Liked well Members of the Command,
I come to your request, hoping to be able to answer certain questions
which you put.
Much among you how can I asked know if I belong to this Command?
If you resound with or if you were led to have this information, you
form part of this command indeed.
Your engagement in the Light, and with the Unit of All That Is, is
only condition to be a member of the command.
It is as simple as that.
Our fleet is formed by beings and entities coming from many planetary
systems and galactic different, as well as entities angelica and
hierarchy of the Creator, we also include many various kingdoms,
dimensions, octaves and frequency bands inside all the Universes (at
the same time of the particles interior and external and the
Once again I am honoured to work with each one of you.
These last years of the process of Rise could not proceed without an
implication conscious of those which reside physically on planet in
We who live in other dimensions or kingdoms need your participation
throughout this one, and with us.
I will try to explain, a little as I did several years ago, the basic
As human, you are rather conscious of the differences between being
waked up and being deadened.
For much, your dreams are regarded either as illusion, or or simply
like symbols of the subconscious.
In truth, your dreams are as real, as your waked up life.
With through the mental subconscious is the passage towards the
unlimited kingdoms, dimensions, octaves and frequency bands of
All this is easily accessible, through our common denominator: with
the result that we are one with All That Is Which is this common
It is the Force of Life which surrounds all at the atomic level.
The Force of Life penetrates all the layers (kingdoms, dimensions,
etc.) Creation. As well outside, there are several solar systems,
galaxies and universe, as inside each one of you, in each one of your
cells, until the subatomic structures.
When we started to come into contact there was an urgency which had
led us to turn our attention on the Earth.
When the governments of the ground started to play with the atomic
fission, the vibrations caused by this fission were felt, and have
affected fifteen layers different from Creation.
With through these layers there are innumerable kingdoms, dimensions,
octaves and several frequency bands, and because of this, an
intervention has to occur.
We currently arrived at another critical point.
It is one moment when we must CONCENTRATE on the task to achieve and
eliminate the loss from energy of the not aligned emotion, of the
confrontations and in particular of the doubt of oneself.
Since years now, we guided you on the manner of arriving to your
Control, however you continue to doubt yourselves or you simply
to make confidence in your own process of the memory of oneself.
You continue to seek outside you the truth, however the true Truth is
inside each one of you, if you decide to see it.
With through the Divine Intervention, we helped you to give the
Akashiques Files again in your lattice so that they are once again in
your ADN.
However you are very few to have reached to this knowledge. Little
still really uses it and applies this knowledge.
How much among you did our vessels in the skies see these last three
days, hidden behind the clouds?
We were visible for those which have the open eyes.
During these last days, we lowered our own vibrations and those of
vessels for all those which would like to stop and observe.
We tried to communicate with the greatest number of beings. Did you
Some among you be blessed to have been able to understand us by
telepathy or the channeling, some heard us through the dreams, some
felt us by the intuition, or an event of synchronicity which
confirmed it.
The method imports little.
What imports is, that at a certain point you received the message.
Many of our commanders or Masters being now physically on your planet
are very occupied filling their tasks or contracts with the command
and Creation.
Not all these splendid Beings have time to teach you
individually, as they did in the past.
Their teaching is made by the way in which they currently live and of
which they lead their own lives.
The time of the gurus is completed.
It is the time of the personal capacity and the memory of which you
are on the level of your heart and your center.
Because it is there that you will see where you place yourselves in
the Command of Ashtar and which talents are necessary so that you
fulfill your mission.
It is also the moment to clean any not aligned emotion AS SOON AS IT
They are your adjustments of point.
See them simply as what they are and use the experiment to cure you,
because several times the experiment arises or an aspect of which you
are on a certain level.
This is the most significant thing that you can make for the command.
GUERISSEZ You, develop this Master in you.
Another subject that I will wish to discuss before leaving relates to
the fact that the command becomes more visible.
There are those which include/understand the message badly.
That about which I speak it is that it is time for us to join
us in groups, that is to say physically or through projects of
meditation where you connect yourselves énergétiquement.
