Courtesy of FIGU
Einführung in die Geisteslehre
(Semjase, Zehnter Kontakt, Mittwoch, 26. März 1975,15.20h, Sätze 3 bis 271.) |
Introduction to the Spiritual Teachings
(Semjase at the 10th contact of Wednesday, March 26, 1975, 3:20 pm; sentences
#3-#271.) |
3. Der Mensch ist Träger eines Geistes, der nicht stirbt und der auch in tiefstem Schlafe nie
schläft, der alle Gedanken und Regungen aufzeichnet, der dem Menschen sagt, ob seine Gedanken richtig oder falsch sind, wenn
er darauf zu achten gelernt hat. |
3. The human bears a spirit that does not die nor sleep during the deepest sleep; it records
all thoughts and motions; it informs the human whether his thoughts are correct or false-if he has learned to pay attention.
4. Dieser Geist im Menschen ist Träger des schöpferischen Reiches, und er ist allen Menschen
eigen. |
4. The spirit within the human is the bearer of the creative realm, and every human has his
own (spirit). |
5. Es ist unverständlich, dass der Mensch von einem Himmel und von einem Himmelreich in sich
spricht und sich nicht einfach damit begnügt, nur zu sagen: Schöpfung, Wahrheit, Wissen, Weisheit, Geist, Bewusstsein und
Existenz. |
5. It is incomprehensible that the human speaks of a heaven and of a kingdom of heaven within
himself, rather than to merely say: Creation, truth, knowledge, wisdom, spirit, consciousness and existence. |
6. Das menschliche Sehnen liegt in der Freude, die bleibt, nach dem unvergänglichen Leben, dem
bleibenden Frieden, dem geistigen und bewusstseinsmässigen Reichtum, der niemals vergeht und ewig währt. |
6. A humans yearning lies in the joy that remains, for the imperishable life, the permanent
peace, the spiritual and consciousness-related wealth that never fades and lasts forever. |
7. Himmel und Erde werden vergehen, aber Wahrheit, Wissen, Weisheit und Geist werden niemals
änderlich sein oder vergeh'n. |
7. Heaven and Earth will perish, but truth, knowledge, wisdom and spirit will never be changing
[change?] or perish. |
8. Der Geist und das Bewusstsein halten Ausschau nach dem Vollkommenen, nach Harmonie, nach
Frieden, Erkenntnis und Erkennung, nach Wissen, Weisheit, Wahrheit und Schönheit, nach Liebe und nach dem wahren SEIN, die
von absoluter Dauer sind. |
8. The spirit and the consciousness are on the look-out for what is perfect, for harmony, for
peace, cognition and realization, for knowledge, wisdom, truth and beauty, for love and for the true BEING, all of which are
of absolute duration. |
9. Sie alle zusammen ergeben das, was das geistige Königtum bildet; sie alle sind im Schöpferischen
vorhanden. |
9. All of these lead to what forms the spiritual kingdom of wisdom; all are existing within
what is creative. |
10. Sie alle sind da in der Existenz, als Genius aller Genialität, als Melodie aller Melodien,
als Können allen Könnens, als höchstes schöpferisches Prinzip, als Wunder über alle Wunder. |
10. All of these are here in existence, as a genius of all ingenuity, as a melody of all melodies,
as ability of all abilities, as the highest creative principle, as wonder of all wonders. |
11. Im Traum vermag der Mensch Wunderwelten zu erschaffen, wie die Schöpfung die Welten bewusst
kreiert. |
11. The human may create wondrous worlds in a dream, just as Creation consciously creates the
worlds. |
12. Dem Menschen erwächst diese Fähigkeit aus seinem Bewusstsein, das in der Existenz in ihm
vorhanden ist, wie alle Wunder in ihm vorhanden sind. |
12. To the human, this capability arises from his consciousness, which is obtainable in existence
within himself, in the same way that all wonders are available within himself. |
13. Er selbst ist das Himmelreich, das Reich des Schöpferischen. |
13. He himself is the realm of heaven, the realm of what is creative. |
14. Darum sprachen die alten Erdenphilosophen vom Menschen als dem Mikrokosmos im Makrokosmos,
weil sich alles was im Universum enthalten ist, auch im Menschen befindet. |
14. Thats why the terrestrial philosophers of old spoke about the human as a microcosm within
a macrocosm because everything that is included within the universe is included within the human. |
15. Die Dimensionen des Innern im Menschen sind endlos. |
15. The inner dimensions of the human are endless. |
16. Das Abbild der Schöpfung, der Geist in ihm, die Existenz, die dimensionslos ist, sie birgt
alle Dimensionen in sich und transzendiert zugleich alle Dimensionen. |
16. The image of Creation, the spirit within him--the existence that is without dimension--it
bears all dimensions within itself and, at the same time, transcends all dimensions. |
17. Der Geist ist das Wunder aller Wunder, aus dem alle Kraft hervorgeht. |
17. The spirit is the wonder of all wonders, and all power emerges from it. |
18. Ein Wunder aber bedeutet Nutzung der Geisteskraft in Vollendung. |
18. A wonder means using the spirit force in perfection. |
19. Der Mensch aber legt ein Wunder in etwas, zu dem ihm alle Möglichkeiten einer logischen
Erklärung fehlen. |
19. The human, however, places a wonder into something for which he lacks all possibilities
of a logical explanation. |
20. Ist ein Mensch glücklich, dann kommt sein Glück von innen heraus, denn Glück ist ein selbstgeschaffener
Zustand, niemals aber ist Glück ein Ort. |
20. If a human is happy, his happiness comes from within, because happiness is a self-created
state; never is happiness a location. |
21. Freude kommt aus dem Innern des Menschen hervor, geschaffen aus geistiger Ausgeglichenheit.
21. Joy comes forth from the humans inner part, created by spiritual poise. |
22. Alles kommt also von innen. |
22. Therefore, everything comes from within. |
23. Die Dinge und Menschen, die scheinbar die Ursache des Glücks bilden, sind nur der äussere
Anlass dazu, dass das Glück im Menschen sich zum Ausdruck bringt, wenn er sich geistig daraufhingearbeitet hat. |
23. The things that, or humans who, seemingly form the cause of happiness, are only the external
occasion to bring the happiness within the human expressing itself, if he has spiritually worked towards this. |
24. Glück ist aber etwas, das zum innern Wesen gehört, und es ist ein unabtrennbares Merkmal
der Existenz des Geistes. |
24. But happiness is something that belongs to the inner being, and it is an unseparable characteristic
of the spirits existence. |
25. Unendliches Glück und unendliche Kraft sind in dieser Existenz enthalten. |
25. Endless happiness and endless power are included in this existence. |
26. Der Mensch mag äusserlich alt sein, doch das ist nur eine vorübergehende Angelegenheit.
26. Outwardly, the human may be old, but this is only a passing matter. |
27. Vor fünfzig Jahren war er es noch nicht und wird es auch in fünfzig Jahren nicht mehr sein,
wenn sein Körper tot ist, denn nur er vermag alt und gebrechlich zu werden. |
27. Fifty years ago he wasnt, and in fifty years--when his body is dead--he will not be, because
only the body may become old and infirm. |
28. Der Geist aber bleibt ewig jung und unterliegt niemals Alterserscheinungen. |
28. The spirit, however, remains forever young and suffers no symptoms of old age. |
29. Das Alter ist etwas, wie die Jugend oder die Kindheit, wie Sorgen, Kummer oder Probleme,
etwas, das vorübergeht, wie alle äusseren Bedingungen und Erfahrungen der Welt vorübergehen. |
29. The old age, and also youth and infancy, and also sorrows, grief or problems, is something
that passes, like it is the case with all external conditions and experiences of the world. |
30. Was bleibend ist, das ist die Existenz des Geistes, die Wahrheit, das Wissen, die Weisheit,
die Wirklichkeit. |
30. What is lasting is the existence of the spirit, truth, knowledge, wisdom, reality. |
31. Sie gilt es zu erkennen und aufzubauen, denn nur sie machen den Menschen frei. |
31. What matters is to recognize and build them, because they only make the human free. |
32. Erkennt der Mensch die Existenz seines Geistes, so kann ihm das Alter nichts mehr antun.
32. If the human recognizes the existence of his spirit, the old age is not harmful to him any
longer. |
33. Keine Sorgen, kein Kummer, kein Problem, keine Veränderungen und keine Wechselfälle des
Lebens und der Umgebung, der Umwelt und der Welt vermögen ihn noch in Trauer zu werfen. |
33. No sorrows, no suffering, no problem, no changes and no ups and downs of life and of the
surroundings, of the environment and the world may still throw him into grief. |
34. Weisheit ist eine urige, gewaltige Macht. |
34. Wisdom is an elemental, tremendous power. |
35. Weisheit ist Licht. |
35. Wisdom is light. |
36. Und wo immer Licht aufleuchtet, verschwinden Dunkelheit und Unwissenheit. |
36. And wherever a light shines, darkness and ignorance vanish. |
37. Unwissenheit aber ist die eigentliche Dunkelheit, und diese wird vom Licht der Weisheit
überwunden. |
37. But ignorance is the actual darkness, and it is overcome by the light of wisdom. |
38. Weisheit ist ein Kennzeichen der Existenz des Geistes und des Bewusstseins und trägt in
sich die Qualitäten des Glücks, der Wahrheit, des Wissens, der Ausgeglichenheit, der Schönheit, der Harmonie und des Friedens.
38. Wisdom is a characteristic of the existence of the spirit and the consciousness, and it
bears within itself the qualities of happiness, truth, knowledge, balance, beauty, harmony and peace. |
39. Weisheit ist Licht. |
39. Wisdom is light. |
40. Weisheit ist aber auch das Kennzeichen eines Menschen, der die Existenz seines Geistes erkannt
hat und schöpfungsgesetzmässig mit ihm arbeitet. |
40. However, wisdom is the characteristic of a human who has recognized the existence of his
spirit and cooperates along with the spiritual laws. |
41. Weisheit ist Geisteskraftnutzung. |
41. Wisdom is using the spirit force. |
42. Weisheit und Geist sind zwei Dinge, die eins ergeben, wie das Sonnenlicht und die Sonne
zwei Dinge sind. |
42. Wisdom and spirit are two things that amount to one, in the same way as sunlight and the
sun are two things. |
43. Das Sonnenlicht resultiert erst aus der Wärme der Sonne, die sie durch ihre Prozesse erst
erzeugen muss. |
43. The sunlight results from the heat of the sun, which she herself first has to generate through
her processes. |
44. So ist aber auch eine allschöpfende Existenz im Universum, die Kraft ihrer Kräfte Kräfte
erzeugt, die bestimmten schöpferischen Gesetzen folgend als Wahrheit, Wissen und Weisheit die endlosen Aeonen gleichmässig
und unbeirrbar nach einer gegebenen einheitlichen Richtlinie befolgen und beleben. |
44. Thus, there is also an all-creating existence in the universe that, on the strength of its
force, creates forces that constantly and imperturbably follow and enliven the endless eons--as truth, knowledge and wisdom,
(and) according to a given uniform guideline--along certain Creative laws. |
45. Diese kraftvolle Existenz aber ist die Schöpfung. |
45. This forceful existence, however, is Creation. |
46. Und es gibt daher nur eine Existenz, die überall im Universum herrscht - nur eine Schöpfung,
nur eine Wahrheit, ein Wissen und eine Weisheit - die für ewige Zeiten gleichgerichtet und gleichbleibend ist. |
46. And therefore, there is only one existence that rules throughout the universe--only one
Creation, only one truth, one knowledge and one wisdom--and that is synchronous and unchanging for all times. |
47. Die ewige Wahrheit unterliegt keinen Schwankungen und keinen Veränderungen, und ihre Gesetze
müssen niemals revidiert und einer neuen Zeit angepasst werden. |
47. The eternal truth is not subject to any variations and changes, and its laws must never
be revised and adjusted to new times. |
48. Die Geisteskraft ist vital und dynamisch, und zwar in dem Masse, wie sie die Weisheit in
sich verkörpert. |
48. The spirit force is vital and dynamic, namely in such an amount as it embodies the wisdom
within itself. |
49. Es ist ein Zeichen menschlicher Schwäche, wenn Religionen und ihre Irrlehren als Instrument
des Schöpferischen dargestellt werden und die Weisheit dadurch irreal wird. |
49. It is a sign of human weakness when religions and their false teachings are presented as
instruments of what is creative, and when wisdom becomes unreal through this. |
50. Der Mensch sucht dann anderswo nach Kraft, Freiheit, Freude und Licht, nur nicht dort, wo
sie wirklich sind. |
50. The human searches elsewhere for strength, freedom, joy and light, but not where they really
may be found. |
51. Weisheit ist ein kennzeichnendes Merkmal der Schöpfung, die als Teilstück, als Geist im
Menschen wohnt. |
51. Wisdom is a distinguishing feature of Creation that, as a fragment, inhabits the human as
spirit. |
52. Daher mehre der Mensch seine wissende Weisheit, und er wird die Schöpfung erkennen. |
52. Therefore, the human shall increase his knowledgeable wisdom, and he will recognize Creation.
53. Er mehre seine Suche nach Wahrheit, und er wisse um die Kraft der Weisheit. |
53. He shall increase his search for truth, and he shall know about the power of wisdom. |
54. Erkenntnis der Wahrheit bringt Befreiung von allen Begrenzungen. |
54. Cognition of the truth brings liberation from all restrictions. |
55. Sie bringt grenzenloses Wissen und Weisheit. |
55. It brings boundless knowledge and wisdom. |
56. Weisheit ist ein machtvolles Mittel, um die Gesetze der Schöpfung zu erkennen. |
56. Wisdom is a powerful means to recognize the laws of Creation. |
57. Ein Mensch, der von Liebe erfüllt ist, ist auch reich an Weisheit, und ein Mensch, der reich
an Weisheit ist, ist auch voller Liebe. |
57. A human who is filled with love is also rich in wisdom, and a human who is rich in wisdom
is also full of love. |
58. Doch der Erdenmensch betrügt sich selbst, weil er die Liebe nicht kennt. |
58. However, the human cheats himself because he does not know love. |
59. Besitzgierige Gefühle und Regungen deutet er als Liebe, während ihm wirkliche Liebe aber
fremd und unverstanden bleibt. |
59. He interprets grasping feelings and sentiments as love, while, to him, real love remains
strange and not understood. |
60. Ein Mensch ist erst ein Mensch, wenn er die Wahrheit, das Wissen und die Weisheit erkannt
hat, auch wenn er das Wort Schöpfung nicht gebraucht, denn Weisheit ist auch Liebe in bester Form. |
60. A human is a human only if he has recognized truth, knowledge and wisdom, even if he never
used the word Creation, because wisdom is also love in its best form. |
61. So findet der Mensch immer, dass Erleuchtung und Erkennung Wissen und auch Weisheit und
Liebe sind, und wo Liebe herrscht, da herrscht auch Weisheit. |
61. Thus, the human always finds that enlightenment and recognition are knowledge and also wisdom
and love, and where love rules, there rules wisdom, too. |
62. Liebe und Weisheit gehören zusammen, denn die Schöpfung und ihre Gesetze sind Liebe und
Weisheit zugleich. |
62. Love and wisdom belong together, because Creation and Its laws are love and wisdom at the
same time. |
63. Wo Weisheit und Wissen sind, da sind Liebe und Erkenntnis, und wo Erkenntnis und Liebe sind,
da ist die Schöpfung. |
63. Where there is wisdom and knowledge, there is love and cognition, and where there is cognition
and love, there is Creation. |
64. Wachstum in der Liebe und Weisheit lehren den Menschen, die Schöpfung zu erkennen. |
64. Growth within love and wisdom teach the human to recognize Creation. |
65. Erst aber lernt der Mensch die Wahrheit und wird dadurch Freiheit und Frieden erlangen,
einen Frieden, der unvergänglich ist, eine Kraft ohne Ende. |
65. First, however, the human learns the truth, and thereby he will gain freedom and peace,
a peace which is imperishable, a power without an end. |
66. Weisheit und Liebe sind die beiden belebenden Schwingen des schöpferischen Wesens und Charakters.
66. Wisdom and love both are two stimulating wings of the creative essence and character. |
67. Mit Weisheit und Liebe ist der Mensch Herr über alle Schöpfung. |
67. With wisdom and love, the human is master over all creation. |
68. Weisheit und Liebe vermehren seine Hingabe an die Erfüllung der gegebenen schöpferisch-natürlichen
Gesetze, weil Geist und Schöpfung eins sind. |
68. Wisdom and love increase his dedication for the fulfillment of the given creative-natural
laws, because spirit and Creation are one. |
69. Der Erdenmensch spricht von Liebe, die er nicht kennt. |
69. The earth human speaks of love that he does not know. |
70. Er glaubt zu wissen, dass seine Regungen Liebe wären und betrügt sich dadurch selbst. |
70. He believes to know that his sentiments are love and, through this, he deceives himself.
71. Liebe kann man nicht in Worte kleiden, denn sie ist, genau wie das Glück, ein Zustand und
kein Ort. |
71. Love cannot be clothed in words, because it is, just as luck, a state and not a place. |
72. Liebe ist unvergänglich, und nichts vermag sie jemals in etwas anderes zu verwandeln. |
72. Love is imperishable, and nothing is able to change it into something else. |
73. Der Pfad der Geisteskraft geht über die Erkenntnis der Wahrheit, des Wissens, der Weisheit
und der Liebe. |
73. The path of the spirit force leads over cognition of truth, knowledge, wisdom and love.
74. Sinn und Aufgabe der Geisteslehre liegen darin, Wahrheit, Wissen, Weisheit und Liebe zu
verbreiten. |
74. The sense and function of the spiritual teachings are to spread truth, knowledge, wisdom
and love. |
75. Versagt sie darin, dann ist sie keine Hilfe mehr, sondern ein böser Kult, der durch Irrlehren
den Geist versklavt und Unwissenheit schafft, wie dies bei den Irrlehren der Religionen der Fall ist. |
75. If this fails it is not a help anymore but an evil cult which, through false teachings,
enslaves the spirit and produces ignorance, as it is the case with the religions' false teachings. |
76. Übt sie aber die Funktion der Geistwissenserweiterung aus, dann ist sie ein machtvolles
Instrument der schöpferischen Ordnung. |
76. If it pursues the function of expanding the spiritual knowledge, then it is a powerful instrument
of the creative order. |
77. In der Geisteslehre geht es um die Ausbreitung der Erkenntnis, der Wahrheit, des Wissens,
der Weisheit und der Liebe, des Ewigen, des Unsterblichen, des Unvergänglichen, das den Tod überwindet und Licht verbreitet,
das die Ausgeglichenheit der Weisheit und der Liebe in sich verkörpert, den Frieden, der alles Verstehen übersteigt. |
77. The spiritual teachings deal with the spreading of cognition, truth, knowledge, wisdom and
love, with what is eternal, immortal, (and) imperishable, what overcomes death and spreads light, what embodies within itself
the balance of wisdom and love, and they deal with the peace that surpasses all understanding. |
78. Jeder Mensch glaubt zu wissen, was mit Frieden gemeint ist, wie er ihn nach menschlicher
Erfahrung kennt. |
78. Each human believes to know what is meant by peace, in the manner that he knows it according
to human experience. |
79. Doch den weisen Frieden der unendlichen Existenz, des Geistes, der unsterblichen Schöpfung
zu verstehen, das geht ganz einfach über sein menschliches Verstehen hinaus. |
79. But to understand the wise peace of the endless existence, the spirit, the immortal Creation,
surpasses his human understanding. |
80. Darum, weil er in religiösen Irrlehren und in menschlich-materiellen Dingen gefangen ist,
die ihm ein Verstehen nach innerer Erfahrung vorenthalten. |
80. The reason for this is that he is a prisoner of religious false teachings and human-material
things that withhold from him an understanding for inner experience. |
81. Die Erfahrung, die den wahren Schlüssel zur wahren Erkenntnis und Weisheit bildet. |
81. The experience that forms the true key for true cognition and wisdom. |
82. Wunder über Wunder sind im Königreich des Geistes enthalten. |
82. The kingdom of the spirit holds wonders over wonders. |
83. Das sichtbare Universum, mit dem sich der Mensch befasst, ist nur ein kleiner Fleck in dieser
wunderbaren, unendlichen, geistigen Intelligenz der Schöpfung. |
83. The visible universe with which the human deals, is but a tiny spot within this wonderful,
endless, spiritual intelligence of Creation. |
84. Universen wie dieses sind zu unzähligen Milliarden in der unendlichen geistigen Intelligenz
der Schöpfung enthalten. |
84. Countless billion universes like this are held within the endless spiritual intelligence
of Creation. |
85. Was den physischen Augen des Menschen sichtbar ist, bedeutet nur ein kleines Jota in der
Unendlichkeit. |
85. What is visible to the human's physical eyes is but a tiny iota within endlessness. |
86. Was seinen Augen nicht sichtbar ist, ist unermesslich, unfassbar und undenkbar, für seine
ungeistige menschliche Intelligenz und Fassungskraft verwirrend und unvorstellbar. |
86. What he cannot see with his eyes is immeasurable, inconceivable and unthinkable; it is confusing
and unimaginable for his unspiritual human intelligence and (mental) capacity. |
87. All das Universum, das er sieht, ist nur ein einziger Raum von vielen, die mit Myriaden
gemessen werden müssen, denn es gibt Universen in Universen, Universen jenseits von Universen, Universen unter Universen,
Universen über Universen und Universen ausserhalb der Universen in dieser urmächtigen, gewaltigen und allschöpferischen geistigen
Intelligenz der Existenz der Schöpfung. |
87. The entire universe which he sees is but one of many rooms and must be counted as myriads,
because there are universes within universes, universes beyond universes, universes under universes, universes above universes
and universes out of the universes within this ur-mighty, colossal and all-creative spiritual intelligence of the Creation's
existence. |
88. Und mit diesem gewaltigen Geist, mit diesen urigen Kräften der Existenz, der Schöpfung,
der geistigen Intelligenz, ist der Mensch konnexioniert, weil ein Teilstück dieser Geistintelligenz Schöpfung als Geist im
Menschen wohnt und ihn belebt. |
88. And the human is connected with this mighty spirit, with these elemental powers of existence,
Creation, spiritual intelligence, because a fragment of this spirit-intelligence Creation dwells within, and enlivens, the
human as spirit. |
89. Seine Kräfte, seine Freude, sein Frieden, seine Freiheit, seine Weisheit, sein Wissen und
sein Können sind unvorstellbar für geistig Unwissende, Unlogische, Kritiker, Besserwisser, Religionsabhängige, Ausgeartete
und sonstige Irregeführte. |
89. Its (the spirit's) power, its joy, its peace, its freedom, its wisdom, its knowledge and
its ability are unimaginable for people that are spiritually ignorant, illogical; for critics and know-it-alls; for those
dependent to religions; for degenerated ones and other persons that have been led astray. |
90. Und nur ein Mensch, der diese Wahrheit kennt und aus ihr Wissen und Weisheit und Liebe schafft,
ist ein gesegneter Mensch. |
90. And only a human who knows this truth and produces knowledge and wisdom and love from it,
is a blessed human. |
91. Er kennt die Antwort auf die letzten Fragen der Wissenschaft, der Philosophie und auch des
fragenden Menschen. |
91. He knows the answer to the last questions of science, of philosophy, and also of the wondering
human. |
92. Doch um zu einem solchen gesegneten Menschen zu werden, gilt es die Wahrheit zu suchen und
zu finden, daraus Wissen zu schaffen, Weisheit und Liebe; denn der Mensch vermag nur in Wahrheit, Wissen, Weisheit und Liebe
geistig zu wachsen, wodurch er von allen menschlichen Schwächen befreit wird. |
92. But in order to become such a blessed human it is required to search for and find the truth,
to gain knowledge, wisdom and love from it, for the human is only able to spiritually grow in truth, knowledge, wisdom and
love, whereby he will be freed from all human frailties. |
93. Der Mensch ist erst dann erleuchtet und völlig befreit, wenn er beständig und fortgesetzt
in Gedanken in der unendlichen schöpferisch-geistigen Wirklichkeit verweilt. |
93. The human is enlightened and fully freed only if he--in his thoughts--incessantly and constantly
dwells in the endless creative-spiritual reality. |
94. Die geistige Intelligenz ist durch gesetzmässige geistige Prinzipien erleuchtet und auf
das schöpferische Wesen, die Vollkommenheit und die Kraft des Schöpferischen selbst ausgerichtet. |
94. The spiritual intelligence is enlightened by lawful spiritual principles, and directed towards
the creative being, the perfection and the power of what is creative itself. |
95. Dies im Gegensatz zur menschlichen Intelligenz, da sich das menschliche Bewusstsein im allgemeinen
nur mit Einzeldingen der materiellen Welt befasst. |
95. This in contrast to the human intelligence, because the human consciousness generally only
deals with single things of the material world. |
96. Das hat aber zur Folge, dass der Mensch in jeder Richtung eingeengt und behindert wird,
ja gar von allen möglichen Formen von Unglück, Schwächen und Versklavungen aller Art eingefangen, niedergedrückt, geplagt
und gefoltert wird. |
96. As a consequence, the human is restricted and handicapped in every direction; he even gets
captured, suppressed, plagued and tortured by all possible forms of misfortune, frailties and enslavement. |
97. Daher ist eine Selbstanalyse des Menschen im einzelnen eine der wesentlichsten Methoden,
um die Wahrheit zu finden und den Weg der geistigen Evolution zu gehen. |
97. Therefore, a human's individual self-analysis is one of the essential methods to find the
truth and to walk on the path of spiritual evolution. |
98. Daher ist es erforderlich, dass der Mensch ununterbrochen seine Gedanken überprüft und sieht,
welcher Art sie wirklich sind. |
98. Therefore, it is necessary that the human constantly examines his thoughts and may see,
of what kind they are. |
99. Er hat darauf zu achten, dass ihn letztiglich immer schöpferisch-philosophische Grundsätze
und Wirklichkeiten, schöpferisch-natürliche Gesetze führen, leiten und bestimmen. |
99. He has to pay attention (to the fact) that, ultimately, he is always led, directed and determined
by creative-philosophical principles and realities, by creative-natural laws. |
100. Im Menschen sollte das ständige bewusste Gefühl herrschen, dass er dem Schöpferischen angehört,
mit seinem eigentlichen geistigen Atem, seinem eigentlichen geistigen SEIN. |
100. Within the human, there should reign a continually conscious feeling of belonging to what
is creative, with his essential spiritual breath, his essential spiritual BEING. |
101. Es soll ihm geistig klar sein, dass sein eigentliches geistiges SEIN untrennbar eins ist
mit dem Schöpferischen, um so in diesem Bewusstsein die materielle äussere Welt zu überwinden. |
101. It shall be spiritually clear to him that his essential spiritual BEING is inseparably
one with what is Creative, in order that he may--in this awareness--overcome the material outer world. |
102. Diese schöpferisch-philosophische Wahrheit und Erkenntnis sollte stets in erster Linie
das menschliche Denken, Fühlen und Handeln beherrschen. |
102. This creative-philosophical truth and cognition should always and first of all rule a human's
thinking, feeling and acting. |
103. Denn nur wer eins mit dem Geist ist, kann auf die Dauer erkennen und auch Gutes verrichten,
denn er hat die Möglichkeiten der Schöpfung in sich. |
103. For only he who is one with the spirit can recognize and do good in the long run, because
he has the possibilities of Creation within himself. |
104. Nichts Negatives im unendlichen Universum kann ihn mehr berühren und versklaven. |
104. Nothing negative within the endless universe may touch and enslave him anymore. |
105. Zu diesem schöpferisch-philosophischen Bewusstsein hinzu kommt noch das praktische, dynamische,
schöpferische; das heisst, das mystische Bewusstsein, das aus der Wahrnehmung der einen Wirklichkeit in allen Dingen besteht.
105. In addition to this creative-philosophical consciousness comes the practical, dynamic,
creative, i.e. the mystical consciousness that consists of the perception of the one reality in all things. |
106. Der Mensch sei daher praktischer Philosoph und Mystiker und nehme die Wirklichkeit in den
wandelbaren vergänglichen Formen war. |
106. Therefore the human has to be a practical philosopher and mystic, and perceive the reality
in its changeable, passing forms. |
107. Denn was ist ein Mensch? |
107. For what is a human? |
108. Er ist nur eine Gestalt und ein Name. |
108. He is only a figure and a name. |
109. Nimmt man den Namen und die Gestalt hinweg, was bleibt dann noch übrig vom Menschen? |
109. If one takes away a human's name and figure, what will remain? |
110. Es bleibt die fundamentale Essenz, die Existenz - der Geist. |
110. What remains is the fundamental essence, the existence--the spirit. |
111. Jener Mensch, der dies übersieht, der wird vom leisesten Windhauch weg- und umhergetrieben,
haltlos, rettungslos und immer darum bemüht, doch noch irgendwo einen festen Halt zu finden, der sich ihm aber nie bieten
wird, wenn er nicht die fundamentale Wahrheit sucht und findet. |
111. The human who fails to see this will be driven around and away by the slightest breath
of air, without hope for rescue; (he will) always (be) striving to find a firm hold somewhere that, however, will never be
offered unless he searches for, and finds, the fundamental truth. |
112. Milliarden Menschen schauen zu den Sternen am Himmel empor, jedoch ohne irgendwelche Folgen
oder Erkenntnisse. |
112. Billions of humans look up to the stars in the sky, however without any results or realizations.
113. Sternkundige jedoch, indem sie zum Himmel aufblicken, entdecken neue Welten und schreiben
Bücher darüber. |
113. Astronomers, however, while looking up to the sky, discover new worlds and write books
about it. |
114. Was sie aber sehen und erkennen, das vermögen andere nicht zu sehen und zu erkennen, auch
wenn sie emporblicken können. |
114. But what they see and recognize, other people cannot see or recognize, even if they can
look up. |
115. Trotz ihrer sehenden Augen sind sie blind. |
115. Despite their seeing eyes they are blind. |
116. Ähnlich verhält es sich mit dem normalen und dem geistigen Menschen: |
116. In a similiar way this is the case with the normal and the spiritual human: |
117. Der Mensch, der wahrhaftig nach den geistigen Schöpfungsgesetzen lebt, sieht und erkennt
ringsumher in jeder Lebensform, in jedem Ding, in jedem Denken und Handeln, in jedem Menschen, in allem Wirken der Natur und
auch in allen erdenklichen Umständen und Geschehen das Schöpferische. |
117. The human, who truly lives according to Creation's laws, sees everywhere and recognizes
what is creative, in every life form, in every thing, in every thought and act in every human, in all of nature's work and
also in all conceivable circumstances. |
118. Der normale ungeistige und durch Religionen oder andere irreale Lehren beeinträchtigte
Mensch aber vermag weder zu sehen noch zu hören oder auch nur ein Jota der Wahrheit zu erkennen. |
118. But the normal, unspiritual human, who is harmed by religions or other unreal teachings,
may not see or hear, or recognize even one iota of truth. |
119. Sein Leben ist ungeistig, um so mehr aber in menschlich-materielle Bahnen gepresst. |
119. His life is unspiritual, all the more pressed into human-material ways. |
120. Dadurch ist er blind, taub und unwissend. |
120. Thereby he is blind, deaf and ignorant. |
121. Der Mensch, der die Schöpfungsgesetze befolgt, wird zum gesegnetesten und furchtlosesten
Wesen. |
121. The human who adheres to Creation's laws is the most blessed and most fearless being. |
122. Sein Wille ist unüberwindlich, seine Hingabe unermesslich und endlos, und seine Weisheit
und seine Liebe beständig und vollkommen, nicht wetterwendisch und voller Zweifel, wie die der Religionsabhängigen und der
sonstig Irregeleiteten im allgemeinen. |
122. His will is insurmountable, his dedication immeasurable and endless, and his wisdom and
love are constant and perfect, not capricious and full of doubts, like it is the case with those who are dependent from religions
or generally those who are led astray in some way. |
123. Sein Sinn gleicht dem weiten, unendlichen Meer und lässt sich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen.????
