yet see. Much
love to all of you. Edgar Cayce has said in his teachings
that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. It is the fifth- dimensional civilization that is
a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy works as an emotional, mental, and spiritual healer for humanity. It is also an
energy gateway through which humans pass during death and rebirth. It functions as a way station for nonphysical consciousness
to become accustomed to physicality. The Book of Knowledge: The keys of Enoch describes it as the mid- way programming center
used by the physical brotherhoods in this universe to govern the many rounds of experiments with "physicals" at this end of
the galaxy. Arcturus itself is the brightest
star in the Bootes constellation, which is approximately thirty-six light years from Earth. Some fascinating information comes
from a book by Norma Milanovich called We, the Arcturians, which I highly recommend. Of all the extraterrestrial civilizations,
I feel most drawn to Arcturus, probably because of their total focus in every aspect of society on the path of God-realization.
For that reason I will go into detail in describing their wonderful civilization. I also have the good fortune to
know someone from Arcturus, who is living on the Earth plane. She is one of the most spiritually gifted people I know. My
connection with her and her work has greatly enhanced my own life and spiritual path. The Arcturians teach that the most
fundamental ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is love. Negativity, fear and guilt must be overcome and exchanged
for love and light. The Arcturians work in close connection
with the ascended masters whom they call the Brotherhood of the All. They also work closely with what they refer to as the
Galactic Command. The Arcturians travel the universe in their starships, which are some of the most advanced in the entire
universe. One of the reasons Earth has not
been attacked by warlike negative extraterrestrials has been those civilizations' fear of the advanced starships of the Arcturians.
Their ships are state-of-the-art technology, far beyond anything I have mentioned so far. One of the starships circling the
Earth is called the Starship Athena, after the Greek goddess. ... Arcturian society is governed by
the elders, who are revered by the people of Arcturus for their advanced knowledge, wisdom, and extremely high vibrational
frequencies. The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer one is to Light, or spirit, or God. The Arcturians are short in physical
statue, about three or four feet tall, and slender. They look very much alike, which they are happy about because it erases
the pettiness of comparing looks which is so predominant to Earth society. The Arcturians are the most loving and nonjudgemental
beings you can possibly imagine. Their skin is a greenish color. They have very large, almond- shaped eyes. They have only
three fingers. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are totally telepathic. Their source of nourishment
is an effervescent liquid that is highly vitalizing to their entire being. Their eyes are dark brown or black.
Their main organ of seeing is actually their telepathic nature, not their physical eyes. Their sense of hearing transcends
even their telepathic nature. They also have an ability to sense with the backs of their heads. The average life span is from three
hundred fifty to four hundred years. Their highly developed spiritual nature has allowed them to avoid aging, since they have
the ability to transcend time and space. They terminate life when the contract that has been arranged for their existence
is finished. There is no sickness in Arcturus; it was eliminated centuries ago. ... In the Arcturian system there are
no extreme temperatures. Their civilization is one that has transcended duality and lives in oneness. Professions on Arcturus
are determined by a person's vibrational frequency and the colors in his or her aura. For example, those who are in charge
of taking care of the children must have violet as the predominant color in their auras, for only the wisest souls are allowed
to associate with the young. The same is true for those who are
allowed to give birth. They are screened and tested in terms of their auric and vibrational frequencies, and when chosen by
the elders to give birth to an Arcturian child, people go through an amazing process. The vibrations of both individuals involved
are raised to a seventh- dimensional frequency for the birthing process to insure bringing in the most highly evolved souls.
(The seventh-dimensional frequency is that of an ascended master.) Reproduction is an honor on Arcturus and one of the most
highly regarded professions. The actual reproductive act is not performed in a physical sense as it is understood on Earth.
On Arcturus it is done through a kind of mind link in which the male and female energies are perfectly balanced. Through this
procreation process, some kind of electron force flows through the two beings, and it creates another being that is a replica
of the link. The new life form is then taken
to a special room that emanates the proper vibrational frequencies until the being is ready for integration into a family
unit on Arcturus. Many beings from Arcturus are seeded onto other planets because the high council has ordered this as a great
act. On Arcturus there is not competition.
Every thought, word, deed, and product is judged by its ability to raise the vibration closer to God. If it does not, it does
not exist on Arcturus. A person's frequency of vibration is directly related to the mastery he has over his body, emotions,
thoughts, actions, and creations. Arcturians have total mastery over these aspects of self. They have developed the ability
to transcend the ego, the separative, lower, fear-based self. Success is judged only in terms of the measure of Light frequency.