I do not speak to give a detailed attention to our work. We spoke
directly to the world leaders since the last fifty years, and we do
not need somebody who speaks for us. What we have needed it is of
You concentrate on your mission with the command. You with becoming
concentrate an interior Master.
I am honored to work with each one of you.
There are several members of the command who are able to receive and
transcribe our messages, and me, Sananda, Qwan Yin, or any other
Climbed Master we will more speak through them in the days to come.
I excuse myself not to more often speak to you, as undoubtedly I
should do it.
In the honor and the love,
Transmitted by Angels And Custom
Translation Renee Royer-Rooms
Emetor: Ashtar Shéran
Ashtar: So dear ones, you can see that doing your Lightwork is quite simple. It can be honed down into something as simple
as visualizing the Earth with Light around her and having the word, "perfection" in your mind. It can be as simple
as that or you can go into the smaller categories, one city, one community and you can work with that.
If you are working with the whole, it is just as good as working with the community because you are looking for oneness
and in looking for oneness, each community will be healed.
I can tell you that those in Spirit who are intent upon doing Lightwork from that venue are working with the entire Earth,
visualizing the Earth in her wholeness and in her perfection.
We thank you for working with the Light in these ways and those who work with the Violet Flame, it is the same type of
thing. Do what feels good to you, whether it be silent meditation, whether it be prayer, whether it be affirmations or decrees,
all of those touch in with the God force within you and the system of guardianship that is your Spirit connection. Light the
Lights of Love Along Your Pathway Connect to other people with love in your heart.
Allow the problems to surface and to dissipate. Go the easy route, the route that Mother Nature points you to.
For example, Mother Nature, right now, is pointing New Orleans residents north. Galveston is pointing their residents
to move north. They are practicing that because of the hurricane but it is now a mindset in millions of people's minds that
moving north is moving to safety. "I want to be safe so I have to move north."
The same situation applies with oil. Suddenly there was no oil in the state of Texas, at least in one area. What is that
telling people? Do something different. There are alternate methods of transportation.
Let's work on that. Let's do that. Let's change things. There has to be an impetus for change from the people. Mother
Nature is a great teacher.
She is a very strong force but it is difficult for people to get the message. The reason why is that people don't like
They want the comfort of what they know and it is very difficult for them to move out of their comfort zone.
We are hoping that the situation in the southern United States will make people think, will show people a way and hand
them the opportunity to move north. It is advisable to move to areas away from large bodies of water, away from large mountains
and deep cliffs to the flat lands such as the interior of the United States and up into Canada. These are safe places.
There is a lot of land that is safe and does not receive difficult situations from the elements. Mother Nature
is going to be shifting and shaking for the next few years in various areas, some quite surprising. Situations will develop.
It will be necessary for people to use their minds as well as their hearts when they think about where they are living.
Lightworkers will probably quite easily receive the message if an area is unsafe. Other people will stick to their comfort
level. We are hoping the Lightworkers will
point a direction for others in their community. Dear ones, my love is with you. At this time I can take one or two questions.
Ardath: With the hurricanes that are happening, is this to do with the Earth rebelling or fighting back or needing to
do what she needs to do, or is there also an element of technology to influence the weather, or is it possibly a combination
of the two?
Ashtar: There is nothing to do with rebellion with regard to the storms.
There is something to do with cleansing and venting rather like the volcanoes but unfortunately there is manipulation
as well, as you say, from political sources and that is possibly more to do with pointing a direction and anipulation of
electromagnetic energy.
They can do certain things with the energy.
Daranda: Are you saying that they can decrease or increase a hurricane or storm based upon certain technologies? I heard
there is a technology of seeding certain minerals into clouds once it starts to rain to make it increase more. Is this something
along that line?
Ashtar: Yes, there are many things being tried and that have been tried. There is manipulation happening from the human
Ardath: Was there manipulation with Hurricane Katrina? Was there influence about where it went and how severe it was?
Ashtar: Yes, a great amount of this was control with regard to the oil industry and another part of that, which Ariana doesn't
want to say but it is in her mind, is the huge plan that used to be called, "Global 2000," a plan by top level people
that control business and industry with their
money, to decimate the population of the entire planet.