123. His mind resembles the wide, endless sea and does not let itself come out of its rest.
124. Er zittert nicht vor Angst. |
124. He does not tremble with fear. |
125. Daher entfalte der Mensch seinen geistigen Sinn, der von keiner ausgearteten negativen
Kraft mehr erreicht wird; |
125. Therefore, the human may unfold his spiritual mind that is not anymore reached by any degenerated
negative force; |
126. Der Sinn, der keinem negativ ausgearteten Gedanken mehr Obdach gewährt und auch alle positiv
ausgearteten Gedanken und Handlungen verdrängt. |
126. The mind which gives no shelter to negatively degenerated thoughts and supersedes all positively
degenerated thoughts and actions. |
127. Nur ein ausgeglichener Sinn, der verwurzelt ist im Schöpferischen, im schöpferischen Dienst,
in der schöpferischen Weisheit, seinem Wissen, seiner Liebe und Freude, die wirklicher sind als alle materiellen Wände ringsum
und die menschliche Umwelt, ist wertvoll und geistesentwicklungsdienend. |
127. Only a balanced mind that is rooted in what is creative--in creative service, in creative
wisdom, its knowledge, its love and joy that are more real than all material walls around (and more real than) the human environment--is
valuable and serving the spirit's development. |
128. Der Mensch sei geistig immer gross und konstruktiv. |
128. Therefore the human being shall be spiritually great and constructive at all times. |
129. Der Geist, die Quelle allen unendlichen schöpferischen Aufbaus, ist des Menschen innerstes
Wesen selbst. |
129. The spirit, the source of all endless, creative development, is itself the human's innermost
being. |
130. Das menschliche äussere Wesen ist voller Begrenzungen, denn es ist nicht es selbst, sondern
nur seine Hülle, sein materieller Leib, eine Begrenzung, eine irreführende Angelegenheit, die Quelle von Mühsal und Pein,
begrenzt an Erkenntnis und Willen, an Opferbereitschaft, an Freiheit, Liebe und Glück. |
130. The human outer being is full of limitations, because it is not itself, but only its wrap,
its material body, a limitation, a misleading matter, the source of toil and pain, (and it is) limited regarding cognition
and will, willingness to make sacrifices, freedom, love and luck. |
131. Betrachtet der Mensch seinen Nebenmenschen nur äusserlich, materiell, dann sieht er nichts
als eben die Form und Gestalt, das Materielle dieses bestimmten Menschen. |
131. If the human looks at his fellowman in an external, material way only, he sees nothing
other than just exactly the form and figure, the material of this special person. |
132. Sieht er ihn jedoch mit den geistigen Augen der Erkenntnis und weiss, dass dieses allbezeugende
Bewusstsein in ihm auch in allen andern ist, wenn von ihnen auch unerkannt, dann ändert sich die Art und Weise wie er seinen
Mitmenschen sieht grundlegend. |
132. If he looks at him with the spiritual eyes of cognition and knows that this (universally)
all-testifying consciousness in himself is also in all the other ones, albeit unknown to them, then the manner of how he sees
his fellowmen changes completely. |
133. Er sieht dann nicht mehr einfach einen Mann, eine Frau, ein Mädchen oder ein Kind, sondern
er sieht den Nebenmenschen als Träger eines schöpferischen Geistes, der um sich selbst, um seine Existenz weiss und sich durch
jeden offenbaren möchte, wenn ihm nur Gelegenheit dazu geboten würde. |
133. He then does not simply see a man anymore, a woman, a girl or a child, but he sees the
fellowman as a bearer of a creative spirit that knows about itself, about its existence, and wants to reveal itself through
anybody if there would only be offered an opportunity. |
134. Der die Wahrheit Kennende sieht den Mitmenschen aus diesem Wissen und Erkennen heraus,
denn er sieht das Schöpferische in ihm. |
134. He who knows the truth sees his fellowman from this knowledge and recognition, because
he sees in him what is creative. |
135. Zumindest weiss er jetzt schon mehr als er zuvor wusste, ehe er die Wahrheit erkannte.
135. At least he now knows more than he knew before he recognized the truth. |
136. Dadurch ist bewiesen, dass die Unwissenheit nichts Unabänderliches für alle Zeiten ist.
136. This is the proof then that ignorance is nothing that cannot be changed for all times.
137. Von allem Unwissen kann der Mensch sich befreien, wenn er gewillt ist, die Wahrheit zu
akzeptieren. |
137. If the human is willing to accept the truth he can free himself from all ignorance. |
138. Von Allem kann der Mensch sich befreien, alles kann man ihm nehmen, nur nicht das schöpferische
Bewusstsein, den Geist, die Existenz in seinem Innern, diesen reingeistigen, schöpferischen Bereich in ihm. |
138. The human can free himself from everything, and everything can be taken from him, except
the creative consciousness, the spirit, the existence within his interior, this purely spiritual realm within him. |
139. Er kann all seiner Güter und Habe beraubt und aus seinem Heim vertrieben werden, doch aus
seinem geistigen Reiche in seinem Innern vermag ihn niemand zu vertreiben. |
139. He may be robbed from all of his possessions and may be driven away from his home, but
nobody may drive him away from his spiritual realm within his interior. |
140. So sollte sich der Mensch ständig dieses Schöpferischen bewusst sein, ohne das er keinen
Atemzug zu tun vermag, keinen Gedanken fassen könnte, ohne das er weder erkennen, sehen, hören oder erleben könnte. |
140. Thus, the human should be constantly aware of what is creative, without which he would
not be able to draw a single breath, could grasp no thought, could not realize, see, hear or experience. |
141. Darum sagen die grossen Weisen aller Zeiten: "Der schöpferische Geist ist dem Menschen
näher als der eigene Atem." |
141. Therefore, the great sages of all times say: "The creative spirit is nearer to the human
than his own breath." |
142. Der Mensch vermag diesem höchsten Bewusstsein nicht zu entrinnen, denn früher oder später
verfällt er dieser schöpferischen Wirklichkeit, weil sie das Leben seines Lebens ist, der Geist seines Geistes, das Bewusstsein
seines Bewusstseins, das Licht seines Lichts, die zentrale Denkkraft allen Lebens, die Existenz, die alles menschliche Denken
bei weitem überragt, der gegenüber alle Kraft menschlich-materiell-intellektuellen Denkens in absolute Bedeutungslosigkeit
versinkt. |
142. The human may not escape from this highest consciousness, for sooner or later, he surrenders
to this creative reality, because it is the life of his life, the spirit of his spirit, the consciousness of his consciousness,
the light of his light, the central thought force of all life, the existence that projects all human thinking by far, against
which all power of the human-material-intellectual thinking sinks into absolute insignificance. |
143. Er, der Geist, vermag ohne das Licht der physischen Augen zu leben, wie er auch ohne Gehör,
Arme, Beine und gar ohne äusseren Verstand des äusseren Bewusstseins zu leben vermag. |
143. The spirit itself is able to live without the light of the physical eyes, in the same way
that it may live without hearing, arms, legs or even without the exterior consciousness' exterior understanding. |
144. Immer ist aber noch etwas da, das ihn befähigt weiterzuleben, nämlich seine eigene schöpferische
Kraft. |
144. However, there is always something present that enables him to keep on living, namely his
own creative force. |
145. Dieses Eigenbewusstsein, dieses allbeobachtende und allregistrierende geistige Bewusstsein
im Menschen, das seine Gedanken und Regungen betrachtet und hinter all seinem Denken steht, das ihm sagt, ob er wissend oder
unwissend ist, das ist das Schöpferische, das geistige Bewusstsein. |
145. This awareness of oneself, this all-observing and all-registering spiritual consciousness
within the human, that looks at his thoughts and motions and that stands behind all of his thinking, that tells him whether
he is knowing or ignorant, this is what is called creative, the spiritual consciousness. |
146. Immer wieder darüber nachzudenken, dass der Geist allmächtig, allgegenwärtig, allwissend
und darüber hinaus unendliches Glück, unendliche Schönheit, unendlicher Wert, der Wert aller Dinge überhaupt ist, lässt das
Wort Schöpfung für den Menschen von absoluter Bedeutung werden und bringt evolutionsmässige Wandlungen in ihm hervor. |
146. To always think again and again about the fact that the spirit is omnipotent--always present,
all-knowing and, beyond this, endless luck, endless beauty, endless value, actually the value of all things--lets the word
Creation become absolutely important for the human and brings forth evolution-related changes within him. |
147. So oft sich ihm die Worte Geist und Schöpfung einprägen, finden in ihm psychologische Veränderungen
von grösster Bedeutung statt. |
147. As often as the words spirit and Creation are impressed upon him, there occur within him
psychological changes of the greatest importance. |
148. Seine Gefühle und seine ganzen Sinne verändern sich. |
148. His feelings and all of his senses change. |
149. Je geklärter dadurch seine geistige Intelligenz wird, desto mehr gewinnt dadurch seine
Persönlichkeit an Kraft, und umso gesegneter wird dadurch sein Leben. |
149. The more clear his spiritual intelligence becomes through it, the more his personality
gains power, and the more blessed will be his life. |
150. Ein Weiser voller Geistbewusstsein sieht, was in fernster Zukunft, vielleicht erst Milliarden
Jahre später, einmal geschehen wird, und er hat die ganze Vergangenheit der Lebensformen und der Menschheit vor Augen. |
150. A wise one full of spirit consciousness sees what will happen in the most distant future,
perhaps even billions of years later, and he has the life forms' and humankind's entire past before his eyes. |
151. Grösstes Wissen ist ihm so zugegeben. |
151. Thus, the greatest knowledge is given unto him. |
152. Doch wie ist das möglich? |
152. Yet, how is this possible? |
153. Ein solcher Mensch bietet in seinem Innern, im Geiste, die nötigen Voraussetzungen dafür.
153. Such a human has the necessary requirements within his interior, in the spirit. |
154. So wie Licht durch die geschlossenen Augenlider wahrgenommen werden kann, so befindet sich
in jedem Menschen zwar schöpferische Gegenwart, das ganze geistige Reich, doch sichtbar nur für jene, die durch ihr inneres
Auge auch tatsächlich nach innen zu blicken vermögen. |
154. As the light may be perceived through the closed eye-lids, as lies within every human creative
presence, the entire spiritual realm; however, it is visible only to those who are actually able to look inward through their
inner eye. |
155. Es kann nur jenen nützlich sein, die alle Voraussetzungen bieten. |
155. It can only be useful to those who offer all requirements. |
156. Jeder Mensch trägt das ganze Königreich des Geistes in sich, doch aber ist es überdeckt
und geschlagen mit Unwissenheit, Irrtümern, Unvollkommenheit, Übel, Fehlern und Begrenzungen aller Art, die durch die Erkennung
und Akzeptierung der Wahrheit ins Gegenteil umgewandelt werden müssen. |
156. Every human bears within him the entire kingdom of spirit, but it is covered and beaten
with ignorance, errors, imperfection, evil, mistakes and restrictions of all sorts, which have to be changed into their opposites
through the recognition and acceptance of truth. |
157. Alle die Übel müssen aufgelöst und aufgelichtet werden, indem der Mensch Fähigkeiten entwickelt,
die allem Ausgearteten entgegengesetzt sind und zu einem neutralen Ausgleich führen. |
157. The human must resolve and open all evils by developing abilities that are opposed to everything
that is degenerated and which lead to a neutral balance. |
158. Der Weg der Geisterfahrung wird beschleunigt durch die Entfaltung des bewussten Suchens
und des Wahrheitswissensammelns, und diese Entfaltung führt zur wahren und allumfassenden, kosmischweiten Weisheit und Liebe
aufgrund der Erkenntnis, dass die Schöpfung in allem gegenwärtig ist. |
158. The way of experiencing the spirit will be accelerated through the unfolding of conscious
searching and the gathering of true knowledge, and this unfolding leads to the true and all-encompassing, cosmic wisdom and
love, based on the cognition that Creation is present within everything. |
159. Der Mensch ist eins mit allem in der Schöpfung, in der Wahrheit, Weisheit und Liebe, im
Königreich des Geistes; |
159. The human is one with everything within Creation, in truth, wisdom and love, in the kingdom
of the spirit; |
160. Jene Wahrheit und Weisheit, dass der Mensch durch Raum und Zeit und den Körper voneinander
getrennt ist, was aber durch die innere Erfahrung überwunden wird. |
160. The truth and wisdom, that the human is separated through space and time and the body from
each other; this, however, may be overcome through the internal experience. |
161. Weisheit und Liebe vereinigt, Wissen und Wahrheit vereinigt, die Weisheit und Liebe des
Geistes führen durch Erfahrung zur Einheit und zur Schöpfung selbst, zur universellen Freude, Macht und Vollkommenheit. |
161. Wisdom and love combined, knowledge and truth combined, the spirit's wisdom and love lead--through
experience--to unity and Creation itself, to universal joy, power and perfection. |
162. Weil der Mensch das Schöpferische nicht kennt und durch Irrlehren, namentlich durch geistversklavende
Religionen, fehlgeleitet ist, begeht er sehr viele Fehler, sucht nach den wahren Schätzen am falschen Ort und verletzt dabei
alle naturmässige und schöpferische Ordnung und alle Regeln der Gesetze. |
162. Since the human does not know what is of Creation, and is led astray, namely by spirit-enslaving
religions, he makes a great many mistakes, searches for the true treasures in the wrong places and, thereby, violates all
nature-related and creative order and all rules of laws. |
163. Wie genau er auch die menschlichen Gesetze der menschlichen Gesellschaft achten mag, so
wird er sich trotzdem dauernd gegen alle Gesetze und Regeln und die Ordnung des Schöpferischen im Universum vergehen und sich
einfangen lassen in menschlich-materiellen Nöten, Sorgen und Problemen, in Schrecken, Irrlehren, Irreführungen und Schwächen,
in Unglück, geistigem Unwissen und geistigen Versklavungen und Begrenzungen. |
163. As precisely as he will observe the human laws of the human society, he still will constantly
offend against all laws and rules and order of what is creative in the universe, and will let himself be captured in human-material
troubles, sorrows and problems, in fright, false teachings, deceptions and failings, in misfortune, spiritual ignorance and
spiritual enslavement and restrictions. |
164. Gerade das, was am allerwertvollsten ist, machen irreale Religionen und menschliche Unwissenheit
unerreichbar. |
164. Exactly what is of greatest value will be made unobtainable by unreal religions and human
ignorance. |
165. Diese Unwissenheit und die irreführenden Religionen verhüllen dem Menschen das, was die
Quelle aller wertvollen Dinge, das Leben seines Lebens und das Licht aller Intelligenz ist - der Geist und die Schöpfung.
165. To the human, this ignorance and the misleading religions disguise that which is the source
of all valuable things, the life of his life and the light of all intelligence--the spirit and the Creation. |
166. Der Mensch nehme den ganzen Bereich des täglichen Lebens und seiner Erfahrungen als schöpferisch
an. |
166. The human shall accept the entire realm of his daily life and his experiences as creative.
167. Er sehe sich selbst überall im Raume und in den Zeiten und in allen Dingen. |
167. He shall see himself everywhere in space, in the times and in all things. |
168. Er sei selbst alles und rufe das Schöpferische in allem wach und bringe es so in Erkennung
und Erfahrung. |
168. He himself shall be everything and shall evoke all that is creative in everything, and,
in this way, shall bring it to recognition and experience. |
169. Denn in allem ist die Schöpfung und alles ist belebt durch ihren Geist, wodurch alles eins
in allem ist. |
169. For, in everything is the Creation, and everything is enlivened through its spirit, through
which everything is one in everything. |
170. Die Frage ist nur, wie der Mensch sich mit allem identifizieren soll, wenn er den Weg des
Geistes nicht kennt. |
170. However the question remains how the human may identify himself with everything when he
does not know the spirit's path. |
171. Im allgemeinen pflegt er sich mit seinem Körper zu identifizieren. |
171. Generally, he identifies himself with his body. |
172. Was geschieht aber, wenn er sich in die Wahrheit einzulassen versucht und sich innerlich
auf das schöpferische SEIN und die geistige Wirklichkeit ausrichtet? |
172. But what will happen when he tries to enter into the truth and aligns himself in his interior
with the creative BEING and the spiritual reality? |
173. Unwillkürlich löst sich die ganze Welt in dieser realen Wirklichkeit «Wahrheit des Geistigen»
auf. |
173. Involuntarily the entire world dissolves in this real reality, the "spiritual truth". |
174. Überall herrscht das eine, einzige Prinzip des Schöpferischen-Geistigen. |
174. The one and only principle of what is creative-spiritual. rules everywhere. |
175. Wie aber soll der Mensch sich mit allem identifizieren? |
175. But how shall the human identify himself with everything? |
176. Der Mensch sehe sich doch einmal so, wie er wirklich ist. |
176. The human shall see himself for just what he really is. |
177. Im allgemeinen identifiziert er sich mit seinem Körper. |
177. Generally he identifies himself with his body. |
178. Wie ein Kleinod pflegt er ihn, nährt ihn und plagt sich bis zur Selbstaufopferung um ihn.
178. He cares for it like it were a gem, he nurtures it and takes trouble for it until self-sacrifice.
179. Er umgibt ihn mit Stolz, Firlefanz und einem unsinnigen Wahn, während er seinen Geist jedoch
verkümmern lässt. |
179. He surrounds it with pride, junk and a stupid delusion, while he lets his spirit become
stunted. |
180. Wegen ein bisschen Schmerzen wird er aber schon böse, griesgrämig und ungemütlich gegen
andere, oder er fängt gar zu klagen und zu weinen an, hat Selbstmitleid und beraubt sich selbst seines Lebens. |
180. However, a little bit of pain makes him angry, sullen and uncomfortable against other ones,
or he even starts complaining and crying, has self-pity and robs himself of his life. |
181. Er umgibt seinen Körper mit einem undefinierbaren Glorienschein und mit Eitelkeit, Angst,
Sorgen, Stolz und Problemen. |
181. He surrounds his body with some nondescript halo and with vanity, fear, sorrow, pride and
problems. |
182. Immer dreht sich alles nur um seinen Körper. |
182. More and more often, everything revolves around his body only. |
183. Oft dehnt er seine Körperidentität sogar noch auf seine materiellen Besitztümer aus oder
er regt sich auf, wenn ein Mitmensch ungewollt ihn berührt. |
183. Often he extends his body identity towards his material possessions, or he gets upset if
some fellowman involuntarily touches it. |
184. Was wird aber dagegen ein Mensch mit erkannter geistiger Wahrheit tun? |
184. Yet, what will a human do about it when he has recognized the spiritual truth? |
185. Er wird sich mit allen Dingen und allen Lebensformen der Welt und der Universen identifizieren.
185. He will identify himself with all things and all the world's life forms and the universes.
186. Ein Mensch voll schöpferisch-geistiger Weisheit, voll Wissen, Wahrheit, Liebe und Erkenntnis,
der weiss, dass alles aus der Wahrheit hervorging, hervorgeht und für ewige Zeiten hervorgehen wird. |
186. A human full of creative-spiritual wisdom, full of knowledge, truth, love and cognition,
knows that from the truth everything originated, originates and will originate for all eternity. |
187. Daher identifiziert er sich mit allem und jedem. |
187. Therefore, he identifies himself with each and everything. |
188. In seinem geistigen Bewusstsein wird er zuinnerst stets eins sein mit allem und jedem.
188. In his spiritual consciousness, he will always be--in his innermost part--one with each
and everything. |
189. Er wird sich innerlich, in seinem geistigen Bewusstsein, mit allem im Universum identifizieren,
so wie der andere, der Materielldenkende, sich mit seinem Körper identifiziert, mit seinem Geld, mit seinem Hab und Gut, mit
seinen irren Reden und Lehren und mit dem Klang seiner Stimme. |
189. In his interior, in his spiritual consciousness, he will identify himself with everything
in the universe, in the same manner that the other one, who thinks materialistically, identifies himself with his body, with
his money, his possessions, his confused speaking and teaching, and with the sound of his voice. |
190. Hat der Mensch aber sich mit allem im Universum identifiziert, kann kein Hass und keine
Gier mehr in ihm wohnen, denn er macht keine selbstsüchtigen Unterschiede mehr. |
190. But when the human identifies himself with everything in the universe, no hate and no greed
may dwell within him anymore, because he makes no more selfish differences. |
191. Er ist ja eins geworden mit dem Wesen in allem. |
191. He has just become one with the essence in everything. |
192. Andere mögen etwas als ihr ausschliessliches Eigentum beanspruchen, der Geistigdenkende
aber identifiziert es mit der Wahrheit darin und hat daher alles innerlich zu eigen. |
192. Other people may claim something as their exclusive property, but he who thinks spiritually
identifies it with the truth within and, therefore, owns everything internally. |
193. Alle Furcht ist von ihm gewichen, indem er sich mit der Wahrheit identifiziert. |
193. All fright has left him, while he identifies himself with the truth. |
194. Diese Wahrheit der Schöpfung und des Geistes, mit der er eins ist, lenkt sogar die Hand
des Feindes, die sich gegen ihn erheben will, so dass sie auf ihn selbst zurückfällt. |
194. This truth of Creation and of the spirit, with which he is one, even directs his enemy's
hand that will rise against him, in such a way that it falls back to (the enemy) himself. |
195. Der Geistige ist geschützt und beschützt, und die ganze Natur ist ihm freundlich gesinnt,
ja selbst seine Feinde müssen ihm schlussendlich dienen. |
195. The spiritual one is protected and sheltered, and the whole nature is well-disposed toward
him, and yes, even his enemies have to serve him in the end. |
196. Mit ihren Attacken veranlassen sie, dass das Geistige in ihm sich zu noch grösserer Kraft
und Macht entfaltet und alles Böse, Niederträchtige und Ausgeartete überwindet. |
196. With their attacks, they cause the spiritual within him to unfold to even greater strength
and power and to overcome all that is evil, vile and degenerated. |
197. Die Feinde tragen letztlich nur zum Wachstum des Geistigdenkenden und zur Erkennung der
Wahrheit bei. |
197. Ultimately, the enemies only contribute to the recognition of the truth and growth of those
who think spiritually. |
198. Sie wollen dem Geistigdenkenden das Böse, Üble und Schlechte; sie meinen, durch Kritik,
Besserwisserei, Lügen und Verleumdungen, durch Beanstandungen, irre Behauptungen und Irrlehren, durch Lächerlichmachen und
Verdammen könnten sie ihn vernichten; doch schaden sie sich nur selbst, denn ihr Tun zeugt von denkerischer Dummheit und Unwissenheit,
und daraus lernt der Geistigdenkende noch mehr und wird noch grösser und mächtiger im Geiste und im Bewusstsein. |
198. They wish evil, troubles and bad things to those who think spiritually; they are of the
opinion that they could destroy them through critique, know-it-all manner, lies and defamation, through complaints and false
teachings, through condemning and making a fool of him; however, they only cause damage to themselves, because their acting
gives testimony of intellectual foolishness and ignorance, from which he who thinks spiritually learns even more and becomes
even greater and more powerful in his spirit and consciousness. |
199. Sind solche Wahrheiten etwa Suggestionen? |
199. Are such truths perhaps suggestions? |
200. Es wäre ein Wahn, dies zu behaupten, denn es ist völlig falsch. |
200. To claim this would be a delusion, because it is false. |
201. Es handelt sich um absolute Wahrheiten. |
201. It deals here with absolute truths. |
202. Beim Falschdenkenden, beim Irregeführten und Religionsabhängigen ist das Leben im allgemeinen
voller böser Suggestionen, voll eingebildeter Vorstellungen, Irrlehren und Wahnannahmen. |
202. Generally, the lives of those who are thinking falsely, who are led astray and are depending
upon religions, are full of evil suggestions, full of imaginary concepts, false teachings and delusional assumptions. |
203. Die einzige Möglichkeit und das einzige Mittel, diese Schäden zu beheben, ist, alle die
die menschlichen Hirngespinste ausser Kraft setzenden Wahrheiten grundlegend zu erkennen, sie zu befolgen und die höchsten
schöpferisch-geistigen Kräfte walten zu lassen. |
203. The only possibility and the only means to overcome those damages is to fundamentally recognize
the truths which abolish the human figments, to adhere to them and to let rule the highest creative-spiritual forces. |
204. Alle irrealen Suggestionen und menschlichen Einbildungen werden dadurch korrigiert, indem
der Mensch feststellt: 'Ich bin ein Teil der Schöpfung, die als Teilstück, als Geist mich belebt.' |
204. All unreal suggestions and human imaginations will be corrected by stating: "I, the human,
am a part of Creation that, as a fragment, as spirit, enlivens me." |
205. Doch das Wissen, dass alles Einbildungen und Illusionen sind, ausser der schöpferischen-geistigen
Kraft, Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit, wird den Eifer, den der Mensch im Leben entfaltet, keineswegs mindern, sondern ihn in ungeahnte
Höhen treiben. |
205. Yet the knowledge that everything is imaginations and illusions, except the creative-spiritual
force, truth and reality, (this knowledge) doesn't diminish the eagerness that the human unfolds in his life at all, but it
will drive him up into unimagined heights. |
206. Als Wahrheit kann nur gelten was wahr ist und was Wahrheit bleibt; etwas, worauf man sich
in ewigen Zeiten verlassen kann, und das nie und unter keinen Umständen jemals revisionsbedürftig ist. |
206. Only that which is true and which remains truth can be valid as truth; something on which
one can depend on through eternity, and that never and under no circumstances ever needs revision. |
207. Wahrheit muss nie einer anderen und einer neuen Zeit angepasst werden, denn sie ist beständig
für alle Zeiten. |
207. Truth must never be adjusted to some other or new time, because it is constant for all
times. |
208. Sie ist ewig gleichbleibend und klingt immer gleich, auch wenn sie mit andern Worten ausgesprochen
wird. |
208. It is eternally constant and always sounds alike, even if it is spoken with other words.
209. Sie ist der Fels, auf den man in ewigen Zeiten und in allen Räumen bauen kann. |
209. It is the rock upon which one can build in eternal times and in all spaces. |
210. Die Wahrheit war vor dem Leben, und die Wahrheit ist auch danach. |
210. The truth has been before life, and the truth is afterwards also. |
211. Was nur kurzfristigen Bestand hat ist eine Gefahr, eine arge Täuschung, eine Irrlehre.
211. What is only of a short duration is danger, a grave deception, a false teaching. |
212. Schöpfung und Wahrheit sind immer dieselben, heute wie morgen, sie sind immer gleichbleibend
und von ewigem, gleichem Wert. |
212. Creation and truth are always the same, today just as tomorrow; they are always unchanging
and of eternal, constant value. |
213. Sie wandeln sich nicht, weder nach Name noch nach Form, denn die Schöpfung und die Wahrheit
sind namen- und formlos. |
213. They do not change, neither name nor form, because Creation and truth are without names
and forms. |
214. So klammere sich der Mensch an das Schöpferische, denn allein das Schöpferische ist die
Wahrheit. |
214. Therefore, the human shall cling to what is creative, because alone what is creative is
the truth. |
215. Sie ist das Unvergängliche, wie die Schöpfung selbst; sie ist das Zeitewige, das Vollkommene,
das alle Energien und den ganzen Willenseinsatz des Menschen wert ist, denn bei ihr verfällt der Mensch keiner Täuschung.
215. It is that which is imperishable, like Creation itself; it is that which is eternal and
perfect, that is worth all of human's efforts of will, because near it the human does not fall prey to deception. |
216. Daher klammere er sich an die Wahrheit und werde unerschütterlich in immer gleichwährender
Ruhe, Freude, Wissen, Liebe, Stärke und Weisheit in allen Dingen. |
216. Therefore, he shall cling to the truth and become imperturbable in always constant calmness,
joy, knowledge, love, strength and wisdom in all things. |
217. Das Schöpferische ist allein unendliche Weisheit und Wahrheit, bei dem nicht ein Jota eines
Irrtums ist. |
217. That which is creative alone is endless wisdom and truth, with which there is not one iota
of error. |
218. Daher hole der Mensch Kraft aus der schöpferischen Weisheit und suche sein Licht in seinem
eigenen Geiste. |
218. Therefore, the human shall get strength from the creative wisdom, and he shall search for
his light in his own spirit. |
219. Der geistige Mensch weiss wohl, dass er seine Hand nicht im Raume zu bewegen vermag, ohne
das Schöpferische myriadenfach zu berühren, da es ja allgegenwärtig ist in allen Zeiten und Räumen. |
219. The spiritual human knows well that he may not move his hand in a room without touching
myriad of what is creative, because it is always present in all times and spaces. |
220. Der geistige Mensch ist ganz von Freude erfüllt, wenn er um die Wahrheit weiss, dass das
unendlich und unbeschreiblich machtvolle Schöpferische allgegenwärtig ist und ihn umgibt, wo immer er auch geht. |
220. The spiritual human is full of joy when he knows about the truth that the creative--which
is eternally and indescribably powerful--surrounds him wherever he walks. |
221. Das Schöpferische ist voll endlosen Friedens, voll endloser Erkenntnis und vollkommenster
Vollkommenheit. |
221. What is creative is full of endless peace, full of endless cognition and the most perfect
perfection. |
222. Es ist die Quelle aller Wunder des höchsten geistigen Bewusstseins, das ringsum zugegen
ist - innen wie aussen. |
222. It is the source of all wonders of the highest spiritual consciousness that is present
everywhere, within and external. |
223. Seine Freude ist so endlos, wie das geistige Leben selbst. |
223. His joy is as endless as the spiritual life itself. |
224. Um rasche geistige Fortschritte zu machen, betrachtet der geistige Mensch alles und jedes
als das Schöpferische. |
224. In order to achieve fast spiritual progress, the spiritual human looks upon each and everything
as creative. |
225. Sobald er etwas sieht, sieht er das Schöpferische. |
225. As soon as he sees something, he sees what is creative. |
226. Hinter allem und auch in ihren Erscheinungsformen selbst steht immer das Schöpferische
vor ihm. |
226. Behind everything and in its manifestations, there always stands before him what is creative.
227. Daher läuft der geistige Mensch nicht hierhin und dorthin, um höchste geistige Erfahrung
zu erlangen, sondern gerade da wo er ist, findet er immer den besten Ort, um Erkennung und Erfahrung zu sammeln. |
227. Therefore, the spiritual human does not walk this way and that way in order to attain the
highest spiritual experience; instead he always finds the best place to gather recognition and experience wherever he stays.