There are machines that constantly check the vibrational frequencies each individual on the planet is manifesting. If one
particular Arcturian receives feedback that he is not meeting his own goals for evolution, then immediately the elders send
teachers to help that individual. The Arcturian
Starships The Arcturian
starships are the finest in the entire universe. They are propelled by crystals that do not come from that planet but from
a planet in the Milky Way that has not been discovered by Earthly scientists. These crystals have a way of conducting light
energy from the Great Central Sun. The Arcturians say that they not
longer use computers because they long ago outgrew the need for them. They have other systems that are far more advanced.
One section of the starship is a replication of Arcturus. It has the ability to take any crewmember back to Arcturus in his
etheric body. This helps to strengthen and rejuvenate crewmembers who are away from home for long periods of time as they
traverse the universes. Earth's frequency is very harsh for Arcturians because of their fifth-dimensional frequency. Arcturians don't eat but are able
to ingest energy. The Arcturians sleep for only a short time once a week, but for them it is a sacred time to soul travel
and connect to higher realms of consciousness. Another room in the Arcturian starship
has a complete data bank containing every aspect of Earth life and of life on other planets as well. Arcturians are able to
ingest information by means of their telepathic abilities and through their nervous systems. This process is similar to ingesting
food but it occurs on an energy level. They are able to assimilate information one hundred times faster than the average human
being on Earth. An Arcturian ship has a room that
strengthens the vibration of all who enter so they will not be overwhelmed by even the strongest vibrations of Planet Earth.
The Arcturians are able to travel through time. They also have shuttlecraft that are global in shape which are used for activating
energy points and grids on Earth that have been lying dormant for many centuries. The Arcturians have been working with Earth
since life first started on this planet. They have many bases on Earth, and they also have three bases on the Moon. Many of
their bases on Earth are inside mountains. Arcturians can manifest physically, but they also exist in the etheric state, so
physical matter is not an obstacle to them. There is a vaporizing section in
a starship that can instantly make any person or object disappear. They use it on a person only if he has died. The amazing
thing about this machine is that whatever is vaporized can be resolidified at any time in the future just by checking the
ship's records. The more I learn about Arcturus, the more Star Trek seems realistic. Many souls are brought to the Arcturian
starships during the dream state where they are worked on and helped, although the Arcturians never invade a person's free
choice as the Grays are doing. The Arcturians are here to assist humans in entering the fourth and fifth dimensions of reality
and in raising their vibrational frequencies. They stand as the guardians and protectors of higher consciousness in the universe.
They are based in every country
on the planet and, and in fact, have bases all over the universe. They are here to educate humanity but have had a difficult
time dealing with the government and the military, who are primarily interested in military technology, not spiritual enlightenment.
The Arcturians could help in an even greater and more open capacity than they are now, but the people who govern the United
States and the world are so materialistically and egoistically oriented that they resist the help of these incredibly advanced
beings. Instead, the U.S. government made a deal with the Grays who are very selfish beings interested only in taking over
the world for their own greedy purposes THE VARIOUS KINDS OF STAR VISITORS
Richard Boylan, Ph.D. "Race" distinguishes various Star Visitors of decidedly different appearances. More research
into exo-biology, (the science of Star Visitor life's physical structure and processes), will help us understand better how
many races of intelligent species we are dealing. So would the declassifying of the Government's already considerable covert
research on Star Visitor ("exo-")biology, (such as is going on at NASA's Ames Research Center, Sunnyvale, CA, and at Los Alamos
National Laboratories, NM.
For convenience I shall use the term "race" to distinguish Star Visitors of significantly different
anatomical features.
The most common Star Visitor race encountered has a number of variants. These variations in
size and details of appearance may represent origins on different planets. This race is popularly, and rather imprecisely,
called the "Grays". The "Grays" are stereotyped, by uninformed or careless writers, as: short, upright, two-legged beings,
three-and-a-half feet tall, with grayish- white skin, large, hairless, fetal-shaped heads, with huge, all-black, sloping,
almond-shaped eyes without pupils or eyelids, whose eyes wrap around partially towards the temple-area sides of the head,
a narrow jaw tapering to almost a V, small nostril holes but no nose, a small, thin, lip-less, horizontal slit for a mouth,
thin torsos with no ribs and no genitals evident, long, spindly, but surprisingly strong arms reaching to the knees, similarly
long, very thin legs, and hands with three long, non-tapering, joint-less fingers, which end in claws instead of fingernails,
but no thumb.
To be sure, there is such a race of beings; or at least a race, of which this is one variant.
However, there are also: five-foot tall "Grays", seven-foot tall "Grays", "Grays" with mushroom-white skin, "Grays" with brown
skin, "Grays" with black skin, "Grays" whose large eyes have a thin nictating membrane which can extend across the eye, "Grays"
with midnight-blue eyes, "Grays" with wispy fine small amounts of hair on their heads, "Grays" with four fingers, and "Grays"
with three or four fingers and another finger positioned where the human thumb would be, and "Grays" whose fingers end with
suction-cup-like tips.
