First message is that Earth is dying.
The Terran ecology is in a state of middle-stage systemic collapse. It appears to
many human scientists and governmental leaders that the situation is
not too bad, but they are wrong. Over the next few years, if radical changes
are not made in human practices harming the environment, there will be a
cascading cumulative effect which will resemble what you humans might
call an ecological meltdown. For example, the sea is losing its
ability to sustain plankton, which form the basis for the oceanic food chain.
The seasonal loss of radiation-shielding, which you call the Antarctic Ozone
Hole, is actually occurring in several areas. These are growing in size
Eventually ultraviolet radiation will eliminate many food plants.
All these catastrophes will result in numerous species die-offs,
including even humans Your agricultural soils in many areas are laden with
chemicals which your scientists do not label toxic, but which are. These
chemicals are creating many wasting illnesses and mutations. There are groups of
Earth scientists who know all these things. If humans do not listen to their
warnings, and to ours, then the human race will not survive.
"Second message is that very serious hazardous events
are going to occur over the next several years,
Earth will experience many earthquakes,
Escalating in severity to 9 and 10 on your magnitude scale and well
beyond. There will be a widespread occurrence of old volcanoes erupting anew,
and new ones forming where there were no volcanoes before. In many cases
these earth movements will cause tidal waves of a size not seen before.
There will also be subsidence of land masses in many places. In some cases,
whole countries will disappear under the advancing sea. New human epidemic
diseases of unprecedented virulence will emerge, taking many lives. AIDS
and the outbreak of Pneumonic Hemorrhagic Fever are just beginning examples of this.
The combined effect of the ecological damage and these cataclysms will cause great
shifts in climates.
Fertile lands will become desert. Heavy rainfall will occur
where it never has before, and weather changes will become more extreme.
These events will cause a significant proportion of the Earth's human
population to die off.
We are willing to help, but we have foreseen that many
humans will fear or ignore us and thus reject our help.
"The third message is that all humans need to attune to what
you call metaphysical aspects of reality.
For examples There are four dimensions of space-time which your
Conventional science currently accepts.
It would be an improvement if you accepted even the twelve dimensions
that a few of your advanced theoreticians have proposed, although there are
more than twelve dimensions. You cannot understand us and our presence across
hyper-dimensional space with your present crude attachment to only visible
physical phenomena.
Also, time, as your industrialized cultures understand it is an illusion.
Some members of our Federation live in what you would consider your past or
Your future time, yet they are available to make contact with you in the present.
Another area which your materialistic cultures do not recognize is that
thought is 'Real'. Thought can cause things to happen.
Thought helps create reality. If your world and ours are to truly meet, you must
expand your understanding of reality in these and other areas.
Our fourth message deals with spirituality. What we have to say about this matter
Will be very difficult for many humans to accept.
The Federation respects the spiritual strivings of most humans.
However, many humans have allowed the structured forms of official
religions to limit their understanding of true spirituality. Every conscious
being in the Universe has a right to complete spiritual attainment.
Because of this, we wish to share with you some of our spiritual understanding.
What you call God is what we know as the Supreme Source of everything, and
which is embedded in everything and in all processes. The closest
human expression for this is 'truth-consciousness.' Truth-consciousness is
It is that which makes everything what it is, and integrates
everything with everything else in the greater Whole.
This truth-consciousness understands itself through the many levels of consciousness present in
nature and underlying all reality. It extends from what you call
inanimate objects to the most highly evolved sentient and intelligent beings, which
no longer operate through a physical body. We respect the intelligent
spark of this truth-consciousness in each human. It is that which makes us
spiritual equals. And it is on that level of spiritual equality that
we come here as your brothers and sisters, beings who share your respect for
the divine.
"Our fifth message will be no surprise to some of your
government officials and military leaders, but it will present some concern to
certain fearful humans. Over the millennia, there have been limited contacts
with humans by some extraterrestrials in order to obtain reproductive
The purpose has been to help create hybrid individuals. There have been
a number of important reasons for this, which we will not go into detail
about now.
Suffice to say that there are thousands of alternatively developed persons
whom you would call hybrids. Some are residing in ships out
in space, or on our home planets. Several hundreds live on Earth, mostly in
temporary underground shelter, waiting the day when humans are
prepared to accept extraterrestrial presence and make them welcome on the
Some other few hundreds are living and walking about in your midst,
undetected because of their close resemblance to you. We wish to present a
request to your Earth government soon to permit these resident hybrids to
emerge from hiding and live among you as fellow citizens. In return we will be
prepared to accept certain numbers of Earth volunteers to take up
residence on our planets. In both these ways, our understanding of each other
can increase.
We ask that, as a token of good faith, the United States
government release to us the extraterrestrial individual known to them as EBE,
when the ambassadors land again on February 15."
[Sixth message] . . . . It is my honor to inform you that
the member worlds which make up the Interstellar Federation have decided to
offer Earth membership in the Federation, that is, provided certain
things happen.
The Earth must be able to speak to the Federation with one
voice. And your Earth government must make a formal request to receive
member-planet status in the Federation. But there are preconditions to membership. The
peoples of the Earth must renounce and destroy all their nuclear weapons.
The Earth must have in place an effective global conflict-resolution
mechanism, so that war is eliminated. The Earth government must guarantee the
safety of all authorized extraterrestrial visitors to Earth. When these
conditions are met membership in the Interstellar Federation can occur.
. . . . "This seventh and last message must be passed on to
all of the Earth's leaders. We, the official representatives of the
Interstellar Federation, request that Earth's government designate its
official ambassadors to meet with our ambassadors. We request that
Earth's government arrange for television and radio broadcast of this meeting
worldwide. At this meeting the Federation ambassadors will present the
formal invitation to join the Federation and to initiate formal cultural
exchange. They will also present our formal request for permission for the
establishment of a surface colony for hybrids, and for a guarantee of safety
for extraterrestrials visiting Earth. This will be Earth's opportunity to
formally accept or reject contact with us."
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