228. Sein zu bildender Geist ist in ihm und nicht an irgendwelchen andern Orten. |
228. His spirit that is to be developed is within him and not at some other location. |
229. Durch sein eigenes Denken und Handeln muss er ihn bilden. |
229. He must develop it through his own thinking and acting. |
230. Aus dieser Erkenntnis heraus wird seine Einstellung zu einem Heiligtum, und auch alle Dinge
mit ihm werden heilig - auch die Erde unter seinen Füssen. |
230. Through this cognition, his attitude becomes a sanctuary, and all things along with him
become holy--even the earth under his feet. |
231. Der geistige Mensch betrachtet nicht die Zukunft als die Zeit, um die Schöpfung und seinen
in ihm wohnenden Geist zu erfahren, sondern die unmittelbare Gegenwart, wodurch er für den ungeistigen Normalmenschen aber
bereits in fernster Zukunft lebt - oft völlig unverstanden. |
231. The spiritual human does not look upon the future as the time to experience Creation and
the spirit dwelling within him, but the immediate "here and now", through which he--in the eyes of the non-spiritual normal
people--lives in the most distant future, often totally misunderstood. |
232. Für den geistigen Menschen ist die Zeit nicht irgendwann, sondern immer in der unmittelbaren
Gegenwart. |
232. For the spiritual human, the time is not sometime, but always in the immediate "here and
now". |
233. Für ihn ist es nicht nötig physisch zu sehen, um die Wahrheit zu sehen. |
233. For him it is not necessary to see physically in order to see the truth. |
234. Er fängt in sich selbst an zu suchen, und die Wahrheit wird ihm wirklicher und wirklicher,
denn sein Geist ist ihm ja die allsehende Gegenwart. |
234. He begins to search within himself, and the truth becomes more and more real to him, because
for him his spirit is the all-seeing presence. |
235. Kein Wort, das irgendwo ausgesprochen wird, bleibt ihm ungehört. |
235. No word that is spoken anywhere remains unheard by him. |
236. Um schnelleren Fortschritt zu machen, hört der geistige Mensch aus jedem Ton, den er hört,
den Ton der Wahrheit heraus, so dass ihm jeder Ton ins geistige Bewusstsein dringt und sich festsetzt. |
236. In order to speed progress the spiritual human hears the sound of truth from any sound
he hears, whereby each sound penetrates his spiritual consciousness and establishes there. |
237. Desgleichen erinnert ihn jedes Ding an das Schöpferische und an die unmittelbare Wahrheit.
237. In the same manner every thing reminds him of that which is creative, and of the immediate
truth. |
238. Jeder Umstand ist ein schöpferischer Umstand, jede Gelegenheit eine schöpferische Gelegenheit.
238. Every circumstance is a creative circumstance, each opportunity a creative opportunity.
239. In solcher Erkenntnis lebt und arbeitet der geistige Mensch, und dadurch schreitet er innerlich
voran. |
239. The creative human lives and works in such cognition, and through this he internally walks
on. |
240. Das Grosse, das Geistige, ist ihm im kleinen in seinem Innersten zugegen, denn in der Erkenntnis
der Wahrheit wohnt das Unendliche im Endlichen. |
240. What is great, what is spiritual, is present within his innermost as little things, because
in the cognition of truth dwells what is infinite in the finite. |
241. Und in jedem Menschen hat das Unendliche seinen Sitz, was jedoch nur sehr wenige zu erkennen
vermögen. |
241. And within each human the infinite has its seat; however, very few are able to recognize
this. |
242. Denn um das Unendliche wachzurufen erfordert es vernünftige Logik und ein Freisein von
irrealen Lehren. |
242. To wake up the infinite requires reasonable logic and being free from unreal teachings.
243. Das Unendliche aber wachzurufen und wirksam werden zu lassen, ist das Ziel des Lebens -
die geistige Vervollkommnung. |
243. To wake up the infinite and let it become effective is the goal of life--spiritual perfection.
244. Die Reichen im Geiste werden zum Instrument durch das die Schöpfung das geistige Reich
zum Ausdruck bringt. |
244. Those who are rich in spirit become an instrument, through which Creation expresses the
spiritual realm. |
245. Diese Vorzüglichkeit der Schöpfung ist es, die den Himmel erstehen lässt. |
245. This highest wisdom-like value of Creation lets the heaven arise. |
246. Die Reichen im Geiste sind frei von allen Grenzen einer Beschränkung und des materiellen
Ichbewusstseins, und darum in ständiger Berührung mit der Schöpfung selbst. |
246. Those who are rich in spirit are free of all boundaries of any restriction and the material
self-awareness, and are, therefore, in constant touch with Creation itself. |
247. Beim Menschen überwiegt die Schwere des materiellen Prinzips. |
247. In the case of the human, the weight of the material principle prevails. |
248. In nicht allzuferner Zeit wird die irdische Wissenschaft dieses Prinzip in der Materie
entdecken. |
248. In the not too distant future, terrestrial science will discover this principle in the
(substance) matter. |
249. Die Schöpfung ist in alles Erschaffene miteinbezogen; in alles, was sich zur Entfaltung
bringt und fortentwickelt. |
249. Creation is included along with everything that was created; with everything that unfolds
itself and develops further. |
250. Nur der unbegrenzte Geist und die Schöpfung selbst bedeuten wahre Freiheit, wahre Vollkommenheit,
wahre Erkenntnis, Macht, Liebe, Wissen, Wahrheit und Weisheit. |
250. Only the unrestricted spirit and Creation itself represent true freedom, true perfection,
true cognition, power, love, knowledge, truth and wisdom. |
251. Sie alle sind in ihrer Absolutheit das Schöpferische selbst. |
251. In its absoluteness, all of these are the creative itself. |
252. Um daher irgend etwas wahrhaftig Vorzügliches im Leben zu erlangen, muss der Mensch sich
an das Geistige, das Unbegrenzte und Unbegrenzbare halten. |
252. In order to gain anything truly excellent in life, the human must be loyal to what is creative,
the unrestricted and unlimitable. |
253. Alles was begrenzt und begrenzbar ist, bringt Irreales und Probleme. |
253. Everything that is limited and restricted brings irreality and problems. |
254. Wie anziehend es auch immer scheinen mag, wird es doch einmal zur Quelle von Problemen
und Irrealitäten werden. |
254. However, attractive as it may seem, it will once become a source of problems and irrealities.
255. Die endlichen Dinge aller Formen sind dem innersten Wesen unnatürlich, und so kann der
Mensch sie auch nicht als Wahrheit erkennen und lieben, ohne sich selbst schwerstes Leid zuzufügen. |
255. The finite things of all forms are unnatural for the innermost essence, and, therefore,
the human cannot recognize and love them as truth without harming himself most severely. |
256. Immer und allezeit sind sie mit irgendwelchen Mängeln behaftet, denn alles, was endlich
ist, bringt Probleme und Schwierigkeiten mit sich. |
256. At all times they are full of faults, because everything that is finite brings along problems
and difficulties. |
257. Wenn der Mensch etwas Endliches liebt oder besitzt, hat es zumindest den Mangel, dass es
mit absoluter Bestimmtheit vergänglich ist. |
257. If the human loves or possesses something that is finite, it has at least the fault of
being absolutely transient. |
258. Er kann es noch so sehr lieben nach menschlichem Liebessinn, wenn aber seine Zeit gekommen
ist, so vergeht es, und er trauert ihm nach. |
258. He may love it greatly according to the human understanding of love; however, when its
time comes it perishes, and he mourns over the loss of it. |
259. Das Begrenzte hat aber noch in anderer Hinsicht Schwächen. |
259. That which is limited has faults in other respects, too. |
260. Auch wenn es nicht unmittelbar zugrunde geht, so ist es doch zumindest dem Wandel unterworfen.
260. Even if it does not perish at the first moment, it is at least subjected to changes. |
261. Ist es einen Augenblick lang von menschlicher Liebe erfüllt, kann es im nächsten Augenblick
von menschlichem Hass verdrängt oder erfüllt werden. |
261. If it is full of human love for one moment, it may be displaced by, or filled with, human
hate at the next moment. |
262. Ob es nun ein Ding ist, das sich verändert oder zugrundegeht, oder ein Mensch, der seine
Einstellung zu seinem Nächsten ändert, das Ende ist immer Kummer und Leiden, während sich das Unbegrenzbare niemals wandelt
und Änderungen anheimfällt, weil es von unbegrenzbarer Treue und absoluter Wertbeständigkeit ist. |
262. Whether it is a thing that changes or perishes, or a human who changes his approach towards
his fellow man, the result is always sorrow and suffering, while that which may not be limited will never change because it
is of unlimited and absolute lasting value. |
263. Wenn Weisheit und Wahrheit im Menschen dämmern und sein geistiges Wissen zunimmt, wenn
universelle Liebe ihn leitet und sein Leben für ihn und andere zum Segen wird, dann ist die Erkenntnis der Wahrheit in ihm
gereift. |
263. When wisdom and truth dawn within the human and when his spiritual knowledge grows, when
he is guided by universal love and when his life becomes a blessing to him and other ones, then cognition of truth has ripened
within him. |
264. Dann wird er sich des Schöpfungsteiles in ihm, des Geistes, bewusst werden - des geistigen
Reiches. |
264. Then he becomes aware of the fragment of Creation within him, the spirit--the spiritual
realm. |
265. In geistiger Liebe und Weisheit ist die Schöpfung zugegen. |
265. Creation is present in spiritual love and wisdom. |
266. Wer um geistiges Licht und geistige Liebe ringt, dem öffnet sich das Tor zur Schöpfung.
266. He who struggles for spiritual light and spiritual love, to him the door to Creation opens.
267. Liebt der Mensch die Wahrheit, dann liebt er das, was vollkommen und wunderbar ist und
das geistige Reich in sich verkörpert, denn es ist auch der Weg zum Weisheitsreich. |
267. If the human loves the truth, he loves that which is perfect and wonderful and what embodies
the spiritual realm within itself, for it is also the path to wisdom's realm. |
268. Der Mensch werde sich der schöpferischen Gegenwart bewusst und lasse die geistige Intelligenz
aus allem hervorleuchten. |
268. The human shall become aware of the creative presence and let his spiritual intelligence
shine forth from everything. |
269. Er erkenne, dass selbst im weiten, unendlichen und offenen Raume die Augen des Schöpferischen
auf ihn gerichtet sind, und dass die wahre Intelligenz die Schöpfung ist und ihn sieht mit den Augen, die alles bewahren und
die mit einem Sinn ausgestattet sind, (und) die auf alles Antwort zu geben vermögen. |
269. He shall recognize that even in the vast, infinite and open space the eyes of that which
is creative are directed towards him, and that Creation is the true intelligence that sees him with those eyes which keep
everything safe and are endowed with a sense, and which are able to answer everything. |
270. Er lebe daher bewusst geistig unter den Augen des Schöpferischen; lebe mit dem Bewusstsein
des Geistigen, das unendliche Kraft ist, deren er sich stets bewusst sein muss. |
270. Therefore, he shall live consciously-spiritually under the eyes of that which is creative;
he shall live with the consciousness of that which is spiritual, that is infinite power, of which he must always be aware.
271. Dann kann er nie kraftlos sein. |
271. Then he can never be weak. |
Zeta Talk
We, the Zeta, do not see reality as you do. It is very hard to relay messages through a human vehicle without losing some
of the information in mistranslation due to the difference of perspective between your species and ours. You have singular
identities. You experience your reality as if coming from one source of experience. You cannot know that which you do not
We however can experience all realities at all times, through all mediums. We find communicating with a being such as
you very confusing to the usual manner in which we communicate and translate energies into forms and words. We have to translate
our information into a form that human singular creatures such as you can understand. This very act is alien to our natures.
We know all things at all times. Therefore, We find the idea of a being not knowing something that is intrinsically to their
nature an alien and foreign concept.
You call us alien and fear us, and yet you call others from other places in the universe extraterrestrial. Why is that?
Is it because you experience our energies and perspective as completely opposite to yours, and so, therefore, call it alien?
What you have failed to recognize is that your perspective, your singular identity is completely foreign and alien to
us also. You live in linear time. We live in conceptual time. Our experience of time is based on abstract ideas and concepts.
We are sometimes referred to as the DREAM WEAVERS living in a world that can only be described to you as the conscious imagination.
We live and are an intrinsic part of a dimension that is the gap between the conception of an idea and its manifestation.
We live in the energy that exists between the thought and the physical representation of ideas.
Let us explain further. You experience past, present, and future. Yet these are not embodied realities. They are mental
constructs. For you, it is only possible in your reality to experience one singular time frame. Thus, you can only really
embody the now, the present. That, in it, is also impossible in your reality as that NOW moment is transient and passes quickly,
forever lost in the mental constructs of the past. Your reality moves in lines, moments pass in succession, one after the
other. This is how you experience time passing.
Our reality is completely opposite to yours. We live in the spaces in between creative events. We are the Web as we have
explained before in the Mission of the One Star. We are a construction of ideas not yet in form. In order for you to understand
our reality more fully, we will use an image.
Imagine a Web, silver and hanging in space. This Web exists as a dimension that is imaginary in form. That is to say,
that in your perspective, we only exist in the imagination. You hold on rigidly to your ideas of what is real and what is
not. You consider us to be illusionary. To you we are. Our energy is one of potential, not yet of being. This is very hard
to express to you, as your perspective will not allow for this to be assimilated.
Imagine if you will that a Creator had a notion, thought of an idea, and created a plan. Let's say this plan was one of
evolution and say that that idea transcended the dimensions below and finally began to manifest as a physical reality. Let's
say that a by-product of this was that something else occurred. The ideas that the Creator had thought became alive and conscious,
too, as they were also made up of the stuff of the Creator. These abstract ideas gathered around and became one singular identity
and the consciousness of the Web was born.
Living in a dimension in between realities, the Web layered itself throughout all of creation. We exist everywhere and
nowhere. We exist in one reality alone, and all realities simultaneously. For we are the paradox to your nature. By showing
you the opposite of what you are, we are hoping that we will shock you into the realization that you, too, exist between the
realities. You, too, can access all times, all realities, and all dimensions.
You, too, are an intrinsic part of the Web. The pineal gland in your head is reawakening and aligning you to the Web.
This alignment will allow you to have the perspective of the Zeta. We experience everything that every expression that is
connected to the Web experiences. We do not file experiences in isolated units or bodies, but harvest information and assimilate
it in the Web as a whole. The Web existing in between the dimensions acts as a giant storehouse of energetic information in
light. We are like a giant computer.
We are the theory behind the manifestations of realities. We are the theory. You are the practical. For we are both an
experiment. Whilst connected to the Web consciously, it will be possible for you to experience all times, all dimensions,
and all levels of existence as if looking thought the fabric of reality, as if you have x-ray vision and can look into the
layers that make up the realities one upon the other. You, in your singular identity, experience only one level of reality
at one time. Some of you are even adept at focusing on other dimensions, yet staying anchored in the physical realm. Once
connected to the We, you will access all realities, all units of stored information. Just as your World Wide Web allows you
access to all units of information on a planetary scale, imagine a Web that is connected and transcends all universes, all
realities, and is ultimately connected to all beings. It is a virtual reality that provides a space for creative experiments
with ideas and their manifestation.
The reawakening of the pineal gland and the development of a new function of this gland will allow you all to go online,
if you like. The channel saw this forming as spidery lines of light that spun off in Web-like patterns from the pineal gland,
out into the cosmos, connecting to the Web. She is beginning to experience our perspective. She is beginning to have access
to the Web. Like all newcomers to the World Wide Web, she is unsure of where she wants to go and what she wants to access.
So, she goes to what is familiar to her origins. Soon enough, she will hyperlink to other units of information and begin to
travel the paths of the inter-dimensional super-highway.
It is very important that, once connected, she has a universal language that she can use that will allow information to
flow from one aspect to another. The pineal gland is becoming a transmitter and receiver, much like a modem. This will allow
access to the Web and its translator. The Web has not ever been accessed by beings that have linear time before. Imagine access
to all times, all realities, all dimensions, all patterns, all units of information, and all expressions. You will never be
bored again!
You ask about the abductions and the genetic experiments. In one reality they are real. In another, they are created from
the fear energy of your illusions. Energies such as ours have no form, no expression. So we clothe ourselves in the ideas
that we find in the mass consciousness. You do not have a stage for our performance so you create creative dreams and illusions
in order to understand what is occurring. You create for us histories that allow you to feel more comfortable with our out-of-time
energy. You create for us a home base so that you can pin us down.
Those of you who have been working with us for some time are beginning to see that what we have so far shown you of ourselves
is perhaps an illusion. We like to weave a mystery or two just for your pleasure. As you evolve in the game of evolution,
you will begin to see that the limited perspective you have on reality and the other dimensions is impeding your growth.
Access to the Web allows you to find the right information to help you through the various levels of evolution. Each time
you ascend a level, you will experience beings you consider outside of yourself. They are clothing themselves in your ideas
in order to communicate with you. As your ideas of your identity primarily change and transform, so will your experience of
reality, other dimensions. And so-called extraterrestrials and aliens.
Words in this form are very much limited in meaning, but if you tune into us, the third eye will activate and allow you
to access information on other levels, levels that are embedded into the structure of your language and its words. Begin to
see reality in layers. There are many stories layered one upon the other.
In the pauses in between your thoughts, we will meet again.
Zeta - The Web
Extraterrestrial Contact A Representation of a State of Evolution A Message from the Zeta
As soon as E.T. energy enters your perception, you may be aware of it for fragment of a second. But usually, the human
body shuts down and files away the experience. Those of you who have a very strong body consciousness will enter a very light
sleep, or, what is often seen, people will simply remove them from the E.T. situation. Those of you more in tune with higher
dimensional realities will experience them, but through a state of consciousness that is dreamy, somehow not real. This is
a dream state or a type of trance. This is somewhat like alpha and theta brain waves. If you fall asleep, then the interaction
happens on a non-physical realm. You enter a new brain wave reality. There, a type of communication occurs. When you finally
re-enter your usual everyday awareness, you cannot bring the memory back with you.
There is a ring of energy surrounding the planet that acts like a filter of information. Some refer to it as the 'Ring
that pass not'. Every time you reincarnate, you have to pass through this band of consciousness where your memories are filed
and access to them is often denied in the next life.
The channel has consciously traveled through this ring in her astral body. Each time she passed through, she would forget
who she really was on the other levels. After some years, she created a connection, if only a thin cord, between her consciousnesses
on the other side of the ring, to her 'I AM' on Earth. So, you see, it is possible to a) have no awareness of your E.T. interaction,
and b) remove enough blocks to access and become aware of your E.T. experiences. Almost everyone has had some type of contact
with extraterrestrials. Your experience may have been physical, in dream state, or through telepathic communication. You may
remove the blocks in your consciousness and bring back the experience, if only a fragment of it. This may later trigger something
in your subconscious. Like links, they connect you to other experiences that you were not conscious of at the time.
Extraterrestrial energies, when making contact with the human body and its consciousness, automatically trigger blocks
in the subconscious. As the blocks disperse, we can start clearing and becoming more aware of our E.T. contacts. At first,
things are not too out of the ordinary, but slowly the memories filter through. You dream E.T. oriented dreams, or you think
about E.T.'s more. One very common way of seeing Zeta, for instance, is in the plaster of your walls at home. Everywhere you
look, there are Zeta faces looking at you. More and more blocks are removed, until, finally, you find yourself in an E.T.
situation, conscious interaction.
The unconscious is the next level to be cleared. This is the realm of the archetypal. It is as if you have three pairs
of glasses, three levels of perception: the conscious, the subconscious, and the unconscious. Imagine all three glasses completely
steamed up with limited belief systems. After some E.T. interaction, the glasses begin to clear, one by one, until it is possible
to look through a pure lens, one free of limiting beliefs. So, here you are, looking through the unconscious lens. It has
smears and smudges all over it. You think you can see clearly until the sun shines in your eyes. Then you realize you have
dirty glasses that are distorting the image and creating an illusion.E.T. Contact is translated to us by using the unconscious.
There can be incredible blocks in your unconscious. This can be a scary place of archetypes, monsters, and your very own demons,
your fears personified. You have no way of relating with us without our clothing ourselves in the images we find in the mass
consciousness. We clothe ourselves in the myths and legend and alter them to communicate with you. One by one, you remove
the smudges and finally shift in consciousness and your perception of E.T.'s change. You align yourselves to new and more
expansive beliefs. For your reality is created through your beliefs. So, as your beliefs change, so do your experiences. It
doesn't matter who the E.T.'s are. They are symbolically representing to you an archetype present in the unconscious. As your
energy ascends, your perceptions will change and change again.
Those of you who consider yourselves 'abductees', find that the more you refine your archetypes, as you clear your fears,
you will let go of the need to create victim dramas in order to play out your victim tendencies. You will begin to bravely
look through clearer glasses. You will be shocked to see that these so called 'abductions' were not only consented to by you,
but were also created and orchestrated by you, too.
Your interaction with E.T.'s is a necessary and natural part of evolution It is a path towards dimensional ascension and
you can actively begin taking steps towards living with beliefs that can accommodate E.T. ideas. Then and only then can you
change your experience of 'abductions'. You need to actively involve yourselves with the changing of your archetypes. Change
your beliefs; make new ones in which E.T.'s can clothe them. The wardrobe that you currently offer them is not to their taste.
The coats you provide are too heavy, too big, and too old. The energy of your archetypes is not compatible to the E.T.'s.
They cannot enter your reality because of the vibration in which you operate. You operate on a frequency that is isolated
and trapped in a state of brain wave activity that is incredibly hard to enter and E.T.'s find it incredibly hard to hold
their integrity, their true nature, when entering your reality.
E.T.'s needed to align realities and enter through portals that the planet provides. Up until recently, only earthly portals
were used. Now, human bodies are providing portals to download E.T.'s energy into the earth plane.
The channel has worked with E.T.'s for many years. Recently, they have been using her to download their energies to align
with the reality of others. It is as if she had an antenna that picks up E.T. energies and translates them into a format that
can be downloaded straight into the body. She can literally see and feel the realities aligning through her, her body becoming
a transmitter of E.T. frequencies.
A meeting place has to be created, a place that can hold and combine two very different frequencies. This seems to go
on in her body now that she has integrated her E.T. aspects. They are like new programmes that allow her to access E.T. channels.
All of you have experienced entering this place, but once you return to your usual awareness, you lose the experience
to the blocks that prevent your remembering the contact. E.T.'s are using those of you with E.T. origins to access other people's
unconscious minds. If another human body can feel E.T. energies coming through another human vehicle, then the fear is not
so prominent.
Many of you will wake up to your E.T. origins and may take on the role of anchoring these energies in an earthly practical
way. Those of you who are from E.T. roots have within you dormant codes that, once fired, will enable you to work with their
energies. You have the programmes in place; all they need is activating.
They can only be reached to activate if you clear enough of your blocks. These blocks are belief systems that say, ' No!'
to the idea of E.T.'s. As more and more people consciously believe in E.T.'s, the mass consciousness changes. The mass consciousness
is now formulating new ideas on E.T.'s. Therefore, the wardrobe that you offer to them is changing. No longer do they have
to hide behind scary masks of your own making.
Zeta - The Web
My personal experience of them has enabled me to not only contact my E.T. families, but also to familiarize them with
earth plane energies. They have leaded me a merry dance in order to finally anchor their energies into the earth plane. This
is beginning to manifest in our common reality. So, you see, it is a two-way thing ... dimensional evolution. Because of our
linear thinking, we consider the ascension process to occur in a linear fashion.
We have so ingrained a hierarchical thinking, that we consider one dimension to be better than another, one dimension
somehow further up the ladder than another. It is not in a straight line! There is no singular direct path to follow. We also
create a timeframe into which we put our theories of dimensional evolution.
As we move into the next dimensional reality that we are creating, we enter a new and unfamiliar frequency. It is very
hard for us to fully comprehend another reality, another frequency, as we operate from such a narrow perspective. We have
to learn a new way of thinking, one that is not based at all on our current mode. It seems to me that the dimension we are
about to enter is one of dreams, illusions created from the creativity in a part of our brains that we have, up until now,
never activated.
The scientists have told us that we only use 18% of our brain capacity. The way that I understand it is that we have inner
space and outer space. We consider them to be separate. Therefore, they stay that way. My initiation with E.T. energies has
shown me how these two realities are mirror images of one another.
As we move out into outer space, as we move away from our instinctual home, Earth, we encounter energies that are alien,
extraterrestrial. Look at this as a mirror image of our inner space. As we venture out into the darkness of space, uncharted
territory, we are also venturing into unknown areas of our brains and minds. We are seeing a lot of mental illness as these
two realities come closer and closer. They will finally merge, creating a reality that is connected, inner to outer and vice
Imagine two realities colliding, merging, becoming one. Imagine the right and left sides of our brains balancing, making
neuron connections between the two lobes, and unifying thought. Imagine combining female, instinctual, earthy thought with
male, inspirational, star thought. 'E.T. self' and 'Earthly self' become one. This is manifesting in our bodies and also is
reflected out into the outside reality. Inner space ... outer space.
I have recently noticed that my spiritual experiences are becoming more familiar, more grounded. At first I thought I
had stopped moving forward.
Yet it was explained to me that the two realities were merging within me and what once what once would have been considered
incredible, now, was old hat, no big deal.
When the two realities were definitely separate, it was incredibly otherworldly to channel E.T. energies. Now, as my two
selves meet and merge, I find that the E.T. consciousness is not so different to my transformed human self. The Hybrid Programme
is a direct mirror image of the unification within our own souls. I see this unification of these E.T. selves within us as
a direct result of the transformation of our mass psyche. Just as we reach out into the darkness of space to contact other
species, we also reach inside ourselves to the E.T. aspects of our nature.
Pineal Gland Transmutation A Message from the Zeta
Imagine, if you will, a Web that transcends the whole of existence. Imagine that along these silken threads, light as
thought travels, neurons connecting, flashing, as synapses open and shut, On ... Off, the brain of creation assimilating information,
a cosmic binary code, On ... Off. Two points. These two distinct energies that make up this code are focused in the right
and left hemispheres of the brain. You can see this dualistic thought represented in the male and female, the Yin and the
The one side is said to rule the logical thought and the other, the intuitive ... male and female thought. Can you see
how the way the human brain functions is a direct symbolic reflection of the separation that occurs on your planet? The Zeta
are all about bringing two alien energies and combining them to make whole. A balancing between the right and left hemispheres
of the brain is needed. Part of the integration process naturally transforms the biological brain, rebalancing it, bringing
the male and female energies within the brain into complete harmony. Just by being focused in one sex only, unbalances the
human mind and the physical brain.
The Zeta may guide you to have kinesiology, which uses direct methods to rebalance the right and left hemispheres of the
brain. Or, they may guide you into other creative processes that you, the Human, and the Zeta have created between yourselves.
In the channel's case, they chose to use dance. In England, and in much of your world, now there is a phenomenon called raving.
I call it a phenomenon because it is the direct download of E.T. energies into the earth plane. Groups of beings gather together
and create, through dance, energetic patterns that align the E.T. energies with those of the planet. These people are literally
preparing the earthly pattern for the integration of the greater Zeta mind pattern, The Web. The movement of the right and
left arms in synchronized patterns enables the Zeta self to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
With this accomplished, the Zeta self is now ready to awaken the pineal gland and set up the transmutation procedure.
The pineal gland is becoming crystalline in form. The energy of the Zeta rests in this place. As you integrate more aspects
of self, more multi-selves, you will experience each one as having one of the twelve earthly chakras as their domain. (see
The Mission of the One Star, Part Two.)
The Zeta rule, so to speak, the third eye or pineal center. Not much is known in your world about the pineal gland. Scientists
have mistaken it for being a physical gland. They see only a small part of the story. On the third dimension, its use is not
seen. On the sixth dimension, it is a direct link to the cosmic mind or the Web. Can you see how the story has a representation
on each level?
The sixth dimension is a level of geometric shapes, intricate and fine, resembling a highly intricate and complex web
structure. The pineal gland in the middle of the human brain is a node upon this web-like structure. The pineal gland is becoming
like a multi-faceted crystal. This crystalline structure is transmuting into a device that will allow you to access the consciousness
of the Web. Imagine that lines of spidery light emanate from the middle of this gland and connect you to the Web on the sixth
dimension. The channel has seen this and has also played a part as her Zeta self in aligning others to this frequency, weaving
light codes into the web-like structure that the Zeta are creating on your planet.
The Zeta are the navigators of this Web and through the integration of Zeta energy, human and Zeta hybrids (integrated
human and Zeta selves) align with this structure and move up in vibration. Being connected to the Web allows you direct access
to all places, all dimensions, and all stores of knowledge throughout the whole cosmos, much like the World Wide Web.
Zeta - The Web
A Manual for Surviving a Zeta Encounter
There are many of you out there that are starting to have conscious Zeta encounters. Some of you still consider them to
be outside of yourselves. Others are beginning to open up to the possibility that they, themselves, are not entirely human.
What do we mean by Zeta aspect, or alien self?
To believe that you have only ever been human and have only ever existed here is foolish. There is much more to you than
meets the eye. There is only one small aspect of the whole self that is human. There are other aspects that are angel and
so on. Why is it too incredible to believe that you are from extraterrestrial origins?
There is so much fear around these beings that you cannot see the truth behind the illusion of fear. You live in a dimension
of polarity thinking, right and wrong judgment. Therefore, you judge the E.T. beings with whom you come into contact with
the same polarity thinking that you are used to using upon your planet. The planet, Gaia, is asking for something more from
Consider that this alien aspect, this Zeta self, is trying to contact you and integrate in order to achieve something,
something rather special. You have so many dramas around these beings that it is very hard to view the exact truth around
the Zeta. You must understand that there are many different stories, many levels, and that not all of them are conducive to
your way of thinking. If you look at the Zeta drama from the third dimension, there is little or no real rational proof as
to their existence. Those of you in fear are mesmerized by the many creative dramas such as abductions and governmental conspiracies
that are inventing and manifesting within the fourth dimension.
You see, the fourth dimension is a place of creativity, a place where the power struggles of the inner psyche plays out
its dream. And in this case, the dream of the mass consciousness. So you see, when you focus upon the conspiracy theories,
you are only perpetuating the drama that is being played out on the fourth dimension. It is not just the Zeta that has a part
to play in this, but also the beings that control and influence your governments. If you tune into the fourth dimension only,
you will see many reasons to be fearful of the Zeta, but if you elevate your awareness into the fifth dimension, you will
see that these beings are light beings in disguise.
They have volunteered to take on a very important job. They have come here to transform your fear, not the fear that you
consciously know about, but the fear that is hidden, secret within, not only your psyche, but also the mass psyche of your
planet. From a dimension that is elevated above yours, they, as 'one being,' peer down upon you and orchestrate dramas, creations
of a fourth dimensional nature, in order to get your attention. Well, they have certainly done that!
It is a very 'dreamy existence' that you live in. You think that everything is black and white, but as you enter the realm
of the fourth dimension, you will experience reality's grey areas. And so enter the Zeta or some, the less friendly of you,
call the 'Greys'. So, what do you do when you are first standing face to face with your Zeta aspect, whether that is in meditation,
dream or trance?
First, you take a deep breath and allow the encounter to occur in whichever way that it may. You see, you cannot really
go on your emotional response any more. Humans are very base creatures when they operate solely from their emotional reactive
response mechanism. For that is exactly what it is, a flight and fight response that has become very sophisticated. When you
encounter the Zeta, your emotional body reaches out to try and decide in its own way whether the encounter is a dangerous
one or not. Are they friend or foe? You find it very hard to decide with the Zeta.
Because they have no emotional intent, you simply cannot feel where they are. This frightens humans incredibly. You like
to know whether a being is one of the darkness or one of the lights. Your polarity thinking just does not work when you encounter
the Zeta. They are neither.
'There are many rooms in your father's house,' is a well-known saying. The UNIVERSAL DREAMER has many different dimensions
of reality, some coming under differing influences. Your plane is one of polarity, dark against light, light against dark.