There have also been Star Visitors reported who have a large process of folds along the back
of their heads, a series of deep creases or crevices along the top of the head, sloping down forward towards the front, and
with a strongly-pronounced brow- ridge above the eyes.
Are these twelve different races; or variants based on evolving in different climactic zones
on one planet? Does this represent racial variation within inhabited planets in one star system? Or are these variations which
occur within one cluster of star systems? Or does the "Gray" genotype tend to appear in many different star systems, on some
planets, along with other races, on other planets, within those same star systems? The truth is, we do not know. Or at least
that information has not been released to the public. Thus, we are still at the stage of gathering information on the various
different types of intelligent lifeforms visiting our planet.
Another source of variation even within what is apparently one race is clothing. Many experiencers
report that their "Gray" visitors wore no clothes. Others have seen "Grays" wearing long robes and hoods over their heads.
Others have seen crews where both versions of attire, as well as close-fitting jumpsuits, were in evidence. Yet Grays are
not the only ones wearing robes.
Another race of Star Visitors is the 4-to-5 1/2-foot tall Being, with a somewhat large head
(by comparison with the human head) but not as proportionally large as the "Grays", and who has somewhat large (but smaller
than the "Grays") dark oval eyes, spindly frame and limbs, and a hand with three long, cartilaginous, bone-less fingers, which
end with neither claw nor suction-cup, but rather "ordinary" fingertip shape, except that their fingers do not taper.
A more distinctive kind of Star Visitor is the "Praying Mantis type" race. These Beings have
long, narrow faces, with long, narrow, large eyes, sharply slanted upward and outward in an almost narrow-V position, given
an almost insect-like appearance. This comparison is heightened by the Praying-Mantis types' extremely thin, long torsos,
long, extremely-thin arms which are usually crooked into a sharp bend at the mid-joint, with the hand and fingers/mitten sloping
almost vertically downward from the "wrist", and legs also bent at an almost right-angle at the mid-joint, creating a crouched
pose. The overall effect is the characteristic "Praying Mantis" look. It should be noted that experiencers feel that this
type is no insect, but rather an intelligent, gentle-spirited, but somewhat "hyper" and jerky-moving, human-like lifeform.
There are both males and females.
Another race is the so-called "Reptilians", or "Reptoids", although I note again that there
is no implication in these descriptors of anything other than of intelligent, communicative persons. What distinguishes these
"Reptilian" Star Visitors is their skin, which has small, fine scales, rather than smooth, their face, which has larger-than-
human yellowish-green eyes with a "starburst"-shaped pupil, the eyes often oval, and an almost snout-like blunt process in
the area of the nose and mouth, giving this type an almost dragon-like humanoid appearance.
Another group of Star Visitors for convenience, I call the "Jawas", after their resemblance
to the creatures in the film, Star Wars. This group is distinguished by their clothing. They wear hoods and robes, are generally
short (three to four-and-a-half feet tall), and their faces are concealed by the shadows thrown by their hoods. Sometimes
there is a much taller hooded and robed one on board the UFO, who often stands to the Experiencer's left as s/he lies on the
Visitor medical examining table. This Tall One appears to direct the procedures, and often is the one who telepathically communicates
with the Experiencer. A few Experiencers have noted glowing eyes under the "Jawas'" hoods. Other Experiencers have reported
that when they got a glimpse of the Being whose face was shadowed by the hood, it was a type of "Gray". Still others saw neither
glowing eyes nor "Grays" under the hoods, but rather never could distinguish the features in the shadows of the hoods.
There are often mixed- race crews on the UFO's. In such cases there could be "Jawas" or "Praying
Mantis" types or "Reptoids" or "Grays", joining in a coordinated effort in carrying out scientific or medical tasks.
A few Experiencers have noted robot-like figures, whose movements and "vibes" (or rather lack
thereof) strongly suggest that these are robots sent remotely by the Star Visitors to observe, reconnoiter, and possibly retrieve
objects. However, I have not encountered any reports of robots actually interfacing with humans to accomplish communication,
or to remove the human to their craft for scientific examination. The robot-like figures appear to be relegated to the more
impersonal tasks of information-gathering and stealthy surveillance, without the risk to the Star Visitors that they would
otherwise run of possibly encountering hostile human responses.