Daranda: I read about a technique you could do if somebody was unkind or was sending negativity towards you that you could
send them the violet or purple flame to transmute that. Could we do the same thing here for anybody who is sending out negative
energy or working towards
producing storms so the scientists or technologists receiving this energy might realize that what they are doing is wrong.
Would that be a good idea? Ashtar: Yes, right back to your Lightwork, Darryl.
Again it can be as simple as seeing the perfection of the oil industry, of the weather or of Mother Earth in all her glory.
Make it simple. The desire and the love within your heart is more important than doing a great dissertation towards the Universe
that would only serve to complicate your mind. Those were excellent questions with lots to
think about. There is, indeed, a lot happening of manipulation with these storms. Know that I am with you on all levels.
The Ashtar Command is in full cognizance of the situation and is monitoring it on a minute by minute basis. We are still
in the throes of the battle between the Light and the dark and these storms are part of it.
I go now with love in my heart, asking you to keep the love high and to dwell upon the glorious outcome.
I am Ashtar. Spoken through Ariana Sheran.
Question: "Oh, OK, I know this is pretty naïve for most of you, but I
don't really understand the difference, or maybe the benefit of
Ascending, to simply moving on to Nirvana."
Ashtar: "Well my dear lady, we were discussing those who give up
their human bodies, as moving along to the places that you have such
lovely names for, such as Nirvana and Heaven. They are those who do
not want to go through the Ascension process. They are without any
kind of a physical body. And this is their choice.
"And they have missions, and they will, all of them, at some time,
well really there's no time that we're speaking of, but what we're
talking about is making these transitions, and leaving those human
bodies behind them, because they do not care to go through the
Ascension process.
"Now those are the souls that are leaving the bodies, and they're
going to the places you call Heaven and Nirvana and so on. Those who
choose to keep their bodies with them, even though they are going to
undergo splendifferous changes, are those who will be participants in
what we call the Ascension. And that is quite different, because you
see the bodies will go with them, in different forms. You will be
literally ascending into Light body status.
"Why do that? Well to assist the entire planet in the process of
moving up into higher dimensions of being. You see, nothing can exist
in those higher dimensions except Love, and that is the purpose of
ascension, it is to return to Love. It is to return to a state of
being that is blissful and connected, where the wisdom is apparent to
all, where the knowledge is awakened within each one, where there are
new experiences to enjoy. Some will say the world has become a kind
and compassionate place, where everyone is valued, where everyone is
Light, where there is harmony and joy. And there are some fun times,
too; like you will be instantly able to manifest whatever it is that
you choose to manifest, whether it's an apple, or a little time on the
sandy beaches, or whatever it is that you desire to do, and you're
taking your Light body with you!
"Now there are other technical explanations of this, but it is simply
that everyone has the choice, and there are a great number who are
choosing not to experience the process, but simply just going back to
their spirit selves, where they can immediately embark upon another
earth mission where they can undergo Ascension. Some are going to do
so, and they will continue in the mission that they are currently on,
which is to facilitate Ascension for the entire planet, and to then
teach, and heal, and perform service as the planet goes through this
Excerpt from Ashtar Teleconference 1-24-2006
ALIENSHIFT talks about Extraterrestrials
and their cultures. "V" also have been called a New Hope for Humanity Pioneers in Alientology study of UFO,