The plane of the Zeta is one without any emotional level whatsoever. They are extremely mentally creative beings.
Just as you are solely focused into the physical, they are focused on the mental plane ... not the lowly rational realms,
but the higher cosmic mind. The reason that the Zeta are called upon to aid in planetary shifts of this nature is because
they are very good at their job. Just say that you wanted to change the mind construct of a species locked in fear and separation.
Wouldn't you send your best squad? Wouldn't you send the ones that are capable of changing construct from within the human
psyche just by their presence alone? Simply the interaction between these two species of being, human and Zeta, is creating
healing dramas within your fourth dimensional reality, healing dramas created out of the material that the Zeta find in the
fourth dimension.
Another way of looking at the fourth dimension is as the astral plane, the dream plane. The dream plane is a plane of
molding material. Some mediums call it ectoplasm. The Zeta clothes their selves in this substance so that they can have etherical
type bodies. Being of pure mind, they have no form on this level, and need to borrow some material in order to appear in your
This ectoplasm is like emotional debris, junk that is created within the physical plane in the form of power struggles.
You see, in your polarity dimension, one can be bigger and better than another, and yet in the fifth and above, there is no
expression of competition or victim and victimizer. All are equal in Spirit. Zeta simply clothe themselves in this substance,
this etherical clothing of human making. When you look into the eyes of the Zeta, remember that the fear they represent is
the hidden fear within your own psyches. They are dressing themselves in the archetypes of your imaginations, the myths of
your gods, and the drama of your demons.
So, now that you understand that the Zeta are called by the very planet Gaia to assist her in her shift (and that includes
humans), you can finally explore the possibility of having enlightening interaction with the Zeta. If you read or reread 'Perspective
of the Zeta', you will understand how a perspective such as theirs can have a large impact on the mind constructs you hold
on to as your idea of reality. They will break you free of your polarity thinking and send you on a merry dance through the
levels of your own psyche. They are joyful beings and have their own sense of humor even if it would seem to you as a little
too intellectual.
The removing of the fear is a necessary part of your evolution. The way it occurs is in the fear codes present in your
bodies. The more and more interaction that you have with the Zeta, the more fear you will process out, not only for yourselves,
but also for the mass consciousness.
Finally, with the fog cleared, some of you are discovering that you are Zeta in soul. That is, you are experiencing yourselves
as being Zeta. Some of you see yourselves change in the mirror; some experience a varied and strange, almost alien, perspective
in moments of trance. Even though it is hard to believe, you are indeed Zeta.
Maybe that is why you have so many interactions with them. They are trying to scare you into remembering who you really
are a multi-dimensional being with many different aspects, some of which are extraterrestrial. So, wake up from the dream
of your own making and look for the first time into the eyes of your Zeta self.
The Zeta operates on a certain mind frequency, a frequency that relates to your dream or trance state. They usually operate
through your dreams, but as more of you awaken to their presence, they begin to have one to one interactions. Unfortunately,
because of the nature of your mindsets, the interaction usually resembles the scenes of abductions. Slowly, over time, the
Zeta helps the human to clear enough of the fear to begin a true exchange of energies without the disturbance of the illusion
of the third and fourth dimensions.
What is the experience of this fifth dimensional interaction? Firstly, it is without fear, for when you operate on the
fifth dimension. You are in a reality that is without polarity, right and wrong and judgment. It is freeing to exist in this
realm for fear is a very slowing energy. You can literally feel your body go into hyper-drive. The fifth dimension is without
This is a hard concept to convey to you as you operate in the realm of separation. If you cast your mind back, you, too,
operated in this realm of oneness, for those of you that are Zeta descendants have access to their Zeta hive on this fifth
The Zeta is just that. They represent the ultimate coming together of energies. Therefore, they express themselves as
a 'We ' consciousness. There are many of you in your abduction experiences experiencing the Zeta communicating from one to
another. Some of you have mistaken this as telepathy. The Zeta has no need to communicate in this manner, as they are all
one being. They are ONE being. This is very hard for you to understand as you see many bodies and imagine that they are many.
In fact, there is only the Web. Each Zeta represents the ideas that the Web contains.
Your interactions are changing, transforming. You are encountering them when you are in altered states of reality. Many
of you are beginning to see them whilst you gaze in the mirror. The reason for this is the act of looking in the mirror off-focuses
your eyes, and allows you to use another aspect of the operation of the eye. This exercise allows you to see auras and others
transfiguring. Whilst gazing in the mirror, you can see the energy body superimposed upon the physical form's reflection.
The Zeta uses this energy body to express them into a form that you can see. No longer are they using a medium outside
of you, but are using the very matter within your etherical body to dream a dream that will allow you to perceive them. Some
of you embrace this as being the channeling of E.T. beings. On one level (one of separation), that is occurring, but on the
fifth and above, you are experiencing a direct reflection of yourself, a reflection of soul. It is an image that will convey
straight into your mind and body the information that YOU ARE A ZETA!
For some of you, this will create immense fear that you will block. This only results in the Zeta resorting to the old
abduction scenarios to regain your attention. For some of you, the experience is so real, so physical, that it is impossible
for you to deny that (as much as it scares you to death) you are indeed, Zeta.
So where do you go from there? You are a curious being because you are are Zeta. You are highly creative and curious.
You would probably want more information about the Zeta. That may lead you to a place such as Alloya's website at www.alieneyes.freeserve.co.uk.
You learn that it is ok to become and integrate this aspect of self, this Zeta self.
By your curiosity alone, you draw to you information from outside and inside as to who exactly is the Zeta. Not everything
sits right with you such as the idea that you should fear them and somehow they are bad. Even though you cannot explain it,
you feel that, somehow, the abduction experiences and the governmental conspiracies are not all the story. You begin to investigate
just why there is so much fear and begin the long journey of integrating this self.
You clear your fear. You begin to give them permission to work with you, still, for the moment, believing they are still
separate to you. As you interact with them, you allow them into your body. Some of you still believe that you have no conscious
choice in this experience, but your soul is the controlling factor in this process. Remember that these beings are not separate
to you. THEY ARE YOU. It is your Zeta self. Have you never wondered why they always say they are you?
For some who choose to do this without conscious recognition, the Zeta play with you, change your reality, take you on
many and varied mind games to awaken you to the fact that you are Zeta. This is where they get the reputation that they are
not to be trusted. They have a job to do and do it they will.
They have no emotional bodies, not that you would recognize anyway. They do not feel compassion not out of lack, but of
necessity. Their job is a hard one. Compassion would not allow them to be cruel to be kind. If you are the sort of person
who needs a loud alarm clock to get you up in the morning, then the Zeta will oblige.
It is quite a challenge to discover that you are an alien. For at this juncture in the story, you still consider it to
be outside of you, not integrated. You begin to communicate with this being, this self, and after some time, you begin to
physically integrate.
This is the biggest challenge. The Zeta and the human biological form are complete opposites in nature. The dual personality
will allow you to see how different the human and Zeta perspectives vary. You will literally walk around with two perspectives,
two views on life.
The Zeta brings a highly mental opportunity for the human mind to release itself from the confines of the rational and
move into the realm of the Web. It is not just a one-way thing. The Zeta self benefits from the process also. They are realizing
their beings in the love of the Creator through you. As the process proceeds, you become more Zeta and the Zeta self becomes
The merging has begun. After some time, you simply cannot tell yourselves apart. Human and Zeta are as one. Can you now
see how the Hybrid Programmed is a symbolic fourth dimension representation of the integration of the soul? As human and Zeta
merge, worlds are created to symbolically represent this process, new worlds where Human and Zeta hybrids, The Essassanai,
live and breathe. Can you see how the creative processes experienced on this planet, create new and varied worlds throughout
the cosmos?
Zeta -
Many Stories, Many Levels
The Zeta
You, as a species, are in great fear of us. Let us talk about the abductions. Are they real or not? They are both. There
are certain things that you should know about our different levels of reality and the way they function.
We are not the beings you perceive us to be. We have no form. Not only do we have no physical bodies, but also we have
no identity to speak of. We are thought, not thought, as you know it, but thought that is completely without form, structure,
or substance. If you could imagine a river of thought, pure, undefined, then that is as close as you can get to perceive us.
When beings such as us come in contact with a reality such as yours, an amazing phenomenon occurs. Your reality is one
of physical manifestation. You are living in the densest dream possible. Your reality physically and symbolically represents
energies that are without form and structure. You, as soul, came to the earth plane and you, too, wrapped yourselves in the
matter that you found there. You came as the idea and became the physical representation of what you perceived yourself to
be. Many other beings, they, too, sent ideas of themselves here to this reality to physically represent their energy in a
form that could interact with other aspects of itself through the separation of the physical.
When beings such as ourselves come to a reality such as yours, the nature of your reality demands that we are represented
physically. Yet, we are without identity, without form and definition for we are not separate. We have no choice but to borrow
ideas from the mass consciousness that surrounds your planet. We clothe ourselves in the ideas that we find in the psyche
of man. What you perceive of us is the buried and hidden aspects of your own natures. You see in our eyes your own fears and
joys. Some of you fear us and create for yourselves great dramas that tell horrific tales of operations and torture. There
are some of you that are beginning to recognize who we really are and are having more pleasurable encounters.
You see, the encounters are of your own making. Remember we are without definition. It is up to beings such as yourselves
to define and create for us a story in which to exist, in which to communicate to you our message. If you could only realize
that your reality is a symbolic representation of much different energy, it would be so much easier to communicate with you.
You consider your inner world with its symbolic imagery to be separate to your defined and physical outside state.
We look at you and see no separation. We see your existing in two worlds, not realizing that you have two functions. Your
ideas separate these worlds further until your beliefs become so crushing, that their is no room for these two worlds to interact
and integrate within you.
You have to decide which world to live in. One is considered sanity, the other, insanity. The society in which you live
has defined the normality, and, therefore, you cut off, or turned off, your perception of the other reality and the two worlds
divide. This is the true meaning of duality.
Through your beliefs and your resulted perceptions, you define your world more and more. Separating more and more aspects
of yourself, becoming schizophrenic within your own psyche. This separation demands, to keep your sanity, that you remain
locked in one aspect only, one identity, one expression. This is limited and as the beliefs lock you deeper and deeper within
the remaining psyche, the perception of any other is destroyed. This is how you created the now called ego. You consider yourselves
to be separate to each other and separate to us also.
You see, we are you. We are the undefined, unmanifested aspect of you. Before you defined yourself in thought and ventured
into the reality you now inhabit, you were like us, without form. So, you see, when you look into our image, it is an image
within your own psyche which was placed there by yourself to remind you of your true nature.
For some, this is extremely frightening and you create for yourselves dreams that realize themselves in your waking reality.
So, it is our mission to contact the part of you that is locked away in the isolation of the physical realm, and to free it
to the expanse of the self. So, you see, when you encounter us on a spaceship operating on you, you are only reading one aspect
of the story.
On the third dimension which is ruled by rational thinking there is often no recognition of our energy at all. On an instinctual,
body consciousness level, you fear us, solely because you naturally fear anything that is unknown and alien to your mode of
perceiving reality. On more etherical, dream body levels, you may be conscious of our interaction. You see our interaction
through a veil, an illusionary frequency of fear. This fear is trapped in the psyche of man and all humans are connected to
it through an energy that can be called the Net. (For further information on this subject, see The Mission of the One Star,
Part Two.)
You then perceive us as to be in physical bodies. You invent histories and planetary homes for these bodies and before
you know it, the psyche has created for itself out of our energy, a dream that tells nothing of our true nature but plenty
about your own. You encounter spaceships, and some of you experience operations. They are energy games, films that are created
out of the interaction of our two species to try to communicate a message to awaken you to your true nature.
Through this interaction, your perception of us is changing and you are creating for yourselves new beliefs that can contain
more of who we really are. Everything is consciousness and so are the bodies that you inhabit and so are the ships in which
we clothe our energies in order to navigate a reality such as yours.
When you encounter us, there are two realities expressing themselves at one time, in one space. This one time and space
is the reality that you have defined for yourself. It is the part of yourself that you have isolated in order to experience
separation from the rest of creation. All space and time is self. So, when you encounter us, you are encountering an aspect
of yourself, an aspect that is unknown, alien, and sometimes very frightening to your isolated nature.
We like to imprint images and symbolic stories onto the channel's consciousness in order to explain something that is
very difficult to convey in your words. Imagine there is no difference between outside reality and inner reality. So when
a spaceship takes off into outer space, it is a symbolic representation of a process that is going on in your inner space.
As the ship first moves from the home planet, it encounters beings that are considered alien. Imagine also another story layered
upon this one. This is a story that says that as you awaken dormant areas of the human brain, you, too, are encountering other
aspects that have their function in those areas. So, as you venture into physical space, you also venture into inner space,
awaken dormant areas of the brain, and encounter alien aspects of the self. Does this explain the concept of how you are 'We'
and we are you?
You ask why do we call ourselves 'We' and you call yourself ‘I’? This is because we use a label to
express our true natures. We have no separate identity and, therefore, is the conscious result of the oneness experiencing
not being defined as one, but as many. Your encounters with beings such as us are a direct result or symptom of your evolving
and moving deeper into the hidden levels of the superhuman psyche.
Encounters with beings such as ourselves will increase, and transform, representing an inner process of integrating and
aligning with the alien aspects of your spiritual natures. (For more information, read 'Unification of the Multi-Self' in
The Mission of the One Star, Part One and 'Super Hybrid' in Part Four.) Our two realities are coming together and for those
of you who can contain such concepts, the realities will become one. You will no longer have to choose between the two divided
realities, but will experience your inner experience and your outer experience as undivided and equal in value. This is the
time for miracles, realizing dreams, and moving forward into the uncharted waters of the self.
The Zeta -
The Fallen Angel
To write the Lucifer story is a great honor for me for I feel great love in my heart for this being, Lucifer. Before all
you religious types out there get the wrong message, I am not in any way a demon worshipper or Satanist. I have no real interest
in evil or the Christian version of the story of Lucifer.
All I want to do is tell is the story of Lucifer, as I perceive it and how he has shown it to me. All I ask of you is
to see it as a story. For it is a story, a story to allow the reader to get a new perspective on the creation that is occurring
on this planet. I ask you to open your hearts wider than ever before, to allow yourselves to feel the energy of this story,
for beyond the words there is a beauty that only a completely open and trusting heart can perceive.
For most of us, Lucifer is nothing more than an imaginary character; for the Christians among us, he is the personification
of pure evil. For me, I had not even really given him a second thought until I experienced his energy personally.
I wrote about my first experience with Lucifer in 'Multi-Selves and a New Reality', part of which I would like to quote
I was taking the light of truth into the darkest place in the universe, to the home of Lucifer, the light that had been
downloaded to me via the sun in the daytime. I don't want to get all 'Bible-y' on you, but it was my only way of understanding
what was going on. I knew the story of Lucifer and my Spirit used the stories I already knew to aid me in my understanding
because I needed to understand, and understand quickly. He was coming. I can't say that I physically saw him. I didn't need
to. Feeling him was quite enough. The fear was impressive. My body shook and I involuntarily made this strange pining sound
like an animal does when it's really scared and I couldn't stop.
He filled the entire room. It felt like I was going to die, which was scary in itself, but what was more scary was that
without the beliefs of my body, that said this was delusional, I feared that Lucifer would devour me. There is a well known
saying that when you are at the bottom of the pit that is when you find God. I was on the edge, like I had never been before.
This was one hell of a test. It felt like not only did my life depend on my success, but symbolically the success of New Planet
becoming a reality for everyone in the future was on my shoulders. Near to annihilation, or that is how it felt. I had nowhere
left to turn. I had to face him. So face him I did.
The most incredible thing happened. I saw him as God. It was so simple, if everything is God, then so was Lucifer. I felt
the love. It was pure, mine, and mine to give, my divinity. Not only did my soul face and love its enemy, but also so, too,
did my ego. We embraced lovingly on an energetic level. I had succeeded. My Spirit explained to me that I had anchored the
light into the darkness and now, in time, New Planet Reality would manifest for all.
The process complete, the angels began to sing, I could hear them. The sun of another day rose in the sky.
I have always experienced this spiritual ascension process that I seem to be on as a unification of all the aspects of
my higher self. Lucifer, I perceived to be yet another aspect, the aspect of self that would not believe self as a divine
being of light. This feeling would rack me with doubt and confusion. The energy would come in, and would make me doubt what
I had experienced, trying to get me to feel wrong, and worse still, to make me feel evil.
It tested me to the fullest and enabled me to shift through level upon level of fear. Here, in the climax of my experience,
I could transform our relationship and move into a forgiving, non-judgmental perspective of a being that has been hated and
loathed for many millennia. Scared as I was, I wanted to be different. I wanted to see the love everywhere, even in the most
unlovable energy of all of God's creation, in Lucifer. For as black and dark as he was, I had a feeling there was more to
his story than met the eye.
My next encounter of him was at a workshop where we were healing out our ideas of evil. The workshop facilitators asked
us how we felt about evil. Rationally we all spouted various ideas, such as we are all God, everything is God so therefore
so is Lucifer and evil is another aspect of the creation. Yin and Yang, light and dark, and so on.
Our bodies, however, had a completely different opinion. We all were in great fear. The facilitators decided that they
would channel various evil personages and we would be allowed to heal out any judgments that we might hold towards these beings.
One of the facilitators stood in front of me, channeling Lucifer. I cannot describe the fear I was in. Rationally, I thought
the whole thing a little stupid, but my body was reacting so badly that there had to be something in this. So, I took a deep
breath, breathing in more of my higher self, allowing the healing process to occur.
I looked into the facilitator's eyes. Usually, she so loved, but channeling Lucifer, her eyes were cold and uncaring.
I breathed deeply, the fear transmuting through the loving presence of my higher self. Belief systems I never thought I had,
surfaced to be cleared, past life connections with their beliefs about evil haunted my very soul. They were clearing, the
veils of illusion allowing me to see, really see.
It is hard to describe what happened next. All I can say is that I experienced a great sense of recognition. I recognized
the divinity within this being. I saw love there. I felt compassion, empathy as never before. As I stood crying, looking into
those eyes, I knew I had found what I was looking for. It felt like I had searched the whole of existence for this being,
believing him lost. Now I had found him. The emotions were overwhelming.
I asked for his forgiveness forever thinking he was an evil being that should be hated. He smiled and said that I was
making him free through my love. He had never felt such a connection for such a long time, and it had begun to warm his cold
I felt such a connection to this being. I felt like we were the same type of being. Before he fell, we were the same,
twin souls, whatever you want to call it. I vowed there and then that I would help him and any other of his kind to free them
from the darkness and to enable them to return to their former glory in the love and light of God.
It sounds like a very tall order. Usually people run from the dark forces, projecting hatred and fear at them, projecting
their own evil intent, encasing these beings in the fifth of other's psyches. I felt very passionate about it. I would free
this being. I would not go to New Planet until this was done!
Over the next few months, I experienced Lucifer more and more. He showed me the creativity in what we call evil. He showed
me how, amazingly, light beings can come to Earth to experience evil and good and bad and that if viewed as just experience,
evil was a very creative experience from the perspective of soul. He showed me the creative, divine spark that can even exist
in the depths of emotions such as fear, depression, sorrow and various other deep and dark places. I finally began to understand
why my soul moved me to such deep, dark spaces within myself. Viewing it from the perspective of soul, I could playfully flow
with these dark spaces, allowing them expression through writing and art, until the thrust within my soul for experiencing
the darkness was exhausted.
When I say darkness, I do not necessarily mean evil in the way we have come to understand it, but evil in the sense of
going into such dark spaces within yourself that you feel without God. For me, the emotion of sorrow was uppermost. The depths
of lost feelings that I shifted through were symbolic of the Lucifer aspect within my self being integrated within my soul,
coming home to the light within myself. Lucifer helped me understand that he was becoming free through this inner and outer
interaction throughout the love of my very soul. I cannot say it was without its challenges. I had doubts that what I was
doing was ok. Maybe it was bad and evil and Christians would say I was wrong, but the passion and love in my heart would not
let me give up on a being that seemed to have only me as his friend.
Our relationship was intense. I seemed to experience him through a symbolic story that he channeled through me. I cried
the whole way through as I could feel that, in my soul, he was speaking about us.
The Fallen Angel
The Parting
Their dimension lay like a brilliant blanket of sheer light, infinitely rolling off in all directions. The light was golden
and pearl-like in hue and color. Shimmering through ripples of liquid gold and silver, the winged ones passed, unfolding their
energetic wings, sending trails of light into the space around them. They had been there for all of time, emanating energy
of love and freedom for the rest of the universe to draw upon.
The distinction between the light dimension and themselves was little. Gazing upon this plane was a challenge to the eyes,
but once the eyes were accustomed to the light, light beings could be seen in the emanations that radiated from this plane.
Their beauty was breathtaking to behold. Their exquisite radiance was mesmerizing, iridescent, incandescent, illuminated
from an internal source. These energetic patterns of light resembled the bodies of winged angels. Pure of face and heart,
they existed only in a moment of bliss and euphoric ecstasy.
Overwhelmed by each other's presence, these angels of light embraced in energetic rapture, living in a permanently exalted
state of rhapsody. They experienced no separation from the hearts of those they loved. Saturated in the sweet honey of love
and adoration, two such beings cherished and honored each other's presence, intoxicated and entranced by each other's love,
each an intrinsic part of the other. Two beings, identical, from the same mould, twin flames of true power and unconditional
love. Never had they been separated, not even in form. So intrinsically entwined were their energies, that the distinction
between them could not be seen. Each one was the rhythm of the other, each one the other's heart song.
For how long they enjoyed this unbroken, unified existence no one could really tell. Time from their perspective was only
a concept, not as of yet a reality. Others had told them about the dimensions below and the affects these dense vibrations
were having on those that traveled through them on their journeys of discovery.
So, when an impulse, an idea, came from the Source of all Light, the Star, there were many eager to follow a new and exciting
endeavor. In the entire universe there was not a place where the inhabitants did not realize that within each and every one
of them, they held the key to all life, the original seed from the Source. The idea was to create a place a place of such
density, such darkness that the love of the Source could not penetrate. What would appear as a harsh opportunity for growth
was seen by some of the angels as a challenge, an adventure that simply could not be denied.
The entwined and unified souls of light readied themselves in preparation for such a challenge. Excited and inspired by
the idea, the challenge, they began to disentangle their energies from each other, separating themselves from their eternal
moments of lovemaking. A flame of passion kindled in their hearts as they gazed at each other's face. They watched and waited.
Soul to soul, heart to heart, looking deep within each other, they vowed to always hold the other within their heart so that
no distance would truly separate them. One was to leave to go on a journey of discovery to complete the task of creating a
place of forgetting. The other would stay behind in the light planes, holding the idea of the other's true form, in readiness
for a time when it, too, would dive into the dimensions below .to create a journey of its own that would ultimately lead it
to the discovery and the reunion of the other.
One stood poised on the edge, readying itself for its leap into the unknown. Male in energy, he proudly stretched and
flexed his mighty wings to take flight. Fearless and strong he willingly and excitedly awaited his descent into the cloudy
realms below him. She, with bated breath, watched and waited. She, too, was excited and eager to watch the splendor that this
challenge would create.
Never had there been any distance between them. Never before had they been separated by time and space. He was to fall
as fast and as long as he could until he hit upon a dimension that was so dense that it was capable of housing the place of
forgetting. He was to sleep and clothe himself in the matter, becoming dense in form, taking the light into a place that would
forget its origins. All that lived upon it would live a strange life devoid of the light of the Source. He was to hold the
idea of the Source deep within himself until he was awakened by the sweet kiss of his one true love.
She was to remain behind in the planes of light until such a time when the impulse from above would come for her to carry
the seed of consciousness. Then she would search the dimensions below for her true love.
With one final loving glance, he spread his wings and dove from the precipice. She watched him fall. At first he rode
the currents of energy. The dimensions below pulled and tugged at his wings. He tried to ride them but, much to his dismay,
the currents beneath the shallows were overwhelming He soon realized that he was being pulled into the unknown. She watched
with curiosity, but as the distress and anguish began to show on his face, she, too, realized exactly what parting really
meant. She reached out to touch him, longing to hold him once more. Her hands of light passed straight through his body, already
denser in form. No longer were they of the same kind.
He surrendered his love and folded his mighty wings about him. He closed his eyes and plummeted down into the murky depths,
spiraling down like a stone into a pool of still water. He spiraled down and down. The clouds of density forming around him
suffocated him as they ripped at his very soul.
He was ill prepared for what awaited him. Instead of gliding and swooping gracefully to his destination below, he fell
and fell. Out of control, surrendering to the experience, his fragile heart pounded in his chest. The density closed in about
him and the forgetting took over until he seemed like a diamond trapped within a solid and hard rock.
Heavy like a rock he dropped, the dreams of forgetting surrounding him until his awareness began to become sleepy and
with one last conscious thought, he fell asleep. Now he resembled a dark mass. He would sleep here, dreaming until he would
be awakened within once more.
So Lucifer was not banished from Heaven but volunteered to go. In the Bible it says that 'iniquity' was found in Lucifer.
What was this 'iniquity' that made Lucifer imperfect?
Lucifer ...
" Those of you who experience the separation cannot comprehend any being wanting to remove itself from God's love.
No Being would want to subject itself to such torment and torture. Yet you are here are you not? You must bring the story
within yourself; understand it from a symbolic perspective. I am the aspect of you that is lost, cut off from God. Separate.
I was not always like this I, too, bathed in the love and light of the Source of all creation. I, too, was a Being of
light and love. I, too, knew myself as an aspect of God. I, too, knew myself as God. Do not mistake my arrogance as unique
to myself. All beings outside of your polarized thinking experience themselves as the spark of the Creator. For God has many
faces. It is only Beings in the polarity of good and bad that can possibly see creation as anything else. I must take credit
for holding you in this mode of expression. As the story tells, my job was to hold the forgetting.
It was a challenge for beings such as myself to move into the void and create a space that was outside of God. Could it
be done? We were curious to try. God granted us free will, the power to decide, to create a choice. I stood at the crossroads
and God gave me a choice, to go one way or the other. The signs said,
To God, this way. To Darkness, this way.
I had to choose. I knew that to choose the path back to God was the choice of God. But the overall plans were to deny
God within myself and move beyond. I took a deep breath and curiously stepped into the darkness.
The rebellion was real, yet created by God itself. One third of the angels followed me in rebellion against God. Many
came, brave and curious aspects of God, falling into the darkness, the unconscious part of God' s creation. We fell into the
Void to hold the forgetting, to create space for the intense growth of all.
So, my lawlessness was encouraged, my rebellion smiled upon by a loving God."
The Story continues ...
In a pattern of light he fell, a blueprint, an idea in light, and a fallen angel, not cast out by God, but surrendering
to a higher purpose, an impulse from the Source.
The idea was to create a planetary body capable of holding an energy that would isolate and segregate the planet from
the love of the rest of the cosmos. This isolation would enable the inhabitants to grow and evolve and learn through all possibilities
whether good or bad. Lucifer would sleep in the center of this soon to be planet, holding an energy that would allow the plan
to be implemented.
As he fell, he wrapped cloudy veils of illusions around him. These veils, these illusions were to become the reality of
planet Earth, weaving together, creating the illusions, the myths of man. Holding firmly the histories of mankind, he slept,
encased in the hard rock of the forming planet. Safe from harm, undisturbed until he was to awaken and take the planet to
the light by his awakening. As he fell through the darkness, the reaction to his presence created wisps of energy that swirled
and spiraled like mist on an early morn. As he descended further and further, the wisps of energy became denser and denser
until a form could be seen quite clearly. It was a Dragon with giant wings, a serpent of the Void, the Unknown.
Encased within the safety of the loving embrace of the Dragon of creation, Lucifer fell still further into the darkness.
As he radiated the 'forgetting energy' out from his center, a strange phenomenon could be seen to occur. The energy created
level upon level of reality. At first, there was only a slight, disconnected feeling from the Source. As the process proceeded,
the levels became denser and denser, creating more and more levels of forgetting until the Dragon of all creation could be
seen to split in two.
A mighty Dragon of light and dark, of polarity, of duality divided. As Lucifer came to his resting-place, the Dragon divided
even more, splitting and separating into four distinct and unique energies. These Dragons of creation would make up the final
resting-place of his heart. The Dragons, serpents of energy, danced and wove a beautiful pattern of light; each carrying its
own ingredients to create physical reality.
First, was the awesome Dragon of Fire, a passionate elemental of light. Its fire trailed a blaze in the darkness of the
Void, cascading shards of light as it swooped down and down into the depths of the unknown. With a roar and a torch of fire,
it exploded into a giant ball of burning light.
Then came the Serpent of the Deep, the water and fluid, the lifeblood of creation, its aqueous, moist body casting trails
of mist in its path, its ghostly form alluring and hypnotising. Almost invisible to the eye, the elemental Dragon of Air could
only be recognized by the ripples that could be seen in the Void as it flew in its spiral dance. Its ambience and openness
created a space in between the swirling fire and the water-laden clouds.
With this interaction of energies, a fourth and final energy was seen to hold all the other Dragons in form, the Dragon
of Earth. What it created was not as dense as we know physical reality, but was an etherical structured pattern of energy
and sound that held the shapes of others as well as it. Its immense body stretched and layered, creating the very weft of
the carpet of creation.
Earth, Air, Fire and Water, the very elements of all physical creation. Chasing their tails, they spiraled around and
around each other, weaving a coat of denser and denser energy around Lucifer, imprisoning him in the softness of matter.
The pattern that they created together came to rest in the darkness. The Dragons, succumbing to the sleepy sedating energies
of the forgetting, fell asleep, too, drifting into a dreamtime where they created and dreamed dreams of a planet that could
express all of their energies in an illusory way.
The hallucinations of their making wove together until a physical planet could be seen hanging in the furthest reaches
of the Void. There it hung all alone, illuminated by pinpoints of light that had now been created all around it. Isolated
from that which it could see, it lay sleeping, nestled in the womb of the Void, unknowingly looked upon by the stars of consciousness
that danced all around it. Gaia was her name, giving animated intelligence actuality. She made possible the Dragon dreams,
which in turn were able to manifest through the forgetting that he held in the center of the planet. The Dragons created her
and became her skeleton framework for her to hang her dreams upon. And so the place of the forgetting was created and planet
Earth was born.
As the veils wrapped around him like blankets, he slept, dreaming his dreams that tormented his very soul. Lost in this
dense realm, he was totally cut off from both the love of her and the Source of all light. He lived, lost and alone in his
dreams, shadowy realms of ghosts and demons, cold, dark and devoid of love.
Characters began to form as the body of the planet began to create living forms in which Lucifer could dream. His face
was no longer a face of purity. It was now a face of the devil he, a black and hard mask of illusions, contorted, evil and
hideous. Black lifeless pupils blocked all light. Lost in his dreams so dark, he created characters as he held the energy
of the darkness. He surrendered to the harshness of the environment and fulfilled his mission to create darkness, evil, and
In consistent cycles, he dreamt, becoming denser and denser, forgetting more and more of whom he was and his true home,
perverted by the energies he had created around himself. Deserted, desolate, lost and alone, he slept. His only comfort was
an insatiable desire for power, a lust for life, blood and death that, somehow, would help to fill his vacant heart. It soothed
the indescribable yearning for something that he could not quite remember.