My research has also come up with a goodly number of reports of "Humanoids", "Blondes", or "Nordics",
Star Visitors almost indistinguishable from humans. Indeed, Native American and other indigenous people's traditions point
to their origin from the worlds of these human-looking Visitors in the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and other star systems. If
you were to place a pair of sunglasses on one of these "Nordic" Visitors, they would be indistinguishable from a Scandinavian-American
I have also encountered reports where the Experiencer believed that the Star Visitor s/he was
dealing with appeared to be a human. However, in some cases, this turned out to be an Star Visitor-imposed mental visualization
in the mind of the experiencer, the so-called "screen memory". Upon closer looking, the experiencer was able to see the actual
nonhuman face of the Star Visitor behind the mentally-imposed "human" mask.
My favorite variation of this mental cloaking experience occurred to one experiencer who believed
she was encountering a human "spaceman". I invited the Experiencer to look closely and carefully at the face of the "human
spaceman". When she did so, she suddenly was startled. "Oh, my", she said," It's not a human after all. It's one of those
Grays." Other details made me suspect we were still not done. I suggested she study closely the face of her "Gray" visitor.
Startled, she could see that it was a "Reptoid" who had previously cloaked himself mentally as a "Gray". Another Star Visitor racial type described are the short, chubby "Dwarf" Star Visitors, with
round pudgy faces. They seem to be relegated to doing the menial chores during a contact. Yet another race is what could be dubbed the Bird People. This groups most pronounced feature
is a broad, downward-sloping proboscis, somewhat like an oversize broad bird beak or flexible dolphin beak, with the mouth
underneath the beak. These Visitors have graceful ovoid heads, and long thin necks. They have thin, horizontal, slit-like
eyes with dark pupils. They are telepathic, kind- hearted, and powerful healers and teachers. Then there are the light beings, the energy beings, and the pure, disembodied consciousnesses.
The light and energy beings do not have a solid, three-dimensional body, but rather there presence is marked by the presence
of an ill-defined mass of light or other energy. In the case of the pure consciousnesses, the only signal of their presence
is the onset of telepathic contact, and, occasionally, their influence on something in the local environment. Undoubtedly, many more races could be described. We as humans are challenged by intelligent
life that looks so different from us, a challenge which can be disturbing. But it can also remind us that the Source of All
is myriad in its expression of lifeforms, including intelligent lifeforms, across the vast Universe. Only the most anthropocentric
would be offended by the Supreme Source's creation of intelligence in other anatomical packages. And, indeed, Star Visitor
messages tell us that we are that special variant mix of intelligent life: part-Earth primate, part-Star Visitor intelligent
Thus, when any of us has an encounter with a Star Visitor, we truly are meeting our "distant
Crashed Saucers Salvaged Equipment, Paranormal Experiences, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, Time Travel, Incarnation, Extra-Terrestrials, Psychic, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility, Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla-Visionary. John Von Neumann-mathematician of physicist, John Hutchinson-Dean U of C, Dr. David Hilbert Multi Space Time/Realities, Dr. Gust off Physicist, Dr. Levinson-Levinson Time/ Space Equations, Space-Time Tunneling, Teleportation, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Alternate Reality, Warping Space Time, Past and Future Travels to the Year 6048, Unrecognizable Ruins, Weather Control, Z-Argon Gases, Alternate Time Lines, Altered States of Reality, No Perception of Time, Mind Control, Altered Auras, Extra-Terrestrial Bases, Stealth Technology. Tesla Towers, Teleportation to the Planets, Atlantis, Falling Frogs, Teleportation Machines, Extraterrestrial bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Grays, and Reptilians show up, Alchemy, other domains, Crashed Ships, Bavarian Alps, Ruins: Ancient Civilizations, Bodies Found Embedded in the walls at Montauk, time tunneling, alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German Mars Projects, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Micro chip Implants, Rainbow, Invisibility and Hyper Space, Space - Time Continuum, Worm Holes, Space Time, Time Travel, Invisibility Machines, Hypo-Meditation, Weather Control, "Psychic" Signals, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought, and Powers of the Mind, Alternate Realities, Artificial Intelligence, Reptilians, Project "God Edge" Manifesting of Objects, Subconscious Mind, Alien Intervention, Secret Societies, Celestial Management, Self Conscious computers, Magnetic Field, Montauk Base Closure, Mind Control, Finite Space, first electronic computer, zero time frame Reference, Stealth Bombers, underground mars caverns, dead civilizations, psychic nature vortexes, Akashic location system, religious artifacts, alien walk in's, teleportation, Philadelphia experiment. The subconscious mind, Hilga Marro, aliens, Einstein, Eldridge Survivors, Aliens in Las Vegas, Bush, CIA & Aliens in area 51, YEAR 2012, ALIENS, ALIENSHIFT, Alien, UFO, Time Travel, Pole Shift, MARS, UFO Videos, Extraterrestrial |