Earth Changes, extraterrestrails, Moon Base, Mars colony, Deep Underground Military Bases, super soldiers, GMO,
Illuminati 4th dimensional workings, Planet Nibiru, Global warming, Pole Shift of 2012, Life on MARS, U.S bases
on Moon and MARS, Alternative 3, Time travel, Telepathy, Teleportation, Metaphysics, The Rainbow Project, Project Invisibility,
Phoenix Project, Teleportation Projects, Nicola Tesla. John Von Neumann, USS Eldrige, The Montauk Chair, Dr, Wolf, Alternate
Reality, Warping Space Time, HARRP Project and Weather Control, Alternate Time Lines, ET Taught Military the Laser & Stealth
Technology. Tesla Towers, Hollow Earth, Teleportation to the Planet MARS and NIBIRU, Time travel back to Atlantis, how to
build a Teleportation Machine, Under ground Extraterrestrial Bases, Tesla Arranges ET's meeting, Pleiadians, Gray Reptilians,
Arcturians, Tall Whites, Ancient Civilizations, Time Tunneling, Grey Alien projects, Atlantis, Secret Society's, German
Mars Projects, Nazi UFO, Nazi Gold and Fort Knox, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Anti Christ using A.I and Micro chip Implants,
Worm Holes, Space Time, Moon, Moon Landing, Rings of Saturn, Life on Venus, Time Travel Machine Build by GE next 20 years,
Weather Control, Psychic Frequency. Time Vortex, Face of Mars, Ancient Civilizations, Mars Ruins, Telepathic Thought and Powers
of the Mind, Artificial Intelligence, Et message of Islam, Islamic Jihadist Revival and Islamophobia created by Western Alliance
to offset the Chinese and Soviet Balance of Power by creating the Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during 80s. Montauk Base, Zero Time
frame Reference, Akashic location system, Ancient Religious artifacts in Iraq and MARS, Alien walk in's, Jesus, Sci Fi
UFO video in New York, Philadelphia Experiment. The subconscious mind, Video of FOX 11 news on Chicago OHRE UFO Sighting. Numerology and effect of numbers: 0, 1, 11, 1111, 1112, 1119, 1911, 2111, 511, 711, 811, 911, 1212, 555, 786, 19,
110, 2012, 999, 888, 777. Current Cycle of Man ends as MAYAN CALENDAR ends on Sunday 12/ 21/ 2012. Watch your back on that
Day! Bob Lazar, John Lear, Mars Face, Mars Pyramid, Why we are not allowed to have Dept of UFOLOGY and ET studies at University
of Yale, Princeton , UCLA, USC, CAL TECH, MIT or Harvard? American Torture in Abu Gulag and on the Air Secret planes new way
of American Democracy! Sufism the Alchemy of Happiness, evolution, Dan Burisch
and other famous scientists video of J-ROD at AREA 51, S4 level and New Mexico DULCE Alien Facility, Why Mosad killed JFK
to cover Israel Nuclear Facility inspection, Islamic Prince was killed in Princess Diana womb to avert the future time line,
Dalai LAMA never let go of Tibet and fight with China, There is no Oil shortages and global warming, Earth warming is due
to arrival of Planet Nibiru or Planet of Crossing which is heating up the whole solar system, Saturn, Mars, Uranus,
Mayan Calendar year 2012 your time line is crossing get ready prepare for Contact, Solar System causing global warming Nibiru
approaching, GOOGLE, You Tube UFO Videos, ALIEN WEBBOT, MAYAN CALENDAR ENDS 2012, Big Foot, Milky way and the Big Bang, real
UFO, UFO photos, Information page on ET Civilizations, ALIEN and UFO videos, story of Real Aliens, picture of Aliens, Magnetic
Pole Shift, ET CO-Operation in Iran and IRAQ, crystals, NIBIRU,
. Bush Skull and Bones,connection to Illuminati CFR New World order.Mysoace in Paris Hilton Hotels within HTTP://WWW.GOOGLE.COM, HTTP://WWW.YAHOO.COM , HTTP://WWW.MSN.COM , HTTP://WWW.EBAY.COM, KIM KARDASHIAN, HTTP://WWW.TIGERDIRECT.COM, http://www.newegg.com, http://www.buy.com, HTTP://WWW.CNN.COM, HTTP://WWW.ABC.COM, HTTP://WWW.CBS.COM, HTTP://WWW.NASA.GOV, HTTP://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM Allah is Great Long Live freedom and ET message of Love and Islam. Master of all Masters Ibn Arabi, Persian music the
Alchemy of Soul, SUFI MASTERS, IMAM MAHDI, Preparation prayer for Pole Shift 2012 in Mecca, Nostradamus, Oil, Flying Saucers
Antimatter, Gravity waves DISCS at S4 Groom Lake or Papoose Lake nick named AREA 51 in Nevada.
Do not travel
in the Year 2012.
"V" Love you,