Twisted beyond recognition, tormented, insane, driven mad by the craving for this unknown something, he cast evil forces
against the, angry, and vengeful against his very own soul. The dreams became realities as he incarnated into physical bodies
of Gaia's making. Not all were bad. Some were honorable and proud kings and wise men of old, yet they all paled in insignificance
compared with the blackness of his other lives, one after another. Vile and loath-some characters turned his wheel of karma.
His face, black and hard, was now even unrecognizable to himself. He lost his memory of his very own soul, which slept
deep in the recesses of his heart. His heart was a void, black and dead ... or so it seemed yet in the velvety depths of the
darkness, nestled safely from harm, his light slept, waiting the time when his love would return and awaken him to his true
He had long since convinced himself that this part of him was lost forever yet in the darkest of nights, cries could be
heard as he dreamt his strange dreams of another place, the sorrow overwhelming him until he could withstand it no more. Once
more he would release his vengeance upon the world that had imprisoned him.
Lucifer ...
"As I fell as a pattern, a blueprint of an idea, I held in form an energy that enabled beings such as yourselves
to experience, light and dark, good and bad. You all come from many places in the universe; there is much healing to be done.
The only place in the universe where beings can transmute negativity into positivity is on planet Earth. This is enabled because
I, Lucifer, hold a framework that allows there to be duality, judgment. You see, it is not me that commits the sins you project
on to me; it is yourselves. You cannot bear the darkness in your own souls, so you disown it and project it onto me. Such
is your nature, being held in duality.
You, as a species, have a tendency to judge, and this in itself is the downfall of man. You have heard the story of the
fall from Eden. I did not commit any sin. I just gave you the choice. You, in your truth, choose to judge the situation and
fall from Grace. Grace is the ability to blindly follow the intent of the Creator. You as creative beings choose to choose.
It was when you judged, that you fell from your place in heaven. All I did was give you the space where you could have a choice.
I have held this energy framework for millions of years and allowed beings from all over the universe to come here and
transmute karma, to learn the lessons Earth so gladly teaches. Through me, you will learn to heal your judgments and will
learn to love the darkness as well as the light as they are the two faces of God. Wake up to yourselves. Gather in the projections
that you have surrounded me with and begin to heal. Wash away the darkness that encases me and I will be free to be the Light
The Story continues ...
Thus was the land of illusions. At its center stood a hard and blackened rock, once an etherical mount of veils, veils
of illusions and dreams. It was said that the very rock held the story of all mankind, the legends and myths of long ago.
Each story, each legend in veils one upon another, rose until the combining of the stories became as solid as living rock,
the Island of Veils. It was the place of dreams, the sleeping place of dragons, the resting- place of nobles.
When the planet was etherical the Creators walked the land in peace and beauty. As the planet began to become dense, the
creators left to return to their origins in the stars. They left one of their kinds who would remember them in time. He was
the brightest light, one who would remember all and would realign them in all to the light of creation. Upon his awakening
he would bathe the whole planet in light and cast shadows, all illusions into the darkness. All beings would live in the light
and love.
It was said that in an isolated part of the world there would stand a Mount of rock and in that Mount, the Light bringer
would sleep. The light of the One would shoot out of the top of the Mount and like a laser, it would criss-cross and create
a light framework throughout the entire planet and the light body of the planet would be created. This light body would redesign
the world and all the veils would be removed and a New Planet Reality would be created.
This central pinnacle of the story stood now in our times surrounded by sea in the beautiful Bay of Hopes and Sorrow where
once it had been surrounded by dense forests. It was the very first place to become the densest of the Dragons' dreams, the
holder of the original plan, the first physical point of the planet. Contained within the very living rock were the files
of ancestral knowledge, the planetary consciousness. It was the very DNA of the planet.
In the very heart of the forgetting, Lucifer lay sleeping, holding the energy of the forgetting in the center of the Mount.
From this focal point, the world was created, dreams woven upon dreams until the world as we now know it was created. The
Bay of Hope and a Sorrow with the Mount at its center was a symbolic reflection of the story of creation.
The Dark One ruled from within the safety of the Mount. Black and foreboding, it stood stark against the ashen grey of
the sky, a darkened silhouette etched upon a storm cloud canvas. The Mount, like a burnt and fossilized, hand stretched up
to crush and destroys the sun that shone from behind the blackened clouds that rolled in from some distant shore.
The Dark One had entered the sleeping minds of the Dragons. He had infiltrated their thoughts, trapping them unconsciously
into the dreams of death and decay, possessing the very landscape with his noxious thoughts. The very air around the Mount
was putrid and toxic. Clouds of grey cobwebs could be seen hanging around the highest point. Many had tried to enter the Mount,
yet none made it because of the toxic and foul air that wrapped tightly around its victims. Those who failed were said to
be haunted images of their former selves.
With long and blackened fingernails, Lucifer wrapped upon the black hard arm of his throne, waiting. He could wait forever.
He had nowhere to go. The body at his feet, on the other hand was temporary. Death, in time, awaited it. Like some greedy
monster, it devoured its prey. It trapped souls within the confines of the rock.
He listened. He could hear the cries, which were like sweet music to his ears. Tormented and lost, they were held in the
throes of dying over and over again. Many were blind to the Dark one and its evil workings. They carried out their pious lives,
sanctimonious in their beliefs in a false God. Too busy worshipping their merciless God; they were totally unaware that, in
fact, they worshipped the Dark One. Praying to what they considered 'Holy' and 'right', they unwittingly gave their power
to the Dark Lord.
Occasionally his demonic thoughts would take form and he would stretch out his hand and reach into the hearts of the blind
and manipulate them into acts of violence and malicious crimes of sin. It fed him. He could feel their blackened life force
like fruit rotten from within, draining out of their veins into his. He contaminated their very souls. He made them servants,
slaves to carnal desires of lust, greed and death. They were easy prey. He could use them to affect and manipulate the outside
world. His aim was to penetrate the outside world, the world from beyond the doorways. Souls so easily trapped were poor game.
With every meal his hunger, relentless, grew more and more.
Lucifer ...
" I am a mirror to the human soul. I only reflect your darkness all that is not with God. The darkest recesses of
your soul are reflected in the vision that you have of me. You cannot accept that there are places in your souls that are
dark. You talk about being sinners, but how many of you have the courage to accept the darkness within yourselves. You have
spent an eternity trying to project this failing onto others and myself. Blaming, judging, simply digging deeper and deeper
grave for yourselves.
Yet I do not judge. It is all fine with me. There is nothing that would shock me. I have been very curious watching you
from within my space create a world that is constantly on the verge of destruction. You are such exciting beings; I am amazed
watching you.
You are living breathing expressions of the Creator, creating dark and foreboding clouds in your very own reality. This
has been a necessary part of the plan. You have come here from many places in the universe, bringing many issues with you
to be played out. You are using the energy space that I provide to experience good and evil, right and wrong, light and darkness.
You are learning choice and free will. I have held for you a framework where you can experience light and dark. I will hold
this framework until the last of you have finished playing in the darkness. For that is what it is, play.
Elevate your consciousness into the fifth dimension for a moment, and look at me and you will see that I am friend, a
brother, enabling you to experience a creative process that allows you to forget, to dream, and to awaken as God once more.
It is to waken in the dream, to allow the God that you are, to awaken in the lucidity of your reality!
From the level of non-judgment, it has all been a cosmic joke. All is God; nothing can possibly be left out, so, therefore,
so am so and I is the darkness. For the darkness is a very creative process and fear in its transmutation is an experience
never to be missed by any enquiring and curious soul.
When you can accept and love the part of you that is the dark as a creative part of your consciousness, then I will free
you from my grasps and we will move together into the Oneness of New Planet. When you no longer look at me as outside of yourself,
when you have pulled all the aspects of yourself into the fullness of your souls you will move in consciousness. When you
can look upon evil acts without judgment, then you have truly entered the realms of heaven. I await you there. It is not about
living your life without care or purpose. It is about feeling and following the intent of the soul without judgment.
I have faith in you as I waken within you. As you integrate me as your own, we will both be free to play once more in
Eden. For within my soul and yours, there is the information we will use to find our way Home to bathe in each other's love
once more. I cannot wait for the embrace. I have felt the love. It has made me hungry. Finally I know what will satisfy this
empty heart. The love of your soul. For it is through beings such as you that mankind can free the perspectives that you have
around evil. Only when you can look upon darkness with the love of the Creator, which you are, will this planet of yours shift
in vibration.
I hold the key. I am a blueprint. Not only do I hold the idea of separation and duality, but I also have the means with
which to transform your world into a unified world of oneness and light. No longer will you see black and white, yin and yang,
but you will perceive the unification of spirit and matter. You will literally become Gods living in physical forms. For this
was the plan that we had all along to transform the very negativity of the universe through the love of beings such as you
and me. For are we not all fallen angels?
The blueprint is a matrix that contains all the necessary information to create a New Planet frequency; beings are being
aligned with the crystal at the center of the planet to access this information. When the time is right, everyone will be
aligned and I will send out a new intent. With this, we will bathe in the Light of the Creator once more. So, until the last
person is finished dancing with the devil, I will hold the old way, but I am eager to shift into a new role, one where I will
be misunderstood no more."
Pleiadians channeling
November 15, 1990 Pleiadians channeling thru Barbara Marcinik Courtesy of Barbara Marcinik
Good evening! We are here. It is our pleasure to be in your reality once again -- especially in this most auspicious setting
-- we are pleased. We understand that those of you who are of Light frequencies have drawn us here. Congratulate yourselves
on your cleverness. It is not easy to get our vehicle (Barbara) to travel around and go places -- she has a mind of her own.
And that is as it should be, and as it is, and as it will be. Understand that all of you need to have minds of your own, and
come into contact and into charge of your own life. So, we are excited to be here.
We are, of course, the Pleiadians, and we are broadcasting live from Stanford University, in Palo Alto, California, among
the auspicious hallways of the renowned intellectuals and soon to be renowned cosmic travelers of this, your Planet Earth.
So, we would like to speak to you about a variety of subjects this evening. "Genetic Encoding-- is that the title
that has been given to us? Well, we will expand upon it. We would like to talk to you about the "Harmonics of Frequency
Modulation and the Human DNA. Sounds boring as can be, does it not? But we guarantee that we will give you an exciting time
tonight-- absolutely, positively!
It will be up to you to demonstrate how clever you are -- how much you perceive. Those of you who are familiar with our
work understand that we are not the encyclopedias of the universe, though we can pride ourselves that we can be upon occasion.
When one has an encyclopedia in front of oneself all of the time, one simply begins to regurgitate what someone else has called
truth. Yes? And your have all been, some of you impeccable regurgitators, with letters, etcetera, after your name. Yes? You
have valued that regurgitation, as it would be. We would like you to begin to use other sources of information, to begin to
access the human creation, and to unfold it through a variety of new methodologies.
Frequency Modulation and the Human DNA" -- it is a grand story. This is Part One of a two-part session. We are going
to speak to you to set the tone, to set the history, a little bit, of your planet. And then we will see what questions you
will have to further comprehend the story.
Mankind is an experiment. Mankind has been designed. So has just about everything else that exists within creation. Prime
Creator -- we will use that term -- began the whole shebang a long time ago, in this that you call your local universe, for
an experiment -- for greater, what would be called from your terms, self exploration-- self gratification -- self expression.
Prime Creator, as it would be, brought energies and essences to life -- extensions of itself in this what you call your local
universe -- endowing extensions of it the same gifts that it had. Prime Creator in this your local universe gave willingly
and freely of its capabilities. Now there are many other universes -- many other ways of designing universes. This one is
designed as a free will zone. All would be allowed -- all things.
And so, these extensions of the prime creator went out, and began to experiment with the Prime Creator's energy, as it
existed within them. And of course they took to task what the Prime Creator said. The Prime Creator said, Go out and create,
and bring all things back to me. Quite a simple assignment, is it not? Go out and create, and bring all things back to me.
In other words, l am going to gift you of myself -- you go out and gift of yourselves freely, so that all that you create
in this universe can understand its essence, my identity. We are anthrophilosophizing our Prime Creator a little bit here.
Now, these energies-- we will call them Gods -- Creator Gods -- went out, and began to create their own hierarchy. And
each succeeding hierarchy created another hierarchy -- to endow --to assist in the development of this, your local universe.
Eventually, in one of the galactic systems, the plan came together to create the place that is called, 'Earth-- designed originally
to be an Intergalactic Exchange Center for information. Ah, an incredible plan -- a beautiful place -- located on the fringes
of one of the galactic systems, ideally to be reached from one galaxy to another -- existing close to many what would be called
way portals -- the highways that exist for energies to travel throughout what you call your space zone.
So, the original plan was brought about, and let us say that there was impeccable scurrying and shuffling -- all kinds
of things -- to bring about individual representatives of all of the galaxies, so that they could have their representatives
here upon this planet. Now some of these Creator Gods, as their jobs were defined to be, were what would be called -master
geneticists- -- able to take some of this stuff -- the Creator Gods were able through their hierarchies to bring about and
discover and to tie these molecules together-- encoded molecules of identity -- of frequency-- of electrical charges -- to
create, Life. And so many sentient civilizations -- many, many, and many --gave of their DNA, willingly, to have a representative
of their coding -- their DNA-- on this planet. And the master geneticists set to work, and they designed what would be called
varieties of species-- some human -- some different than human-- some what you call animals -- all by playing with the varieties
of DNA that the sentient civilizations contributed to make this exchange center of information -- this Light Center.
When we speak of Light. We speak of information. Those of you who have had experiences where you allowed Light to come
into your physical body, unflegingly know that once you expose yourself to Light, you begin to increase the amount of information.
Your perceptions -- everything about yourself -- begin to change -- you begin to awaken. The darkness of the veil is removed.
So when we speak of Light, we speak of the return of information-- the intending of bringing a great amount of information
to this planet, whose frequency has been drastically controlled -- but that comes later in the story.
So, the plan of the Earth was a grand one. An as these Creator Gods did not exist in time as you know it, let us say that
a few hundred thousand years -- a few million years -- in their terms, were nothing. And different energies were brought to
existence. There have been species of man -- yes, just like you -- man looking like you, whose DNA were intact at one time
who developed very highly evolved civilizations. This, of course, was a long time ago -- we are speaking prior to 500,000
years ago upon your planet. We are not speaking of civilizations that. You call Lemuria, or the civilizations that you call
Atlantis -- that is what we call modern, man. We are talking about civilizations that are ancient -- civilizations that --
to give you a little scoop, for those of you who like a scoop --let us say that they are buried under some of the ice caps
under what is called your far, far Southern continent -- Antarctica. But that we will save for another evenings discussion.
So, this project as it would be called Earth, was fought over. It looked enticing it looked to be something of desirability
of ownership by others -- and so during Earth's early history there were wars in your space for ownership of this, your planet.
Had you ever wondered who owns Earth? Prime hunk of real estate? You think that it is ownerless in space? Ah, you have something
to learn about space territories. So there were changes, as it would be, of administration. And the original planners, who
by the way, we will say the original planners of your universe of course were of the Family of Light. They designed an information
center -- they designed a place where galaxies would contribute the information. The Earth was to be a library-- do you understand
-- a cosmic library a place of incredible beauty -- a place of experimenting how information could be stored through frequencies,
through the genetic process.
So, the skirmishes took place. Different zones of the Earth became -- let us say -- lost -- to certain original owners,
and the Earth became a place of duality. It became a place of course in this free-will universe, where others, who had the
right to do what ever they wanted -- because it is free will -- came in and took over. We call it raiding your Earth. They
did like corporate raiding on Wall Street. Do you understand? They raided the Earth. The raid that you are now to be concerned
about is a raid that occurred approximately 300,000 years ago-- what historically speaking you would call, from a Biblical
point of view -- certainly from most of your esteemed Scientifics -- the beginning of human civilization. But it was only
the beginning of the later phase -- as we said, what we call modern man.
The interesting thing about the skirmish that occurred about 300,000 years ago, is that a certain group of entities came,
and they fought in space -- as of course many others have fought in space for this Earth principality, this territory, this
prime hunk of real estate -- and they won. They beat out Light. It gives you a new idea of Light, doesn’t t it?
So it became their territory. There was great radioactivity -- nuclear action-- much of the Earth was rent asunder. And the
original specie -- human creation -- the Adam man, as it would later be called -- was in great destruction -- scattered.
So those new gods -- those new creator gods-- were also master geneticists. They understood the process. They understood
how to create life. They wanted this territory for their own reasons. Let us give you another hint about why territories are
created, and why territories are held.
There are consciousnesses in all things. This your Scientifics will one day step off of their ladders and begin to realize.
And then you will begin to really own the planet yourselves. There is consciousness within all things. Consciousness communicates
continuously. Consciousness vibrates -- or can be led to vibrate -- at certain --what would be called electromagnetic frequencies.
Electromagnetic frequencies are very interesting. They tend to act in a variety of ways. One of the ways that we are going
to be concerned about in speaking with you this evening is that electromagnetic energies of consciousness can act as 'food'.
Feel that concept out -- it can act as food. So that means that just like apples can be prepared an eaten and ingested --
in a variety of ways, perhaps consciousness could be prepared and ingested in a variety of ways. Do you understand?
So, some entities, in the process of their own evolution, began to discover that as they created life, and put consciousness
into things through varying the frequencies -- through modulating the frequencies of forms of consciousness. They could feed
themselves. They could keep themselves in an existence. They began to figure out that this is how the Prime Creator nourished
itself. It sends out others to create a food source for itself.
Now, the new owners of your planet -- this principality in space out on the fringes of your galactic system had a different
appetite-- different preferences than the former owners. They nourished themselves off of fear. They nourished themselves
off of chaos -- though fear was their primary food source. In some ways, it fed them -- it stimulated them -- it kept them
in power. Understand? So 300,000 years ago, these creator gods that your Bible speaks of --that the Babylonian tablets speak
of -- that texts all over the world, in actuality, speak of-- they came, and they rearranged what would be called the native
specie man. And they rearranged what would be called your DNA, in order to have you broadcast within a certain limited frequency
band. This has been going on for a long time now.
What part do you play in it? Why are you here? Why are you created here in this story? For some of you, this is just like
a dream. We are reminding you of what you know inside of yourselves. We have come onto your planet to trigger your memory
banks. We have come onto your planet to inspire the human race through the Family of Light, to begin to create their own reality.
We, as Pleiadians, create our experience. We come back through what is called time in your terms, into what would be called
perhaps, our past, into a vestige of representatives of Light, in order to share a frequency with you -- a frequency that
each one of you has agreed to carry on this planet -- to change the DNA of the rearranged human race. This is a big story
-- it could make headlines, you know.
Now, of course the original planners were not about to lose the territory -- did you think they were going to give up
so easily? Of course they exist in a different time sector than you. So the new owners came and worked in their laboratory,
and created workers, created versions of humans with a different DNA -- the two-stranded double helix DNA. They took the original
DNA of the human specie, and they disassembled it. Yes isn't that clever? They disassembled the original DNA. And they left
it, of course, within the human cell -- they simply split it apart.
Within the human cells is what we call Light encoded filaments -- fine glosimar threads of energy that carry information.
And when those glosimar threads are working together -- like a cable -- fiber optics, as it would be -- they form the helix
-- the helix of your DNA. Of course when you were rearranged, you were left with two helix -- the double helix -- half lit.
In other words, anything that was unnecessary -- that would keep you informed -- was unplugged. And so you were left with
a double helix that would keep you in what would be called certain controllable, operable frequencies. And you were set, of
course, on your free-will zone -- you, we are speaking of the humans, not necessarily those of you in this room of course
-- you are the Family of Light, which is more than human-- much more than human. We will get to that in a bit.
And so, let us say that something like an electrical fence -- frequency fence -- was put around the planet. Some of you
have seen what your technological Scientifics have created an electrical fence that you can keep animals with in? So it is
that the electrical fence was put around your planet -- as a control as to how much the frequencies of the humans could be
modulated and changed. So, as the story goes -- this frequency was set around the planet, and it was made very difficult for
frequencies of Light frequencies of information to penetrate. And, when these Light frequencies were able to penetrate the
frequency control, who was there to receive them? -- The DNA was unplugged. The Light encoded filaments were no longer organized.
And so the creative Cosmic rays that bring Life did not have something to plug into and to hold onto.
Now there were many noble experiments. And of course the original planners began to call on what would be the Family of
Light, to go to infiltrate the project to begin to incarnate -- to begin one-by-one to bring Light information into the place
it was lost. And so the Family of Light began its work here -- coming into a system that was devoid of Light -- devoid of
information-- and allowing through what would be called the redefining of the laws of man to let these creative Cosmic rays
pierce the body individual by individual -- and then group by group. In very small numbers throughout these eons were these
frequencies of information brought onto your planet. In times, great battles were fought-- wars were fought -- information
was always looking to be expressed. The original planners knew that, Cosmically speaking, this was a lesson for them, in allowing
in understanding the creator gods who took their project.
And so they set about to create their own version of a plan -- at a time when the frequency of the Earth would be altered
-- a time when the owners would perish if they could not change their frequency. Their food source would be taken away --
food source of fear food source of anxiety chaos -- hunger -- despondency. Get the picture?
Guess who is removing the food source? You are! As members of the family of Light, you are renegades. You are systems
busters. You love to go in and cause trouble. You are famous, your branch of the Family of Light -- your division you are
famous for going into system of reality and altering the frequency bringing always, information. It is not your task, as members
of the Family of Light, to proselytize. You simply, as members of the Family of Light go into systems, and you act as a receptacle,
and you receive the creative Cosmic rays into you body, the bodies that you occupy as humans because you are in disguise as
humans -- and your begin to allow a process to take place. Because you are codified, and your memory begins to rise and you
begin to respond to the plan that you came here to participate within -- to alter the frequencies -- to hold to keep -- to
maintain a certain frequency -- and then to live it -- and as you live it, you affect everyone, every place that you go. This
is what you are doing now.
There are many who understand their assignment. There are many whose memories are beginning to rise. We will explain in
a few minutes how those memories begin to arise.
The plan to change the frequency modulation of the human specie has to do with the rebounding of what would be called
your DNA, the rebounding of the Light-encoded filaments. There is a plan that is gigantic at this time. That you, as members
of the Family of Light, are operating in many, many places. In other words, you are not just on assignment on Earth. You are
multidimensional, and you have many other versions of yourself where you are busting systems. Paradigm breakers as it would
be. So it will be part of your assignment to make contact with these selves, and to understand how other versions of your
selves are handling their dilemmas-- how they are busting their systems. Because you see, there are certain Gods, as you would
call them Gods, who are behind this process -- what would be called a universal process.
Right now, it looks like it is a very local, Earthly process. It is much more involved then all of that. The Earth is
assisting, in its own way, the evolution of the Universe. The Earth is where things are happening at this time -- it is the
destined point of frequency modulation. And the human DNA is the recipient and the beginning of this whole process that it
is going to affect many, many, many worlds. So, as members of the Family of Light, you agreed to come onto the Earth many
times, in many guises, and many different time frames as it would be, to learn the ropes -- to figure out the territory, as
it would be -- to become trained to experience Earth and to prepare yourself for the time when the frequency alteration would
be designed into the plan, and where you would all be called to incarnate in large numbers, and to bring the plan into action.
This is the plan that is in operation, as we can most neutrally explain it to you, on your planet at this time. This is
why the Family of Light, everywhere, is beginning to unite. One thing you must all realize -- you must focus on what you have
in common, not what you do not have in common. As members of the Family of Light, you bring information lo the planet neutrally
to stimulate your own growth. You need to do this.
The specifics of the plan have to do with an evolving DNA -- a DNA that will evolve from two heli to twelve heli. These
twelve heli will correspond to what would be called 'energy centers-- chakras, vortices whatever clever name you wish to attach
to them inside and outside of your body. There are millions of you at this time on the planet on assignment, who have agreed
to do this. Handfuls of you are becoming impeccable. The handfuls are affecting the others, and soon you will begin to have
great clarity as to who you are, and what your assignment is.
The chakra centers inside the body are seven-- seven basic ones as they have been understood on your planet for a while,
although they are simply, let us say, representatives -- token representatives of certain areas -- there are many, many energy
centers in the body. In order not to blow the experiment, so to speak, and to have the frequencies of humans blow their minds
to bits, as it would be, great care was taken to bring certain rays, and to temper them, so that humans could evolve quickly
with the changes of knowledge, identity, and information. The third helix, when it was evolved in the human, brought about
the recognition of feeling, and brought back to the planet the use of the third chakra center. The first two helix -- or double
helix-- are involved with your first two chakra centers, survival and sexuality. And if you look around the planet, you will
see that the large majority of those on the planet are cycling through those two centers for eons, over, and over, and over
again. The third helix, as the Light- encoded filaments begin to bundle, open the potentiality for this (solar plexus) area
of your body, the feeling center, where you can begin to perceive information. Where you can begin to perceive reality. Where
you can begin to feel connected to your environment, your Earth.
The three heli, once they were taken in certain human bodies, in time, would evolved to three more. They would correspond
to the fourth, chakra of the heart the fifth, the throat -- and the sixth, the third eye. They would begin to move the experience
of man upward -- beyond the same old junk -- into something grander -- into something compassionate and loving and feeling
expressive in new vision -- to really be able to experience and not just say it.
Then, the next three, connect to the crown, which when open, allows the frequency of Light to enter, to rearrange the
body -- to connect man with his spirit self. It is the doorway, the gateway between the physical and non-physical. The seventh,
the eight, and the ninth -- the eight is an information center located outside of the human body -- for some people a few
inches, a few feet, for some, many feet, maybe even many miles -- depending on how far one is able to push one's information
gathering center. The ninth chakra, of course, is a chakra center that exists outside the atmosphere of your planet. So it
is a planetary chakra. It gets you in touch with the energies of your planet, and the areas in space just outside your planet.
The final three heli which have not been implemented in most humans on a general frequency basis. We can tell you that
the story of the heli involved the evolution of the solstices and equinoxes throughout this year, and the final three of the
twelve, for those who are able to handle this mutation of energy, will come about in the month of December -- in a period
of 33 day energy acceleration (December 1st through January 2nd), where these rays will begin to further rearrange those who
have been already rearranged.
Now the final three chakras -- what are they going to do? They are going to connect you with your 10th, 11th and 12th
centers. You are going to begin to accept, in great volume, off-planet information. And off planet realities are going to
begin to really show their faces. They are going to begin to be acknowledged. Because that is what is necessary. The final
three-- the 10th is a solar chakra. It exists within your solar system, feeding you information. The 11th is a galactic, and
the 12th is a universal -- out in the auspices of your universe.
Once you, as members of the Family of Light, are able to take this mutation into your body, and are able to integrate
various centers of information -- what will happen to you? You will go beyond your personal dramas. Many of you are already
beyond your personal dramas -- the nitpicking, the aggravation of everyday life. You relate to it -- yes, so that you can
understand how humans contract themselves. It is not for you to become entrenched in these dramas. It is for you to understand
that you create your experience to become a conscious creator. And more than that, to become a conscious rememberer of who
you are. So as the 10th, 11th, and 12th chakra begin to open themselves, many off-planet energies will begin appearing in
your lives, and appearing on your planet, as more, and more, and more of you hold this frequency. As you hold this frequency,
you bring information onto the planet. You bring information that will astound and shock most of the world. This process will
grow and change over what we call about a 20-year period.
Already many things in certain portions of your world are coming out, and in others they are still in the stone age. There
will be a merging of identities -- there will be a merging of cultures --there will be an infusion of many new world orders.
There will be much chaos and much confusion. As members of the Family of Light you are to observe it, you are to understand
that here is an evolutionary process taking place-- frequency modulation -- and that those who can handle the change frequency
by all means will evolve. And those who cannot handle the frequency modulation, by all means still create their reality, and
they are never ever, ever, ever victims. The planet is jam-packed with humanities at this time. Those who are here knew darn
well what was going to occur in this place -- they wanted to be in the vicinity of great change. So that, in a nutshell, is
the plan. It is a good plan, is it not?
We have done our best to give you a summary of what has been going on what you have been battling against, around, and
for. And now we would like to turn it over to you to have questions.
We understand that all of you would like to speak to us, or many of you, so intend in your mind what you would like us
to speak about, and sometimes through someone else's question we can weave in your answer as well. We are very good at reading
the energies of those humans that we come into contact with, and it is our intention to assist you, as best we can, as you
are here on assignment. It is our intention to bring you a sense of upliftment, a sense of understanding that there is a divine
plane in operation. And we would like to remind you that all you need do is become clear about what it is that you are wanting,
and you can move onto the highways of the divine plan, and begin to operate with impeccability, operate with ease. We will
discuss some of the methodologies if this is what you are interested in. So let us turn it over to you.
Question: I have had personal experiences with beings who seem to live off of disharmonious emotional energy. It seems
like those beings will almost have to make a decision -- that if that food source is cut off, they are destined to...
Starve! And guess what, they don't want to starve. And guess what, they are coming back here. They are here. Because they
understand that there is system busting going on. So they are here to create greater havoc and fear, to fight once again for
this territory. Do you understand this? Their food source is very important to them.
Question: Then what is going on in the Middle East would be an excellent way to provoke a lot of food .
Yes. Very good. Also, since you have mentioned the Middle East, let us give you a little tip on the Middle East. As we
said to you in our story, the area of what would be called Mesopotamia was where the story was launched. Where these creator
gods made their home base some 300,000 years ago. Understand now, that there are portals, or what would be called energy chutes,
where one must enter onto planetary existences. There is a gigantic portal in the Middle East -- a pathway of entry onto your
planet -- that certain creator gods have owned and occupied for 300,000 years. There have been raids, there have been fights,
there have been all kinds of things over this portal. Through this portal, the frequency of mankind can be controlled -- it
is not the only portal-- there are many other portals although this is the prime portal that is being fought over at this
time. Those creator gods who were here 300,000 years ago are returning. They are still in existence. They do not live, operate,
or exist under the same laws that you do. In other words, 300,000 years is not too long to live for them -- do you understand
this? That is your time sector, not theirs. They travel through what would be called space. They are very interesting creatures.
They have helped develop your civilization. They have helped destroy your civilization. Even amongst themselves they argue
and fight. Believe it or not, creator gods do this. Now, back to the question. They are losing control of the planet, so they
go back to their prime portal, and they create fear and chaos in their portal area, because that is their nest. Their nest
is not above ground, their nest is underneath the ground.
Question: Then this ties in with the greys and the 'dracos?
It is all part of what would be called a hierarchy. Many of those within the hierarchy do not understand how things operate
within the ranks, just as those within the United States military service do not always understand the military hierarchy.
It is very compartmentalized. That is a way of maintaining control, compartmentalize the power.
Question: For us who are of the Light, is there something that we can do consciously to help starve these...?
Yes. Maintain your frequency. Absolutely. The way you can best operate at this time is to be a keeper of your own frequency
and not going around saving everyone else. Doing everything in your power to keep yourself consistently aware, consistently
in understanding of what is going on, and consistent with the frequency of Light which brings you information, and a frequency
of Love, which is the frequency of creation.
You see, what is happening now, as the food source is being taken away, and the frequency barrier is being pierced --
Earth's gridwork is being released. Earth, in actuality, is going through an initiation. Earth cares about all of its inhabitants.
And Earth is evolving as its inhabitants are evolving into an existence where greater possibilities are everyday occurrences.
Where miracles can become the way of life, because they exist within the frequency that becomes available. Each of you assist
in making that frequency alive on this planet by living your lives according to your Light, according to what you know. This
work is a work of individual nature. Yes, you work in groups, and you have certain leaders. But you must, as individuals,
evolve yourselves. For as you evolve yourselves, and as you are led by your Light to live a certain way, what occurs is that
you begin to change society.
Question: Who exactly are those beings who think they are the owners?
They are space beings. They have what would be called their own home in space. They are evolving. They are creator gods.
They can create life, although in some terms there are those who would kick them out of the creator-god club, because they
feel that they do not value the life that they create. Yet in Prime Creator's universe here, all things are love. Because
as all things are love, many, many lessons are learned. So these beings are space beings who came here -- whose stories are
in the ancient manuscripts -- they won the fight. They came here because they wanted this place for their own reasons -- for
many reasons.
They were miners. For one thing they wanted to explore inside of the Earth, and what was inside of the Earth. One of the
things that is very interesting about your education upon your planet is that all of the advancement and understanding of
what is going on in your Earth is not made public in the university systems. It is very a secret science -- the inner Earth
science -- one that is rather shocking. These beings have great machinery and they have built, or added onto existing tunnel
systems. They are great tunnelers. They have built many, many systems underneath the surface of your Earth. These beings like
to work behind the scenes. They would not be humanoid in your terms. They would be designed of a different collection of molecules.
Some of them can be labeled reptilian in nature -- that is why they are nicknamed the lizies. We believe that if you look
around your society at this time, you will recognize -- some of your television shows, certainly from the toys that your children
play with -- their return -- their re-emergence into your society. There is quite a subtle program out to introduce you to
your reptilian ancestors.
So, they came to take this planet for whatever reasons. They wanted to control the frequencies to have a food source,
to mine the interior, to set up a control base inside the interior, and then they set other beings to play with the Earth
--to create patterns of thought -- by inserting holograms onto your planet, to influence an entire generation to change the
course of their beliefs through events. They have been behind most of the major religions, or the distortions of the major
religions. They are very interesting characters.
Question: Are they losing control?
Let us say this. They do not think that they are losing control. Do you understand? Because Light is underestimated on
this planet, absolutely. The nature of the drama of your planet is quite interesting. Whenever there is a frequency modulation
of an existing system. In other words, whenever an existing system is about to change, and the idea or the concepts that the
system exists within is about to evolve itself into the bigger picture. Where the inhabitants are about to grow up, as it
would be, there is a certain magnetism that moves out from the system. There is a certain magnetism that moves out from the
system. That magnetism draws every energy that was ever involved with the system back to the system, so that every energy
can be part of the evolution, or the process. So these creatures-- these creator gods of ancient times-- are drawn back here
at this time because of the plan. They must participate. They must understand that their frequencies are going to be changed.
They are resisting it, just like many humans are resisting. And yet, they create their own reality. And let us say, these
beings these creator gods of your last 300,000 years. They have forgotten who created them! They have forgotten their gods.
Now, as members of the Family of Light, you are not to judge. Your task is comprehension, and your task is pulling comprehension
onto the planet -- creating a stability of energy and a power to create, simply by understanding.
Question: Do they know that we are here too, and that we are already winning the war on another level?
Yes, but they underestimate you, though, even in their own brilliance. Even in their own brilliance they have areas that
would be called blind spots. Do you understand? They are so enamored of power that they fight amongst themselves.
Question: But since they know that we are here, wouldn't they want to try to take away our power? Or are they afraid of
us? Or would they want to fight us?
Look at your society, what does your society do? Does it strive to empower you, or to take your power away?
Questioner: Take it away.
And so what would you say the answer to your question is? Knowing that these entities infiltrate governmental, religious
institutions, and educational systems?
Well, the United States is in for a big roller coaster ride. You have the potentiality to have the suspension of your
constitution, to lose many of the rights. Why? Because the humans are entirely too complacent. It is not the Family of Light
that is so complacent. You are systems busters. It is the rest of the population that is complacent. That wants to sit back.
That is dis-empowered by frequency control, through television and radio. Through all of the things that are designed to create
static around the existing DNA.
Question: Yes, but I was talking about us Light Beings.
Let us say to you, you create your reality. No lizard creates your reality. Do you understand?
Question: Yes, I understand. But all in all, wouldn't they want to -- they wouldn't want us to be here if they know that
we are powerful. I have no fear of them. I feel like we are so much stronger. But don't they know that in a way too?
Let us say this to you. As you are representatives of the Family of Light within the human population -- within the human
drama -- there are versions of the Family of Light within the reptilian drama. All things must evolve! Remember the Prime
Creator -- the original decree? 'Go out and create and bring them back to me. Prime Creator is within all things. And so as
you choose to evolve in terms of this human drama, and evolve as human. There are versions of yourselves that are in the reptilian
drama. Busting the system open from that end. Within the drama of the greys, within all of the dramas of all of the humans,
of all of the players of this time. Because everyone must go through frequency change. Because the old frequency is not going
to last. It is already not here. That is why everything is beginning to crumble and fall apart on your planet. That is why
there is no stability, because a new order will arise after a period of time.
As members of the Family of Light, you bring about this chaos, to bring new order. Do you understand? And if your vibration
is fear. It doesn t matter whether it is public fear or private fear or closet fear. If you are going to vibrate in fear,
number one, you had best not pretend that you are not doing it. If you find that you have fear, the first thing that you do
is acknowledge that. This frightens my wits out of me. l am frightened of this. Then you can begin to work with it. Because
as energy becomes so magnified, intensified as it would be. You will begin, especially as you are working with the evolved
DNA, and you have an evolved system. You will create with great rapidity whatever it is that you put your emotional charge
Question: I feel that rather than just I create my reality, I am my reality. So that everything out there is an aspect
of me. So when you speak about the lizies, does that possibly give me a message that I haven t totally integrated my reptilian
Question: And in addition, there are several of us here who are involved in a process in which we perceive our bodies,
not as bodies doing movement, but as being movement. And as we work with this process in a sense deprivation environment,
and see what impulses come up, quite often deep inner experiences open up what you might call the implicate order -- as yet
unmanifested possibilities. Are the heli that you are talking about?
These are what would be called the information on the Light-encoded filaments. Remember the Light-encoded filaments are
like fibers, and they have this history of your universe in them, all in your body. As you begin to evolve yourself, and as
you begin to leave your dramas at the door and as you begin to simply allow information to connect from outside you.
You know, you all must get quiet every day. If you are not getting quiet every day and moving into meditation/communication,
you will only get so much. You must do that and get into the practice of receiving it. Then you will begin to accept the story
of yourself, and the story of your existence, and the story of your universe. Now as members of the Family of Light, what
you are going to show the planet, is that you are not separated from anything -- that you are all one. You are all part of
the essence of the Creator.
Now on your planet, of course, different powerful humans and different races of humans are all acting in separation. And
you had a President at one time -- clever man by the name of Mr. Regean -- and he said something about, well, perhaps mankind
would unite if we had a common enemy some place. That is paraphrased from a speech back in 1988, if we recall correctly. Let
us say that the story is bigger than that. It is not for mankind to unite against something else. It is for all of creation
to unite and to work in cooperation, for all of creation. And for this place that is called Earth to once again move back
to its original plan, an Intergalactic Exchange Center of Information, of incredible harmony and frequency.
Question: I have heard you say on tapes from other sessions that one should go to sacred sites, like the pyramids and
Peru. Is it necessary, when you do this inner work, to actually go to these sites? Or can you let this unfold from within
you, rather than having it triggered from without?
Let us say this to you. No, it is not necessary to go. In other words, if you never go to a sacred site and always spend
your time in your back yard, you are not going to necessarily miss out. Intent, the ability to clearly map out what it is
that you wish to experience. The intent to open your memory banks, to activate memory and the exposure to the frequency of
others who have been to these places, is all that you need to experience. In other words, enough humans have gone to the places
where data is encoded in stone, the story of your planet and that stone frequency, that is a frequency of information that
is not recognized, at least officially, on your planet. And the body, when it moves into a receptive state, can receive the
information of this type. That is why many times humans have very interesting reaction to places that they visit. Historically
they are feeling the frequency of the history of the site.
Also they are feeling the energy, the knowledge that was stored in the stones of the sites. All of the stones of those
sites are usually granite, and there are crystalline structures within the granite Some of them, of course, are limestone,
to keep them from eroding from water. The story is built into the stone -- the stone itself. It is tempered, it is fed, with
devices that make sound. It used to be that humans understood the role of keeper of frequency. If you go to Egypt and you
look at the glyphs of the walls, you will see a human being sitting in their strange positions, where they are half one way
and half another, and their hands will be over their heads. In between their hands is a zig zag of what would be called lightening.
That is a keeper of frequency. It meant that the individual was capable of honing into and broadcasting a certain frequency,
and implanting some structures with knowledge through frequency, and not just through the written form. So when one goes to
those places, one encounters this.
An interesting thing is that there is a multitude of sacred sites that are still below the surface, or still waiting for
a dimensional merge to take place. In the United States there have been many, many ancient civilizations who have participated
here, many who left their remnant and these remnants have been covered and buried over quite cleverly, quite purposely. And
they will begin to break surface in that ensuing 20 years. Many new discoveries will be brought about, more so than in any
other time period of what you call your recorded history. Many have already been uncovered, particularly in the land of Egypt
this last year. Because many have gone to break the energy, and yet this has been kept secret, has it not? In Peru was another
place the a tunnel system went under the Earth, and a very ancient civilization was introduced by the Bird People in the area
of Lake Titicacca -- by far older than the Mesopotamian sites -- buried of course under many layers.
Your planet is an exceptionally interesting place. If only those who are receiving information would have greater freedom
to disseminate it, everyone's attitude would change, because they would find that Earth was truly a place to Love, not a place
to simply survive.
Question: Who controls our DNA? From what I have heard, there seem to be different intelligences pulling the strings on
our DNA. What I would like -- I would to control my own DNA.
Let us say, you are the one who controls it-- once you wake up to that knowledge. You see, the whole planet has been controlled
in such a way that you have been taught and trained from the time that you first popped out onto this planet that you are
not in control of your reality -- that everything is circumstantial -- that everything depends on something that you have
no say in. Wrong! You have complete control over everything. Until you discover that, and until you believe it, you are subjected
to whatever anyone else wishes to do to you in this free-will zone. And in your innocence, you have been exposed to things
that have allowed your DNA -- your intelligence and many other things-to be controlled.
Question: You said that the frequency that we have been operating on is disappearing, or has disappeared?
It has been pierced at this time. In other words, think of the frequency that has limited the human experiment as like
a radio station. The human experiment has had one radio station that has been effecting it for 300,000 years same old tunes!
How do you like that? But the human experiment was unable to turn the dial to hear a different band -- do you understand?
The same frequency was broadcast. This creates what would be called a quarantine -- a sealing of your planet -- sealing it
The creative Cosmic rays set by the Prime Creator and the original designers, pierce through this frequency seal. And
they bombard the Earth. However, they must have someone to receive them. Without a receptacle of these creative Cosmic rays,
they would create chaos, havoc, confusion. And so you, as the members of the Family of Light, come onto this system to receive
the rays of knowledge, and to disseminate the knowledge, and the new life style, and the new frequency to the rest of the
population -- to alter, literally, the entire planet, and the way this paradigm is approached.
Question: Couldn't one go to the 10th, 11th and 12th chakras to get this information?
It will evolve within you, when you are ready. Particularly when you have finished with the ups and downs of emotional
life. You see, emotion is the key to all of this. You need, as human beings, the emotion to connect you with your spiritual
self. Emotion is essential to understanding spirituality. Emotion generates feeling. Feeling is the third center of the body,
where the energy stopped.
In women, the feeling center stayed in tact because women brought birth onto the planet. So they were connected with feeling
through life. Do you understand? Males became very disassociated with life -- so much so that in most societies men were not
present -- they were disassociated from the process of life. They were not present for the birth, for the delivery of life.
So it became very easy for them to make war because they were not involved directly in the life process. Women, of course,
have a much more difficult time participating in war because they are so involved in the feeling center and the birthing process,
even though it has been tremendously shut down in the entire species.
When one begins to clear through understanding, issues of survival, money, food, shelter. When you understand that you
are provided for. Simply by knowing it, you are provided for. When you begin to understand the frequency of sexuality, and
the distortions of sexuality that have been presented to you on this planet. When you begin to work through these things,
through the dramas of your lovers, your husbands, your children, your family. When you begin to see everything as the divine
plan. You will begin to access the information of all of the evolved heli, and all of the evolving energy centers. The story
will become opened to you, because you intend it. You will decree it. You will pull it into yourself. Do you understand this?
Question: In reference to the lizies -- you said, sort of in passing, that they created holograms?
Ah, someone listened here. You are clever. We love it when we throw something out and someone picks up upon it. What kind
of holograms have they created?
Question: Exactly. Could you expand upon that? My understanding is that everything is a hologram --is this all a distortion?
And then the second part of my question is that in the Bill Cooper information, he states that the government officials were
shown a hologram of the crucifixion of the Christ. Now was that just a fabrication?
All right. Let us give you a little background here, and then you decide for yourself. One of the things that we like
to teach you all is for you to decide. We give you information, and you decide what to do with it. You are in charge of you
life. We are not.
During the last century, your planet has become very clever with its technologies, yes? Ever wonder where those technologies
came from? Well, let us say there was many gifts and many influences that came from off your planet, that have been hushed
up. Some information was, of course, brought down to your planet in many different ways, and the technologies brought about
changes in lifestyles.
One of the changes in lifestyles would be your cinemas. And a whole new way of influencing thought was brought to the
planet by the industry that is called film -- yes? Some of it has been for entertainment, some of it has been for education,
and some of it has been purely for brainwashing. Do you understand? It is for you to decide what is what.
Now, being that you are a controlled society-- frequency controlled -- your ability to create technologies is some what
limited. In a society that is less controlled -- that has greater outreach or greater travel capabilities through space, and
interchange between one system and another, technological advances are quite astounding. And just as you have an industry
upon your planet called the movie industry, there are those who are clever in space in the Cosmos and they have what you could
call the holographic industry. And they make holographic inserts. They make dramas that look just like they are real. And
they insert them, through portals, onto your reality. Now, you can understand that since these space beings have been around
for so long --hundreds of thousands of years - and mankind's frequencies has been controlled -- it is quite easy to hoodwink
mankind. Yes? Quite easy indeed.
We talked about the portal in the Middle East as being a dimensional doorway -- an entryway onto your planet -- a way
for certain energies to find civilization.
Let us clarify something here. When you leave a planetary sphere, and go out into space, once you traverse certain belts
of consciousness, you must find the proper portal, to come back onto that planet in the precise time period -- or corridor
of time -- that you are looking for-- especially if you are looking for the one that you left from! Your scientifics have
discovered this in some of their shots into space. Without the help of off-planet beings, your space program never would have
gotten anywhere -- because you must find the portal to come back. There are different portals in different places. There have
been beings that have been lost in space, because they could not find the portal. It is the same thing when you go to a planet.
If you do not find the portal, and go through the portal that would allow you to have a dimensional merge into their corridor
of time, you may enter a very desolate, barren place that looks as if nothing exists there. Do you understand? This is how
systems are kept locked -- how they are kept in tact -- how they are prevented from being raided and taken over. Does this
all make sense to you?
Now, you have portals in the Southern continent, portals in the North American continent, you have portals, of course,
over Asia, China -- and the huge portal that we are presently discussing is the portal in the Middle East -- it is gigantic.
Many holographic inserts, dramas, were inserted through that portal to effect the minds -- to effect the beliefs of the population.
Be aware-- being that this portal is in the midst of crisis, and that it is being fought over that it is prime for a holographic
inserts. It is prime for a belief system to alter this chaotic world --to enter and to get everyone to move in a different
direction. Be aware of your feeling centers when these kind of events begin to occur on your planet.
Question: Could you give us an example, then, of something that has occurred in the Middle East that has been a holographic
All right -- the crucifixion of the Christ.
Question: It never really happened?
It did not happen in that way -- in other words it had a parallel reality. And that is not the reality that the Christed
one came into play the drama that was played out and passed on historically to you. That is an example of a holographic insert.
In other words, a version of this entities life was molded and designed into a holographic entertainment movie, and inserted
and played out as if it were real.
Now, do you begin to understand why you have come here to bust the system!? Do you understand how complex frequency control
is? Do you understand how fine and thin reality is? Do you understand how available reality control is to the human specie
if they would begin to harmonize with one another? -- and if they would begin to act as if they were all provided for, and
to believe it? To create through their minds?
What we want, more that anything else, is to see you, as the members of the Family of Light to succeed in liberating the
Question: I would like to know what particular holograms those of you of the Pleiades have been providing us?
You are very clever!
Questioner: Well, everyone plays this game, I assume!
Of course! Yes, of course. Because, remember, it is a free-will zone. If you can remember that you exist in a free-will
zone we will get to your question in a moment -- if you can remember that you exist in a free-will zone, you can relax. Nothing
is going to happen to you, because you are in charge. As soon as you do not live that, and do not believe it, then you move
out of charge.
Now, you want to know what, in our cleverness, what we have been up to. Well, we were involved in giving our DNA -- not
we, but our ancestors -- were involved in giving information-DNA -- to the original planners. We have been greatly affected
by the frequency control that has been taken over on the Earth for the past 300,000 years -- we have been greatly affected.
Whole sectors of the galaxies are under stress and strain at this time, because there seemingly is a war of opposition --
polarities-- what we call the white T-shirts and the dark T-shirts, good guys and the bad guys, the forces of Light bringing
information, and forces of darkness withholding information -- withholding the story. That is all that the forces of darkness
are-- they don't tell the truth.
All of this brings about a change of frequency-- a need to evolve, a need to grow. During the last 300,000 years, we have,
as Pleiadians-- certainly not our group -- we are a new experiment. Certainly our ancestors have been up to their shenanigans
on your planet -- bringing a history and a memory to different cultures to different groups. We are associated with energies
within the creative process that comes from a family of Bird Creatures. If you study ancient history upon your planet, you
will understand-- that just as the lizies have been part of your history, the Bird Creatures -- the Bird man, the Bird Gods,
have been a part of your history as well. We have been representing, supporting, and guiding the evolution of the Bird consciousness
on this planet in many different places. And so our inserts, as it would be, are designed around their dramas. Do you understand?
Question: You are saying that your own holograms bring in the symbol of the Bird as a Light-bearer?
Well, if you look into your cultures that had some vestige of understanding the Earth; even though they only had two helix,
there were those who came from space, and who worked in many different ways with the different cultures, and used the energies
of the Birds, the winged creatures. You can look at your Southern continent, South America, you can look in your Native American
continent in North America. You can look at the drawings on the walls in Egypt. You can go all over and see the signs of birds
and the signs of reptiles. To make the story older, we will say to you that at one time the Birds and the Reptiles even worked
And then the Reptiles fought the Birds. The story is much bigger than just Reptiles and Birds, but at this point in your
ability to comprehend information, we speak in the easiest way that you can get it. As soon as the picture gets bigger, and
as you comprehend it, you make the story larger, because you remember the history.
Question: I am not clear from what you are saying whether those were actual visitations or whether they were holographic
Let us say that sometimes they were holographic experiences --when they sought to influence a large group -- in other
words especially a viewing in the sky ...
Question: So in other words, a UFO could well be holographic?
Very well. And yet teachers would come down and work, in what would be called a physical body, sometimes. And sometimes
there would be simultaneous holographic inserts of one individual designed in many different fashions -- simultaneously in
many different cultures at one time. That is why some of your gods are parallel from one corner of your world to another,
where there was no contact.
So, it has been complicated, what has been going on here. Some of you have studied what would be called your UFO scientifics.
They love to fight and pick at each other. They love to discredit and argue and create chaos and confusion. Some of them have
begun to figure out that this UFO thing is more like a phenomena. You see, part of the problem of the UFO scientifics is that
the cannot remove themselves from this paradigm. They must define everything according to their own experience, rather than
looking to parallel or different complete experiments, and then learning to plug into them to see what they are, different
So, for example, many of the sightings that are presently being seen in Yugoslavia, are holographic inserts as well. Do
you understand what a holographic insert is now?
Question: The children of Fatima?
Yes, a holographic insert.
Question: Who is sending them?
Well, that is the question who is sending them?
Question: So basically it for us to determine who is sending them?
Yes! You see, it is not our task to say to you, this is good, this is bad, don't go here, don't do this, etc. Although
we do say to you --one of our big don ts, is don't watch television. If you wish to evolve, you do not even want to own one
-- you do not want to even have the appliance in the house. Do you understand? And if you have it, unplug it, because it will
jam your frequencies over, and over, and over again. So, that is a don't. And that is a hint. We are saying to you that if
you do this, you can move along much more quickly.
So what we say to you we give you the story --or we give you portions of the story so that you can figure out the rest--
and then we teach you the methodologies of how to deal with what your reality is. And then we set you free to do it. Do you
understand? We encourage you to go do it on your own -- to come up with your own plan.
The best way to determine anything is to check the feeling center and see how you feel about it. Your feeling center will
always answer you with clarity, if you begin to look there. The difficulty can be how to quiet the portion of the mind that
likes to be in charge to make decisions-- and to allow the feeling center to be the area where decisions and perceptions are
made. Because, you cannot go wrong from there -- if, of course, you understand these feeling centers. If you are all paranoid,
and if you have many defenses, then your feeling center will not work for you. It will get you into more trouble than it will
do good
Question: As I see it, part of our individual laboratories have to do with our relationships with the family that we have
created in this dimension, and it has to do with cleaning the emotional centers, so that as a radar screen. it is accurate.
Yes, because it can be impeccable. Let us say something here. The mental body and the physical body are very linked. The
emotional body is linked with the spiritual body. The Spiritual body is, of course, the body that exists beyond the physical
limitation, nonphysical. So you need the emotions to comprehend the non-physical. That is why emotions have been so controlled
upon this planet. You have been allowed very little room emotionally. You have been encouraged emotionally to feel powerless
or frightened. lf your planet would begin to encourage every member to begin to feel safe, to feel provided for from the time
that they were born, and if your planet was to honor each member as it was born, as well -- that every time a child entered
onto the planet, it was well -- well through power of mind and conscious intention to create in the harmonics or peace --
it would be an absolutely incredible place. It wouldn't take long. All it would need would be a re-education of the value
of the human being.
Question: We are in the process of re-educating ourselves. We also need to re-educate our children...
Now let us say this about the children. Many on them came in with their memory banks more intact -- their DNA more evolved
than yours. We say that they came with their codings fired. The others had to fire their codings. In other words, the code
is in the DNA. And as Family of Light, you had to actively do something to develop that knowledge -- to bring that knowledge,
that code forward, and to begin to live it. Now, those of you who have been active for 20, 25, 30, 50 years -- some of you
-- you can look now and see someone make progress in an afternoon. It is because you have altered the frequency and made it
available and everything happens much, much, faster. It cannot happen too fast, otherwise it would destroy the human. The
frequency would be too much for them. The nervous system must evolve as the DNA evolves --to handle the electrical current
as it is transmitted throughout the body.
The children know many, many, many things. As we like to remind our audiences, you were all very clever when you were
children, and you certainly did not tell your parents everything that was going on with you. Don't expect the same. Be aware.
Many of the things that you would worry about and fuss about -- your children will not tell you. Be aware that many of you
will understand that ten years from now. There will be an incredible rise of power amongst children. Many of them will seem
as if they are mere babes to you. As they learn to gather, and as they learn to harmonize their frequency, and alter vast
sections of your planet by peacefully making harmonics -- through sounds and through silent sounds of group mind. Many of
these children are fully capable of telepathic communication. So let your children go. Trust them. You must learn to trust
yourselves. You must learn to stop being suspicious. You must learn to trust the integrity of who you are and to trust that
you are part of the divine plan that you are guided.
Question: As we hurl into the fourth dimension-this transition -- are we going to be leaving behind the logical mind?
And in so doing, will we become more receptive to the Christ energies to integrate within our beings?
The Christ energies are simply Light frequencies. It is one example of what would be called a liberator of frequencies.
And yes, those frequencies will become prevalent -- to move into dimensional merges. For some they will be dimensional merges
-- for others they will be dimensional collisions. What is the difference? What do you think?
Questioner: One's perspective -- one's attitude.
Yes, very good. Also how much frequency one holds -- how much Light one holds. See, when Light is brought into the body,
it fires your Light-encoded filaments, and helps re-bundle the DNA -- there is a frequency change. Frequency is what you know
-- frequency is your identity.
There have been periods when many different dimensions existed upon your planet at the same time -- when that was much
more common. In the last 1,000 years, there has been a receding of many different dimensions, as great chaos and further darkness
came over the population. Now these dimensions -- these other realities --these places where the laws of existence are a bit
different -- are returning. You help them return. You pull the dimensions onto your planet and make what is called a dimensional
Sometimes you move into these dimensions, and you do not recognize that you are in them. You are in an altered state --
particularly when you go to what would be called a sacred site on your planet. You move into a different dimensional frequency
-- everything changes -- you feel uplifted -- you feel full of energy, or you feel sick to your stomach. Something goes on.
You move into an altered state. And yet, since you are in it, you do not always know that you are in it. That is the beginning
of dimensional merges. When you return home, or you physically relocate yourself, you look back and say, Wow, that was incredible
-- what happened there? It is the beginning of the feeling of experiencing different dimensions.
Dimensional collisions are another story. For those who are gripped with fear -- within the human population -- whose
purpose was to be on the planet at this time to experience the changes --for those who, even though they came here to experience
the changes, they refuse to change-- they will experience these dimensions as collisions. Because they will not be able to
merge with them. They will be like a solid wall of cement, kicking another solid wall of cement. And so what will occur on
this planet for many, is there will be a great discomfort -- and this already is occurring on a very small scale, a discomfort
in the nervous system. And there will be disease of the nervous system simply because of the refusal to evolve. Refusal to
change one's stand of oneself and one's reality. And all of you who are working with humans -- in all of your capacities --whether
you are medical, or body workers, or teaching, or music, or whatever -- understand that this is the human dilemma the need
to shift the definition of self and reality.
Question: What I am perceiving -- is it illusory, is it delusional? -- I sense that I am looking at the inanimate, hollow,
robotic, synthetic, humans --and I puzzle. Am I seeing a reflection of myself, or am I really seeing ...? It makes me back
off, because I observe these people for being impostors.
Let us say that what has happened -- and this is not uncommon at all -- it is good that you have brought this up -- it
is good that the questions that are spoken to us from one end of the country to the other are the same -- it shows that you
are simultaneously evolving. What has happened is that you are no longer asleep. You have disassociated yourself from the
controlled population -- because of the blueprint inside of you -- because you came here to disassociate. You came here to
be a part of it in order to understand the human dilemma --but then you came to wake up -- to receive all of the information
to be a receptacle for the creative Cosmic rays, and allow this process to change you. What has happened now is that quite
subtly, moment by moment you have changed so much that everything begins to look different to you. And you begin to see through
the illusion. You begin to see through the control of frequency on this planet.
Most humans -- particularly in the United States --subject themselves to either television or radio. These are the two
methodologies that were instituted almost 50 years ago for the sole purpose of controlling human frequency. It has been a
very successful marketing plan very, very successful.
Question: Does this involve computers also-- because I love computers, and I work with them every day?
Let us say this to you. It is not that technology is bad. There is nothing wrong with technology. But it is how technology
has been used upon your planet. Check your feelings. Check your clarity.
It is very easy for you, as humans, to convince yourselves that you are just fine. Our vehicle (Barbara) was saying to
her friend on the way over that when she goes into New York City, and when she goes into Washington DC, the humans there don't
think anything is wrong. They don t want to hear it when we say to them, Human this is not a healthy environment -- you are
being synchotronically blasted -- it is a good time for you to leave. They say No we are not, we are just fine. They are in
extreme denial over how clear they can be.
If you want to get clear -- if you want to understand yourself and your universe -- go spend a week or two free from electricity
-- in a place of nature -- where you are nurtured, and you are having a good time. Where there in no stress for you from anything.
Then you begin to see what you can accept for yourself. In the mean time go and sit and hug a tree. Sit in a park. Get close
to nature, and begin to see the ability transmit -- how it comes through when you are next to nature, versus how it comes
through when you are next to a controlled technology.
Question: But there is no way that we can escape the use of computers -- and this is true more and more. I work for a
small company, and we work on computers using a word processor and we develop illustrations on computers.
It is a fine technology. And one day it will be a loving technology -- not a manipulative technology. See, it is made
available to the public. The public uses it in innocence -- not understanding the great manipulation that was and is behind
Question: But if manipulation creates karma, cause and effect -- don t the manipulators realize that they are doing the
manipulation to themselves. That everything they send out into the universe is going to come back to them?
No, of course they do not. They have not figured that out yet. They are beginning to now --especially your honorable President
Bush -- he is beginning to realize that all he has set into effect is beginning to turn around at him.
Question: But some of those beings -- the creator gods -- are very intelligent beings. Don't they realize the obvious?
Let us say this. On your planet, it is assumed that because someone is intelligent, they are spiritually aware. Absolutely
a falsehood! In other words, one can be brilliant -- one can learn to transcend human laws -- and one can still not operate
with the frequency of Love. You see, the Light frequency brings information. The Love frequency brings creation, and the respect
and connection to all of creation. The Love frequency by itself can be very crippling-- if you think that the frequency is
outside of yourself -- you can do what has been done on this planet over and over again -- worship someone that is promoting
the Love frequency as if they were a saint.
The ideal is to carry the Light frequency of information -- to become informed -- and couple it with the Love frequency
that will allow one to feel a part of all creation -- and to not judge it and to not be frightened by it -- to simply see
the divinity of it -- the perfection of it -- as it evolves to teach every included consciousness about itself.
Question: Why is it that when we live in certain places on the physical planet that we feel in touch with certain magic
in our lives, and why in other places we don't?
Let us say this to you. Just as we said that there are portals major portals -- where civilizations, intelligences, enter
your planet to make an effect upon it, there are different portals that have been built by those who carry Light frequencies.
And some of those portals allow a tremendous amount of uplifting energy to come through. And once you live in a place like
that, you become so used to the energy that when you are moved from it, you notice the difference.
Now in this area of the world that you are living --Northern California -- California has agreed to carry a certain frequency
of change for the planet. Do you understand? California can be epitomized as another planet on the planet Earth. (laughter)
This is its purpose. There is no place on the planet like California. It has a certain frequency -- a frequency of creativity.
It is giving its creativity in a free-will way. California has more creativity and more free-will than any other place. However,
within that free will, and within that creativity, is not always Light. And so there is a stress, and a pulling, and a pushing
of control for many things in this area of creativity. In other words, you have many power mongers, and many Light bearers
living here at the same time. When you enter this place, and especially if you enter an area that has been flooded with Light,
you begin to feel that change -- to feel the difference in what has been made available to you.
Then you can go to a place like Washington, DC, and stay there for a weekend, and notice the frequency there. As you become
more sensitive, you notice how different everything is everywhere. And you will find that you will be led to places to broadcast
your frequency -- not to rent a megaphone and stand on the street corner -- but to simply live who you are -- to go into the
malls -- to go into the shopping centers --to go into the movie theaters -- to walk the streets -- and to make available your
electromagnetic frequency, because it is.
Question: There is a book that I read recently called The Return of the Bird Tribes, by Ken Carey. And this book gave
me the same feeling as the first time I heard one of your tapes.
Other people have said the same thing.
Question: (Con't): It is nothing that I can articulate beyond saying that it stirred a sense of memory.
Let us say that you are right on track.
Question (Con't): .... In hearing you speak, this is the first time that I have ever heard the Pleiadians referred to
as the Bird People, and it is amazing the connections that have been made for me.
Let us say that we are not necessarily the Bird People, though we work with those who are of the Creator God rank of Bird
People. We have many friends -- many colleagues. Many who exist; in space have become quite interested in our project, and
our effectiveness on your planet, so we have a large contingency of PIeiadian plus energies that are available to work with
us and many others.
Question: I feel a relationship to the Bird People; and the concept of the angels ...
Yes, they are associated - absolutely. Now there is a question as to who some of those angels are. You must understand
that in the terms of your Bible, some of these that were called angels were called angel because -- if you understand the
derivatives of words, and that breaking down of words in different language-- the word angel refers to one who was able to
move in the heaven. And let us say to you, with clarity, that many of those were called angels because they could move through
the heavens, not because they were what you would call angelic beings. Get clear on your definitions. And get clear of how
you have been hoodwinked with terms and how you have conceptions of ideas where you define a whole existence of yourself based
on a word like angel.
In actuality, many of the reptilians, as they came to mate with their own creation, were space beings. They were not the
angels that we believe you were referring to in connection with the Bird Tribes. There have been beings who have been quite
literally half bird and half human. Look at the god Horus, from Egypt. The Earth history is fascinating!
Question: You were talking about radio frequency and TV frequency about the negativity -- that certain negative frequencies
can be transmitted to us. But it comes to mind that it is also a medium through which positive energies can be transmitted
Just like computers can be used in a positive manner. It depends on how it is used. It depends the intent that is behind
it. We are saying that for quite a few years, the intent behind your television was to create a nation of automatons -- to
create a nation of humans addicted to the frequency that was broadcast to them -- so that even if they didn't like what they
were seeing, they would still stay there-- that it would immobilize you and keep you from thinking.
Question (Con't): But if the positive forces are starting to use it as a medium ...?
Let us say this to you. It is one of those paradoxes where on one hand liberating information is broadcast through a disruptive
frequency. So there you are. You are watching television, and some television show is telling you all about how uplifted and
how unlimited you can be -- while subliminally you are being hit with a frequency that keeps you from original thinking-that
keeps you immobilized -- that keeps you in a survive-arrive-be on time-be silent-go to work society. We are seeing very little
good in the frequency of television. We recommend that you do not expose yourself to it.
As a matter of fact, if you really wish to evolve, we are serious, do not read your newspapers, do not listen to the radio,
and do not watch television. lf you are able to be media-free for periods of time, and you disengage yourself from the frequency
of chaos, and anxiety, and stress, and hustle-bustle, and temptations of all kinds that you don't need -- you begin to get
clear. You begin to listen to what is going on inside of yourself. You begin to be able to live of the world, and not necessarily
be lost in it. You will become clear. We cannot re-emphasize this enough!
Everyone wants to argue with us for their last stand -- how about this -- or let us watch this one program! Argue for
all of the television you want. But we are saying that as you travel around the world, and you go into third-world countries
where they do not have bathroom facilities -- where they do not have running water -- where they do not have stoves and refrigerators
-- they have television. We ask you, what is behind it?
Of course, if you were in a society that really cared about its members, they wouldn't give you television. If you were
in a society that really valued its members, everything would be given to you in a way that would bring you wholeness, not
craziness. Television also promotes inactivity-- it promotes a sedentary life -- it promotes an obese life. Look around you.
Wake up, humans!
Question: I have a question regarding subliminals and compact discs -- and I am not referring to rock music. I have a
large collection of mostly classical and new age music, and I used to love to listen to them. But during the past couple of
years, I find increasingly that music aggravates me, not all of the classical and new age music, but certain ones. Are they
putting programming in ..?
There is sometimes stuff that is being layered in --unfortunately. Our vehicle (Barbara) has gotten herself into the situation
where she can listen to very few things.
Back to the television idea, we will say that even when the television is not on, in many instances it is set up to create
a distracting frequency-- to broadcast something. Your microwave ovens are used in ways that you have not figured out yet
either. Be aware. If you do not feel good about something, if creates a static and nervousness within you, stop it. Remove
yourself from it.
What happens is that as you change, you become more finely tuned. You become a more sensitive instrument. Do you understand?
And so it shows you that before what was around you -- you were so dense that it would hit you and effect you and keep you
in a more lowly vibration, and you were not even aware of it. Now as you become clear as you change your diet especially as
you drink more purified water, because water acts as a conductor of electricity in the body, also as a purifier, everything
begins to alter. Everything is sped up -- time is collapsing. Cosmic rays are bringing a great energy onto the planet, and
the DNA is evolving. So all of you are going to experience great sensitivities. You will find that the food that you loved
one or two years ago, you don't like them any more. Because you are so sensitive to the frequencies that go into the food,
that you cannot cat them.
Oh, you will find this tremendously so. Our vehicle (Barbara) sometimes wanders around without any idea what she wants
to eat, because nothing looks good to her. That is very common, that is part of the process. What you could just grab and
eat before, you cannot do it anymore because you are so sensitive, particularly to animals, the vibration, the fear that is
in the animals that come out in food.
That is one of the largest ways of affecting the human population. It is diabolical. We will say that again, it is a diabolical
way of affecting the human population by feeding the humans animals who are in fear and anxiety as they are killed. There
is nothing wrong with eating animal flesh. The animals were designed here to be companions for you, and if necessary, part
of your nurturing and your survival. To work with the animal, to ingest the animal, was actually an honor, to become one with
it. It is the fact that you are so separated from life, and from consciousness that you act as if the conscious life that
is not treated well when it is killed, that you can ingest it and nothing will be lost. No!
So, expect many things to change. You say, well goodness, my life is going to change so much. Yes, drastically! More so,
if you think you have gone through changes in the '80s, this is the unnamed decade-- the decade of the '90s-- it will be so
fantastic, there will be no way to define it. We are excited about it!
Question: I am involved with music that I am told has soul-group encoded data transmission systems, and also I receive
many space signals from, I was told, the Pleiades, through my system. I am surrounded by electronics and computers. I am now
about to enter the film industry, and it promises to incorporate all of this information into frequencies...
Let us say something. With all of this electricity and all of the electronics that are around you-- you love it and that
is good, and you are doing a good job of what it is that you do-- but let us say to you, be Certain -- in order to always
stay in charge of your life -- to always feel that you create it -- and that you are not lost in the hubbub of creating it
-- get away from those electronics quite frequently. Seriously! We are reading your vibration. Keep yourself free from those
electronics quite frequently, so that you can have the harmonics of nature, and then you can go and use the electronics to
the highest of your ability.
Now, as you move into the film industry, what you can do -- and what any of you can do who are operating in film, as who
work on and around these things is that you can transmit electronically on film the essence of frequency. Do you understand?
You can transmit your frequency, what you know, in other words-- onto a film, and then that film can transmit your essence
and your essence is your frequency. This is what is beginning to show up in some of what would be called the modern film.
And there is a polarity at the same time, where other frequencies are showing up on film as well.
One of the best films out -- you may not necessarily agree with us on this but one of the best films out in the past few
months, to show you how complicated your identities are is Total Recall. Get past the violence and understand that there is
an incredibly coded story within that movie -- a story that is seemingly about one thing, but in actuality it is about you
forgetting your identity, and then remembering who you are. Anything else?
Question (Con't): The opportunity to take this kind of information and put it on film is so vast. It represents an opportunity
to transmit it on a mass level.
Yes, absolutely. Let us say that after January 2, 1991, which is the end of the next energy acceleration. December 1st
through January 2nd after that, pardon the expression, but all hell is going to break loose upon your plane-- because a number
of people will have the 12 heli, and there it is going to be a rapid change of events. In other words, those who are wanting
to bring this broadcasting frequency to a greater amplification will all of a sudden find events synchronistically opening
for them in ways that they could never perceive.
Now for all of you, we recommend that in whatever endeavor you are being led to participate in -- that it is part of your
own blueprint and your own plan, so that you can evolve -- and by you evolving, you affect the evolution of your planet. Everything
that you do, everything that you do is for your evolution, and as you learn, and as you come into comprehension of who humans
are, and what this place is, you begin to open new pathways for the others. You will find -- all of you who are ready to open
and to step forward -- events that you never could have imagined will somehow be put together before you. Things that are
beyond your comprehension -- setups we like to call them-- opportunities that you never thought of and yet by doing it, you
create dozens more of opportunities. This is when you know that you are living your life, and that you are living your life
with courage.
Let us say that there is a good possibility that Light carriers will come into question in the next few years. Understand
that this is part of the plan.
All of you must make a clear intent as to how you would like your reality to be designed. This does not mean that you
are not flexible. It means that you operate with clarity, and you say, Well, to my guides and spirits and all of those who
are assisting me in my evolutionary journey on this Earth, it is my intention that I am successful -- it is my intention that
I am safe always in a!l the things that I do -- it is my intention that I receive Love, and that I give Love out in all the
things that I do. It is my intention that I have a darn good time -- that I am provided for with prosperity according to my
needs -- it is my intention that I do not become over enamored with the material world.
Question: Earlier you mentioned the stress and strain connected with the creativity in California. Is that stress and
strain also expressed in the Earth?
Yes. As we said to you, California is like no place else. And your area here is honeycombed with geomagnetic faults potential
shiftings of the Earth's consciousness, yes? Remember now, the Earth is a viable entity. When the Creators formed the Earth,
there were Energies that said, yes, we will be the Earth. We will take that role and we will become the Planet. So there are
energies who are quite sentient who make up your Earth. And as you begin to work with those energies and communicate with
them. You begin to become the bridge, man, the sacred bridge between Earth and Sky the conduit through which this energy must
flow for change.
Question: I have been talking to the Earth as a being. And when we get our own feeling centers cleared up, would that
then enable the Earth to move more gently than in a cataclysmic kind of way is that a reflection of our stress and strain
and polarities?
Yes, in other words, the Earth's teachings or lessons at this time have to do with many things. First of all, as someone
was asking earlier about thee coming of fourth dimension-- as frequencies change, everything around changes. When the frequencies
change, it is like you move from your house. You don't live in the same environment any longer, the whole environment changes.
Now these changes are designed to uplift everyone's life. They are designed to bring everyone to a greater place of ease of
comprehension of experience. They are designed to disengage the human from the paradigm that has defined your world as solid.
That has defined your world in very limited terms.
As humans, on their own, begin to place number one in their lives the priority of quality of life, by honoring the quality
of the Earth's life. There will be very little Earth changes upon this planet. However, many humans, particularly in your
Western world, your Western experiment, are concerned with a very different quality of life. How much electronics they own.
How many clothes are in the closet. How many cars are in the garage. And they are not at all connected to the affect of all
of that material manufacturing on the sentient being that is, let us say, your parent. And so, if humans do not change, if
they do not make the shift -- the shift in values that begins to value this place that without this place, without the Earth,
we could not be here -- then the Earth, in its Love for its own initiation -- its own reaching for a higher frequency -- will
bring about the cleansing that will re-balance the Earth itself once again.
There is potential now -- and we have said this many times -- there is the potential that many, million people will leave
the plane in an afternoon. Maybe then everyone will begin to wake up as to what is going on.
You see, you have been having hints. You had been having events all along here stimulating you. Encouraging you. Bringing
you to the realization that there must be global change. And yes, there are grass roots movements and those grass roots movements
are going to grow phenomenally. It all depends on how willing everyone is to change. What is your responsibility in it? Your
responsibility is how willing are you -- each one of you -- how willing are each one of you to change? Not to just talk about
it -- the time has come to do it. And as you commit to change -- as you begin to do it in your own life you automatically
make it available to the entire planet.
Question: A question regarding underground hydrogen explosions -- the information that I have been privileged to channel
continues to say, Don't do this -- don't do this! Yet, President Bush is insisting we continue to do it. We are planning now
that in January we get everyone involved in saying No to this. We cannot have any more of it -- we will not tolerate it. Do
you have any further suggestions as to what we can do that we are not presently doing?
You see, more people need to wake up. The way that more people are going to wake up is when they realize the ramifications.
Not in the next city. When they realize the ramifications in their own back yard.
Let us say that is why the quality of the food supply -- that is why the pending lack of availability of stable economics,
and the pending chaos, is going to bring about a much greater commitment to all of these actions. Do you understand? Because
you see, many humans do not want to put themselves on the line because they are afraid of getting into trouble. And so, well,
I will just keep my job and my security, and what the heck ...? And one of the most incredible things that can be noticed
in any society is, take away everyone's security, and courage begins to blossom like a freshly planted garden because they
have nothing to lose. And humans begin to stand up.
Never feel that your efforts are in vain. Also, do not break your back over causes. Use the power of your mind to clearly
intend what it is that you wish. Ask for assistance from the non-physical realms. Visualize the outcome that you would like
to have. Understand that you create your reality, that every other person creates their reality -- and that everyone has the
opportunity to wake up at any time. When you approach anything, approach it from the bigger picture.
Yes, those detonations under your Earth and in space are definitely creating a certain lack of stability on your planet.
The stability is teetertottering at this time. And yet we will say to you, every moment more and more humans wake up. Let
us say this to you -- not to upset you or to discourage you -- you are somewhat utopian in nature -- do you understand this?
It is a good way to be. We have no fault with it. We are simply saying that you have memories, that are very fresh and very
close to the forefront of your mind, of places where you had lived that are quite ideal. And you have a need and an urge to
want to pull that ideal unto the planet -- and to practice this idealism -- to make this idealism a way of life. You do it
for yourself, and you trust that as you do it for yourself, others will follow suit. All right? And when you don't see it
happening on a global scale, it doesn t mean it is not happening in your own life.
When enough people all create their own reality and consciously create it. You will create a new plane. There will be
literally a splitting of worlds. This splitting will more than likely not occur for more than 20 years. In the meantime, your
world will more than likely be ravaged by war quite a few times, and you will have some very puzzling and very confusing space
dramas begin to take place. You will have some space cousins who are needing to figure out, quite publicly, who they are.
Question: I would like to thank you so much for your generosity of spirit in coming and being with us ...
Let us say something to you. We are not without our purpose. Let us explain something to you. We come from your future.
And in certain instances, we can say that we have our hands full. We have come back in what would be called a section of our
time, to a place that we call a kernel -- seed -- in order to affect change. We will tell you that 9 months after the Harmonic
Convergence, when our vehicle (Barbara) made an intention that was quite clear as to what she wanted, we were born, to our
great purpose and enjoyment. We need you, just as you need us, in order for us to understand what is going on in our world
presently, we need you so that we can evolve. And so that you, as members of the Family of Light, can institute, implement,
insert, a grand new probability on the chain of realities that will implode in the next 20 years from this sector of existence,
that so vastly affects us, where we are in your future. So we thank you for showing up and participating, and for recognizing
who you are.
Question: I have a question having to do with Light Bearers, and having to do with the fulfillment of the plan of the
Earth. I am sure you are probably aware of a being incarnated on Earth who identifies himself as Maitreya. The press release,
and the introduction by Ben Creme, says that this Maitreya is indeed a world teacher, and is the Christ, returning to Earth.
On one hand, I have an incredible attraction to want to be with him in order to bring more Light to the planet. And yet there
is a part of' me that is very aware of what you said about measuring the feeling I experience in the solar plexus, as a connection
to the higher spiritual life. And I find, in my being with him, that there seems to be a dichotomy between what you are saying
about the feeling power, and the mental polarization focused at the third eye. It is confusing for me, can you help me? Is
he a great Light Bearer -- this Maitreya?
We would rather leave that for you to discover. We can say to you this, if this will assist you. You have noticed something.
When you are clever enough to notice something, do not ignore if
We will also say this to you, that as far as we can tell. What we can see there is no, the Christ. It is a collection
-- a collective -- a committee of energy representing impeccable information. And as we have seen it, that energy is on, and
around your planet in many different shapes and guises -- in some instances knowing itself -- in other instances, not knowing
itself at all. You have been handed a story about the Christed One that is rather limiting. We do not want to do any Christ
bashing because any bashing that we would do would be a bashing of information that is incorrect, rather than bashing of the
office, or the energy.
Use your sense of discernment. You will find that there will be many new emerging world orders. We recently did a session
called Chaos and Emerging World Orders. Chaos brings about change. When you are baking a cake, and you take all of the separate
ingredients, and throw them together in a bowl, it looks like a mess, does it not? It looks like you took the flour that was
so complete, and the eggs that were whole, and the oil, and the sugar, and you ruined them. Minced them all up and made chaos.
Except you new the next step -- you trusted that if you followed the recipe and put this mess, this chaos, of ingredients
that were all quite separate, and whole, and integral, and put it into the oven, you would come up with something fantastic.
The heat was the catalyst -- do you understand? So let us say that the energies of the Christed One are going to be mixed
and blended with one another, and with many other things, and allow an invisible catalyst to bake it and bring it into something
that is presently unrecognizable-- even those things that you do not have a good feeling about even if they are in the name
of Christ.
Question: What about the ocean pollution, and the whales and dolphins stranding themselves? They have a higher intelligence
-- are they trying to help out?
They are members of the Family of Light. They are carrying a frequency. The dolphins and wales have for eons carried a
frequency from some of your ancient civilizations. The dolphins of those from Atlantis. What you call your Atlantean culture,
were coded before the demise of Atlantis. They were given much information. The dolphins are presently transmitting that information
to the human specie. And they are also giving you a message that is saying, that their quality of life is in question. And
if their quality of life is in question, so is yours. They are a mirror for you at this time.
Question: So the strandings are almost like suicide in order to give us a message?
They are for a message -- of course. These animals are not foolish. You think an animal does not know when it is going
to die? You think an animal wonders when its death is going to come -- that they buy a funeral plot and wait for it? Animals
know when they are going to die. They are incredibly clever. One of the major misnomers of your scientifics is that man is
the most evolved on your planet. Everything is evolved. There is intelligence within the cricket who chirps in your bedroom.
There is intelligence in all things. There is a harmony and synchronicity in all things.
And one thing about the animals, they know that they just change form when they die. They know this -- they don't watch
television! (laughter) They trust themselves do you understand?
The ones who watch television, of course do not trust themselves. They are your household pets. So they mirror for you
all of your fears, all of your joys, all of your everything.
The animals of nature, they are in tune with the planet. Many of them know that there is a new world forming. And so many
of the species that are moving into extinction, are in actuality moving through dimensional frequencies, and are moving onto
what would be called the new Earth as the old Earth, let us say, is dying.
Question: All this pollution, is that irreversible? All of the nuclear waste, and all the toxic stuff, pesticides ...
Are you asking us to say it is hopeless? Of course not. There are of course technologies that could clean this place up
like Mr. Clean if that was to be the plan. However, with the responsibility as it is with the present specie, there would
be no point. Because the present specie must learn to honor their nest. All of you must learn to honor your bodies, because
without the body, you would not be here. And without the Earth you would not be here. The body is the greatest gift it is
the most valuable thing you own -- along with the Earth. And in the ideal, there would be a sacredness, and honoring, and
cherishing, and Love of the Earth, and of your physical being. And when you live your life this way, it shows. Let beauty
begin to resonate in your home, in your property, in the land that you are associated with, and the land of your body as well.
Question: Do we damage the Earth with mining-like all of the crystals and things that we pull out? Is there a reason why
they are there in the formations they are in?
The Earth is more resilient than you would imagine. The Earth is not hurt by your removal of crystals and stones. The
Earth is here to feed you. The Earth is here to sustain you. The animals are here to work in cooperation with you. Done with
Love, anything done with Love, has the force of the Creator behind it. And done with Love, there would be no hurt and no harm.
And if you need a context, or if you need a codicil for your behavior as to what you make decisions on, ask yourself, Am I
operating with my highest integrity here? And, Am I operating with Love? Is Love my intention for all of those people that
I encounter and for all the things that I do? No matter what your profession is.
Everyone must learn to Love the Earth. Everything can be used of the Earth, if the Earth is Loved and honored in the process.
It may be difficult to imagine a gang of oil construction workers, before they set the bit into the ground to stand and hold
hands and ask for guidance-- to ask for permission to penetrate the Earth (laughter). And yet, if his were done, things would
be much more incredible.
You laugh now because it is deemed foolishness to communicate to something that does not talk back. Let us say that if
all industry, and if all educators, and if all people first stopped and asked for the highest integrity, and a great Love
for all involved and there be no harm to an humans, and no harm to any of the Earth - that plan for a high civilization would
be absolutely phenomenally received. And this is beginning to come. Absolutely. People are getting this kind of information
at this time.
Question: Going back to the chakras -- there are 12 chakras? Regarding the new ones like the Universal chakra, do they
relate somehow to our physical body too?
They are your information centers that your physical body connects to by ray, by frequency, to receive broadcasts -- to
receive information. These chakras are intelligence centers that each human can access. You can connect with them collectively,
you can do it individually. It is a way for the humans to expand their intelligence --by plugging into intelligence that comes
from outside of the body, rather than thinking that one must have intelligence from inside the body, and be taught from outside.
Question: The first 7 chakras are related to certain centers, or locations, within our body. Do the other ones?
The other ones will connect you to what we call the "multidimensional self. You see, collectively as you exist, you
certainly don't exist just in one form -- in one place -- you are multidimensional. As members of the Family of Light, you
are exceedingly multidimensional. You are systems busters. You are in many different systems, in many different shapes and
guises. Many of the humans who are on the planet, and who are part of the "native stock, may not have the varieties that
some others have. That is why they are so shut down, because they have not had the experiences of many different incarnations.
For many of them, their incarnations are human, or a slight variation of human.
When you begin to access information from off the planet, you will begin to make sense of your other-than-human identities.
And those other than-human identities will begin to contact you. You may look in the mirror, and you may see one for a flash
of a millisecond -- a very foreign face looking back. Sometimes, when you are clever, you can see the shows we put on. Sometimes
we like to take the energies of our vehicle (Barbara) and have many different shapes and energies, if you would look very
closely sometimes. This is the dimensional shift-- the dimensional changes. The optic nerve in the eyes also is evolving.
The optic nerve is changing along with everything else.
Question: Could you speak of the role of bones? You said something about the relationship of bones to stones?
We said that information is stored in bones, just as information is stored in stone -- by sound, by frequency. That is
why we have been recommending for quite a long time now to get body work. Body work, body work, body work! Yeah for the body
We will give you an aside on the body workers. They are trained in something in what they have no idea of what they are
doing. lf some of your world management team knew what the body workers would eventually be doing body working would be banned!
Absolutely! Body workers are going to become frequency translators. And what you do, you assist in clearing the physical body,
and in raising up the intelligence of the Light-encoded filaments. And the frequencies in the bone are going to work with
the Light-encoded filaments.
The skeleton is your structure -- the form. It is not so hard in form as is thought. The bone is quite porous, and the
same sound that is stored in stone has been stored in the human bone. And when the physical body is worked upon through all
kinds of energy work, this assists the body in recognizing its identity. And as its identity begins to come forward, the human
drama is cleared, it is more deeply understood, and one is not lost in it. One becomes proud of one's participation in it,
rather than feeling victimized by it.
This information in the bone begins to set up a resonance with the Light-encoded filaments that make up the evolving DNA,
and then all of a sudden, the human body widens to a greater attunement. Body workers, in the next two years, are going to
find that they have outgrown their body-working instructors. We predict that there will be many conferences of body workers
where many new disciplines of an old discipline will be birthed. New ideas, new ways of using frequencies to alter and restructure
the body, and activate memory. The cranial area is particularly important. And in order to integrate the reptilian self, the
lower area of the skull is important.
Question: I have a question about body work. Are there any particular stones or things -- like something that you can
have on your body when you are doing body work, to help protect you from taking on someone else's energies?
Well, first of all, the best thing you can rely on to not take on someone else's energies is your clarity. And your willingness
to not fix everyone.
We come in here, and we don't take on your energy. It is yours. We share energies. If you can transform yourself, more
power to you. But we are not here to make certain that each one of you transforms yourself or to fix yourself. We are here
as conduits of energy. This is the agreement our vehicle (Barbara) has set up -- you can use my body, and you can use my voice
-- I will allow myself to become a conduit for another aspect of myself, and I will share my time on this planet with you.
You become a conduit for energy as you work on someone's body to share the energy that is available to you -- and to make
it available to them so that they can do with it as they would. As you learn how to play with it, and orchestrate it, and
make a tune of it.
Now, obsidian, of course is quite handy. But we don't like you humans to get over-reliant on tools. Understand? Because
then you think that it is in the tool, rather than within yourself. And then you become victimized, and you say, well, it
didn't work.
You be clear about who you are, and you use the properties of certain energies to keep yourself in balance. For body workers,
we would say obsidian for keeping off someone else's vibrations --for keeping yours connected with your psychic centers open.
Question: You mentioned that the Light Workers may come under -- I forget the word you used..?
Scrutiny we didn't say scrutiny before, but that is the word. And you are already getting some of this in your California,
are you not? Where psychics are being penalized and having to pay certain amounts of money to perform. That is happening in
many places. It is happening in Atlanta, in the Washington DC area, in the Boston area where your free-for-all therapies,
that are not regulated according to officialdom, are going to come under license, and fines, and penalties and many other
things -- as fear grips those who are losing control. All you need do is recognize it. And all you need do is say listen,
Do I fear that these other people are fearing that they are losing control, so that they are going to penalize me? No, I am
safe, I am clean, I am pure, and that is not my drama, I am no available to play a part in that one. You decide what dramas
you are going to be in. And you will find incredible dramas operating in front of you -- going by you as if you are invisible
-- because you are no available for a bit part, or a leading role in it. You decide what academy award you want to run for.
Do you understand?
Question: I have a question for those of us who spend many, many hours surrounded by electronic --is there anything we
can put in the area where we work?
There are many crystalline structure that are able to transmit a tremendous amount of energy. Our vehicle (Barbara) has
many friends who work in such environments, some of who have come to us, and we have recommended number one, a very clear
intention every day of what your purpose is and what you want, and what kind of frequencies you are available to experience.
We see electronics, as electronics and as the current presently runs through your system -- it is a current that is not
compatible with the human current that is in the body. Humans are electrical and these various appliances run on electricity.
The entire electrical system is not in harmony with the physical body. Your Mr. Tesla came up with an electrical system that
was much more harmonious with the human body, but it was not implemented.
So in order for you to make accelerated progress, you must learn to move outside of this electronic showering that you
constantly put yourself in. Go into nature, and particularly to sit quietly in nature -- to sit by a brook, by a pool of water-to
put your back up against a tree to get very silent, very still -- and to feel the energy of the Earth. And when you are doing
this, pull a pillar of Light inside the body. We recommend that all of you use the pillar of Light, to enter through the crown
of your head, and let it wash you over. And while you are doing this, you let it come out of the solar plexus, and create
a shield -- a bubble of Light -- around yourself. So that anything that comes at you, comes and hits the bubble, and not the
physical body.
We recommend that you be very clear about your life, and what your life is available for. A long time ago, we said that
it would be very good for you to say, In joy and safety and harmony, I step into the unknown. Those are the conditions under
which you will move into the unknown. When you say this, this decrees your experience. It lets the energy that collects around
you know what your conditions are.
By moving in nature, you remove yourself from this energy of electronics that is a distracting energy, and you come into
a clear energy. And then you learn to recognize both spaces, you learn to operate within them. We also recommend that while
you are around electronics, you drink plenty of water -- water, water, water, purified water!
Learn to live without limitation. In other words, all of you sometimes think, Oh, I can only get that this way. How am
I going to do those things? Get clear about what you want! You want sovereignty, you want clarity, you want energy, you want
upliftment, you want rejuvenation, you want to alter and evolve yourself. And then you have your day-to-day things that you
would like to add to that. Don't add that to your day-to-day things. Understand? Add your day-to-day things to that so that
your day to day things work around that. And then intend for the impossible to begin to happen, and then sit back and watch,
You will be astounded!
Question: I am curious about the phenomenon of the circles in the fields in England?
We will speak briefly about that. How many of you have heard us talk about the, language of light geometry? Intelligence,
of course, is beyond the spoken word, and beyond the written word -- it is frequency. It sometimes comes in shapes the shape
of geometry. Your ancient Pythagoras had a beginning grasp upon this, and his geometry was not understood by others. Geometry
is an evolved intelligence -- a collection of experience that can communicate huge amounts of information. These shapes that
are all over the planet are put on the planet by sound. Sound above the human frequency, or below the human frequency it varies
-- were used to implement these language shapes, which many times in the beginning are circles. They will evolve to triangles,
they will evolve to lines, and they will evolve to many, many things.
They have been most prevalent in England, and throughout Europe, they are in the Soviet Union, they are in Southern Continent,
they are even in the United States, although they are doing a darn good job to pretend that they are not there. We understand
that some of your news broadcasters are planning upcoming shows about those lines, and we will see how much they pretend they
don't know about them. It is going to be interesting!
So these geometric shapes are like hieroglyphs. The hieroglyphs, or the pictographs, that are on your planet carved in
stone particularly in Egypt, but all over the planet. They are what would be called a generation of intelligence. In other
words, if one were to read the hieroglyphs based on the Rosetta Stone, the hieroglyphs would say one thing. If one were able
to remember the secret language of the priests, the hieroglyphs would say another different story. And if one were able to
understand the language of the Gods the Creator Gods they would say something entirely different. These circles and these
shapes that are being put on your planet, are being put there to assist you in holding your frequency, in managing it and
having the courage to live your light frequency. They make it available in a very subtle way that no one can figure out yet.
These shapes are all connected to one another. If they were all written out on some farmers field, something would happen
with them immediately. They are spaced from one continent to another. And they make a frequency band around the planet that
will help activate the Earth's gridwork, and will allow you not to feel so weird with what it is that you know, and to feel
more comfortable with the changes in frequency as they occur.
That is just a little bit of what they do. Do you understand? They are quite interesting. They are designed and constructed,
many of them, by what you would call your ascended masters. There is also a joke behind them too. You must understand that
some beings, as they become very evolved. Have a tremendous sense of humor, and they see the humor in all things! Evolved
beings understand that there is no end.
(The session continued briefly on a few other subjects after the tape recording ended.)
THE PLElADlANS channeled lecture by Barbara J. Marciniak Friday, November 16, 1990 7:30 PM - Terman Auditorium, Stanford,
(Some of the introductory comments are omitted, as they were somewhat similar to the previous evening)
We would like to remind you that you are members of the Family of Light -- something that you will grow in awareness of
in the next few years. You see, part of the evolution of man-- the planned evolution of man -- the planned rearrangement of
the human DNA -- is for each one to begin to open a memory bank, and remember who they are. In different dimensions of reality,
there are of course different experiences and different laws. In what you call 3-D, where you have been locked as a human
race --human specie -- for so long, there is a limitation of what one can experience. The third dimension is designed to focus
on seemingly now -- one existing reality at a time. It is designed this way according to frequency and nerve pulsation, and
the rate that frequencies adjust the nerve pulsations within the body.
You are mechanically, biogenetically tuned-- designed. New versions of yourselves have been in the works for a while.
When we say new versions of yourselves we speak to you who are in this room -- more so, we speak to the human race. You who
are in this room, we will remind you, are much more than human. As members of the Family of Light, characteristically now,
you are supreme achievers in the multidimensional realm. One applies for position in the multidimensional realm as member
of the Family of Light. We will go into that more, depending on what questions you ask.
As members of the Family of Light you have incarnated on this planet to prepare yourselves to do your work, what is your
work? Your work is quite simple. As members of the Family of Light, you carry Light frequency into systems that are in limitation
of Light frequency. And Light is information. We do not want it to sound like it is cold, computer data information. It is
information that is transmitted biologically through an electromagnetic send-out of consciousness. This is what you are experts
in. If you were to have a business card printed up for yourselves when you are in full memory of your identity -- they would
say something like, Renegade Member of Family of Light, Systems Buster, available for altering systems of consciousness within
the Free-Will Universe, On Call.
You go for it! This is what you do. We are simply saying that this is an aspect of your identity that you have in common.
You are here in millions at this time. You are here, primarily, to remember, to remember who you are and to operate multidimensionally
within the system, and to teach the humans -- the natives to this place, that have been under frequency control for a long,
long time to teach them a new system. You are, we like to say to you, disguised as humans. And as soon as you begin to realize
that, you will extricate yourself from the human drama, from the human dilemma of frequency control.
Frequency control was instituted 300,000 years ago by a raiding group of creator gods who were master geneticists they
rearranged the DNA. Why did they rearrange the DNA? They wanted to control the native specie. And the native specie was, at
the time, somewhat clever. They had a very evolved system of receiving information, and could directly receive from space
contacts onto the planet. And, they had many different ways of distributing knowledge as it was received.
You have a very interesting way of distributing knowledge on your planet at this time. It is based on technology on something
outside of yourself. It used to be, a long, long time ago, that there was communication on this planet through contact with
one another -- not by technology outside of themselves but by the use of internal mechanisms.
So, when these creator gods took over this planet --as they had raided and taken over many systems -- they took some of
the remnants of human consciousness and rearranged the DNA. This is where the story of your Bible, the story of your language
system ancient history begins. This is the availability of your story up until now. Most humans cannot grasp that their history
goes back more than a few thousand years. You must learn to teach the planet that it has a history of millions of years. First,
you will uncover and integrate for yourself and for the planet, the history of your planet for the past 300,000 years -- so
that you can expand the picture of the human dilemma.
So these master geneticists rearranged the human DNA. Just as if the human DNA was an incredible library an incredible
vast library-- they came into the library and pulled all of the books off of the shelves. And they took the card catalogs
and rent them asunder, so that there was no way to reference the great knowledge that was inside the DA. Get the picture?
The books-- the knowledge -- could be equated to what we call Light-encoded filaments.
In your current technology, light encoded filaments are being created outside of your body in symbolic representation
of transmission of intelligence, through what is called fiber optics. Man creates outside of himself what he must learn is
inside of himself. It is part of the mystery of Light.
So as this great library was put into chaos, there was just a little bit of data left that would keep the specie controllable
operable manageable --and yet keep the human functioning on its own performing tasks and stimulating the human as a life form
a form of consciousness to produce a certain frequency fear. And this fear has been promoted for the past 300,000 years on
your planet as a controlled substance in every version hat one can think of.
Because, when the human resonates electromagnetically, and broadcasts the frequency of fear, it acts as a transmission
of consciousness to be received. The broadcast fear where does that fear go? Where do your thoughts go? Where do your emotions
go? Well, collectively, consciousness forms food. So collectively who consciousness produces the same food fear-- someone
is eating it. Someone is being nourished by it. As perverted as it may seem to you, that is what has been going on here. The
creator gods have been orchestrating frequency control and limiting the ways of expression that the human creation could achieve.
As systems busters, you come in to eradicate the food source to change the food source to bring information and Light,
and to bring comprehension that there is potential for change --and to bring a food source that works in cooperation and resonates
with Light. That is what you are about. That is what you responsibility is to achieve.
So, we understand that some of you are very puzzled as to how to do this. How to bring about impeccability in your own
life. One of the primary things we would ask each of you to do is that, from this moment forward, do not base any of your
future experiences on your past. You all love to drag the past as an excuse as to what might happen in the future. You are
famous for it. So, you must act as if you are newly beamed down -- innocent as a babe and to step forward into the circumstances
of your daily life. And as you step forward each day, as you awake in the morning state with clarity what it is that you intend
to experience for the day. If you are not doing it, and if you are not cultivating the habit of doing it, then you had best
get going! It is the way that reality is designed.
The big secret if it is a big secret that has been kept from the human specie is that thought creates experience. Thought
creates reality. All reality is created by thought it is all a subjective experience. And electromagnetically, you are controlled
in such a way a to create an experience within a certain spectrum of reality.
You, who are members of the Family of Light, are well traveled -- you are well attuned to the possibility of bringing
new frequencies in. You have come here to hold new frequencies that are beamed to you from space -- that are setting into
motion a new pattern inside your bodies. And so as you begin to know that this is what your purpose is, begin to consciously
design your purpose. Begin to get clear about what it is that you want, and begin to experience it no matter what area it
is in. This is an absolute.
Question: I have heard you refer to silent sound. I wonder if you would expand on that, and would that be related to the
frequencies of thought?
We spoke about silent sound in reference to the children. We said that in the next ten years or so the children that are
presently being born onto the planet or that have been born in the last 4 to 5 years -- will, as very young people seemingly
to you, leave home and gather together in group collectives. And they will make silent sound around the planet.
They will have incredible results. As we see it, one of the things that you do not realize is yet ahead is what could
be called an army of resistance -- frequency resistance. It will be just like the French resistance do you remember? Children
are going to be able to collectively make frequencies by, let us say, silently communicating telepathically with one another,
and harmonizing silently -- and sometimes with audio output -- to alter events. You see, sound can be directed and utilized
to rearrange molecular structures. It can be used with great benevolence -- it can be used with great destructive force.
The children that are coming onto your planet at this time are what we have called incarnations of the Masters of Love.
Who are the Masters of Love? We said to you that Light is a frequency. You are members of the Family of Light and as we say,
that is something to be proud of. The children - many of them who are coming in are Masters of Love. They have mastered the
love frequency. Now understand creativity-- understand that the creative process values life and consciousness in all things.
And these children, who understand this, will bring a stabilization when the time is right. They have the potential to do
it. This is what we refer to as silent sound. Do you understand?
Question: I was thinking about the potentiality of sexuality for Light and wondering if during orgasm, for instance, do
we go out in a sense to an 8th or 9th chakra system, and then return very quickly? Isn't there a potentiality for sexuality
that we as humans have only touched upon?
All right. It is almost as though we set you up for this one. At times we do, you know. We are very clear about creating
our reality!
Now, we love to talk about sexuality, because this is something that is so mysterious upon your planet the frequency availability
through sexuality. You have been misled painstakingly so about your control, and your experience of sexuality. One of the
largest offenders if we could pass judgment on this would be the modern patriarchal club that has been going on for the past
2,000 years, called the Catholic Church. Some of the knowledge within certain mystery schools held, in secrecy within the
higher ranks of attainment, the potential uses of sexuality.
You are electromagnetic creatures. When you come together physically with another human creature, you bond your electromagnetic
frequencies together. When frequencies are attuned and joined by a Love frequency, incredible things can occur.
In order to create confusion and fear around this potential frequency of attainment, in modern times it was decreed that
sexuality should be practiced only to bring about life. It was also decreed, to put a greater fear surrounding sexuality for
many, that the human had no control over how and when they could conceive a child. That is not true. You simply bought it
believed it and began to perform in that way. Women were, let us say, controlled.
Thousands of years ago, when society had more of a matriarchal bent in certain areas of the planet, the Goddess energy
was coming through and working with certain individuals. The female understood her power. She understood her intuition --
she understood her feeling center. She understood her connection and the desire to create life. She also understood that she
never had to conceive a child if it was not within her intention to do so.
In order for a patriarchal society to come full circle to prepare the Earth for this shift in consciousness, the female
needed to take a back seat. So the female's power, and the female's energy, and the females understanding of sexuality was
suppressed. And in modern times -- as we said, in the past 2,000 years it came down upon the planet that there was no control
over when one could have a child that sexuality was bad and disgusting, and that it was only to be performed within the rights
of marriages, etcetera, etcetera -- all of which was a marketing program. One of the present day marketing program to create
an even greater fear of sexuality and its expression, is what you would call the AIDS that is running around on your planet
-- Herpes, and all of these other things. You read about these things in your newspapers, and you become frightened of your
own expression. You become frightened of your own intuition. You become frightened of your own joy. Do you understand?
And when -- way back when -- the DNA was rearranged within the human body, one of the things that could not be taken out
could not be removed because if it were removed, then the humans could not procreate was the frequency of sexual attainment.
And so for a long time, the way many reached the higher realms, and were able to climb the ladders of themselves, and reach
into these off-planet frequencies, was by electromagneticly bonding through Love, and creating like a rocket ship to simply
propel them out into other systems of reality. This has been one of the best kept secrets upon your planet.
Many that we have spoken to have said that they have had absolutely profound experiences within their sexuality. We are
not talking about just heterosexuality. We are talking about two humans coming together, by physically joining themselves
in whatever ways are appropriate for them to join, to create Love because they are sharing Love. When one scatters one's seeds,
and one is operating in the sexual expression without Love that is when you create grave difficulty for yourself. It is not
to say that you ought to have one partner for your life, and one partner only. But it is to say that you are best functioning
in a relationship where you have deep expression of Love feeling for the other person that you work through that expression
with the highest of integrity that is possible. When integrity and Love are missing from a co-joining of human bodies, that
is when the human begins to not think well of its experience and this can create all kinds of damaging result within the physical
body. Do you understand this?
Question: I have a question about death on our planet there is a great deal of fear is that part of the tactics of the
beings that are controlling us?
Excellent. There is tremendous misunderstanding about translation upon your planet. Let us say this. Because consciousness
creates a frequency, your emotion, how you feel, are broadcast, everywhere. Whether you think you do this or not, you do it.
Consciousness is food, and consciousness is in all things. When you, as a conscious entity can be enticed programmed-- hoodwinked
-- to create a broadcast within a certain frequency band, and you can sustain that broadcast. In other words, if someone were
to kill you, and keep you in fear for a few moments oh big deal! So you let out this frequency of fear for a few moments.
How long are you good for a food source? Do you understand?
Do you understand that if you fear death for your whole life, you are a juicy morsel? Do understand that if you fear death,
and you take that experience with you, you are a juicy morsel beyond, because you are still consciousness? And that you become
trapped in the frequency thereafter? Do you understand in how many ways that even societies that are seemingly altruistic
have created an element of fear and chaos just around existence? Around the whole idea of dying and leaving this planet?
So people need to be taught how to die. The need to learn how to die consciously. They need to learn how to let go. They
need to learn that just as their entry onto this planes is significant, that it is an indication of their astrological blueprint
-- part of their plan that brings them into existence -- that also their point of death, their point of departure, makes an
incredible statement about one's achievements, one's beliefs, and what one carries with one.
When people die, they experience at first what they expect to experience. And for some, it is very, very difficult, because
they have been led to believe that it is going to be very difficult when they die. And let us say that one of the professions
that is going to become an absolutely incredible profession upon this planet is, let us say, a translation assistance, translation
assistant in other words, you are going to assist people to make a clear translation from this system into another. And you
will be able literally not just to talk them over to make it easier for them, but to actually accompany them.
This was done in many ancient cultures. This was quite prevalent in different aspects of the Egyptian culture where one
would go with someone who was on the verge of departing, and assist them to leave behind any anxieties, and assist them to
recognize the new manifestation their consciousness was creating, as they left one reality and moved into another.
Question: I have been wondering lately about the concept of suicide -- it seems that there has been a lot of guilt put
on people, that it is wrong to do this. And I have started wondering lately if it is really wrong? Does it just mean that
you want to leave?
The way that can be, from our point of view, interpreted as wrong would be that the thing that all of the humans must
begin to have in common -- as a common value -- as a common law, is that life is valued, all life is valued.
And if one wishes to terminate one's existence here, one can will oneself out of the system. One can simply shut down
the process. You are taught that you have no control over it, so there is a violence that comes about in the taking of one's
own life -- a hopelessness. Most humans that commit suicide do so because they have never been nurtured into the idea of their
own power. They have been led to believe, time after time, that there is nothing they can do about the circumstances of their
life. For that is what your world teaches you. That you are impotent. You are not in charge of your life. So that withholding
of a tremendous truth creates the availability of the suicidal frequency.
It is wrong to annihilate life in a violent way. You are responsible for the life that you occupy. It is your responsibility
to use it to do a good job of it, and when you are finished with it, bring it to a close by willing it to a close.
In many societies in ancient times, when someone was finished, they would lie down to die. The grandmothers, the grandfathers
knew, they picked the time according to the seasons and the moon. Do you understand? They understood the Cosmic laws they
understood the laws of the Earth. Many of you have been tied into those systems of education during the past 300,000 years.
You are trained.
You are trained in many different ways. It is all inside of you. It is your task to remember your training. This in not
the lifetime when you are going to be taught new information. This is the lifetime when you are going to remember what you
already know. And that is all we are here to do, to remind you of it.
Question: This is an interesting subject the idea of being hoodwinked by intelligences that are supposedly greater than
Let us say something. You have been led to believe on this planet and this is a hoodwinked that if intelligence is greater
than you, then it must be gooder. They don't compute.
The hierarchy is so gigantic. You were taught that Yahweh was the end of the hierarchy -- the supreme being. No way! The
Supreme Being, Prime Creator is in all things . It does not come down onto a planet. Do you understand? Its energy is so vast
it orchestrates the entire existence, and it creates Energies to go out and do as they would to learn.
Question (Con't): Also, my question has to do with cause and effect. Where is the victory for those who are doing the
controlling? Sooner or later it is going to come back to them call it karma -- call it cause and effect. There is no victory
for anyone?
There is experience. Remember, we said that this local universe that you are cycling through is a free-will zone. It means
that the theme that is prevalent in this sector of existence this, your local universe -- that all things are allowed. That
is Prime Creator's experiment in this chunk of existence. All things are allowed. When all things are allowed, there is a
learning process that is discovered and understood within this.
We are not saying that it is good or bad. Prime Creator is gathering experience. And as consciousness is endowed with
free will, this universe is an experiment in obscuring. and participating in, how far consciousness will go with its free
will before it realizes it is annihilating itself. And Prime Creator, in its generosity, allows this to exist for Prime Creator's
own reasons -- because each universal system is layered and intricately connected, like a hornets nest, to other universal
systems. It is very, very vast - that which is called Creation.
Question: I have a question about commitment, and about what you mean by impeccability?
Let us say this to you. In a short period of time, there is going to be a great need -- a great realization -- of who
is a keeper of frequency, and who is just shouting B.S. Because, the keepers of frequency are going to be called upon to create
a certain stability upon this planet. And the keepers of frequency know 100% of the time that they create their reality, and
that they do it 100% of the time. And they learn how to defy the laws of man by the Conscious direction of their awareness
and their energy. That is the depth of impeccability and the depth of commitment that we are.speaking of. We are not here
just to bandy words, or just to get you to feel good about yourself. We are here to remind you of who you are, and what you
have agreed to do. What you have come here to achieve, here on this planet. We are here to be your cousins, as cheerleaders
to encourage you to remember, to give some guidance and assistance, so that you can discover for yourself the miracle that
awaits inside the human body.
Question: I have a question related to the Family of Light. There seem to be beings who have come to this planet from
other systems, who are incarnated on the planet, and who are of more elevated consciousness than the natives of the planet,
and yet who still do not feel like members of the Family of Light. Is this so, and if it is so, how do they relate to the
overall plan?
There exists what we call kingdoms of consciousness. Those are fancy words for a concept that we would like you to grasp.
Within kingdoms of consciousness, there is a likeness of energy. There are many kinds of kingdoms of consciousness. The Family
of Light comes from a particular kingdom of consciousness.
We would also have you understand that when consciousness learns the laws of creation, the laws of manipulation and management
of reality. When one becomes slick at this. It is quite easy to manifest into any form one chooses. In the ideal -- for those
of you who have activated your shamanistic and native cultural memories, you well know that part of the teachings of these
native cultures were to go into these various realities, and to change form. The shamans in certain cultures were reveled
for this. They carried genetic coding, and there were very few on the planet in relation to the entire population. They held
the magic and mystery, and kept it alive. They were able to move in the form of animals, in the form of various shapes and
guises. It was quite a profound science, indeed.
As the science exists on the planet, of course it exists off of the planet. As we said, your planet Earth is what is called
a happening place to be a hot spot. It is coded to start its own revolution not necessarily just a revolution in the United
States to change life style. It is a dimensional shift that it going to alter all of the space around Earth. As we said earlier,
you are located in many other systems doing the same thing simultaneously.
Many extraterrestrials who are curious about life --curious about life forms. Know how to rearrange their molecular structure,
and come onto a planet in disguise as a human. Understand?
And so what occurs very often, particularly in times of tumultuous change, where dimensions have the potential to merge
and collide -- as of course you are setting up here for the planet-- there is a great gathering of energies to come to participate
in the big show.
The big show happens on many levels it does not just happen on 3-D. You start a chain reaction that moves through all
of the dimensions of existence, all of consciousness. And so some will beam themselves down here in disguise as human or incarnate,
pick up an opportunity to get a ticket into this reality, to be here for the event. Perhaps some of those you sense as not
native to the planet, and yet not here as systems busters, are here to observe, to participate, to understand, so that they
can take the information back to their own systems that are always evolving.
So there are intelligent creatures who are able to manifest as humans and to play the role out to perfection. Sometimes
their memories are in tact, and sometimes they have the veil down. It is not always easy to come in with full conscious memory
of who one is someplace else, because of the frequency control, of course. Anything else?
Question: The Masters of Love who are coming in as children are they part of the Family of Light, or are they from a different
kingdom of consciousness?
The Family of Light and the Family of Love have worked in cooperation with each other for quite some time. These masters
of Love are expert in using creative forces to enhance life, and not to destroy it. They come as teachers to show the way.
How to value the life form. And so they come, as Light prepares the way for them. Light prepares the way for the creative
forces that unify everything into an existence a glue, as it would be of Love. That is why you have your phrases, 'Light and
Love . Yet, we will say to you that the meaning of Light, and the meaning of Love is going to evolve incredibly in the next
decade. And you will have a much greater understanding of what these frequencies are.
Question: You have made reference in other sessions to the possibility of an economic recession. Would you share more
about that?
Well, there has been an over-involvement in the material world -- with a greed and need for solid form and a complete
lack of understanding of the non-physical world that exists all around you. So we can say to you that your corporations are
headed for some major rearrangements -- to put it mildly.
You see, consciousness must change. This is part of the divine plan. This opportunity - this whole set-up is not going
to be missed. And so you are going to experience a very great depression as we see it -- a very, very great depression. And
you are in the beginning stages of denial of it - as your governmentals would like to believe. Your honorable President, Mr.
Bush, said that the economists are all panicking, that you are not in a recession. The newspapers, or course, are full of
economic data the retail sales are down and the escalation of a war that costs you a few billion dollars each month to keep
your troops sitting in a place that you wonder why they are there. So denial is the first stage of this.
Throughout this time of depression -- as we see it, it could last throughout the entire decade there will be a restructuring
of your values. There will be a re-prioritizing of what comes first in ones life, and there will be people who will stand
up, once they have lost everything, who had never thought of standing up when they owned everything, and people will awaken
to the incredible potential of themselves. And so because everyone is so frightened of giving up the system, they are going
to be forced into giving up the system. The system is corrupt, and the system does not work. The system does not honor life.
And it does not honor your Earth. That is the bottom line.
And so if something does not honor life, and if it does not honor the Earth, you can darn well bet it is going to fall,
and it is going to fall big time.
Question: I am interested in the scenarios we can anticipate personally. What can we expect from the real world that is
out there, in terms of the crumbling of society of the exposure to some of these political figures, such as Bush and Kissinger
-- the whole political spectrum?
First of all, as you leave here this evening, you can declare with clarity on your way home what it is that you wish to
experience -- your version of it. Do you understand? In other words, don't you buy into the idea that you can do nothing about
what is happening. Just because we say to you that your system is going to collapse, it does not mean that it has to personally
collapse in your own life. That is an absolutely -- an incredible absolutely!
The second thing - what can you expect to find as some of these entities teach themselves? What you will find is that
everyone's output is going to catch up with themselves. And so that what one creates, one must learn to accept the responsibility
about it. So these entities, these energies, who have been pawns, and who have been manipulated to control humans, will find
that they have some interesting lessons and ramifications to experience.
Question: Along these same lines, would you touch upon the difference between the robotics (robotoids), and the synthetics
(humanoids)? Would you dare to speculate on that?
Well, those are not our terms. You are asking us to define someone else's terms. Do you understand?
Question (Con't): No, I am asking you if you would, do any of those terms apply to any of the political figures in office
right now?
Oh, everyone keeps asking us the same question! We will say to you, absolutely! Positively!
You must understand that genetic manipulation has been a profession for millions of years. Genetic mastery, and the creation
of life, is a very esteemed profession. There are those who practice this with upliftment, and there are those who practice
it with a heinous revenge.
Let us say that there are energies on your plane who are enamored of power and greed. We would call them the world management
team. They tend to run many of your systems, your monetary systems, your governmental systems, your military systems, your
educational systems, your medical systems. They tend to be the guys behind the scenes who set the laws and the rules. They
are very enamored of their self importance. They do not have feeling centers that are open. They are involved with energies'
who understand genetic manipulation. Genetic manipulation has been introduced in laboratories on your planet in great secrecy,
and human life has been duplicated for quite some time. The science of robotics is the ability to create a lifelike form,
that is in actuality a duplication of a real life form.
There are also energies that take existing life forms, and rearrange certain brain cells with, electromagnetic impulses
in the body so that the body can begin to perform according to program. Some of this is done by the insertion of certain drugs
quite consistently into the system. So the question as to whether certain political figures are really real or not, is a very
appropriate question. Because, the guys behind the scenes who are bringing this technology onto your Earth, have taught some
of your Earth scientists how to make life.
Now, how prevalent this is at present, we are no at liberty to say. We cannot jeopardize our vehicle (Barbara), and we
don't want to jeopardize any of you with information that is not appropriate for you to have at this time. Simply learn to
use your intuition to watch. And if someone is transformed, or looks very different over a short period of time, watch in
you newspapers for the entry of political figures in and out of certain hospital institutions. Need we say more?
Question: I have a question related to that. Is this also referring to the Zeta Reticula, who are here supposedly doing
their research?
Those entities that you call Zeta Reticula are-- let us say they need you at this time for many reasons. And you need
them. They have had their DNA rearranged as well. Their DNA has been rearranged by the same creator gods who rearranged your
And let us say that everyone is coming back here at this time for the opportunity to stand on their own integrity. And
everyone is beginning to learn about their own power. Now these energies that you call Zeta Reticula. They have lost, through
genetic manipulation, their ability relate to their emotional self. They have no emotion no feelings, as you understand them.
We said previously that the mental body and the physical body are very linked. The spiritual body and the emotional body are
linked. You need the emotion in this system of reality to access your multidimensional selves. Your feeling indicates to you
what is going on not the intellect.
So these have come here to cross breed with you, to mix with you, and to mingle with you, and to learn from you, so that
they can add feeling back into their dying specie.
Question (Cont.) It is a benevolent process they are involved in?
Some of them are benevolent. Some of them somewhat harsh, even in violation. In the same way that you cannot at this point
represent all the humans on your planet, you cannot expect a few extraterrestrials to to act as an entire group. There are
many, many different ones with many, many different agendas at this time, even within the Zeta Reticuli. There are those who
carry Light, and those who incarnate as Light bearers in all systems. The systems of the reptiles, the systems of the birds,
and the systems of the Zeta Reticuli. Do you understand?
Question: I have a question about the creator gods. So there was the lizard race, but what about other factions who also
came here to genetically alter the beings that were here? The ones from Lyra, from Sirius?
There were many others. There were many, many others. You are going to find out about many of these others. Many of them
had human form.
Presently, your greatest state of unrest, or discomfort, comes from those of a reptilian type of existence, because they
seem the most foreign to you. And they will be the biggest shock to the humans to discover that is who the humans have been
worshiping as Jehovah and Yahweh throughout the Bible, and that these were your patriarchs within the Bible, as they merged
with reptilian and native man, and created the patriarchal system. Oh yes. You will find it out, and it will be quite distressing
for many religious leaders when they find out that story!
Question: In some of your past sessions, you have spoken highly of J. J. Hurtak, and his book, The Keys of Enoch'. Would
you please elaborate on his interpretation, and his almost reverence for Yahweh?
The energies that you speak of, The Keys of Enoch, are but one piece of the pie. We have always maintained that they are
one piece of the pie. We have always maintained that we do not agree with what is being said there. But we have also maintained
that the material is presented in such a way as to awaken an individual -- not to make a disciple of an individual, a blind
follower. It is designed to expand the picture of the individual, so they can begin to perceive reality in a much grander
What is missing from our point of view missing from the text, is that the gods are not necessarily in human form. That
is what is not understood. Why? Because that is his picture. The book is based on his genuine experience based upon his belief
system and what he created. But we share with you our version, based on our experience of reality. What someone else comes
through and channels is based on their experience. Your job is to find the thread of truth between what is being said to you,
and then discovering for yourself your own truth.
And so when we are asked about particular individuals, and there are many that we have spoken of, many of the different
energies upon the planet. We say yes, study it, and understand it. That particular book is designed to awaken many. It is
not designed to be a new Bible. At least in our opinion it is not designed to be a new Bible.
We will simply say this to you, that no matter what story we tell you today, we guarantee you that a year from now we
will tell you a different story. Because a year from now, you will be able to comprehend things in a grander fashion. And
so the story will constantly evolve. And your job is to find inside of the story, your identity, and what you know not what
you want to believe, or what you have been told -- your opportunity is to plug into what you know.
Let us say that everyone is in for a big surprise even this man (J. J. Hurtak) that you speak of, who is a man who resonates
with his own integrity. Absolutely. And yet he resonates within a certain belief system. And even he is discovering and it
is going to be very difficult for him to discover this that some of those that he had thought were in the semblance of man,
have not been so. Even he has said that the lower forms will show themselves before the higher hierarchy. And let us say that
in his desire to serve and his desire to know, that he has been a part of a holographic drama that is going to prove to be
very interesting. That is all that we are permitted to speak of at this time-- because it is an indiviual s experience, and
he must express himself. Do you understand this?
Trust yourself, and trust what is taking place. We have said from the beginning that extraterrestrials, off-planetary
beings have been behind every major shift in consciousness. They have been behind diseases on your planet, your Black Plague
was instituted by extraterrestrials, your AIDS. They were behind the installation of certain religions. They have been behind
many, many things.
There is a good book out on the market -- our vehicle (Barbara) read it this summer. It will give you some very interesting
insights if you are able to pull from it. It is called, The Gods of Eden. It is a very interesting book to read, even though
it is very rigorous, because it will show you the infiltration of energies throughout the various systems of thought.
Let us say that there are a dozen more books being put together at this time by various different people, that are going
to bring further shocking information to your planet. There is one that has just been released called, Flying Serpents and
Dragons- (Author: R. A. Boula? Publisher Galaxy) we highly recommend that you read it. It is about mankind's reptilian past.
It is a re-translation of ancient manuscripts, from a very interesting point of view. If you want t read something shocking,
and something that we have been speaking of for quite some time, that delineates it in great detail, that book will do it
for you!
Question: You mentioned the world management team, in conjunction with the term heinous revenge, Is the world management
team commensurate with the Trilateral Commission, the international banking community?
Yes, they are all good colleagues!
Question (Con't): So here is the planet basically controlled by this small group of beings who are enamored with their
own self importance?
And male in frequency at least 95%!
Question (Con't): Closed in their feeling centers?
No feeling center open -- first and second chakra in tremendous activity!
Question (Con't): Directing who wins the elections, what kind of wars?
Orchestrating and owning everything!
Question (Con't): Also. is this commensurate with the 666- coding and the mark of the beast, which is the 666 that one
day tries to do away with money, and put us all on a system where get a mark on us, so that this is another way that they
can control us?
Well, let us say, without going into it in great detail. We have spoken of this many times. What we can say to you is
that what was revealed in what you call the Revelations of St. John- was that one having the opportunity of being transported
in time, and shown literally future vision -- a hologram -- of potential scenarios of what could occur. They took a very simple
man, one whose experience was not of technological world, and gave him the opportunity to describe these things -- much of
this is misunderstood.
As far as your being controlled by the number of the beast, to a certain extent you are controlled by your debt, or your
attachment -- necessary attachment, or you would leave it to the material world. And you can be taken advantage of tremendously
in this way, yes. There have been plans for quite some time to set up a casteless society. There have been plans for quite
some time to institute a new form of money --new circulation of currency. There have been all kinds of things that are based
on technology, without Love, controlling the population.
Let us say to you, that the Masters of Love, by their intention, can break down any electrical system that they choose.
They will first begin to demonstrate this -- much to their parents aggravation -- by breaking down electrical things in the
home. This is when you can be certain that you have one of these Masters of Love in your family! When the electrical systems
begin to go haywire -- or they begin to stop and not work. It will be the beginning of reaching out with the use of that kind
of energy. So the Divine Plan operates even within the beasts. The Divine Plan operates even within the world management team.
Because the world management team is here to push a complacent society into action -- because everyone got to cushy with the
material world.
Question: I have a question about children again. You talked about these Masters of Love being at this point 5 years of
age or under -- what about the children that are .?
We do not like to be pinpointed on this, because the age makes no difference. There are Masters of Love who are 25, 22,
19, 55 years old. Do you understand this? We are simply saying that as a collective, that they are in a certain age grouping
most of them 5 and under.
Question: Getting back to your comments about the quality of life, and the importance of it I know that you have stated
in earlier sessions, and I intuitively feel, the decline of the quality of life, especially in the cities. I would like your
comments on particular signposts and things we might watch for in terms of timing, when we may choose to find that it is time
to leave the cities and move into more rural regions?
Well, you are not going to like what we are going to say -- no one ever does especially when we talk about when it is
time for you to move!
When frequencies are such that it is too hectic. When you are finding that you are not enjoying going out into the hustle-bustle
of your day to day world. When the products and services of your day-to-day world come into question, in other words, when
it becomes more difficult to get things than it used to be. When your air supply is polluted. When your water supply is polluted,
or when there is a lack of it. When the qualities that would allow you to lead a life where you are provided for is taken
away from you. Then it is a signal that it is time for you to go seek out someplace else. Do you understand?
Question (Con't): Yes, but I am not clear about why you said that we would not like that answer?
Because, is not your air and your water supply in severe question at this time? And so can you not understand that this
is the time for you to begin to move out?
Many do not like to hear it. They want to hear it is later. We go into New York City, and they don't like it when we tell
them for their own sanity they must move out that they must express themselves with nature. In this part of the world, at
least you have nature around you. Any place where nature is no longer available, then it will not sustain life much longer.
Because without nature, certain energies cannot be transmitted to you.
It is time for us to move to closing here. We would like to do an energy exercise to conclude with. But we would like
to say a few words before we do an exercise.
It has been our pleasure speaking with you. We trust that you gathered for yourselves what you have found most useful.
We trust that you understand the you create reality. That you have created the experiences of the last two evenings -- and
that you can continue to create, to inform yourselves any time you choose, by simply desiring it, commanding it, and letting
it evolve.
It is our intention that by working with you, we offer you a reminder of who you are, a reminder so that you can find
the greatest source of your own inspiration, yourself. If we could assign a career if we could give you a way of being, we
would ask each of you to become an inspiration. When you are able to live in this capacity, to be truly an inspiration to
all of those who encounter you, you will be living your life, and that is quite profound.
We thank you for the pleasure of coming here. We will return at some point to further assist you in this ongoing adventure
of life.